public void PlateNumberGeneratorShouldGenerateRandomPlateNumbers()
            var uniquePlateNumbers = new HashSet <string>();
            var count = 9999;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string plateNumber = CarSeeder.GeneratePlateNumber();
            Assert.IsTrue((float)(95 / 100) * count < uniquePlateNumbers.Count);
        public void EngineCodeGeneratorShouldGenerateRandomCodes()
            var uniqueEngineCodes = new HashSet <string>();
            int count             = 9999;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string code = CarSeeder.GenerateEngineCode();
            Assert.IsTrue((float)(90 / 100) * count < uniqueEngineCodes.Count);
        public void VinGneratorShouldGenerateCorrectWorldManufacturerIdentifiersForAllCarMakes()
            var manufacturersList =

            foreach (var manuf in manufacturersList)
                string vin = CarSeeder.GenerateVinCode(manuf);
                Assert.AreEqual(vin.Length, 17);
        public void VinGeneratorShouldGenerateRandomVins()
            var uniqueVins = new HashSet <string>();
            int count      = 99999;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string vin = CarSeeder.GenerateVinCode("Mercedes");
                Assert.AreEqual(vin.Length, 17);

            Assert.AreEqual(count, uniqueVins.Count);
        public void NextCarShouldGenerateRandomCars()
            var uniqueCars = new HashSet <Car>();
            int count      = 1000;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var car = CarSeeder.NextCar();

            Assert.AreEqual(count, uniqueCars.Count);
        public void GetYearShouldReturnACorrectYearAccordingToVIN()
            Dictionary <char, int> charToYear = new Dictionary <char, int>()
                { 'L', 1990 }, { 'M', 1991 }, { 'N', 1992 }, { 'P', 1993 }, { 'R', 1994 }, { 'S', 1995 }, { 'T', 1996 },
                { 'V', 1997 }, { 'W', 1998 }, { 'X', 1999 }, { 'Y', 2000 }, { 'A', 2010 }, { '1', 2001 }, { '2', 2002 },
                { '3', 2003 }, { '4', 2004 }, { '5', 2005 }, { '6', 2006 }, { '7', 2007 }, { '8', 2008 }, { '9', 2009 },
                { 'B', 2011 }, { 'C', 2012 }, { 'D', 2013 }, { 'E', 2014 }, { 'F', 2015 }, { 'G', 2016 }, { 'H', 2017 },
                { 'J', 2018 }, { 'K', 2018 }

            for (int i = 0; i < 9999; i++)
                string vin = CarSeeder.GenerateVinCode(
                int year = CarSeeder.GetYear(vin);
                Assert.AreEqual(year, charToYear[vin[9]]);
        protected override void Seed(MyDbContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
            context = new MyDbContext();

            #region Seeding ApplicationUsers
            bool exists = context.Users
                          .Any(u => u.UserName == "*****@*****.**");

            if (!exists)
                var store   = new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(context);
                var manager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(store);
                var user    = new ApplicationUser
                    UserName    = "******",
                    Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                    PhoneNumber = "088888888",
                    UserDetails = new UserDetails
                        FirstName   = "Ivan",
                        LastName    = "Petrov",
                        CompanyName = "Auto Repair",
                        City        = "Ruse"

                manager.Create(user, "password");

                #region Seeding customers and their cars
                var currentUser   = manager.FindByEmail("*****@*****.**");
                var customersList = new List <Customer>();
                var cars          = new List <Car>();

                for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
                    var customer = CustomerSeeder.NextCustomer(currentUser);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        var car = CarSeeder.NextCar(currentUser, customer);

                customersList.ForEach(c => context.Customers.Add(c));

                #region Suppliers seeding
                var suppliersToAdd = new List <Supplier>
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "No supplier",
                        DiscountPercentage = 0.0m,
                        User      = currentUser,
                        IsDeleted = true,
                        IsDefault = true
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "Euro 07",
                        DiscountPercentage = 45.0m,
                        City         = "Rousse",
                        WebsiteUrl   = "",
                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                        SkypeName    = "euro07.ruse",
                        User         = currentUser
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "Auto Plus",
                        DiscountPercentage = 33.0m,
                        City         = "Rousse",
                        WebsiteUrl   = "",
                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                        SkypeName    = "autoplus",
                        User         = currentUser
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "Auto Commerce",
                        DiscountPercentage = 25.0m,
                        City       = "Rousse",
                        WebsiteUrl = "",
                        User       = currentUser
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "Mega Parts",
                        DiscountPercentage = 10.0m,
                        City         = "Sofia",
                        WebsiteUrl   = "",
                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                        User         = currentUser
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "Inter Cars",
                        DiscountPercentage = 40.0m,
                        City       = "Rousse",
                        WebsiteUrl = "",
                        SkypeName  = "intercars-bg",
                        User       = currentUser
                    new Supplier
                        Name = "Auto Morgue",
                        DiscountPercentage = 0.0m,
                        City       = "Rousse",
                        WebsiteUrl = "",
                        User       = currentUser
                suppliersToAdd.ForEach(s => context.Suppliers.Add(s));

                #region Jobs seeding
                foreach (var car in cars)
                    var jobs = new List <Job>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        jobs.Add(JobSeeder.NextJob(user, car, car.Customer));
                    jobs.ForEach(j => context.Jobs.Add(j));
                    jobs.ForEach(j => j.SpareParts.ForEach(
                                     sp => context.SpareParts.Add(sp)));