Exemple #1
        private void AddCustomCaption()
            // Setup tray button
            CustomCaptionButton customButton = new CustomCaptionButton();

            customButton.Key = "TrayButton";

            customButton.Click += new EventHandler(trayButton_Click);

Exemple #2
 public CustomSkin(string skinConfigFile)
     _skinSetting = new SkinSetting(skinConfigFile);
     CaptionButtons.Add(new CaptionButton(HitTest.HTCLOSE));
     CaptionButtons.Add(new CaptionButton(HitTest.HTMAXBUTTON));
     CaptionButtons.Add(new CaptionButton(HitTest.HTMINBUTTON));
     foreach (CaptionButton button in CaptionButtons)
         button.PropertyChanged += OnCommandButtonPropertyChanged;
Exemple #3
 void DaggerUISubNode_DaggerNodeAttached(DaggerNode node)
     // store the sub node so we can make the UIGraph for it later
     _node = (DaggerSubNode)node;
     _node.SubNodeGraph.ImportedPins.PinAdded += new DaggerPinAdded(ImportedPins_PinAdded);
     _node.SubNodeGraph.ExportedPins.PinAdded += new DaggerPinAdded(ExportedPins_PinAdded);
     _editSubNodeButton                = new SimpleImageButton();
     _editSubNodeButton.ButtonImage    = _subnodeEditButtonImageList.Images[0];
     _editSubNodeButton.ButtonImage2   = _subnodeEditButtonImageList.Images[1];
     _editSubNodeButton.MultiState     = true;
     _editSubNodeButton.ToolTipText    = "Edit SubNode";
     _editSubNodeButton.ToolTipEnabled = true;
     _editSubNodeButton.StateChanged  += new SimpleImageButton.StateChangedEventHandler(_editSubNodeButton_StateChanged);
 public static void SetButtons(WindowX windowX, CaptionButtons value)
     windowX.SetValue(ButtonsProperty, value);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Event that is raised after a DaggerNode has been created and associated to the UI element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        void DSFilterNodeUI_DaggerNodeAttached(DaggerLib.Core.DaggerNode node)
            _dsfilternode = (DSFilterNode)node;
            CaptionText   = node.ToString();

            // hook the AfterNodeRemoved event to dispose of any directshow interfaces
            node.AfterNodeRemoved += new DaggerLib.Core.AfterNodeRemoveHandler(node_AfterNodeRemoved);

            // get the IBaseFilter from the DSFilterNode
            IBaseFilter filter = _dsfilternode._filter;

            // only grab the video window or EVR if it was manually added to the graph via the UI
            if (_dsfilternode._manualAdded || (_dsfilternode.ParentGraph.ParentUIGraph as DSDaggerUIGraph)._filterGraphCreated)
                // if it supports IVideoWindow create a VideoInternalWindow for it
                IVideoWindow vw = filter as IVideoWindow;
                if (vw != null)
                        _videoWindow         = new VideoInternalWindow(CaptionText, filter);
                        _videoWindow.Dock    = DockStyle.Fill;
                        _videoWindow.Visible = true;

                        // only nodes with video windows are resizeable
                        Resizable = true;

                        // hook the connection events to init/deinit the video window
                        node.ParentGraph.AfterPinsConnected += new DaggerLib.Core.PinAfterConnectedHandler(ParentGraph_AfterPinsConnected);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _videoWindow = null;

                // if it's an Enhaced Video Renderer create a VideoInternalWindow for it
                // (see docs for Windows Media Foundation)
                IMFGetService mfgs = filter as IMFGetService;
                if (mfgs != null)
                    // this is a video horse of a different color
                    // create a video clipping window for the Media Foundation Enhanced Video Renderer
                        // get the IMFVideoDisplayControl for the EVR filter
                        object o = null;
                                        out o
                        m_pVideoDisplay = o as IMFVideoDisplayControl;

                        // if the Video Size is 0,0 the EVR hasn't been initialized/connected yet
                        MediaFoundation.Misc.SIZE videoSize = new MediaFoundation.Misc.SIZE();
                        MediaFoundation.Misc.SIZE ar        = new MediaFoundation.Misc.SIZE();
                        m_pVideoDisplay.GetNativeVideoSize(videoSize, ar);

                        if (videoSize.cx == 0 && videoSize.cy == 0)
                            // You only get one chance to set the number of pins in an EVR filter.
                            PinsComboBoxForm pcf = new PinsComboBoxForm();
                            if (pcf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                (filter as IEVRFilterConfig).SetNumberOfStreams(pcf.Value);

                        _videoWindow         = new VideoInternalWindow(CaptionText, m_pVideoDisplay);
                        _videoWindow.Dock    = DockStyle.Fill;
                        _videoWindow.Visible = true;

                        // only nodes with video windows are resizeable
                        Resizable = true;

                        // hook the connection events to init/deinit the video window
                        node.ParentGraph.AfterPinsConnected += new DaggerLib.Core.PinAfterConnectedHandler(ParentGraph_AfterPinsConnected);
                    catch (InvalidCastException)
                        m_pVideoDisplay = null;

            // if it's a DMO, create the DMO properties page for it
            if ((filter as IDMOWrapperFilter) != null)
                // set the caption to show it's a DMO
                CaptionText           = "DMO - " + CaptionText;
                CaptionColor          = Color.Green;
                CaptionColorUnfocused = Color.LightGreen;

            // remove clock button if it doesn't support IReferenceClock
            _referenceClock = filter as IReferenceClock;
            if (_referenceClock == null)
                // see if this filter is the reference clock for the graph
                IReferenceClock graphClock = null;
                filter.GetSyncSource(out graphClock);
                _clockButton.Tag = false;
                _clockButton.MouseOutsideTint = Color.DarkGray;
                if (graphClock != null)
                    if (graphClock == _referenceClock)
                        _clockButton.MouseOutsideTint = Color.Yellow;
                        _clockButton.Tag = true;

            // remove video window button if it's not a video window
            if (_videoWindow == null)

            // Sync the pins to the Pin Property Pages

            // set it to the smallest possible size.  DaggerLib uses InternalControlMinimumSize
            // to prevent the UI node from being smaller than designated
            this.Size = new Size(1, 1);