// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); point_path = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <PointTracker>(); wpt = new WaypointTracker_mpc(); polyOrder = 5; }
void Awake() { a = 3; time = 8f; _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); setupSocket(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Debug.Log("CommandGateway init"); webGateway = GameObject.Find("WebGateway").GetComponent <WebGateway>(); webGateway.MessageReceived += OnMessage; _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); EmitTelemetry(); //OnSteer(JsonUtility.FromJson<CarInputData>("{\"steering_angle\": 10, \"throttle\": 10}")); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _socket.On("send_image_request", onImageRequest); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("reset", OnReset); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); wpt = new WaypointTracker_pid(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Application.targetFrameRate = fps; acceleration = 0; steeringAngle = 0; carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); connected = false; received = false; Connect(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); //"events", callback function called when event is dequeued // Debug.Log (_socket.On); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); Debug.Log("Start up"); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); }
void Awake() { int width = 160; int height = 80; NorthCamera.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); SouthCamera.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); EastCamera.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); WestCamera.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Debug.Log("Starting"); _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _socket.On("telemetry", OnTelemetry); _socket.On("close", OnClose); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIOMon").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); //_socket.On("manual", onManual); _socket.On("close", onClose); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); // 获得组件 // 事件更新 LidarSensor.HitPointsTrans += MsgUpdate; soObj = null; }
void Start() { CommandServer = GameObject.Find("CommandServer").GetComponent <MyCommandServer_mpc>(); lineRenderer = path_point.GetComponentInParent <LineRenderer> (); lineRenderer.SetWidth((float).5, (float).5); lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = true; _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); lastPoint = _carController.Position(); lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(2); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); canvas = GameObject.FindWithTag("Adversarial").GetComponent <Image>(); clear = canvas.color; full = canvas.color; clear.a = 0.0f; full.a = 1.0f; canvas.color = full; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _socket = GameObject.Find("SocketIO").GetComponent <SocketIOComponent>(); _socket.On("open", OnOpen); _socket.On("steer", OnSteer); _socket.On("manual", onManual); _carController = mainCar.GetComponent <CarController>(); dataCapturer.init(GetComponent <Renderer>(), mainCamera); rgbShader = Shader.Find("Standard"); depthShader = Shader.Find("Custom/DepthGrayscale"); pointCloud = new float[imgHeight * imgWidth * 4]; otherCar1 = GameObject.Find("Sedan_3A"); otherCar2 = GameObject.Find("Interceptor_2A"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _carController = CarRemoteControl.GetComponent <CarController>(); wpt = new WaypointTracker_pid(); //connect to TCP Server ReadOk = false; WriteOk = false; try { client = new TcpClient(Server_IP, SERVER_PORT); client.GetStream().BeginRead(readBuffer, 0, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, new AsyncCallback(DoRead), null); Debug.Log("Connection OK!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Log("Connection ERROR!"); } }
public void Init(CarRemoteControl value, string trainPath) { // set the car controller and cameras carController = value.GetComponent <CarController>(); cameraCenter = GameObject.Find("CenterCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); cameraLeft = GameObject.Find("LeftCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); cameraRight = GameObject.Find("RightCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); trainFolder = trainPath + "input/"; Debug.Log(trainFolder); if (!Directory.Exists(trainFolder + "imgs/")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(trainFolder + "imgs/"); } else { Directory.Delete(trainFolder + "imgs/", true); Directory.CreateDirectory(trainFolder + "imgs/"); } }
void Start() { /// for the car carCtrl = carRemoteCtrl.GetComponent <CarController>(); centerCam = GameObject.Find("CenterCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); rightCam = GameObject.Find("RightCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); leftCam = GameObject.Find("LeftCamera").GetComponent <Camera>(); carPos = new List <Vector3>(); carIntentDir = new List <Vector3>(); carActualDir = new List <Vector3>(); carMult = new List <float>(); carLeftLbl = new List <int>(); carRightLbl = new List <int>(); eps = 1; /// for obstacles /// obstAll = Resources.LoadAll("Const_prop_sets"); obstIdx = 1; obstPos = new Vector3(1.875f, 0f, 100f); // for the straight road: 1.875f,0f,100f obstScl = new Vector3(2f, 10f, 2f); obstTmp = (GameObject)Instantiate(obstAll[obstIdx]) as GameObject; obstTmp.transform.position = obstPos; obstTmp.transform.localScale = obstScl; /// specify training file directories /// /// Input trainFolder = "C:/DeepDrive/train/201805/detection-straight/"; zoneLog = "input-zone"; /// Output trainImgFolder = "train-imgs/"; trainLog = "train-log.csv"; analysisLog = "analysis-log.csv"; if (!Directory.Exists(trainFolder + trainImgFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(trainFolder + trainImgFolder); } /// main program LoadZoneInfo(); Debug.Log(carPos.Count); for (int i = 0; i < carPos.Count; i++) { carCtrl.transform.position = carPos[i]; float limitAngle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, carActualDir[i]) + carMult[i] * eps; float angleToIntentialDir = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.right, carIntentDir[i]); Debug.Log(angleToIntentialDir); float rightMostAngle = angleToIntentialDir - 2.5f; float leftMostAngle = angleToIntentialDir + 2.5f; float curAngle = rightMostAngle; float gapRot = 0.1f; while (curAngle <= leftMostAngle) { carCtrl.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90 - curAngle, Vector3.up); if (curAngle > limitAngle) { writeTrainingData(carLeftLbl[i], carPos[i].z); } else { writeTrainingData(carRightLbl[i], carPos[i].z); } curAngle += gapRot; } } }