internal ReadOnlyItemSlot(ItemSlot source)
     if (source is null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
     item      = source.item;
     itemCount = source.itemCount;
Exemple #2
 //used for standard gameplay, which requires a callback to handle once the item has been added successfully. The content is guarenteed to be written to the display before the callback
 //is called.
 public static void GainItemWithCallback(this Creature source, CapacityItem item, string originalOutput, bool isInCombat, Action resumeCallback)
     if (source.CanAddItem(item))
         int slot = source.TryAddItem(item);
         DisplayManager.GetCurrentDisplay().OutputText(((IInteractiveStorage <CapacityItem>)source).PlaceItemInSlot(item, (byte)slot));
         new ItemFullHelper(source, item, originalOutput, isInCombat, resumeCallback).Init();
        protected virtual CapacityItem CombatConsumeItem(CombatCreature user, CombatCreature opponent, out string resultsOfUseText, out bool isBadEnd)
            resultsOfUseText = OnCombatConsumeAttempt(user, opponent, out bool consumedItem, out isBadEnd);
            CapacityItem item = this;

            if (consumedItem)
                if (user is PlayerBase player)
                item = null;

Exemple #4
        //kitsune gift afaik is the only thing to do this. what a pain. luckily fixing my mistake from code cleanup was as easy as marking this virtual - jsg.
        protected override CapacityItem ConsumeItem(Creature target, out string resultsOfUseText, out bool isBadEnd)
            resultsOfUseText = OnConsumeAttempt(target, out bool usedItem, out isBadEnd);
            CapacityItem item = this;

            if (usedItem)
                if (target is PlayerBase player)
                item = replacement;

            replacement = null;
        public bool AddItem(CapacityItem newItem)
            if (newItem is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newItem));
            else if (isEmpty || item.Equals(newItem) && itemCount < item.maxCapacityPerSlot)
                //shouldn't be necessary, but idk.
                if (isEmpty)
                    itemCount = 0;

 public bool ReplaceItem(CapacityItem newItem, bool addIfSame = true)
     if (newItem is null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newItem));
     else if (!item.Equals(newItem) || !addIfSame)
         item      = newItem;
         itemCount = 1;
     else if (itemCount >= item.maxCapacityPerSlot)
 public bool AddOrReplaceItem(CapacityItem newItem)
     if (newItem is null)
     else if (!item.Equals(newItem))
         item      = newItem;
         itemCount = 1;
     else if (itemCount >= item.maxCapacityPerSlot)
        private protected override DisplayBase AttemptToUseItemInCombat(CombatCreature user, CombatCreature opponent, UseItemCombatCallback postItemUseCallback)
            if (!CanUse(user, true, out string whyNot))
                postItemUseCallback(false, whyNot, Author(), this);
                CapacityItem retVal = CombatConsumeItem(user, opponent, out string resultsOfUse, out bool isBadEnd);

                if (!isBadEnd)
                    postItemUseCallback(true, resultsOfUse, Author(), retVal);
                    throw new System.NotImplementedException();
 public CapacityItem RemoveItem()
     if (item is null)
     else if (itemCount == 0)
         item = null;
     else if (itemCount == 1)
         CapacityItem retVal = item;
         item = null;
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is BlackCatBeer);
Exemple #11
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is Clovis);
Exemple #12
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is Equinium);
 public bool AddItemBack(byte originalIndex, CapacityItem originalItem)
     return(storage.AddItemBack(originalIndex, originalItem));
Exemple #14
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is LaBova laBova && laBova.transformation == transformation);
Exemple #15
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is BehemothCum);
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to add the item. returns the index at which the item is stored, or -1 if it has not been added.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public int AddItemReturnSlot(CapacityItem item)
 protected override string ReturnItemToCreatureStorageText(CapacityItem item, byte slot)
     return("The monster returns the " + item.ItemName() + " to its " + Tools.Utils.NumberAsPlace(slot) + " pouch. ");
Exemple #18
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is KitsuneGift);
Exemple #19
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is GodMead);
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is FerretFruit);
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is CaninePepperGeneric caninePepper && caninePepper.modifiers == this.modifiers);
 protected override string ReplaceItemInCreatureStorageWithNewItemText(CapacityItem newItem, byte slot)
     return("The monster replaces the " + inventory[slot].item.ItemName() + " in its " + Tools.Utils.NumberAsPlace(slot) + " pouch with " + newItem.ItemName() + ". ");
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is PrincessPucker);
Exemple #24
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is GoblinAle);
Exemple #25
        protected override string OnConsumeAttempt(Creature consumer, out bool consumeItem, out bool isBadEnd)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("Curiosity gets the best of you, and you decide to open the namespace. After all, what's the worst that could happen?" + GlobalStrings.NewParagraph());
            //Opening the gift randomly results in one of the following:
            switch (Utils.Rand(12))
            //[Fox Jewel]
            case 0:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and to your delight, sitting in the center is a small teardrop-shaped jewel!");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>You've received a shining Fox Jewel from the kitsune's gift! How generous!</b> ");
                //replacement = new FoxJewel();

            //[Fox Berries]
            case 1:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and to your delight, there is a small cluster of orange-colored berries sitting in the center!");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>You've received a fox berry from the kitsune's gift! How generous!</b> ");
                //add Fox Berries to inventory
                replacement = new FoxBerry();

            case 2:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and to your delight, it is filled to the brim with shining gems!");
                int gems = 2 + Utils.Rand(20);
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>You've received " + Utils.NumberAsText(gems) + " shining gems from the kitsune's gift! How generous!</b>");
                //add X gems to inventory

            //[Kitsune Tea/Scholar's Tea] //Just use Scholar's Tea and drop the "trick" effect if you don't want to throw in another new item.
            case 3:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and to your delight, it contains a small bag of dried tea leaves!");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>You've received a bag of tea from the kitsune's gift! How thoughtful!</b> ");
                //add Kitsune Tea/Scholar's Tea to inventory
                //replacement = new ScholarsTea();

            //[Hair Dye]
            case 4:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and to your delight, it contains a small vial filled with hair dye!");

                HairFurColors color = Utils.RandomChoice(HairFurColors.RED, HairFurColors.BLONDE, HairFurColors.BLACK, HairFurColors.WHITE);

                replacement = new HairDye(color);

                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>You've received " + replacement.ItemName() + " from the kitsune's gift! How generous!</b> ");
                //add <color> Dye to inventory

            //[Knowledge Spell]
            case 5:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, but it seems like there's nothing else inside. As you peer into the box, a glowing circle filled with strange symbols suddenly flashes to life! Light washes over you, and your mind is suddenly assaulted with new knowledge... and the urge to use that knowledge for mischief!");

                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>The kitsune has shared some of its knowledge with you!</b> But in the process, you've gained some of the kitsune's promiscuous trickster nature...");
                //Increase INT and Libido, +10 LUST
                consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(inte: 4, sens: 2, lus: 10);

            case 6:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. " +
                          "The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and sitting in the center is an artfully crafted paper doll. " +
                          "Before your eyes, the doll springs to life, dancing about fancifully. Without warning, it leaps into your item pouch, " +
                          "then hops away and gallavants into the woods, carting off a small fortune in gems.");

                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>The kitsune's familiar has stolen your gems!</b>");
                // Lose X gems as though losing in battle to a kitsune
                consumer.RemoveGems(2 + (uint)Utils.Rand(15));

            case 7:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and sitting in the center is an artfully crafted paper doll. Before your eyes, the doll springs to life, dancing about fancifully. Without warning, it pulls a large calligraphy brush from thin air and leaps up into your face, then hops away and gallavants off into the woods. Touching your face experimentally, you come away with a fresh coat of black ink on your fingertips.");

                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>The kitsune's familiar has drawn all over your face!</b> The resilient marks take about an hour to completely scrub off in the nearby stream. You could swear you heard some mirthful snickering among the trees while you were cleaning yourself off.");
                //Advance time 1 hour, -20 LUST
                consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(lus: -20);

            case 8:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and sitting in the center is an artfully crafted paper doll. Before your eyes, the doll springs to life, dancing about fancifully. Without warning, it tosses a handful of sweet-smelling pink dust into your face, then hops over the rim of the box and gallavants off into the woods. Before you know what has happened, you feel yourself growing hot and flushed, unable to keep your hands away from your groin.");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>Oh no! The kitsune's familiar has hit you with a powerful aphrodisiac! You are debilitatingly aroused and can think of nothing other than masturbating.</b>");
                //+100 LUST
                consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(lus: 100);

            case 9:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, and sitting in the center is an artfully crafted paper doll. Before your eyes, the doll springs to life, dancing about fancifully. Without warning, it tosses a handful of sour-smelling orange powder into your face, then hops over the rim of the box and gallavants off into the woods. Before you know what has happened, you feel the strength draining from your muscles, withering away before your eyes.");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>Oh no! The kitsune's familiar has hit you with a strength draining spell! Hopefully it's only temporary...</b>");
                consumer.DeltaCreatureStats(str: -5, tou: -5);

            case 10:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, but to your disappointment, the only other contents appear to be nothing more than twigs, leaves, and other forest refuse.");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>It seems the kitsune's gift was just a pile of useless junk! What a ripoff!</b>");

            //[Dud... Or is it?]
            case 11:
                sb.Append("As the paper falls away, you carefully lift the cover of the box, your hands trembling nervously. The inside of the box is lined with purple velvet, but to your disappointment, the only other contents appear to be nothing more than twigs, leaves, and other forest refuse. Upon further investigation, though, you find a shard of shiny black chitinous plating mixed in with the other useless junk.");
                sb.Append(GlobalStrings.NewParagraph() + "<b>At least you managed to salvage a shard of black chitin from it...</b> ");
                //replacement = new BlackChitin();

            isBadEnd    = false;
            consumeItem = true;
Exemple #26
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is GirthoPlus);
 public bool AddItem(CapacityItem item)
Exemple #28
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is HealPill);
 public void ReplaceItemInSlot(byte index, CapacityItem replacement, bool addIfSameItem = true)
     storage.ReplaceItemInSlot(index, replacement, addIfSameItem);
Exemple #30
 public override bool Equals(CapacityItem other)
     return(other is BodyLotionBase lotionBase && Equals(lotionBase));