Exemple #1
        private void LoggedEvents_LoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent)


Exemple #2
        private ListViewItem AddLoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent)
            ListViewItem lviNewEvent = this.CreateLoggedEvent(ceEvent);


Exemple #3
        private void LoggedEvents_LoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent)
            this.InvokeIfRequired(() => {


        public void TestCreation()
            var date = DateTime.Now;
            var capturedEvent = new CapturedEvent(EventType.Plugins, CapturableEvents.PluginLoaded, "a text", date, "");

            Assert.AreEqual(EventType.Plugins, capturedEvent.eType);
            Assert.AreEqual(CapturableEvents.PluginLoaded, capturedEvent.Event);
            Assert.AreEqual("a text", capturedEvent.EventText);
            Assert.AreEqual(date, capturedEvent.LoggedTime);
Exemple #5
        private ListViewItem CreateLoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent)
            ListViewItem lviNewEvent = new ListViewItem();

            if (ceEvent.eType == EventType.Game)
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "bfbc2server.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text     = "Game";
            else if (ceEvent.eType == EventType.Plugins)
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "plugin.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text     = "Plugins";
            else if (ceEvent.eType == EventType.Connection)
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "connect.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text     = "Connection";
            else if (ceEvent.eType == EventType.Playerlist)
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "mouse.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text     = "Playerlist";
            else if (ceEvent.eType == EventType.Layer)
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "layer.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text     = "Layer";

            ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsiNewSubItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.LoggedTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "datetime";

            lvsiNewSubItem      = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.InstigatingAdmin);
            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "admin";

            lvsiNewSubItem      = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.Event.ToString());
            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "event";

            //lviNewEvent.SubItems.Add(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());

            lvsiNewSubItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.EventText);

            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "message";

Exemple #6
        private void LoggedEvents_LoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent) {


Exemple #7
        private ListViewItem AddLoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent) {

            ListViewItem lviNewEvent = this.CreateLoggedEvent(ceEvent);


            return lviNewEvent;
Exemple #8
        private ListViewItem CreateLoggedEvent(CapturedEvent ceEvent) {

            ListViewItem lviNewEvent = new ListViewItem();

            if (ceEvent.EventType == EventType.Game) {
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "bfbc2server.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text = "Game";
            else if (ceEvent.EventType == EventType.Plugins) {
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "plugin.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text = "Plugins";
            else if (ceEvent.EventType == EventType.Connection) {
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "connect.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text = "Connection";
            else if (ceEvent.EventType == EventType.Playerlist) {
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "mouse.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text = "Playerlist";
            else if (ceEvent.EventType == EventType.Layer) {
                lviNewEvent.ImageKey = "layer.png";
                lviNewEvent.Text = "Layer";

            ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem lvsiNewSubItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.LoggedTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "datetime";

            lvsiNewSubItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.InstigatingAdmin);
            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "admin";

            lvsiNewSubItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.Event.ToString());
            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "event";

            //lviNewEvent.SubItems.Add(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString());

            lvsiNewSubItem = new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(lviNewEvent, ceEvent.EventText);

            lvsiNewSubItem.Name = "message";

            return lviNewEvent;
        public void ExecutePRoConCommand(object objSender, List<string> lstWords, int iRecursion) {

            if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.weapons.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                if (((PRoConClient)objSender).Weapons.Contains(lstWords[2]) == false &&
                    Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Kits), lstWords[1]) == true &&
                    Enum.IsDefined(typeof(WeaponSlots), lstWords[3]) == true &&
                    Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DamageTypes), lstWords[4]) == true) {
                    //this.SavedWindowState = (System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState), lstWords[1]);

                            new Weapon(
                                (Kits)Enum.Parse(typeof(Kits), lstWords[1]),
                                (WeaponSlots)Enum.Parse(typeof(WeaponSlots), lstWords[3]),
                                (DamageTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(DamageTypes), lstWords[4])
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.weapons.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.zones.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.zones.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                List<Point3D> points = new List<Point3D>();
                int iPoints = 0;

                if (int.TryParse(lstWords[4], out iPoints) == true) {

                    for (int i = 0, iOffset = 5; i < iPoints && iOffset + 3 <= lstWords.Count; i++) {
                        points.Add(new Point3D(lstWords[iOffset++], lstWords[iOffset++], lstWords[iOffset++]));

                if (((PRoConClient)objSender).MapGeometry.MapZones.Contains(lstWords[1]) == false) {
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).MapGeometry.MapZones.Add(new MapZoneDrawing(lstWords[1], lstWords[2], lstWords[3], points.ToArray(), true));

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.specialization.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                if (((PRoConClient)objSender).Specializations.Contains(lstWords[2]) == false &&
                    Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SpecializationSlots), lstWords[1]) == true) {

                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).Specializations.Add(new Specialization((SpecializationSlots)Enum.Parse(typeof(SpecializationSlots), lstWords[1]), lstWords[2]));

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.specialization.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 5 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.teamnames.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                if (lstWords.Count >= 6) {
                    int iTeamID = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[2], out iTeamID) == true) {
                        ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedTeamNamesAdd(lstWords[1], iTeamID, lstWords[3], lstWords[4], lstWords[5]);
                else {
                    int iTeamID = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[2], out iTeamID) == true) {
                        ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedTeamNamesAdd(lstWords[1], iTeamID, lstWords[3], lstWords[4]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 6 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.maps.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
                int iDefaultSquadID = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(lstWords[5], out iDefaultSquadID) == true) {
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedMapsAdd(lstWords[1], lstWords[2], lstWords[3], lstWords[4], iDefaultSquadID);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.plugins.setVariable", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                string strUnescapedNewlines = lstWords[3].Replace(@"\n", "\n");
                strUnescapedNewlines = strUnescapedNewlines.Replace(@"\r", "\r");
                strUnescapedNewlines = strUnescapedNewlines.Replace(@"\""", "\"");

                ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedPluginSetVariable(lstWords[1], lstWords[2], strUnescapedNewlines);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.vars.set", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).Variables.SetVariable(lstWords[1], lstWords[2]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.layer.setPrivileges", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                CPrivileges sprPrivs = new CPrivileges();
                UInt32 ui32Privileges = 0;

                if (UInt32.TryParse(lstWords[2], out ui32Privileges) == true) {
                    sprPrivs.PrivilegesFlags = ui32Privileges;
                    if (this.AccountsList.Contains(lstWords[1]) == true) {
                        ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedLayerSetPrivileges(this.AccountsList[lstWords[1]], sprPrivs);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.send", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {

                // Block them from changing the admin password to X
                if (String.Compare(lstWords[0], "vars.adminPassword", true) != 0) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.public.accounts.create", true) == 0) {
                this.AccountsList.CreateAccount(lstWords[1], lstWords[2]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.public.accounts.delete", true) == 0) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.public.accounts.setPassword", true) == 0) {
                this.AccountsList.ChangePassword(lstWords[1], lstWords[2]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.config.exec", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
                if (iRecursion < 5) {
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).ExecuteConnectionConfig(lstWords[1], iRecursion, lstWords.Count > 2 ? lstWords.GetRange(2, lstWords.Count - 2) : null, false);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.pluginconsole.write", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.console.write", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.chat.write", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 5 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.events.write", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
                // EventType etType, CapturableEvents ceEvent, string strEventText, DateTime dtLoggedTime, string instigatingAdmin

                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(EventType), lstWords[1]) == true && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(CapturableEvents), lstWords[2]) == true) {
                    EventType type = (EventType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EventType), lstWords[1]);
                    CapturableEvents cappedEventType = (CapturableEvents)Enum.Parse(typeof(CapturableEvents), lstWords[2]);

                    CapturedEvent cappedEvent = new CapturedEvent(type, cappedEventType, lstWords[3], DateTime.Now, lstWords[4]);

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.layer.enable", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
                // procon.protected.layer.enable <true> <port>
                bool blEnabled = false;
                UInt16 ui16Port = 0;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {

                    if (lstWords.Count >= 5) {
                        UInt16.TryParse(lstWords[2], out ui16Port);
                        ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedLayerEnable(blEnabled, ui16Port, lstWords[3], lstWords[4]);
                    else {
                        ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedLayerEnable(blEnabled, 27260, "", "PRoCon[%servername%]");
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.teamnames.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.maps.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.reasons.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.reasons.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.serverversions.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.serverversions.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedServerVersionsAdd(lstWords[1], lstWords[2], lstWords[3]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.plugins.enable", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[2], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedPluginEnable(lstWords[1], blEnabled);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.servers.add", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                // add IP port [password [username]]
                // procon.private.servers.add "" 27260 "Password" "Phogue"
                UInt16 ui16Port = 0;
                if (UInt16.TryParse(lstWords[2], out ui16Port) == true) {
                    if (lstWords.Count == 3) {
                        this.AddConnection(lstWords[1], ui16Port, String.Empty, String.Empty);
                    else if (lstWords.Count == 4) {
                        this.AddConnection(lstWords[1], ui16Port, String.Empty, lstWords[3]);
                    else if (lstWords.Count == 5) {
                        this.AddConnection(lstWords[1], ui16Port, lstWords[4], lstWords[3]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.servers.connect", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {

                if (this.Connections.Contains(lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]) == true) {
                    this.Connections[lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]].ProconPrivateServerConnect();
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.servers.autoconnect", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                if (this.Connections.Contains(lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]) == true) {

                    this.Connections[lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]].AutomaticallyConnect = true;

                    // Originally leaving it for the reconnect thread to pickup but needed a quicker effect.
                    this.Connections[lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]].ProconPrivateServerConnect();

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.servers.name", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                // CurrentServerInfo not initialized.
                if (this.Connections.Contains(lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]) == true) {
                    this.Connections[lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2]].ConnectionServerName = lstWords[3];

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.servers.name", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                this.uscServerPlayerTreeviewListing.SetServerName(lstWords[1] + ":" + lstWords[2], lstWords[3]);

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.window.splitterPosition", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                int iPositionVar = 0;

                if (int.TryParse(lstWords[1], out iPositionVar) == true) {
                    if (iPositionVar >= this.spltTreeServers.Panel1MinSize && iPositionVar <= this.spltTreeServers.Width - this.spltTreeServers.Panel2MinSize) {
                        this.spltTreeServers.SplitterDistance = iPositionVar;

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 6 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.window.position", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {

                Rectangle recWindowBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1024, 768);
                int iPositionVar = 0;

                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState), lstWords[1]) == true) {
                    this.SavedWindowState = (System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState)Enum.Parse(typeof(System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState), lstWords[1]);

                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[2], out iPositionVar) == true) {
                        if (iPositionVar >= 0) {
                            recWindowBounds.X = iPositionVar;

                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[3], out iPositionVar) == true) {
                        if (iPositionVar >= 0) {
                            recWindowBounds.Y = iPositionVar;

                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[4], out iPositionVar) == true) {
                        recWindowBounds.Width = iPositionVar;

                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[5], out iPositionVar) == true) {
                        recWindowBounds.Height = iPositionVar;

                    this.SavedWindowBounds = recWindowBounds;

            // procon.private.httpWebServer.enable true 27360 ""
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.httpWebServer.enable", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {

                bool blEnabled = false;
                string bindingAddress = "";
                UInt16 ui16Port = 27360;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {

                    if (this.HttpWebServer != null) {

                        this.HttpWebServer.ProcessRequest -= new HttpWebServer.ProcessResponseHandler(HttpWebServer_ProcessRequest);
                        this.HttpWebServer.HttpServerOnline -= new HttpWebServer.StateChangeHandler(HttpWebServer_HttpServerOnline);
                        this.HttpWebServer.HttpServerOffline -= new HttpWebServer.StateChangeHandler(HttpWebServer_HttpServerOffline);

                    bindingAddress = lstWords[3];
                    if (UInt16.TryParse(lstWords[2], out ui16Port) == false) {
                        ui16Port = 27360;

                    this.HttpWebServer = new HttpWebServer(bindingAddress, ui16Port);
                    this.HttpWebServer.ProcessRequest += new HttpWebServer.ProcessResponseHandler(HttpWebServer_ProcessRequest);
                    this.HttpWebServer.HttpServerOnline += new HttpWebServer.StateChangeHandler(HttpWebServer_HttpServerOnline);
                    this.HttpWebServer.HttpServerOffline += new HttpWebServer.StateChangeHandler(HttpWebServer_HttpServerOffline);

                    if (blEnabled == true) {

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.setLanguage", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {

                // if it does not exist but they have explicity asked for it, see if we can load it up
                // this could not be loaded because it is running in lean mode.
                if (this.Languages.Contains(lstWords[1]) == false) {
                    this.Languages.LoadLocalizationFile(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Localization"), lstWords[1]), lstWords[1]);

                if (this.Languages.Contains(lstWords[1]) == true) {
                    this.CurrentLanguage = this.Languages[lstWords[1]];
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.autoCheckDownloadUpdates", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.AutoCheckDownloadUpdates = blEnabled;

                    // Force an update check right now..
                    if (this.OptionsSettings.AutoCheckDownloadUpdates == true) {
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.autoApplyUpdates", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.AutoApplyUpdates = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.autoCheckGameConfigsForUpdates", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true)
                    this.OptionsSettings.AutoCheckGameConfigsForUpdates = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.allowanonymoususagedata", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.AllowAnonymousUsageData = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.consoleLogging", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.ConsoleLogging = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.eventsLogging", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.EventsLogging = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.chatLogging", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.ChatLogging = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.pluginLogging", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.PluginLogging = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.showtrayicon", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.ShowTrayIcon = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.minimizetotray", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.MinimizeToTray = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.closetotray", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.CloseToTray = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.runPluginsInSandbox", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.RunPluginsInTrustedSandbox = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.adminMoveMessage", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.AdminMoveMessage = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.chatDisplayAdminName", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.ChatDisplayAdminName = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.EnableAdminReason", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.EnableAdminReason = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.layerHideLocalPlugins", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.LayerHideLocalPlugins = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.layerHideLocalAccounts", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.LayerHideLocalAccounts = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.ShowRoundTimerConstantly", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true)
                    this.OptionsSettings.ShowRoundTimerConstantly = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.ShowCfmMsgRoundRestartNext", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.ShowCfmMsgRoundRestartNext = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.ShowDICESpecialOptions", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.ShowDICESpecialOptions = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.allowAllODBCConnections", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.AllowAllODBCConnections = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.allowAllSmtpConnections", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true)
                    this.OptionsSettings.AllowAllSmtpConnections = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.trustedHostDomainsPorts", true) == 0 && objSender == this)


                UInt16 ui16Port = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < lstWords.Count; i = i + 2) {
                    if (UInt16.TryParse(lstWords[i + 1], out ui16Port) == true) {
                        this.OptionsSettings.TrustedHostsWebsitesPorts.Add(new TrustedHostWebsitePort(lstWords[i], ui16Port));
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.statsLinksMaxNum", true) == 0 && objSender == this) {
                int itmp = 4;
                if (int.TryParse(lstWords[1], out itmp) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.StatsLinksMaxNum = itmp;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.statsLinkNameUrl", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < lstWords.Count; i = i + 2)
                    if (this.OptionsSettings.StatsLinkNameUrl.Count < this.OptionsSettings.StatsLinksMaxNum)
                        this.OptionsSettings.StatsLinkNameUrl.Add(new StatsLinkNameUrl(lstWords[i], lstWords[i + 1]));
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.pluginMaxRuntime", true) == 0 && objSender == this && this.OptionsSettings.PluginMaxRuntimeLocked == false)
                this.OptionsSettings.PluginMaxRuntime_m = 0;
                this.OptionsSettings.PluginMaxRuntime_s = 10;

                int itmp = 0;
                if (lstWords.Count == 2) {
                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[0], out itmp) == true)
                        if (itmp < 0) { itmp = 0; } if (itmp >= 60) { itmp = 59; }
                        this.OptionsSettings.PluginMaxRuntime_m = itmp;
                    itmp = 10;
                    if (int.TryParse(lstWords[1], out itmp) == true)
                        if (itmp < 0) { itmp = 0; } if (itmp >= 60) { itmp = 59; }
                        this.OptionsSettings.PluginMaxRuntime_s = itmp;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.UsePluginOldStyleLoad", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true) {
                    this.OptionsSettings.UsePluginOldStyleLoad = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.options.enablePluginDebugging", true) == 0 && objSender == this)
                bool blEnabled = false;

                if (bool.TryParse(lstWords[1], out blEnabled) == true)
                    this.OptionsSettings.EnablePluginDebugging = blEnabled;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.notification.write", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                bool blError = false;

                if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && bool.TryParse(lstWords[3], out blError) == true)
                    if (this.ShowNotification != null)
                        this.ShowNotification(2000, lstWords[1], lstWords[2], blError);
                    if (this.ShowNotification != null)
                        this.ShowNotification(2000, lstWords[1], lstWords[2], false);

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.playsound", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                int iRepeat = 0;

                string blah = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Media"), lstWords[1]);

                if (int.TryParse(lstWords[2], out iRepeat) == true && iRepeat > 0 && File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Media"), lstWords[1])) == true)

                    //this.Invoke(new DispatchProconProtectedPlaySound(this.PlaySound), new object[] { lstWords[1], iRepeat });

                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).PlaySound(lstWords[1], iRepeat);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.stopsound", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                //this.Invoke(new DispatchProconProtectedStopSound(this.StopSound), new object[] { default(SPlaySound) });
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.events.captures", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).EventsLogging.Settings = lstWords;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.playerlist.settings", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).PlayerListSettings.Settings = lstWords;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.chat.settings", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).ChatConsole.Settings = lstWords;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.lists.settings", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).ListSettings.Settings = lstWords;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.console.settings", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Settings = lstWords;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.timezone_UTCoffset", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
                double UTCoffset;
                if (double.TryParse(lstWords[1], out UTCoffset) == true)
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).Game.UtcOffset = UTCoffset;
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).Game.UtcOffset = 0;
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.tasks.clear", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 2 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.tasks.remove", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.tasks.list", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

            else if (lstWords.Count >= 4 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.tasks.add", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                int iDelay = 0, iInterval = 1, iRepeat = -1;
                string strTaskName = String.Empty;

                if (int.TryParse(lstWords[1], out iDelay) == true && int.TryParse(lstWords[2], out iInterval) == true && int.TryParse(lstWords[3], out iRepeat) == true)

                    lstWords.RemoveRange(0, 4);
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedTasksAdd(String.Empty, lstWords, iDelay, iInterval, iRepeat);
                else if (lstWords.Count >= 5 && int.TryParse(lstWords[2], out iDelay) == true && int.TryParse(lstWords[3], out iInterval) == true && int.TryParse(lstWords[4], out iRepeat) == true)
                    strTaskName = lstWords[1];
                    lstWords.RemoveRange(0, 5);
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).ProconProtectedTasksAdd(strTaskName, lstWords, iDelay, iInterval, iRepeat);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.vars.list", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Write("Local Variables: [Variable] [Value]");

                foreach (Variable kvpVariable in ((PRoConClient)objSender).Variables)
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Write(String.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", kvpVariable.Name, kvpVariable.Value));

                ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Write(String.Format("End of Local Variables List ({0} Variables)", ((PRoConClient)objSender).Variables.Count));
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 1 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.sv_vars.list", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Write("Server Variables: [Variable] [Value]");

                foreach (Variable kvpVariable in ((PRoConClient)objSender).SV_Variables)
                    ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Write(String.Format("{0} \"{1}\"", kvpVariable.Name, kvpVariable.Value));

                ((PRoConClient)objSender).Console.Write(String.Format("End of Server Variables List ({0} Variables)", ((PRoConClient)objSender).SV_Variables.Count));
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 3 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.protected.plugins.call", true) == 0 && objSender is PRoConClient)

                if (((PRoConClient)objSender).PluginsManager != null)
                    if (((PRoConClient)objSender).PluginsManager.Plugins.LoadedClassNames.Contains(lstWords[1]) == true)

                        string[] strParams = null;

                        if (lstWords.Count - 3 > 0)
                            strParams = new string[lstWords.Count - 3];
                            lstWords.CopyTo(3, strParams, 0, lstWords.Count - 3);

                        ((PRoConClient)objSender).PluginsManager.InvokeOnEnabled(lstWords[1], lstWords[2], strParams);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 6 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.tcadmin.enableLayer", true) == 0 && objSender == this)

                if (this.Connections.Contains(String.Format("{0}:{1}", lstWords[1], lstWords[2])) == true)
                    UInt16 ui16Port = 0;
                    UInt16.TryParse(lstWords[4], out ui16Port);

                    this.Connections[String.Format("{0}:{1}", lstWords[1], lstWords[2])].ProconProtectedLayerEnable(true, ui16Port, lstWords[3], lstWords[5]);
            else if (lstWords.Count >= 5 && String.Compare(lstWords[0], "procon.private.tcadmin.setPrivileges", true) == 0 && objSender == this)

                if (this.Connections.Contains(String.Format("{0}:{1}", lstWords[1], lstWords[2])) == true)

                    CPrivileges sprPrivs = new CPrivileges();
                    UInt32 ui32Privileges = 0;

                    if (UInt32.TryParse(lstWords[4], out ui32Privileges) == true && this.AccountsList.Contains(lstWords[3]) == true)
                        sprPrivs.PrivilegesFlags = ui32Privileges;
                        this.Connections[String.Format("{0}:{1}", lstWords[1], lstWords[2])].ProconProtectedLayerSetPrivileges(this.AccountsList[lstWords[3]], sprPrivs);
 // 引发 截图完成 事件
 private void OnCapturedEvent()