private static string MakeRandomSolution(CaptchaSettingsPart settings)
            Random rng = new Random();

            char[] buf = new char[settings.TotalChars];
            for (int i = 0; i < settings.TotalChars; i++)
                Func <char> RndDigit  = () => (char)('0' + rng.Next(10));
                Func <char> RndLetter = () => (char)('a' + rng.Next(26));

                if (settings.IncDigits && settings.IncLetters)
                    buf[i] = rng.Next(11) > 5 ? RndDigit() : RndLetter();
                else if (settings.IncDigits)
                    buf[i] = RndDigit();
                    buf[i] = RndLetter();

            return(new string(buf));
        public bool IsCaptchaValid(string captchaChallengeValue, string captchaResponseValue, string userHostAddress)
            _captchaSettings = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As <CaptchaSettingsPart>();
            var captchaValidtor = new Recaptcha.RecaptchaValidator {
                PrivateKey = _captchaSettings.PrivateKey,
                RemoteIP   = userHostAddress,
                Challenge  = captchaChallengeValue,
                Response   = captchaResponseValue

            var recaptchaResponse = captchaValidtor.Validate();

            // this will push the result value into a parameter in our Action
        private GraphicsPath DeformPath(GraphicsPath path, CaptchaSettingsPart settings)
            Double xFreq = 2 * Math.PI / settings.ImageWidth;
            Double yFreq = 2 * Math.PI / settings.ImageHeight;

            PointF[] deformed = new PointF[path.PathPoints.Length];
            Random   rng      = new Random();
            Double   xSeed    = rng.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;
            Double   ySeed    = rng.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;

            for (int i = 0; i < path.PathPoints.Length; i++)
                PointF original = path.PathPoints[i];
                Double val      = xFreq * original.X + yFreq * original.Y;
                int    xOffset  = (int)(settings.XAmp * Math.Sin(val + xSeed));
                int    yOffset  = (int)(settings.YAmp * Math.Sin(val + ySeed));
                deformed[i] = new PointF(original.X + xOffset, original.Y + yOffset);
            return(new GraphicsPath(deformed, path.PathTypes));
        public string GenerateCaptcha()
            _captchaSettings = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As <CaptchaSettingsPart>();
            var CurrentCulture = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentCulture;

            if (_captchaSettings == null)
                return("CAPTCHA Part Record Was Not Found");

            var captchaControl = new Recaptcha.RecaptchaControl {
                ID         = "recaptcha",
                PublicKey  = _captchaSettings.PublicKey,
                PrivateKey = _captchaSettings.PrivateKey,
                Theme      = _captchaSettings.Theme,
                Language   = CurrentCulture.Substring(0, 2)

            string captchaMarkup;

            if (captchaControl.Theme.ToLower() != "custom")
                var htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter());
                captchaMarkup = htmlWriter.InnerWriter.ToString();
                if (_captchaSettings.CustomCaptchaMarkup != string.Empty)
                    captchaMarkup = _captchaSettings.CustomCaptchaMarkup;
                    captchaMarkup  = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var RecaptchaOptions = {theme: 'custom', custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha_widget', lang: '" + CurrentCulture.Substring(0, 2) + "' };</script>";
                    captchaMarkup += "<div id=\"recaptcha_widget\" style=\"display:none\"><div id=\"recaptcha_image\"></div><div class=\"recaptcha_only_if_incorrect_sol\">" + T("Incorrect please try again") + "</div><span class=\"recaptcha_only_if_image\">" + T("Enter the words above") + "</span><span class=\"recaptcha_only_if_audio\">" + T("Enter the numbers you hear:") + "</span><input type=\"text\" id=\"recaptcha_response_field\" name=\"recaptcha_response_field\" /><div><a href=\"javascript:Recaptcha.reload()\">" + T("Get another CAPTCHA") + "</a></div><div class=\"recaptcha_only_if_image\"><a href=\"javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('audio')\">" + @T("Get an audio CAPTCHA") + "</a></div><div class=\"recaptcha_only_if_audio\"><a href=\"javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('image')\">" + @T("Get an image CAPTCHA") + "</a></div><div><a href=\"javascript:Recaptcha.showhelp()\">Help</a></div></div><script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + captchaControl.PublicKey + "\"></script><noscript><iframe src=\"" + captchaControl.PublicKey + "\" height=\"300\" width=\"500\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe><br><textarea name=\"recaptcha_challenge_field\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\"></textarea><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"recaptcha_response_field\" value=\"manual_challenge\"></noscript>";

        public FileContentResult GetCaptchaImage(string challengeGuid, int width, int height)
            // Retrieve the solution text from Session[]
            var captcha = HttpContext.Session[CaptchaServiceConstants.SESSION_KEY_PREFIX + challengeGuid] as CaptchaViewModel;

            if (captcha != null)
                //var settings = _orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As<CaptchaSettingsPart>();
                var settings = new CaptchaSettingsPart();
                settings.ImageWidth  = width;
                settings.ImageHeight = height;

                if (settings.Foreground != _foregroundArgb)
                    lock (_padLock)
                        if (settings.Foreground != _foregroundArgb)
                            _foregroundArgb = settings.Foreground;
                            _foreground = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(_foregroundArgb));

                if (settings.Background != _backgroundArgb)
                    _backgroundArgb = settings.Background;
                    _background     = Color.FromArgb(_backgroundArgb);

                // Make a blank canvas to render the CAPTCHA on
                using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(settings.ImageWidth, settings.ImageHeight))
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
                        using (Font font = new Font(settings.ImageFont, 1f))
                            // Perform trial rendering to determine best font size
                            SizeF finalSize;
                            SizeF testSize     = g.MeasureString(captcha.Value, font);
                            float bestFontSize = Math.Min(settings.ImageWidth / testSize.Width,
                                                          settings.ImageHeight / testSize.Height) * 0.95f;
                            using (Font finalFont = new Font(settings.ImageFont, bestFontSize))
                                finalSize = g.MeasureString(captcha.Value, finalFont);
                            // Get a path representing the text centered on the canvas
                            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point;
                            PointF textTopLeft = new PointF((settings.ImageWidth - finalSize.Width) / 2,
                                                            (settings.ImageHeight - finalSize.Height) / 2);
                            using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
                                path.AddString(captcha.Value, new FontFamily(settings.ImageFont), 0,
                                               bestFontSize, textTopLeft, StringFormat.GenericDefault);
                                // Render the path to the bitmap
                                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                                g.FillPath(_foreground, DeformPath(path, settings));
                                // Send the image to the response stream in PNG format
                                //.ContentType = "image/png";
                                //using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                                //    bmp.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                                //    memoryStream.WriteTo(Response.OutputStream);
                                //    Logger.Log(LogLevel.Debug, null, "111");

                                // Send the image to the response stream in PNG format
                                //Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                                    bmp.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                                    return(new FileContentResult(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), "image/png"));
