private void Remove() { if (!Candidates.Any(c => c.IsChecked)) { return; } _dialogService.Show( "Question", "Are you sure you want to remove the selected candidates?", DialogType.Question, true, true, r => { if (r) { IsBusy = true; var requestDispatcher = _asyncRequestDispatcherFactory.CreateAsyncRequestDispatcher(); foreach (var candidate in Candidates.Where(c => c.IsChecked)) { requestDispatcher.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), new RemoveCandidateRequest { Id = candidate.Id }); } requestDispatcher.ProcessRequests(res => Load(), e => IsBusy = false); } }); }
public async Task FindSimulatorAsync() { if (Device != null) { return; } var asyncEnumerable = Candidates as IAsyncEnumerable; if (asyncEnumerable != null) { await asyncEnumerable.ReadyTask; } if (!Candidates.Any()) { ExecutionResult = TestExecutingResult.DeviceNotFound; FailureMessage = "No applicable devices found."; } else { Device = Candidates.First(); if (Platform == TestPlatform.watchOS) { CompanionDevice = simulators.FindCompanionDevice(Jenkins.SimulatorLoadLog, Device); } } }
public BenchmarkReport Go() { if (Candidates?.Any() != true) { throw new ArgumentException($"At least one {nameof(IBenchmarkCandidate<TContext>)} must be provided"); } if (BenchmarkTestContexts?.Any() != true) { throw new ArgumentException($"At least one {nameof(TContext)} must be provided"); } if (FixedNumberOfRuns < 1) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(NumberOfRuns)} must be greater than zero"); } return(new CandidateRunner <TContext>(this).Run()); }
internal RequestHandler Build() { var feature = HttpContext.Features.Get <IApiVersioningFeature>(); var request = HttpContext.Request; var method = request.Method; var requestedVersion = feature.RawRequestedApiVersion; var parsedVersion = feature.RequestedApiVersion; var actionNames = new Lazy <string>(() => Join(NewLine, Candidates.Select(a => a.DisplayName))); var allowedMethods = new Lazy <HashSet <string> >(() => AllowedMethodsFromCandidates(Candidates, parsedVersion)); var apiVersions = new Lazy <ApiVersionModel>(Candidates.Select(a => a.GetApiVersionModel()).Aggregate); var handlerContext = new RequestHandlerContext(ErrorResponseProvider, ApiVersionReporter, apiVersions); var url = new Uri(request.GetDisplayUrl()).SafeFullPath(); if (parsedVersion == null) { if (IsNullOrEmpty(requestedVersion)) { if (Options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified || Candidates.Any(c => c.GetApiVersionModel().IsApiVersionNeutral)) { return(VersionNeutralUnmatched(handlerContext, url, method, allowedMethods.Value, actionNames.Value)); } return(UnspecifiedApiVersion(handlerContext, actionNames.Value)); } else if (!TryParse(requestedVersion, out parsedVersion)) { return(MalformedApiVersion(handlerContext, url, requestedVersion)); } } else if (IsNullOrEmpty(requestedVersion)) { return(VersionNeutralUnmatched(handlerContext, url, method, allowedMethods.Value, actionNames.Value)); } else { requestedVersion = parsedVersion.ToString(); } return(Unmatched(handlerContext, url, method, allowedMethods.Value, actionNames.Value, parsedVersion, requestedVersion)); }