Exemple #1
        public override void Draw(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            var wall = this as Wall;

            switch (wall.wallSide)
            case WallSide.Top:
                                                new Rect(bounds.X + GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Width, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Width, bounds.Height),
                                                new Rect(bounds.X, bounds.Y, GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Width, GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Height),
                                                new Rect(bounds.X + (bounds.Width - GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Width), bounds.Y, GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Width, GameSprite.WallTopCapSize.Height),

            case WallSide.Left:
            case WallSide.Right:
                                                new Rect(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height - GameSprite.WallSideCapSize.Height),
                                                new Rect(bounds.X, bounds.Y + (bounds.Height - GameSprite.WallSideCapSize.Height), GameSprite.WallSideCapSize.Width, GameSprite.WallSideCapSize.Height),

Exemple #2
        public void Draw( CanvasDrawingSession ds, CanvasSpriteBatch SBatch, TextureLoader Textures )
            lock ( PFSim )
                var Snapshot = PFSim.Snapshot();
                while ( Snapshot.MoveNext() )
                    Particle P = Snapshot.Current;

                    float A = Vector2.Transform( new Vector2( 0, 1 ), Matrix3x2.CreateRotation( P.ttl * 0.01f ) ).X;

                    Vector4 Tint = new Vector4(
                        P.Tint.M11 + P.Tint.M21 + P.Tint.M31 + P.Tint.M41 + P.Tint.M51,
                        P.Tint.M12 + P.Tint.M22 + P.Tint.M32 + P.Tint.M42 + P.Tint.M52,
                        P.Tint.M13 + P.Tint.M23 + P.Tint.M33 + P.Tint.M43 + P.Tint.M53,
                        P.Tint.M14 + P.Tint.M24 + P.Tint.M34 + P.Tint.M44 + P.Tint.M54

                    Tint.W *= A;
                    ScrollWind.Strength *= 0.5f;

                        Textures[ P.TextureId ]
                        , P.Pos, Tint
                        , Textures.Center[ P.TextureId ], 0, P.Scale
                        , CanvasSpriteFlip.None );

                DrawWireFrames( ds );
Exemple #3
        void CreateResources(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)
            if (args.Reason == CanvasCreateResourcesReason.DpiChanged)

            if (args.Reason == CanvasCreateResourcesReason.FirstTime)
                bool spriteBatchSupported = false;

                spriteBatchSupported = CanvasSpriteBatch.IsSupported(sender.Device);

                UseSpriteBatch = spriteBatchSupported;
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("UseSpriteBatch"));

                UseSpriteBatchCheckBox.Visibility = spriteBatchSupported ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

Exemple #4
        private void DrawClearTiles(CanvasEventArgs args, CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            var tile = args.Engine.TextureManager.GetTextureFromPath(ClearTextureKey);

            var cs       = args.Engine.CoordinateSystem;
            var minTileX = cs.ScreenCoordinatesToTileCoordinates(new Vector2(0, 0)).X - 1;
            var maxTileX = cs.ScreenCoordinatesToTileCoordinates(new Vector2((float)args.Sender.Size.Width, (float)args.Sender.Size.Height)).X + 1;
            var minTileY = cs.ScreenCoordinatesToTileCoordinates(new Vector2((float)args.Sender.Size.Width, 0)).Y - 1;
            var maxTileY = cs.ScreenCoordinatesToTileCoordinates(new Vector2(0, (float)args.Sender.Size.Height)).Y + 1;

            for (var x = minTileX; x <= maxTileX; x++)
                for (var y = minTileY; y <= maxTileY; y++)
                    var thisTileHeight       = (float)tile.SourceRect.Height;
                    var thisTileHeightFactor = thisTileHeight / cs.TileHeight;

                    var position = cs.TileCoordinatesToScreenCoordinates(new TileCoordinate(x, y), thisTileHeightFactor);
                        new Rect(
                            cs.EffectiveTileHeight * thisTileHeightFactor),
Exemple #5
        public void Draw( CanvasDrawingSession ds, CanvasSpriteBatch SBatch, TextureLoader Textures )
            lock ( PFSim )
                var Snapshot = PFSim.Snapshot();
                while ( Snapshot.MoveNext() )
                    Particle P = Snapshot.Current;

                    float A = ( P.Trait & PFTrait.IMMORTAL ) == 0 ? P.ttl * 0.033f : 1;

                    P.Tint.M12 = 4 * ( 1 - A );
                    P.Tint.M21 = 3 * A;

                    Vector4 Tint = new Vector4(
                        P.Tint.M11 + P.Tint.M21 + P.Tint.M31 + P.Tint.M41 + P.Tint.M51,
                        P.Tint.M12 + P.Tint.M22 + P.Tint.M32 + P.Tint.M42 + P.Tint.M52,
                        P.Tint.M13 + P.Tint.M23 + P.Tint.M33 + P.Tint.M43 + P.Tint.M53,
                        P.Tint.M14 + P.Tint.M24 + P.Tint.M34 + P.Tint.M44 + P.Tint.M54
                    ) * 2;

                    Tint.W *= A * 0.125f;

                    SBatch.Draw( Textures[ P.TextureId ], P.Pos, Tint, Textures.Center[ P.TextureId ], 0, P.Scale * A, CanvasSpriteFlip.None );

                DrawWireFrames( ds );
Exemple #6
        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, CanvasSpriteBatch SBatch, TextureLoader Textures)
            lock ( PFSim )
                var Snapshot = PFSim.Snapshot();
                while (Snapshot.MoveNext())
                    Particle P = Snapshot.Current;

                    float A = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(0, 1), Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(P.ttl * 0.01f)).X;

                    Vector4 Tint = new Vector4(
                        P.Tint.M11 + P.Tint.M21 + P.Tint.M31 + P.Tint.M41 + P.Tint.M51,
                        P.Tint.M12 + P.Tint.M22 + P.Tint.M32 + P.Tint.M42 + P.Tint.M52,
                        P.Tint.M13 + P.Tint.M23 + P.Tint.M33 + P.Tint.M43 + P.Tint.M53,
                        P.Tint.M14 + P.Tint.M24 + P.Tint.M34 + P.Tint.M44 + P.Tint.M54

                    Tint.W *= A;
                    ScrollWind.Strength *= 0.5f;

                        , P.Pos, Tint
                        , Textures.Center[P.TextureId], 0, P.Scale
                        , CanvasSpriteFlip.None);

Exemple #7
        public void Draw(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch, int sprite, Vector2 position, Vector4 tint)
            if (sprite < 0)

            spriteBatch.DrawFromSpriteSheet(bitmap, position, GetSourceRect(sprite), tint, origin, 0, Vector2.One, CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
 public void DrawSprite(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 pos, Vector2 imagePos)
         new Rect(pos.X, pos.Y, SpriteSize.X, SpriteSize.Y),
         new Rect(imagePos.X * SpriteSize.X, imagePos.Y * SpriteSize.Y, SpriteSize.X, SpriteSize.Y));
Exemple #9
        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, CanvasSpriteBatch SBatch, TextureLoader Textures)
            lock ( PFSim )
                var Snapshot = PFSim.Snapshot();
                while (Snapshot.MoveNext())
                    Particle P = Snapshot.Current;

                    float A = (P.Trait & PFTrait.IMMORTAL) == 0 ? P.ttl * 0.033f : 1;

                    P.Tint.M12 = 4 * (1 - A);
                    P.Tint.M21 = 3 * A;

                    Vector4 Tint = new Vector4(
                        P.Tint.M11 + P.Tint.M21 + P.Tint.M31 + P.Tint.M41 + P.Tint.M51,
                        P.Tint.M12 + P.Tint.M22 + P.Tint.M32 + P.Tint.M42 + P.Tint.M52,
                        P.Tint.M13 + P.Tint.M23 + P.Tint.M33 + P.Tint.M43 + P.Tint.M53,
                        P.Tint.M14 + P.Tint.M24 + P.Tint.M34 + P.Tint.M44 + P.Tint.M54
                        ) * 2;

                    Tint.W *= A * 0.125f;

                    SBatch.Draw(Textures[P.TextureId], P.Pos, Tint, Textures.Center[P.TextureId], 0, P.Scale * A, CanvasSpriteFlip.None);

Exemple #10
 void DrawLayer(CanvasSpriteBatch sb, int[] layer)
     for (int i = 0; i < layer.Length; ++i)
         DrawTile(sb, layer, i);
Exemple #11
 public void Draw(CanvasSpriteBatch sb, CanvasTimingInformation timing)
     foreach (IDrawable drawable in drawables.Values)
         drawable.Draw(this, sb, timing);
Exemple #12
        protected override void OnCreateResource(CanvasControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)
            // Clear all Tiles and Reload (Display Device might have changed...)

            _isSpriteBatchSupported = CanvasSpriteBatch.IsSupported(sender.Device);
            LayerConfiguration.TileProvider.ResetTiles(ParentMap, sender);
            _isInitialResourcesLoaded = true;
 public void Draw(EntityRenderer renderer, CanvasSpriteBatch sb, CanvasTimingInformation timing)
     sb.Draw(renderer.Sprites[entity.Shape], Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(-entity.Shape.Origin *
                                                                         SpriteBuilder.SCALE_FACTOR) *
             Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(entity.Direction) *
             Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1f / SpriteBuilder.SCALE_FACTOR) *
             Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(entity.Position), entity.Color);
Exemple #14
        protected override void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
                                     , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = ActiveParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = ActiveParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / 4;
                if (normalizedLifetime > 1)
                    normalizedLifetime = 1;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, normalizedLifetime);
                var   x     = particle.ScaleX;
                var   y     = particle.ScaleY;
                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                if (isImmersive)
                    alpha *= 0.8f;
                    x     *= 1.2f;
                    y     *= 1.2f;
                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter,
                                     particle.Rotation, new Vector2(x, y), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(x, y, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #15
        public void Draw(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch, int sprite, Vector2 position, Vector4 tint)
            if (sprite < 0)

            spriteBatch.DrawFromSpriteSheet(bitmap, position, GetSourceRect(sprite), tint, origin, 0, Vector2.One, CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
Exemple #16
        void OnCreateResources(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)
            spriteBatchSupported = CanvasSpriteBatch.IsSupported(sender.Device);

            if (!spriteBatchSupported)

Exemple #17
 virtual protected void Stage_Draw(ICanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasAnimatedDrawEventArgs args)
     using (CanvasDrawingSession ds = args.DrawingSession)
         using (CanvasSpriteBatch SBatch = ds.CreateSpriteBatch(CanvasSpriteSortMode.Bitmap))
             lock ( Scenes )
                 Scenes.ForEach(x => x.Draw(ds, SBatch, Textures));
 public void DrawSelf(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
         new Vector2(XPos, YPos),
         new Vector2(ImageX, ImageY),
         new Vector4(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha),
         new Vector2(XScale, YScale),
Exemple #19
 public override void Draw(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
                                     new Rect(bounds.X + GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Width, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - (GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Width * 2), bounds.Height),
                                     new Rect(bounds.X, bounds.Y, GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Width, GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Height),
                                     new Rect(bounds.X + (bounds.Width - GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Width), bounds.Y, GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Width, GameSprite.PaddleCapSize.Height),
        void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
                  , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // Go through the particles in reverse order, so new ones are drawn underneath
            // older ones. This improves visual appearance of effects like smoke plume
            // where many particles are created at the same position over a period of time.
            for (int i = activeParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = activeParticles[i];

                // Normalized lifetime is a value from 0 to 1 and represents how far a particle
                // is through its life. 0 means it just started, .5 is half way through, and
                // 1.0 means it's just about to be finished. This value will be used to calculate
                // alpha and scale, to avoid  having particles suddenly appear or disappear.
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / particle.Lifetime;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = 4 * normalizedLifetime * (1 - normalizedLifetime);

                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                float scale = particle.Scale * (.75f + .25f * normalizedLifetime);

                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(bitmap, particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter, particle.Rotation, new Vector2(scale), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
 public void DrawSpriteExt(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch,
                           Vector2 pos, Vector2 imagePos, Vector4 rgba, float rotation, Vector2 scale, CanvasSpriteFlip flip)
 {   // Draw Sprite Extended
         new Rect(imagePos.X * SpriteSize.X, imagePos.Y * SpriteSize.Y, SpriteSize.X, SpriteSize.Y),
         rgba,                                                   // Tint -> rgba [0 to 1]
         new Vector2(SpriteSize.X / 2, SpriteSize.Y / 2),        // Origin, now centered in the middle
         rotation,                                               // Rotation in radians
         scale,                                                  // Scale (default: 1, 1)
         flip);                                                  // CanvasSpriteFlip -> 0, 1, 2 or 3
Exemple #22
        public void Draw(ITexture texture, Matrix3x2 transform, Vector4 tint)
            CanvasBlend previousBlend = this.canvasDrawingSession.Blend;

            using (CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch = this.canvasDrawingSession.CreateSpriteBatch())
                this.canvasDrawingSession.Blend = CanvasBlend.Add;

                CanvasBitmap bitmap = ((Texture)texture).Bitmap;
                spriteBatch.Draw(bitmap, transform, tint, CanvasSpriteFlip.None);

                this.canvasDrawingSession.Blend = previousBlend;
        protected override void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = ActiveParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = ActiveParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / particle.Lifetime;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = 4 * normalizedLifetime * (1 - normalizedLifetime);

                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                float scale = particle.ScaleX * (.75f + .25f * normalizedLifetime);

                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(bitmap, particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter,
                        0, new Vector2(scale), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #24
        protected virtual void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
                                    , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = activeParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = activeParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                //float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / particle.Lifetime;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                //float alpha = 4 * normalizedLifetime * (1 - normalizedLifetime);

                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                //float scale = particle.Scale * (.75f + .25f * normalizedLifetime);

                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(bitmap, particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1 /*alpha*/), bitmapCenter,
                                     particle.Rotation - 1.5708f, new Vector2(particle.ScaleX, particle.ScaleY /*scale*/), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation - 1.5708f, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(/*scale*/ particle.ScaleX, particle.ScaleY, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmapBounds, 1 /*alpha*/, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #25
        void CreateResources(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)
            if (args.Reason == CanvasCreateResourcesReason.DpiChanged)

            bool spriteBatchSupported = false;

            spriteBatchSupported = CanvasSpriteBatch.IsSupported(sender.Device);
            UseSpriteBatch = UseSpriteBatchCheckBox.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(false);
            UseSpriteBatchCheckBox.Visibility = spriteBatchSupported ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

Exemple #26
        void DrawTile(CanvasSpriteBatch sb, int[] layer, int index)
            int row    = index / mapWidth;
            int column = index % mapWidth;

            Vector4 tint = Vector4.One;

            if (TintSprites)
                tint = ((row + column) % 2 == 0) ? Vector4.One : new Vector4(2, 1, 1, 1);

            if (ShowCollision)
                tint = collisionLayer[index] == 0 ? Vector4.One : new Vector4(2, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);

            forestTiles.Draw(sb, layer[index], forestTiles.SpriteSize * new Vector2(column, row), tint);
 public void DrawSelf(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
     for (int x = 0; x < Layout.Length; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < Layout[x].Length; y++)
             if (Layout[y][x] == 1)
                     new Vector2(x * 128, y * 128),
                     new Vector2(0, 0),
                     new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1),
                     new Vector2(1, 1),
Exemple #28
        public void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession ds, CanvasSpriteBatch SBatch, TextureLoader Textures)
            if (InRange)
                ds.FillRectangle(R0.X, R0.Y, R0.W, R0.Z, LayoutSettings.RelativeMajorBackgroundColor);
                ds.FillRectangle(R1.X, R1.Y, R1.W, R1.Z, LayoutSettings.SubtleColor);
                ds.FillRectangle(R0.X, R0.Y, R0.W, R0.Z, LayoutSettings.SubtleColor);
                ds.FillRectangle(R1.X, R1.Y, R1.W, R1.Z, LayoutSettings.RelativeMajorBackgroundColor);

            Color PinMask = LayoutSettings.MajorColor;

            PinMask.A = 48;

            ds.DrawLine(PosX, PosY.X, PosX, PosY.Y, PinMask, 10);
            ds.DrawLine(PosX, PosY.X, PosX, PosY.Y, LayoutSettings.MajorColor, 1);
Exemple #29
 public override void Draw(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
     if (hasExploded)
                                         new Rect(
                                             location.X - (BLOW_RADIUS / 2),
                                             location.Y - (BLOW_RADIUS / 2),
                                             size.Width + BLOW_RADIUS,
                                             size.Height + BLOW_RADIUS),
         hasExploded = false;
                                         new Rect(location.X, location.Y, size.Width, size.Height),
        public void DrawSelf(CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            int speed = 2;

            if (EntityManager.EntityExists(typeof(CoordPoint)))

            XPos += (float)(speed * Math.Cos(angle));
            YPos += (float)(speed * Math.Sin(angle));

                new Vector2(XPos, YPos),
                new Vector2(ImageX, ImageY),
                new Vector4(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha),
                (float)(angle - 0.5 * Math.PI),
                new Vector2(XScale, YScale),
        public SpriteBatchPerf()
            Scenarios = new List <Scenario>();

            bool spriteBatchSupported = CanvasSpriteBatch.IsSupported(CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice());

            Scenarios.Add(new Scenario(Scenario.DrawMethod.DrawImage, CanvasSpriteSortMode.None));

            if (spriteBatchSupported)
                Scenarios.Add(new Scenario(Scenario.DrawMethod.Win2DSpriteBatch, CanvasSpriteSortMode.None));
                Scenarios.Add(new Scenario(Scenario.DrawMethod.Win2DSpriteBatch, CanvasSpriteSortMode.Bitmap));
                Scenarios.Add(new Scenario(Scenario.DrawMethod.CppWin2DSpriteBatch, CanvasSpriteSortMode.None));
                Scenarios.Add(new Scenario(Scenario.DrawMethod.CppWin2DSpriteBatch, CanvasSpriteSortMode.Bitmap));
                Scenarios.Add(new Scenario(Scenario.DrawMethod.D2DSpriteBatch, CanvasSpriteSortMode.None));

            DrawCount   = 0;
            BitmapCount = 1;

            if (!DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled)
                DataContext = this;

            if (ThumbnailGenerator.IsDrawingThumbnail)
                foreach (var scenario in Scenarios)


            if (!spriteBatchSupported)
                this.SpriteBatchNotSupportedText.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Exemple #32
        protected void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
                            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            if (spriteBatch != null)
                spriteBatch.Draw(sunSurfaces[(uint)(nowFrame * slowFactor) % surfaceCount], position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, opcity), center, rotation, new Vector2(1, 1), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(rotation, center) *
                                Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1, 1, center) *
                                Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(position - center);

                // Draw the particle.
                drawingSession.DrawImage(sunSurfaces[(uint)(nowFrame * slowFactor) % surfaceCount], 0, 0, bound, opcity, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #33
 void DrawLayer(CanvasSpriteBatch sb, int[] layer)
     for (int i = 0; i < layer.Length; ++i)
         DrawTile(sb, layer, i);
Exemple #34
        void DrawTile(CanvasSpriteBatch sb, int[] layer, int index)
            int row = index / mapWidth;
            int column = index % mapWidth;

            Vector4 tint = Vector4.One;

            if (TintSprites)
                tint = ((row + column) % 2 == 0) ? Vector4.One : new Vector4(2, 1, 1, 1);

            if (ShowCollision)
                tint = collisionLayer[index] == 0 ? Vector4.One : new Vector4(2, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1);

            forestTiles.Draw(sb, layer[index], forestTiles.SpriteSize * new Vector2(column, row), tint);
        protected void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch

            if (spriteBatch != null)
                spriteBatch.Draw(sunSurfaces[(uint)(nowFrame * slowFactor) % surfaceCount], position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, opcity), center, rotation, new Vector2(1, 1), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(rotation, center) *
                                Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1, 1, center) *
                                Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(position - center);

                // Draw the particle.
                drawingSession.DrawImage(sunSurfaces[(uint)(nowFrame * slowFactor) % surfaceCount], 0, 0, bound, opcity, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #36
 public SpriteBatchWrapper(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession)
     _spriteBatch = drawingSession.CreateSpriteBatch(CanvasSpriteSortMode.None, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, CanvasSpriteOptions.ClampToSourceRect);
        protected override void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // 逆向遍历队列,可以让新粒子绘制在旧粒子下方,这样当很多粒子在同一个位置生成时,效果较好
            for (int i = ActiveParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = ActiveParticles[i];

                // NormalizedLifeTime 是一个0到1之间的值,用来表示粒子在生命周期中的进度,这个值接近0或接近1时,
                // 粒子将会渐隐/渐显,使用它来计算粒子的透明度和缩放
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / 4;
                if (normalizedLifetime > 1)
                    normalizedLifetime = 1;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = (float)EasingHelper.QuinticEase(Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation.EasingMode.EaseOut, normalizedLifetime);
                var x = particle.ScaleX;
                var y = particle.ScaleY;
                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                if (isImmersive)
                    alpha *= 0.8f;
                    x *= 1.2f;
                    y *= 1.2f;
                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter,
                        particle.Rotation, new Vector2(x, y), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(x, y, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(smokeSurfaces[particle.Key], 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
Exemple #38
        void Draw(CanvasDrawingSession drawingSession
            , CanvasSpriteBatch spriteBatch
            // Go through the particles in reverse order, so new ones are drawn underneath
            // older ones. This improves visual appearance of effects like smoke plume
            // where many particles are created at the same position over a period of time.
            for (int i = activeParticles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Particle particle = activeParticles[i];

                // Normalized lifetime is a value from 0 to 1 and represents how far a particle
                // is through its life. 0 means it just started, .5 is half way through, and
                // 1.0 means it's just about to be finished. This value will be used to calculate
                // alpha and scale, to avoid  having particles suddenly appear or disappear.
                float normalizedLifetime = particle.TimeSinceStart / particle.Lifetime;

                // We want particles to fade in and fade out, so we'll calculate alpha to be
                // (normalizedLifetime) * (1 - normalizedLifetime). This way, when normalizedLifetime
                // is 0 or 1, alpha is 0. The maximum value is at normalizedLifetime = .5, and is:
                //      (normalizedLifetime) * (1-normalizedLifetime)
                //      (.5)                 * (1-.5)
                //      .25
                // Since we want the maximum alpha to be 1, not .25, we'll scale the entire equation by 4.
                float alpha = 4 * normalizedLifetime * (1 - normalizedLifetime);

                // Make particles grow as they age.
                // They'll start at 75% of their size, and increase to 100% once they're finished.
                float scale = particle.Scale * (.75f + .25f * normalizedLifetime);

                if (spriteBatch != null)
                    spriteBatch.Draw(bitmap, particle.Position, new Vector4(1, 1, 1, alpha), bitmapCenter, particle.Rotation, new Vector2(scale), CanvasSpriteFlip.None);
                    // Compute a transform matrix for this particle.
                    var transform = Matrix3x2.CreateRotation(particle.Rotation, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateScale(scale, bitmapCenter) *
                                    Matrix3x2.CreateTranslation(particle.Position - bitmapCenter);

                    // Draw the particle.
                    drawingSession.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmapBounds, alpha, CanvasImageInterpolation.Linear, new Matrix4x4(transform));
        private void canvas_CreateResources(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)

            lvXCoordinate.SelectedIndex = 0;
            lvYCoordinate.SelectedIndex = 0;
            sldSpriteCount.Maximum      = _maxSpriteCount;

            var defaultGridLength = new GridLength(0);
            var debugRowHeight    = AnalyticsInfo.VersionInfo.DeviceFamily.ToLower().Contains("mobile")
                ? defaultGridLength
                : new GridLength(20);

            ViewModel.PropertyChanged += (s, e) =>
                if (e.PropertyName == "ShowDebug")
                    Application.Current.DebugSettings.EnableFrameRateCounter = ViewModel.ShowDebug;
                    rowDebug.Height = ViewModel.ShowDebug
                        ? debugRowHeight
                        : defaultGridLength;

            if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
                ViewModel.ShowDebug = true;

            _debugTextFormat = new CanvasTextFormat()
                HorizontalAlignment = CanvasHorizontalAlignment.Right, VerticalAlignment = CanvasVerticalAlignment.Bottom
            _debugTextColour           = Colors.Black;
            _spriteColour              = Color.FromArgb(60, 0, 0, 255);
            _spriteColourRunningSlowly = Color.FromArgb(60, 255, 0, 0);

            _fps        = 0;
            _fpsCounter = 0;
            _fpsTime    = TimeSpan.Zero;

            ViewModel.DeltaThetaInteger = 50;
            _theta = 0;

            ViewModel.SpriteCount = 315;
            _position             = new Vector2[_maxSpriteCount];

            _spriteBatchSupported = CanvasSpriteBatch.IsSupported(sender.Device);
            if (_spriteBatchSupported)

                _spriteRectNormal        = new Rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
                _spriteRectRunningSlowly = new Rect(10, 0, 10, 10);

            ViewModel.aInteger = 100;
            ViewModel.bInteger = 1;
            ViewModel.cInteger = 100;

            ViewModel.mInteger = -100;
            ViewModel.nInteger = 29;
            ViewModel.oInteger = 74;
 private void DrawSpriteBatched(CanvasSpriteBatch g, object o, Vector2 position)
     var visualHint = o as IVisualHint;
     var orientation = visualHint?.VisualOrientation ?? Point.Zero;
     var m = _coords.GameToCanvasMatrix(position, orientation.IsDirection ? _radiansForDirection[orientation] : 0);
     g.DrawFromSpriteSheet(_spriteSheet.Image, m, _spriteSheet[visualHint?.VisualKey]);