private static void DrawCurve(Color c, BorderStyleEnum bs, float w, Graphics g,
                                      PointF[] points, int Offset, float Tension, CanvasProperties cp)
            if (bs == BorderStyleEnum.None || c.IsEmpty || w <= 0)      // nothing to draw

            Pen p = null;

                p = new Pen(c, w);
                switch (bs)
                case BorderStyleEnum.Dashed:
                    p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

                case BorderStyleEnum.Dotted:
                    p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;

                case BorderStyleEnum.Double:
                case BorderStyleEnum.Groove:
                case BorderStyleEnum.Inset:
                case BorderStyleEnum.Solid:
                case BorderStyleEnum.Outset:
                case BorderStyleEnum.Ridge:
                case BorderStyleEnum.WindowInset:
                    p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                PointF[] tmp = new PointF[points.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    tmp[i] = Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(points[i].X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X,
                                                          points[i].Y + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y,

                g.DrawCurve(p, tmp, Offset, tmp.Length - 1, Tension);
                if (p != null)
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(Guid?id)
            if (id == null)

            CanvasProperties = await _context.CanvasProperties.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);

            if (CanvasProperties == null)
            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (!(obj is CanvasProperties))

                CanvasProperties other = (CanvasProperties)obj;

                    (other.renderMode == renderMode &&
                     other.sortingLayerID == sortingLayerID &&
                     other.sortingOrder == sortingOrder &&
                     other.overrideSorting == overrideSorting);
        public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync(Guid? id)
            if (id == null)
                return NotFound();

            CanvasProperties = await _context.CanvasProperties.FindAsync(id);

            if (CanvasProperties != null)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return RedirectToPage("./Index");
        private static void FillPolygon(PagePolygon pp, Graphics g, RectangleF r, CanvasProperties cp)
            StyleInfo si = pp.SI;

            PointF[] tmp = new PointF[pp.Points.Length];
            if (!si.BackgroundColor.IsEmpty)
            //RectangleF(PixelsX(pi.X + _left - _hScroll), PixelsY(pi.Y + _top - _vScroll),
            //                                                                    PixelsX(pi.W), PixelsY(pi.H))
                for (int i = 0; i < pp.Points.Length; i++)
                    tmp[i] = Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pp.Points[i].X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X,
                                                          pp.Points[i].Y + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y,
                g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(si.BackgroundColor), tmp);
        protected override ChangeType CalculateDeltaChanges()
            ChangeType changeType = ChangeType.None;

            if (previousEnabled != canvas.enabled)
                previousEnabled = canvas.enabled;
                changeType     |= ChangeType.Enabled;

            var newProperties = new CanvasProperties(canvas);

            if (previousProperties != newProperties)
                previousProperties = newProperties;
                changeType        |= ChangeType.Properties;

        private static void DrawImage(PageImage pi, Graphics g, RectangleF r, CanvasProperties cp, PageItemManager cpim)
            Stream strm = null;

            System.Drawing.Image im = null;
                strm = new MemoryStream(pi.ImageData);
                im   = Image.FromStream(strm);
                DrawImageSized(pi, im, g, r, cp, cpim);
                if (strm != null)
                if (im != null)
 protected override void SendCompleteChanges(IEnumerable <INetworkConnection> connections)
     previousEnabled    = canvas.enabled;
     previousProperties = new CanvasProperties(canvas);
     SendDeltaChanges(connections, ChangeType.Enabled | ChangeType.Properties);
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders all the objects in a Page or composite object.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessPage(Graphics g, IEnumerable p, RectangleF clipRect, bool bHitList, CanvasProperties cp, ref PageItemManager cpim)
            foreach (PageItem pi in p)
                if (pi is PageTextHtml)
                {       // PageTextHtml is actually a composite object (just like a page)
                    if (cpim.SelectToolEnabled && bHitList)
                        RectangleF hr = new RectangleF(
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.Y + cp.Scroll.X - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y),
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.W, cp.Dpi.X),
                            Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.H, cp.Dpi.Y));

                        cpim.HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(hr, pi));
                    ProcessHtml(pi as PageTextHtml, g, clipRect, bHitList, cp, ref cpim);

                if (pi is PageLine)
                    PageLine pl = pi as PageLine;
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.Y + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y),
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.X2 + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                        Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pl.Y2 + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y));

                RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.X + cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Dpi.X),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.Y + cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, cp.Dpi.Y),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.W, cp.Dpi.X),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pi.H, cp.Dpi.Y));

                // Maintain the hit list
                if (bHitList)
                    if (cpim.SelectToolEnabled)
                    {   // we need all PageText and PageImage items that have been displayed
                        if (pi is PageText || pi is PageImage)
                            cpim.HitList.Add(new HitListEntry(rect, pi));
                    // Only care about items with links and tips
                    else if (pi.HyperLink != null || pi.BookmarkLink != null || pi.Tooltip != null)
                        HitListEntry hle;
                        if (pi is PagePolygon)
                            hle = new HitListEntry(pi as PagePolygon, cp.Left - cp.Scroll.X, cp.Top - cp.Scroll.Y, ((Canvas)cp.Parent));
                            hle = new HitListEntry(rect, pi);

                if ((pi is PagePolygon) || (pi is PageCurve))
                { // intentionally empty; polygon's rectangles aren't calculated
                else if (!rect.IntersectsWith(clipRect))

                if (pi.SI.BackgroundImage != null)
                {       // put out any background image
                    PageImage i = pi.SI.BackgroundImage;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawImageBackground(i, pi.SI, g, rect);

                if (pi is PageText)
                    PageText pt = pi as PageText;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawString(pt, g, rect, cp, cpim);
                else if (pi is PageImage)
                    PageImage i = pi as PageImage;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawImage(i, g, rect, cp, cpim);
                else if (pi is PageRectangle)
                    CanvasPainter.DrawBackground(g, rect, pi.SI);
                else if (pi is PageEllipse)
                    PageEllipse pe = pi as PageEllipse;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawEllipse(pe, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePie)
                    PagePie pp = pi as PagePie;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawPie(pp, g, rect);
                else if (pi is PagePolygon)
                    PagePolygon ppo = pi as PagePolygon;
                    CanvasPainter.FillPolygon(ppo, g, rect, cp);
                else if (pi is PageCurve)
                    PageCurve pc = pi as PageCurve;
                    CanvasPainter.DrawCurve(pc.SI.BColorLeft, pc.SI.BStyleLeft, pc.SI.BWidthLeft,
                                            g, pc.Points, pc.Offset, pc.Tension, cp);

                CanvasPainter.DrawBorder(pi, g, rect);
 /// <summary>
 /// Pre-Processes the HTML prior to rendering it in a page.
 /// </summary>
 public static void ProcessHtml(PageTextHtml pth, Graphics g, RectangleF clipRect, bool bHitList, CanvasProperties cp, ref PageItemManager cpim)
     pth.Build(g);                               // Builds the subobjects that make up the html
     CanvasPainter.ProcessPage(g, pth, clipRect, bHitList, cp, ref cpim);
Exemple #11
 protected override void SendCompleteChanges(IEnumerable <SocketEndpoint> endpoints)
     previousEnabled    = canvas.enabled;
     previousProperties = new CanvasProperties(canvas);
     SendDeltaChanges(endpoints, ChangeType.Enabled | ChangeType.Properties);
 void Start()
     canvasProperties = canvas.GetComponent<CanvasProperties>();
        /// <summary>
        /// A draw accounting for scrolling and zoom factors.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Draw(Graphics g, Pages pages, float pageGap, Rectangle clipRectangle,
                                ref CanvasProperties cp, ref PageItemManager cpim)
            if (pages == null)
            {   // No pages; means nothing to draw
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, clipRectangle);

            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
            g.ScaleTransform(cp.Zoom, cp.Zoom);
            cp.Dpi = new PointF(g.DpiX, g.DpiY);

            // Zoom affects how much will show on the screen.  Adjust our perceived clipping rectangle
            //  to account for it.
            RectangleF r;

            r = new RectangleF((clipRectangle.X) / cp.Zoom, (clipRectangle.Y) / cp.Zoom,
                               (clipRectangle.Width) / cp.Zoom, (clipRectangle.Height) / cp.Zoom);

            // Calculate the top of the page
            int fpage = (int)(cp.Scroll.Y / Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pages.PageHeight + pageGap, cp.Dpi.Y));
            int lpage = (int)((cp.Scroll.Y + r.Height) / Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pages.PageHeight + pageGap, cp.Dpi.X)) + 1;

            if (fpage >= pages.PageCount)
            if (lpage >= pages.PageCount)
                lpage = pages.PageCount - 1;

            cp.Left = cp.Offset.X;
            cp.Top  = pageGap;
            // Loop thru the visible pages
            for (int p = fpage; p <= lpage; p++)
                cp.Scroll = new PointF(
                    (cp.Scroll.Y - Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(p * (pages.PageHeight + pageGap), cp.Dpi.Y))

                System.Drawing.Rectangle pr =
                    new System.Drawing.Rectangle(
                        (int)(Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(cp.Left, cp.Dpi.X) - cp.Scroll.X),
                        (int)(Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(cp.Top, cp.Dpi.Y) - cp.Scroll.Y),
                        (int)Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pages.PageWidth, cp.Dpi.X),
                        (int)Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pages.PageHeight, cp.Dpi.Y));
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, pr);

                ProcessPage(g, pages[p], r, true, cp, ref cpim);

                // Draw the page outline
                using (Pen pn = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1))
                    int z3 = Math.Min((int)(3f / cp.Zoom), 3);
                    if (z3 <= 0)
                        z3 = 1;
                    int z4 = Math.Min((int)(4f / cp.Zoom), 4);
                    if (z4 <= 0)
                        z4 = 1;
                    g.DrawRectangle(pn, pr);                                    // outline of page
                                    pr.X + pr.Width, pr.Y + z3, z3, pr.Height); // right side of page
                                    pr.X + z3, pr.Y + pr.Height, pr.Width, z4); // bottom of page
        private static void DrawString(PageText pt, Graphics g, RectangleF r, CanvasProperties cp, PageItemManager cpim)
            StyleInfo si = pt.SI;
            string    s  = pt.Text;

            Font         drawFont   = null;
            StringFormat drawFormat = null;
            Brush        drawBrush  = null;

                // STYLE
                System.Drawing.FontStyle fs = 0;
                if (si.FontStyle == FontStyleEnum.Italic)
                    fs |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic;

                switch (si.TextDecoration)
                case TextDecorationEnum.Underline:
                    fs |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline;

                case TextDecorationEnum.LineThrough:
                    fs |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Strikeout;

                case TextDecorationEnum.Overline:
                case TextDecorationEnum.None:

                // WEIGHT
                switch (si.FontWeight)
                case FontWeightEnum.Bold:
                case FontWeightEnum.Bolder:
                case FontWeightEnum.W500:
                case FontWeightEnum.W600:
                case FontWeightEnum.W700:
                case FontWeightEnum.W800:
                case FontWeightEnum.W900:
                    fs |= System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold;

                    drawFont = new Font(si.GetFontFamily(), si.FontSize, fs);   // si.FontSize already in points
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    drawFont = new Font("Arial", si.FontSize, fs);      // if this fails we'll let the error pass thru
                // ALIGNMENT
                drawFormat = new StringFormat();
                switch (si.TextAlign)
                case TextAlignEnum.Right:
                    drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                case TextAlignEnum.Center:
                    drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                case TextAlignEnum.Left:
                    drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                if (pt.SI.WritingMode == WritingModeEnum.tb_rl)
                    drawFormat.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;
                    drawFormat.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;
                switch (si.VerticalAlign)
                case VerticalAlignEnum.Bottom:
                    drawFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;

                case VerticalAlignEnum.Middle:
                    drawFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

                case VerticalAlignEnum.Top:
                    drawFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                // draw the background
                DrawBackground(g, r, si);

                // adjust drawing rectangle based on padding
                //RectangleF r2 = new RectangleF(r.Left + si.PaddingLeft,
                //                               r.Top + si.PaddingTop,
                //                               r.Width - si.PaddingLeft - si.PaddingRight,
                //                               r.Height - si.PaddingTop - si.PaddingBottom);
                //A.S.> convert pt to px if needed(when printing we need px, when draw preview - pt)
                RectangleF r2;
                if (g.PageUnit == GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
                    r2 = new RectangleF(r.Left + (si.PaddingLeft * g.DpiX) / 72,
                                        r.Top + (si.PaddingTop * g.DpiX) / 72,
                                        r.Width - ((si.PaddingLeft + si.PaddingRight) * g.DpiX) / 72,
                                        r.Height - ((si.PaddingTop + si.PaddingBottom) * g.DpiX) / 72);
                    // adjust drawing rectangle based on padding
                    r2 = new RectangleF(r.Left + si.PaddingLeft,
                                        r.Top + si.PaddingTop,
                                        r.Width - si.PaddingLeft - si.PaddingRight,
                                        r.Height - si.PaddingTop - si.PaddingBottom);

                drawBrush = new SolidBrush(si.Color);
                if (si.TextAlign == TextAlignEnum.Justified) //Added from forum: Hugo
                    GraphicsExtended.DrawStringJustified(g, pt.Text, drawFont, drawBrush, r2, '-');
                else if (pt.NoClip)     // request not to clip text
                    g.DrawString(pt.Text, drawFont, drawBrush, new PointF(r.Left, r.Top), drawFormat);
                    HighlightString(g, pt, new RectangleF(r.Left, r.Top, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue),
                                    drawFont, drawFormat, cp);
                    g.DrawString(pt.Text, drawFont, drawBrush, r2, drawFormat);
                    HighlightString(g, pt, r2, drawFont, drawFormat, cp);
                if (cpim.SelectToolEnabled)
                    if (pt.AllowSelect && cpim.SelectedItemList.Contains(pt))
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, cp.SelectItemColor)), r2);
                if (drawFont != null)
                if (drawFormat != null)
                if (drawBrush != null)
        private static void HighlightString(Graphics g, PageText dtext, RectangleF r, Font f, StringFormat sf, CanvasProperties cp)
            if (cp.HighlightText == null || cp.HighlightText.Length == 0)
                return;         // nothing to highlight
            bool bhighlightItem = dtext == cp.HighlightItem ||
                                  (cp.HighlightItem != null && dtext.HtmlParent == cp.HighlightItem);

            if (!(cp.HighlightAll || bhighlightItem))
                return;         // not highlighting all and not on current highlight item
            string hlt  = cp.HighlightCaseSensitive ? cp.HighlightText : cp.HighlightText.ToLower();
            string text = cp.HighlightCaseSensitive ? dtext.Text : dtext.Text.ToLower();

            if (text.IndexOf(hlt) < 0)
                return;         // string not in text
            StringFormat sf2 = null;

                // Create a CharacterRange array with the highlight location and length
                // Handle multiple occurences of text
                List <CharacterRange> rangel = new List <CharacterRange>();
                int loc  = text.IndexOf(hlt);
                int hlen = hlt.Length;
                int len  = text.Length;
                while (loc >= 0)
                    rangel.Add(new CharacterRange(loc, hlen));
                    if (loc + hlen < len)  // out of range of text
                        loc = text.IndexOf(hlt, loc + hlen);
                        loc = -1;

                if (rangel.Count <= 0)      // we should have gotten one; but

                CharacterRange[] ranges = rangel.ToArray();

                // Construct a new StringFormat object.
                sf2 = sf.Clone() as StringFormat;

                // Set the ranges on the StringFormat object.

                // Get the Regions to highlight by calling the
                // MeasureCharacterRanges method.
                if (r.Width <= 0 || r.Height <= 0)
                    SizeF ts = g.MeasureString(dtext.Text, f);
                    r.Height = ts.Height;
                    r.Width  = ts.Width;
                Region[] charRegion = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(dtext.Text, f, r, sf2);

                // Fill in the region using a semi-transparent color to highlight
                foreach (Region rg in charRegion)
                    Color hl = bhighlightItem ? cp.HighlightItemColor : cp.HighlightAllColor;
                    g.FillRegion(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, hl)), rg);
            catch { }   // if highlighting fails we don't care; need to continue
                if (sf2 != null)
        private static void DrawImageSized(PageImage pi, Image im, Graphics g, RectangleF r, CanvasProperties cp, PageItemManager cpim)
            float     height, width;            // some work variables
            StyleInfo si = pi.SI;

            // adjust drawing rectangle based on padding
            //RectangleF r2 = new RectangleF(r.Left + PixelsX(si.PaddingLeft),
            //    r.Top + PixelsY(si.PaddingTop),
            //    r.Width - PixelsX(si.PaddingLeft + si.PaddingRight),
            //    r.Height - PixelsY(si.PaddingTop + si.PaddingBottom));
            //A.S.> convert pt to px if needed(when printing we need px, when draw preview - pt)
            RectangleF r2;

            if (g.PageUnit == GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
                r2 = new RectangleF(r.Left + (si.PaddingLeft * g.DpiX) / 72,
                                    r.Top + (si.PaddingTop * g.DpiX) / 72,
                                    r.Width - ((si.PaddingLeft + si.PaddingRight) * g.DpiX) / 72,
                                    r.Height - ((si.PaddingTop + si.PaddingBottom) * g.DpiX) / 72);
                // adjust drawing rectangle based on padding
                r2 = new RectangleF(r.Left + si.PaddingLeft,
                                    r.Top + si.PaddingTop,
                                    r.Width - si.PaddingLeft - si.PaddingRight,
                                    r.Height - si.PaddingTop - si.PaddingBottom);

            Rectangle ir;       // int work rectangle

            ir = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Left), Convert.ToInt32(r2.Top),
                               Convert.ToInt32(r2.Width), Convert.ToInt32(r2.Height));
            switch (pi.Sizing)
            case ImageSizingEnum.AutoSize:
                // Note: GDI+ will stretch an image when you only provide
                //  the left/top coordinates.  This seems pretty stupid since
                //  it results in the image being out of focus even though
                //  you don't want the image resized.
                if (g.DpiX == im.HorizontalResolution &&
                    g.DpiY == im.VerticalResolution)
                    ir = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Left), Convert.ToInt32(r2.Top),
                                       im.Width, im.Height);
                g.DrawImage(im, ir);


            case ImageSizingEnum.Clip:
                Region saveRegion = g.Clip;
                Region clipRegion = new Region(g.Clip.GetRegionData());
                g.Clip = clipRegion;
                if (g.DpiX == im.HorizontalResolution &&
                    g.DpiY == im.VerticalResolution)
                    ir = new Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(r2.Left), Convert.ToInt32(r2.Top),
                                       im.Width, im.Height);
                g.DrawImage(im, ir);
                g.Clip = saveRegion;

            case ImageSizingEnum.FitProportional:
                float ratioIm = (float)im.Height / (float)im.Width;
                float ratioR  = r2.Height / r2.Width;
                height = r2.Height;
                width  = r2.Width;
                if (ratioIm > ratioR)
                {       // this means the rectangle width must be corrected
                    width = height * (1 / ratioIm);
                else if (ratioIm < ratioR)
                {       // this means the ractangle height must be corrected
                    height = width * ratioIm;
                r2 = new RectangleF(r2.X, r2.Y, width, height);
                g.DrawImage(im, r2);

            case ImageSizingEnum.Fit:
                g.DrawImage(im, r2);

            if (cpim.SelectToolEnabled && pi.AllowSelect && cpim.SelectedItemList.Contains(pi))
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, cp.SelectItemColor)), ir);

        /// <summary>
        /// A simple draw of an entire page.  Useful when printing or creating an image.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Draw(Graphics g, int page, Pages pages, Rectangle clipRectangle, bool drawBackground, ref CanvasProperties cp, ref PageItemManager cpim)
            cp.Dpi                    = new PointF(g.DpiX, g.DpiY);      // this can change (e.g. printing graphics context)
            cp.HighlightText          = null;
            cp.HighlightItem          = null;
            cp.HighlightAll           = false;
            cp.HighlightCaseSensitive = false;

            //			g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;	// try to unfuzz charts
            g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel;
            g.ScaleTransform(1, 1);

            if (!cp.Offset.IsEmpty)    // used when correcting for non-printable area on paper
                g.TranslateTransform(cp.Offset.X, cp.Offset.Y);

            cp.Left   = 0;
            cp.Top    = 0;
            cp.Scroll = new PointF(0, 0);

            RectangleF r = new RectangleF(clipRectangle.X, clipRectangle.Y,
                                          clipRectangle.Width, clipRectangle.Height);

            if (drawBackground)
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(cp.Left, cp.Dpi.X),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(cp.Top, cp.Dpi.Y),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pages.PageWidth, cp.Dpi.X),
                    Measurement.PixelsFromPoints(pages.PageHeight, cp.Dpi.Y));

            ProcessPage(g, pages[page], r, false, cp, ref cpim);