Exemple #1
        private ErrorCode checkStartArgs(CanMessageSendTool can_tool, canMessage2 req, canMessageId resp_id)
            ErrorCode err = ErrorCode.Ok;

            // check
            if (!m_self_test && (can_tool == null || !can_tool.IsSendingAllowed()))
                // check the can tool (expect self_tests)
                err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;
            else if (req == null || resp_id == null)
                // make sure we have not empty request and response
                err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;
            else if (req.Data.Count() == 0 || (req.Data.Count() + 1) > tx_message_len_max)
                // check request data len (we do not support multi-frame sending)
                err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;
            else if (req.Id.Is29bit != resp_id.Is29bit)
                // make sure request proto == response proto
                err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;
            else if (req.Data[0] == 0)
                // requested service cannot be 0
                err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;

Exemple #2
        // start BMW
        public ErrorCode sendRequestBMW(CanMessageSendTool can_tool, byte ecu_id, List <byte> data)
            const byte gateway_id = 0xF1;

            ErrorCode err = ErrorCode.Ok;

            // clean

            if (data.Count == 0)
            if (ecu_id == 0)

            // set specific configs for BMW
            tx_add_extra_bytes = false;
            m_req_prefix       = new List <byte> {
            m_resp_prefix = new List <byte> {

            // prepare the request and response
            canMessage2  req     = new canMessage2(createEcuAddressBmw(gateway_id), false, data.ToArray());
            canMessageId resp_id = new canMessageId(createEcuAddressBmw(ecu_id), 1, false);

            // check the arguments
            err = checkStartArgs(can_tool, req, resp_id);

            // apply
            m_can_tool = can_tool;
            m_req_msg  = req;
            m_resp_id  = resp_id;

            // send the message
            if (err == ErrorCode.Ok)
                m_expected_service = createExpectedService(data[0]);

                var uds_req = createRequestMessage();
                if (uds_req == null)
                    err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;
                    if (!sendRequest(uds_req))
                        err = ErrorCode.TxFailed;

        public ucActivationCodeSearcher(CanMessageSendTool canSendTool)

            CanTool = canSendTool;

            // this
            this.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;
            this.Margin = new Padding(0);

            // trace
            tbTrace.Dock       = DockStyle.Fill;
            tbTrace.Multiline  = true;
            tbTrace.ReadOnly   = true;
            tbTrace.Margin     = new Padding(0);
            tbTrace.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical;

            // can id
            numIdFrom.Maximum = canMessage.idMax(rb29BitId.Checked);
            numIdTo.Maximum   = canMessage.idMax(rb29BitId.Checked);

            numIdFrom.Hexadecimal = true;
            numIdTo.Hexadecimal   = true;
            numIdFrom.Minimum     = 0;
            numIdTo.Minimum       = 0;

            numIdFrom.Value = canMessage.idMax(rb29BitId.Checked);
            numIdTo.Value   = 0;

            tbBusSleep.KeyPress += Tools.textBoxHexOnlyEvent;
            tbCount.KeyPress    += Tools.textBoxHexOnlyEvent;
            tbIdCheck.KeyPress  += Tools.textBoxHexOnlyEvent;

            numIdFrom.Font      = new Font("Consolas", 9.0f, FontStyle.Italic);
            numIdFrom.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            numIdTo.Font      = numIdFrom.Font;
            numIdTo.TextAlign = numIdFrom.TextAlign;

            btnStartStop.Text = "Start";

            tbCount.Text    = "20";
            tbBusSleep.Text = "3000";
            tbData.Text     = "00";
            tbIdCheck.Text  = "500";

            tbTrace.Font = new Font("Consolas", 8.3f, FontStyle.Italic);

            // events
            rb11BitId.CheckedChanged += rbId_CheckedChanged;
            rb29BitId.CheckedChanged += rbId_CheckedChanged;
Exemple #4
        // constructor
        public UcCanReadGrid(CanMessageSendTool can)
            this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            grid      = new canDataGrid(this);

            CanTool = can;

            // menu
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Hide Backlighted");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Hide all but Backlighted");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Hide Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Hide all but Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Hide all");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("UnHide all");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Toggle Checkbox for All");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Toggle Checkbox for Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Copy Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Copy All");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Save Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Save All");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Copy Selected as Script");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Copy All as Script");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            //contextMenu.Items.Add("Copy Selected for Remoto");
            //contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Send Selected");

            // set it
            grid.contextMenuStrip = contextMenu;
Exemple #5
        // start UDS
        public ErrorCode sendRequest(CanMessageSendTool can_tool, canMessage2 req, canMessageId resp_id)
            ErrorCode err = ErrorCode.Ok;

            // clean and set

            // check the arguments
            err = checkStartArgs(can_tool, req, resp_id);

            // apply
            m_can_tool = can_tool;
            m_req_msg  = req;
            m_resp_id  = resp_id;

            // send the message
            if (err == ErrorCode.Ok)
                m_expected_service = createExpectedService(req.Data[0]);

                var uds_req = createRequestMessage();

                if (uds_req == null)
                    err = ErrorCode.InvalidArg;
                    if (!sendRequest(uds_req))
                        err = ErrorCode.TxFailed;

Exemple #6
        public UcSendMessage(CanMessageSendTool canSendTool)
            this.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;
            this.Margin = new Padding(20, 20, 20, 20);
            CanTool     = canSendTool;
            this.sender = new canSender(this);

            grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            grid.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenu;

            contextMenu.Items.Add("New message");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Edit Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Delete Selected");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Enable All");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Disable All");
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Delete All");
            contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
            contextMenu.Items.Add("Copy Selected");

            contextMenu.Opening     += ContextMenu_ContextMenuOpening;
            contextMenu.ItemClicked += onContextMenuClicked;

            items = new List <canSendWorker>();

            //gbAddMessage.Margin = new Padding(20);
            // features: refular and RTR message
            // trigger: timer, RTR response, on data

            // create grid:
            //checkbox (en/dis), type, id, dlc, data, interval, count, sent, remain
Exemple #7
        // the region contains a class constructor
        #region Constructor

        // constructor
        public UcCanTrace(CanMessageSendTool can)

            // parent
            CanTool = can;

            // grid
            // menu
            grid.ContextMenuStrip = menu;

            // send tool
            sendWrkr = new canTraceUtils.sendWorker(CanTool, this);

            mode = traceMode.pause;

            //ts = new canTraceUtils.timestamp();
            ts = new canTraceUtils.timestamp_offset();

            conv    = new canTraceUtils.mConverter();
            conv.TS = ts;

            tbPlayFrom.KeyPress += Tools.textBoxIntOnlyEvent;
            tbPlayTo.KeyPress   += Tools.textBoxIntOnlyEvent;


            cbTraceMode.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // icons
            btnTrace.Image    = Properties.Resources.icon_record;
            btnSendStep.Image = Properties.Resources.icon_step;
            btnPlay.Image     = Properties.Resources.icon_play;
            btnClear.Image    = Properties.Resources.icon_clear;

            btnSendStep.Enabled  = false;
            btnPlay.Enabled      = false;
            btnSendRange.Enabled = false;
            btnClear.Enabled     = false;

            tbPlayFrom.Enabled  = btnPlay.Enabled;
            tbPlayTo.Enabled    = btnPlay.Enabled;
            lblSendFrom.Enabled = btnPlay.Enabled;
            lblSendTo.Enabled   = btnPlay.Enabled;

            lblSendFrom.Font = new Font("Consolas", 9, FontStyle.Italic);
            lblSendTo.Font   = lblSendFrom.Font;

            cbTraceMode.Font = new Font("Consolas", 8f);

            lblTotalMsgs.Font = new Font("Calibri", 9.0f);

            foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in grid.Columns)
                col.HeaderCell.Style.Font = new Font("Calibri", 9.0f, FontStyle.Bold);

            grid.DefaultCellStyle.Font = new Font("Consolas", 8.5f);//, FontStyle.Italic);

            // System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip ToolTip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();
            //  ToolTip1.SetToolTip(this.btnTrace, "Start/Stop Recording");