Exemple #1
        public async Task CallHalfSuit(string halfsuit, string callstring)
            callstring = callstring.Trim();

            halfsuit = halfsuit.ToUpperInvariant();

            if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore + variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore == 9)
                await ReplyAsync(
                    ":checkered_flag: The game has ended! Use the `.reset` command to play again! :checkered_flag:");


            if (!variables[Context.Guild].GameInProgress)
                await ReplyAsync($":x: Game is not in progress yet! :x:");

            } // make sure game is in progress

            if (!CardDealer.HalfSuitNames.Contains(halfsuit))
                await ReplyAsync($":x: `{halfsuit}` is not a valid halfsuit! :x:");

            } // make sure that the halfsuit called is valid

            if (variables[Context.Guild].CalledHalfSuits.Contains(halfsuit))
                await ReplyAsync($":x: `{halfsuit}` was already called! :x:");

            } // make sure that the halfsuit has not already been called

            var seperatedCallString = callstring.Split(" ");
            var claimedCards        = new List <string>();
            var allClaimed          = new List <string>();
            var cuser      = "";
            var authorName = "";

            foreach (var authorUserPair in variables[Context.Guild].AuthorUsers)
                if (authorUserPair.Value == Context.Message.Author)
                    authorName = authorUserPair.Key;

            var works = true;

            foreach (string strSeg in seperatedCallString)
                string editedSeg = strSeg.Replace("@", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("!", "");

                if (editedSeg == "")
                if (!CardDealer.CardNames.Contains(editedSeg) && !variables[Context.Guild].Players.Contains(editedSeg))
                    await ReplyAsync(
                        $":x: `{editedSeg}` not recognized as a card or a player! :x:"); // if a strSeg in the callString is not a player nor a card then it's invalid


                if (variables[Context.Guild].Players.Contains(editedSeg)) // if this part of the segStr is a player
                    foreach (string card in claimedCards)
                        if (!variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[cuser].Contains(CardDealer.GetCardByName(card.ToUpperInvariant())))
                            works = false;
                    cuser = editedSeg;

                    if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[cuser] !=
                        await ReplyAsync($":x: callString included players not on your team! :x:");


                    claimedCards = new List <string>();
                    if (CardDealer.CardNames.Contains(editedSeg))

            foreach (string card in claimedCards)
                if (!variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[cuser].Contains(CardDealer.GetCardByName(card)))
                    works = false;

            int hsindex = CardDealer.HalfSuitNames.IndexOf(halfsuit);

            foreach (string _ in allClaimed)
                for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    if (!allClaimed.Contains(CardDealer.CardNames[hsindex * 6 + i]))
                        await ReplyAsync(":x: Cards do not match up with the halfsuit :x:");


            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) // cards
                foreach (string t in variables[Context.Guild].Players)
                    .Remove(CardDealer.GetCardByName(CardDealer.CardNames[hsindex * 6 + i]));

            var username = "";

            foreach (var player in variables[Context.Guild].AuthorUsers)
                if (player.Value == Context.User)
                    username = player.Key;

            await CardDealer.SendCards(Context.Guild);

            string team = variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[username];

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder {
                Title = ":telephone_receiver: HalfSuit Call :telephone_receiver:"

            if (works)
                variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"callhs {username} {halfsuit} {callstring} hit;";

                builder.Color       = Color.Green;
                builder.Description = $":boom: <@{username}> **hit** the `{halfsuit}`! :boom:";
                if (team == "red")
                variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"callhs {username} {halfsuit} {callstring} miss;";

                builder.Color       = Color.DarkRed;
                builder.Description = $":thinking: <@{username}> **missed** the `{halfsuit}`! :thinking:";
                if (team == "red")

            builder.AddField("Score Update",
                             $"Blue Team: {variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore}\n Red Team: {variables[Context.Guild].RedScore}");

            await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build());

            if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore + variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore >= 9)
                // maybe refactor this and combine with the one in gamemodule
                var builder2 = new EmbedBuilder {
                    Title = "Game Result!"

                if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore > variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore)
                    builder2.Color       = Color.Red;
                    builder2.Description = ":red_circle: Red team wins! :red_circle:";
                    builder2.Color       = Color.Blue;
                    builder2.Description = ":large_blue_circle: Blue team wins! :large_blue_circle:";

                builder2.AddField("Final Scores",
                                  $"Blue Team: {variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore}\n Red Team: {variables[Context.Guild].RedScore}");
                await ReplyAsync("", false, builder2.Build());

                await ReplyAsync(":checkered_flag: The game has ended! Use the `.reset` command to play again! :checkered_flag:");

                File.WriteAllText("afn.txt", variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation);
                // end of that upper comment thing
                if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore >= 5)
                    await ReplyAsync("Red Team has clinched the game!! Use `.reset` to stop the game now, or continue playing!");

                    variables[Context.Guild].GameClinch = true;
                else if (variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore >= 5)
                    await ReplyAsync("Blue Team has clinched the game!! Use `.reset` to stop the game now, or continue playing!");

                    variables[Context.Guild].GameClinch = true;

            if (CheckPlayerTurnHandEmpty() && variables[Context.Guild].GameInProgress)
                string newPlayerID = "";

                if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] == "red")
                    // red team
                    int playerIndex = variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam.FindIndex(a => a == variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn);
                    newPlayerID = variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam[(playerIndex + 1) % variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam.Count];
                else if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] == "blue")
                    // blue team
                    int playerIndex = variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.FindIndex(a => a == variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn);
                    newPlayerID = variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam[(playerIndex + 1) % variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.Count];

                await ReplyAsync($":open_mouth: <@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> is out of cards! Turn will move to <@{newPlayerID}> :open_mouth:");

                //await ReplyAsync($":open_mouth: {variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn} is out of cards! Use the `.designate` command to select the next player! :open_mouth:");
                //variables[Context.Guild].NeedsDesignatedPlayer = true;
                //variables[Context.Guild].Designator = variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn.Replace("@", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("!", "");
Exemple #2
        public async Task Call(string target, string requestedCard)
            target        = target.Replace("@", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("!", "");
            requestedCard = requestedCard.ToUpperInvariant();

            if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore + variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore == 9)
                await ReplyAsync(
                    ":checkered_flag: The game has ended! Use the `.reset` command to play again! :checkered_flag:");


            if (!variables[Context.Guild].GameInProgress)
                await ReplyAsync($":x: Game is not in progress yet! :x:");

                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            } // make sure the game is in progress

            if (variables[Context.Guild].AuthorUsers[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] != Context.Message.Author)
                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            } // make sure only the person's whose turn it is can call

            if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[target] ==
                await ReplyAsync($":x: Cannot call cards from someone on your team! :x:");

                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            } // make sure they call someone on the opposite team

            if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[target].Count == 0)
                await ReplyAsync($":x: Cannot call a player with no cards! :x:");

                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();


            // delete previous call info
            var rawMessages = Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync().FlattenAsync();

            foreach (var msg in rawMessages.Result)
                if (msg.Author.Id == Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id && msg.Content.Contains("*TEMPORARY*")) // everything marked with *TEMPORARY*
                    await msg.DeleteAsync();

            var req = CardDealer.GetCardByName(requestedCard.ToUpperInvariant());

            if (!variables[Context.Guild].Players.Contains(target)) // make sure the target is a valid player
                await ReplyAsync($":x: `{target}` is not a player! :x:");

                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();


            if (!CardDealer.CardNames.Contains(requestedCard)) // make sure requestedCard is a valid card
                await ReplyAsync($":x: `{requestedCard}` is not a valid card! :x:");

                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();


            var builder = new EmbedBuilder
                Title    = "Call Result",
                ImageUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jonathanh8686/DiscordFishBot/master/cards/" +
                           req.CardName + ".png"

            int cardIndex = CardDealer.CardNames.IndexOf(requestedCard);
            int hsIndex   = cardIndex / 6; // get index of halfsuit

            var hasHalfSuit = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) // loop through halfsuit and see if they have something in the same hs
                if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn]
                    .Contains(CardDealer.GetCardByName(CardDealer.CardNames[6 * hsIndex + i])))
                    hasHalfSuit = true;

            // handing illegal moves
            if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn].Contains(req) || !hasHalfSuit) // player already has the card or they don't have something in the halfsuit
                await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

                //variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"call {target} {requestedCard} illegal;";

                //builder.Color = Color.Magenta;
                //builder.Description = ":oncoming_police_car: ILLEGAL CALL! :oncoming_police_car:";

                //    $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> called the `{requestedCard}` from <@{target}> but it was **illegal**!\n It is now <@{target}>'s turn.");
                //variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn = target;
                //await ReplyAsync("*TEMPORARY*", false, builder.Build());

                //await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[target].Contains(req))
                // hit
                variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"call {target} {requestedCard} hit;";

                builder.Color        = Color.Green;
                builder.Description  = ":boom: Call was a hit! :boom:";
                builder.ThumbnailUrl =

                                 $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> called the `{requestedCard}` from <@{target}> and it was a **hit**!\n It is now <@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}>'s turn.");

                // miss
                variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"call {target} {requestedCard} miss;";

                builder.Color        = Color.DarkRed;
                builder.Description  = ":thinking: Call was a miss! :thinking:";
                builder.ThumbnailUrl =

                                 $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> called the `{requestedCard}` from <@{target}> and it was a **miss**!\n It is now <@{target}>'s turn.");
                variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn = target;

            await Context.Message.DeleteAsync();

            await ReplyAsync("*TEMPORARY*", false, builder.Build());

            await CardDealer.SendCards(Context.Guild);

            if (CheckPlayerTurnHandEmpty())
                await ReplyAsync(
                    "not sure how this can ever get called but ill leave this here for a few games and see if this text ever shows up and if it doesn't i guess ill delete it xd");

                await ReplyAsync(
                    $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> is out of cards! Use the `.designate` command to select the next player!");

                variables[Context.Guild].NeedsDesignatedPlayer = true;