public void Init(float depth, int raycastPriority, int orderInLayer) { if (this.initialized == false) { if (UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Constants.LOGS_ENABLED == true) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Can't initialize window instance because of some components was not installed properly."); } return; } this.transform.localScale =; this.canvas.worldCamera = this.GetWindow().workCamera; this.canvas.sortingOrder = orderInLayer; this.canvas.planeDistance = 10f; // * orderInLayer; CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.canvas, this.canvasScaler); for (int i = 0; i < this.elements.Count; ++i) { var element = this.elements[i]; if (element.autoRegisterInRoot == true) { element.Setup(this.GetWindow()); element.SetComponentState(WindowObjectState.NotInitialized, dontInactivate: true); } } this.root.Setup(this.GetWindow()); }
public void DoShowEnd(AppearanceParameters parameters) { if (this.instance != null) { this.instance.DoShowEnd(parameters); CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.GetLayoutInstance().canvas, this.GetLayoutInstance().canvasScaler); } }
/// <summary> /// Show the specified onShowEnd. /// </summary> /// <param name="onShowEnd">On show end.</param> public void Show(System.Action onShowEnd, TransitionBase transition, TransitionInputParameters transitionParameters) { if (this.currentState == WindowObjectState.Showing || this.currentState == WindowObjectState.Shown) { return; } this.currentState = WindowObjectState.Showing; WindowSystem.AddToHistory(this); var counter = 0; System.Action callback = () => { if (this.currentState != WindowObjectState.Showing) { return; } ++counter; if (counter < 5) { return; } this.OnShowEnd(); this.OnLayoutShowEnd(); this.modules.OnShowEnd();; this.transition.OnShowEnd(); if (onShowEnd != null) { onShowEnd(); } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); this.currentState = WindowObjectState.Shown; }; this.OnLayoutShowBegin(callback); this.modules.OnShowBegin(callback); if (transition != null) { this.transition.OnShowBegin(transition, transitionParameters, callback); } else { this.transition.OnShowBegin(callback); }; this.OnShowBegin(callback); this.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public override void OnPlay(WindowBase window, object tag, TransitionInputParameters parameters, WindowComponentBase root, bool forward, System.Action callback) { var param = this.GetParams <Parameters>(parameters); if (param == null) { if (callback != null) { callback(); } return; } var duration = this.GetDuration(parameters, forward); var resultState = param.GetResult(forward); var rect = this.GetRoot(param, window); var state = new Parameters.State(rect); var material = param.GetMaterialInstance(); if (TweenerGlobal.instance != null) { TweenerGlobal.instance.removeTweens(tag); TweenerGlobal.instance.addTween(rect, duration, 0f, 1f).onUpdate((obj, value) => { if (obj != null) { param.Apply(material, obj, state, resultState, value); } }).onComplete((obj) => { if (callback != null) { callback(); } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); }).onCancel((obj) => { if (callback != null) { callback(); } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); }).tag(tag).ease(ME.Ease.GetByType(forward == true ? param.inEase : param.outEase)); } else { param.Apply(material, rect, resultState); if (callback != null) { callback(); } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); } }
public override void OnValidateEditor() { base.OnValidateEditor(); WindowSystem.ApplyToSettings(this.canvas); if (ME.EditorUtilities.IsPrefab(this.gameObject) == true) { this.transform.localScale = * this.editorScale; } if (this.canvasUpdater == null || this.GetComponents <CanvasUpdater>().Length > 1) { if (this.GetComponent <CanvasUpdater>() != null) { Component.DestroyImmediate(this.GetComponent <CanvasUpdater>()); } this.canvasUpdater = this.GetComponent <CanvasUpdater>(); if (this.canvasUpdater == null) { this.canvasUpdater = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CanvasUpdater>(); } if (this.canvasUpdater != null) { this.canvasUpdater.OnValidate(); } } if (this.canvasScaler == null || this.GetComponents <CanvasScaler>().Length > 1) { if (this.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>() != null) { Component.DestroyImmediate(this.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>()); } this.canvasScaler = this.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>(); if (this.canvasScaler == null) { this.canvasScaler = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CanvasScaler>(); } } /*var rectTransform = (this.transform as RectTransform); * rectTransform.anchorMin =; * rectTransform.anchorMax =; * rectTransform.pivot = * 0.5f; * rectTransform.localScale =; * rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; * rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D =;*/ }
public override void OnValidateEditor() { base.OnValidateEditor(); if (Application.isPlaying == true) { return; } if (this.canvasUpdater == null || this.GetComponents <CanvasUpdater>().Length > 1) { if (this.GetComponent <CanvasUpdater>() != null) { Component.DestroyImmediate(this.GetComponent <CanvasUpdater>()); } this.canvasUpdater = this.GetComponent <CanvasUpdater>(); if (this.canvasUpdater == null) { this.canvasUpdater = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CanvasUpdater>(); } if (this.canvasUpdater != null) { this.canvasUpdater.OnValidate(); } } if (this.canvasScaler == null || this.GetComponents <CanvasScaler>().Length > 1) { if (this.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>() != null) { Component.DestroyImmediate(this.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>()); } this.canvasScaler = this.GetComponent <CanvasScaler>(); if (this.canvasScaler == null) { this.canvasScaler = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CanvasScaler>(); } } var rectTransform = (this.transform as RectTransform); rectTransform.anchorMin =; rectTransform.anchorMax =; rectTransform.pivot = * 0.5f; rectTransform.localScale =; rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D =; }
public void Init(float depth, int raycastPriority, int orderInLayer, WindowLayout.ScaleMode scaleMode, Vector2 fixedScaleResolution, WindowLayoutPreferences layoutPreferences) { if (this.initialized == false) { Debug.LogError("Can't initialize window instance because of some components was not installed properly."); return; } this.transform.localScale =; this.canvas.sortingOrder = orderInLayer; this.canvas.planeDistance = 10f; // * orderInLayer; this.canvas.worldCamera = this.GetWindow().workCamera; CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.canvas, this.canvasScaler); var matchWidthOrHeight = 0f; if (scaleMode == ScaleMode.Preferences) { var fixedScale = layoutPreferences.fixedScale; if (fixedScale == true) { scaleMode = ScaleMode.Fixed; } else { scaleMode = ScaleMode.Normal; } fixedScaleResolution = layoutPreferences.fixedScaleResolution; matchWidthOrHeight = layoutPreferences.matchWidthOrHeight; } this.SetScale(scaleMode, fixedScaleResolution, matchWidthOrHeight); for (int i = 0; i < this.elements.Count; ++i) { this.elements[i].Setup(this.GetWindow()); this.elements[i].SetComponentState(WindowObjectState.NotInitialized, dontInactivate: true); } this.root.Setup(this.GetWindow()); }
public void Apply(Material material, WindowLayoutRoot root, State startState, State resultState, float value) { CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); root.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(startState.alpha, resultState.alpha, value); root.rectTransform.anchorMin = Vector2.Lerp(startState.anchorMin, resultState.anchorMin, value); root.rectTransform.anchorMax = Vector2.Lerp(startState.anchorMax, resultState.anchorMax, value); root.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = Vector2.Lerp(startState.anchoredPosition, resultState.anchoredPosition, value); root.rectTransform.sizeDelta = Vector2.Lerp(startState.sizeDelta, resultState.sizeDelta, value); root.rectTransform.pivot = Vector2.Lerp(startState.pivot, resultState.pivot, value); root.rectTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(startState.localRotation, resultState.localRotation, value); root.rectTransform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(startState.localScale, resultState.localScale, value); if (material != null) { material.SetFloat(this.GetMaterialStrengthName(), Mathf.Lerp(startState.materialStrength, resultState.materialStrength, value)); } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); }
public void Apply(Material material, WindowLayoutRoot root, State state) { CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); root.alpha = state.alpha; root.rectTransform.anchorMin = state.anchorMin; root.rectTransform.anchorMax = state.anchorMax; root.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = state.anchoredPosition; root.rectTransform.sizeDelta = state.sizeDelta; root.rectTransform.pivot = state.pivot; root.rectTransform.localRotation = state.localRotation; root.rectTransform.localScale = state.localScale; if (material != null) { material.SetFloat(this.GetMaterialStrengthName(), state.materialStrength); } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(); }
public void Init(float depth, int raycastPriority, int orderInLayer, WindowLayout.ScaleMode scaleMode, Vector2 fixedScaleResolution) { if (this.initialized == false) { Debug.LogError("Can't initialize window instance because of some components was not installed properly."); return; } this.transform.localScale =; this.canvas.sortingOrder = orderInLayer; this.canvas.planeDistance = 10f; // * orderInLayer; this.canvas.worldCamera = this.GetWindow().workCamera; CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.canvas, this.canvasScaler); this.SetScale(scaleMode, fixedScaleResolution); for (int i = 0; i < this.elements.Count; ++i) { this.elements[i].Setup(this.GetWindow()); } this.root.Setup(this.GetWindow()); }
public void DoShowEnd(AppearanceParameters parameters) { this.instance.DoShowEnd(parameters); CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.instance.canvas, this.instance.canvasScaler); }
public IEnumerator CheckPivot_YIELD(Vector2 size, RectTransform sourceTransform, ShowPriority showPriority) { // Get pivot point according on screen rect // Check points var checks = new Vector2[0]; var offsetDirs = new Vector2[0]; if (showPriority == ShowPriority.Down) { checks = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), // top center new Vector2(0f, 1f), // top left new Vector2(1f, 1f), // top right new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), // bottom center new Vector2(0f, 0f), // bottom left new Vector2(1f, 0f), // bottom right }; offsetDirs = new Vector2[] { Vector2.down, Vector2.down, Vector2.down, Vector2.up, Vector2.up, Vector2.up, }; } else if (showPriority == ShowPriority.Up) { checks = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), // bottom center new Vector2(0f, 0f), // bottom left new Vector2(1f, 0f), // bottom right new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), // top center new Vector2(0f, 1f), // top left new Vector2(1f, 1f), // top right }; offsetDirs = new Vector2[] { Vector2.up, Vector2.up, Vector2.up, Vector2.down, Vector2.down, Vector2.down, }; } CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.canvas, this.canvasScaler); yield return(false); var scaleFactor = this.GetScaleFactor(); size *= scaleFactor; this.ApplyPosition(); var centerPoint = this.root.anchoredPosition; var sourceRect = (this.canvas.transform as RectTransform).rect; for (int i = 0; i < checks.Length; ++i) { var centerOffset = offsetDirs[i] * size.y * 0.5f; var pivot = checks[i]; this.layoutRoot.pivot = pivot; this.root.anchoredPosition = centerPoint + centerOffset; Vector3[] points = new Vector3[4]; this.layoutRoot.GetLocalCorners(points); var offset = this.root.anchoredPosition; var bottomLeft = offset + points[0].XY(); var topLeft = offset + points[1].XY(); var topRight = offset + points[2].XY(); var bottomRight = offset + points[3].XY(); if (sourceRect.Contains(bottomLeft) == false) { //Debug.Log("Failed bottom left: " + sourceRect + " << " + bottomLeft); continue; } if (sourceRect.Contains(topLeft) == false) { //Debug.Log("Failed top left: " + sourceRect + " << " + topLeft); continue; } if (sourceRect.Contains(topRight) == false) { //Debug.Log("Failed top right: " + sourceRect + " << " + topRight); continue; } if (sourceRect.Contains(bottomRight) == false) { //Debug.Log("Failed bottom right: " + sourceRect + " << " + bottomRight); continue; } break; } }
public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator <byte> CheckPivot_YIELD(Vector2 size, RectTransform sourceTransform) { // Get pivot point according on screen rect // Check points var checks = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), // top center new Vector2(0.5f, 0f), // bottom center new Vector2(0f, 0f), // bottom left new Vector2(1f, 0f), // bottom right new Vector2(0f, 1f), // top left new Vector2(1f, 1f) // top right }; var offsetDirs = new Vector2[] { Vector2.down, Vector2.up, Vector2.up, Vector2.up, Vector2.down, Vector2.down }; CanvasUpdater.ForceUpdate(this.canvas, this.canvasScaler); yield return(0); var scaleFactor = this.GetScaleFactor(); size *= scaleFactor; this.ApplyPosition(); var centerPoint = this.root.anchoredPosition; var sourceRect = (this.canvas.transform as RectTransform).rect; for (int i = 0; i < checks.Length; ++i) { var centerOffset = offsetDirs[i] * size.y * 0.5f; var pivot = checks[i]; this.layoutRoot.pivot = pivot; this.root.anchoredPosition = centerPoint + centerOffset; Vector3[] points = new Vector3[4]; this.layoutRoot.GetLocalCorners(points); var offset = this.root.anchoredPosition; var bottomLeft = offset + points[0].XY(); var topLeft = offset + points[1].XY(); var topRight = offset + points[2].XY(); var bottomRight = offset + points[3].XY(); if (sourceRect.Contains(bottomLeft) == false) { //if (UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Constants.LOGS_ENABLED == true) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Failed bottom left: " + sourceRect + " << " + bottomLeft); continue; } if (sourceRect.Contains(topLeft) == false) { //if (UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Constants.LOGS_ENABLED == true) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Failed top left: " + sourceRect + " << " + topLeft); continue; } if (sourceRect.Contains(topRight) == false) { //if (UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Constants.LOGS_ENABLED == true) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Failed top right: " + sourceRect + " << " + topRight); continue; } if (sourceRect.Contains(bottomRight) == false) { //if (UnityEngine.UI.Windows.Constants.LOGS_ENABLED == true) UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Failed bottom right: " + sourceRect + " << " + bottomRight); continue; } break; } }