Exemple #1
    private DataSet GenerateDataTable()
        string FedID_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistFed.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (FedID_List == "")
                    FedID_List = li.Value;
                    FedID_List += ", " + li.Value;

        string StatusName_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistStatus.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (StatusName_List == "")
                    StatusName_List = String.Format("[{0}]", li.Text.Trim());
                    StatusName_List += String.Format(", [{0}]", li.Text.Trim());

        int TimesReceivedGrant = 0;

        if (chkAllTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 1;

        if (chk1stTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 2;

        if (chk2ndTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 4;

        if (chk3rdTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 8;

        return(CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperCountByFed(Int32.Parse(ddlCampYear.SelectedValue), FedID_List, StatusName_List, TimesReceivedGrant));
Exemple #2
    public static DataTable GetDuplicateCampers(Role myUserRole, int CampYearID, string StatusID_List)
        DataTable dt = null;

        if (myUserRole == Role.FJCAdmin)
            dt = CamperApplicationBL.GetDuplicateCampers(CampYearID, StatusID_List);

    protected void btnReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DataSet ds;

        // Work sheet #1 - Data grouped by camp
        // the data content section of the report
        if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
            ds = CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperContactInfoReportInBatch(UserRole, param.FedID, param.FedID_List, param.CampYearID, param.CampID_List, param.StatusID_List, param.TimesReceivedGrant);
        else if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperDetailReport)
            ds = CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperDetailReportInBatch(UserRole, param.FedID, param.FedID_List, param.CampYearID, param.CampID_List, param.StatusID_List, param.TimesReceivedGrant);
            ds = CamperApplicationBL.GetFJCCamperReportInBatch(param.CamperOrg, param.ProgramTypeID, param.FedID, param.CampYearID, param.CampID_HaveData_List, param.StatusID_List, param.TimesReceivedGrant);

        string templateFile = Server.MapPath(@"~/Docs/Templates/CamperDetailReport.xls");
        string workFileDir  = Server.MapPath(@"~/Docs");

        // Make a excel report
        ExcelFile excel = new ExcelFile();


        ExcelWorksheet ws = excel.Worksheets["Sheet2"];

        //We start at first row, because for ExcelLite control, the header row is not included

        if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo || param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperDetailReport)
            BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX = 0;
            BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX = 1;

        const int CAMP_NAME_MERGED_CELL_NUMBER  = 6;
        const int REPORT_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER     = 6;
        const int REPORT_SUB_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER = 4;

        int iRow = 1;

        // Global artistic seeting
        ws.Columns[0].Width = 20 * 20;

        // Create Report Header
        CellStyle styleReportHeader = new CellStyle();

        styleReportHeader.Font.Color  = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
        styleReportHeader.Font.Size   = 22 * 20;
        styleReportHeader.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellRange ReportHeader = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, REPORT_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER);

        ReportHeader.Merged = true;
        ReportHeader.Style  = styleReportHeader;

        var fileName = "report";

        ReportHeader.Value = fileName = GetReportName(param.CamperOrg);
        ws.Name            = "By Camp";
        iRow += 1;

        // Create Report SubHeader
        CellStyle styleSubHeader = new CellStyle();

        styleSubHeader.Font.Size   = 16 * 20;
        styleSubHeader.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellRange SubHeader = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, REPORT_SUB_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER);

        SubHeader.Merged = true;
        SubHeader.Value  = String.Format("Camp Year: {0}  Generated on {1}", param.CampYear, DateTime.Now);
        SubHeader.Style  = styleSubHeader;

        iRow += 2;

        CellStyle cs = new CellStyle();

        //cs.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        cs.Font.Size   = 18 * 20;
        cs.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellStyle csFirst = new CellStyle();

        csFirst.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
        csFirst.WrapText    = true;

        ws.Columns[0].Width = 20 * 256;

        CellStyle tableHeaderStyle = new CellStyle();

        tableHeaderStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;

        CellStyle redText = new CellStyle();

        redText.Font.Color = Color.Red;

        foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables)
            CellRange cr = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, CAMP_NAME_MERGED_CELL_NUMBER);
            cr.Merged = true;

            cr.Value = dt.Rows[0]["Camp Name"].ToString();

            //if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
            //    cr.Value = dt.Rows[0]["Camp Name"].ToString();
            //    cr.Value = param.CampsThatHaveDataDict.ElementAt(ds.Tables.IndexOf(dt)).Value;

            cr.Style = cs;

            ws.Rows[iRow].Height = 25 * 20;

            iRow += 1;

            ws.Rows[iRow].Height = 25 * 20;

            CellRange crFirst = ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, 0, iRow, 0);

            if (param.CamperOrg != CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo && param.CamperOrg != CamperOrgType.CamperDetailReport)
                crFirst.Value = "Registered at Camp: Enter a Y / N here";
                crFirst.Style = csFirst;

            ws.InsertDataTable(dt, iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, true);

            // 2012-10-28 Need to make allow contact emails stand out so admins won't contact campers who wish not to be contacted
            if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
                for (int i = 0; i <= dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (ws.Cells[i + iRow, 14].Value.ToString() == "No")
                        ws.Cells[i + iRow, 14].Style = redText;
                        ws.Cells[i + iRow, 15].Style = redText;
                        ws.Cells[i + iRow, 16].Style = redText;
                for (int i = 0; i <= dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    //if (ws.Cells[i + iRow, 14].Value.ToString() == "No")
                    //    ws.Cells[i + iRow, 14].Style = redText;
                    //    ws.Cells[i + iRow, 15].Style = redText;

            // loop through each column and 1.set the width of each colum, 2. set the header style of each column
            for (int i = BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX; i <= dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
                    ws.Cells[iRow, i].Style = tableHeaderStyle;
                    if (i == 2)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 22 * 256;
                    else if (i == 3)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 16 * 256;
                    else if (i == 4)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 16 * 256;
                    else if (i == 5)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 16 * 256;
                    else if (i == 7)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 23 * 256;
                    else if (i == 5)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 15 * 256;
                    else if (i == 11)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 26 * 256;
                    else if (i == 12)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 15 * 256;
                    else if (i == 13)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 10 * 256;
                    else if (i == 14)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 10 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 20 * 256;
                    ws.Cells[iRow, i].Style = tableHeaderStyle;
                    if (i == 3)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 30 * 256;
                    else if (i == 4)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 16 * 256;
                    else if (i == 5)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 16 * 256;
                    else if (i == 7)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 23 * 256;
                    else if (i == 5)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 15 * 256;
                    else if (i == 11)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 26 * 256;
                    else if (i == 12)
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 15 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[i].Width = 20 * 256;

            iRow += dt.Rows.Count + 2;

            DataTable dtTotal;

            if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.EnrollmentConfirmationFJC || param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.EnrollmentConfirmationPartner)
                dtTotal = CreateTotalTablePerCamp(dt);
            else if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.Synagogue)
                dtTotal = CreateTotalTablePerSynag(dt);
                dtTotal = null;

            if (param.CamperOrg != CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo && param.CamperOrg != CamperOrgType.CamperDetailReport)
                ws.InsertDataTable(dtTotal, iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, true);

                for (int i = BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX; i <= dtTotal.Columns.Count; i++)
                    ws.Cells[iRow, i].Style = tableHeaderStyle;

                iRow += dtTotal.Rows.Count + 3;

        // ************************** second tab ********************************
        // Second alternate sheet that list all rows as table format
        // Camper Detail Report (for Program admin) doesn't need to show the whole list
        if (param.CamperOrg != CamperOrgType.EnrollmentConfirmationFJC && param.CamperOrg != CamperOrgType.EnrollmentConfirmationPartner)
            var ws2 = excel.Worksheets["Sheet1"];

            ws2.Name = fileName;
            DataTable dtAlternate;

            if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
                dtAlternate = CamperApplicationDA.GetCamperContactInfoReportInBatch(UserRole, param.FedID, param.FedID_List,
                                                                                    param.CampYearID, param.CampID_List, param.StatusID_List, param.TimesReceivedGrant);
            else if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperDetailReport)
                dtAlternate = CamperApplicationDA.GetCamperDetailReportInBatch(UserRole, param.FedID, param.FedID_List,
                                                                               param.CampYearID, param.CampID_List, param.StatusID_List, param.TimesReceivedGrant);
                dtAlternate = CamperApplicationDA.GetFJCCamperReportInBatch(param.CamperOrg, param.ProgramTypeID,
                                                                            param.FedID, param.CampYearID, param.CampID_HaveData_List, param.StatusID_List);

            dtAlternate.Columns.RemoveAt(0);     // We don't want the first column, which is CampID

            iRow                = 1;
            ReportHeader        = ws2.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, REPORT_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER);
            ReportHeader.Merged = true;
            ReportHeader.Style  = styleReportHeader;
            ReportHeader.Value  = GetReportName(param.CamperOrg);

            ws2.Rows[iRow].Height = 25 * 20;

            iRow += 1;

            ws2.Rows[iRow].Height = 25 * 20;
            // Create Report SubHeader
            SubHeader        = ws2.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, iRow, REPORT_SUB_HEADER_CELL_NUMBER);
            SubHeader.Merged = true;
            SubHeader.Value  = "Camp Year: " + param.CampYear;
            SubHeader.Style  = styleSubHeader;

            iRow += 2;

            ws2.InsertDataTable(dtAlternate, iRow, BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX, true);

            // 2012-10-28 Need to make allow contact emails stand out so admins won't contact campers who wish not to be contacted
            if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
                for (int i = 0; i <= dtAlternate.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (ws2.Cells[i + iRow, 14].Value.ToString() == "No")
                        ws2.Cells[i + iRow, 14].Style = redText;
                        ws2.Cells[i + iRow, 15].Style = redText;
                        ws2.Cells[i + iRow, 16].Style = redText;

            ws2.Rows[iRow].Style = tableHeaderStyle;
            if (param.CamperOrg == CamperOrgType.CamperContactInfo)
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX].Width      = 16 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 1].Width  = 28 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 2].Width  = 28 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 3].Width  = 14 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 4].Width  = 16 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 5].Width  = 23 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 10].Width = 26 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 11].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 14].Width = 25 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 15].Width = 25 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 16].Width = 25 * 256;
                // Camper Detail Report
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX].Width      = 15 * 256; // CampID
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 1].Width  = 30 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 2].Width  = 25 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 3].Width  = 25 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 4].Width  = 30 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 5].Width  = 18 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 6].Width  = 30 * 256;  // Camp Name
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 9].Width  = 22 * 256;  // Session Datea
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 10].Width = 18 * 256;  // Timer
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 12].Width = 25 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 13].Width = 25 * 256;
                ws2.Columns[BEGIN_COLUMN_INDEX + 14].Width = 25 * 256;
            // since there is no whole list report, we need to delete sheet1

        excel.Worksheets.ActiveWorksheet = excel.Worksheets[0];

        // Save to a file on the local file system
        string filename = String.Format("\\{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}.xls", DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Millisecond, fileName);
        string newFile  = workFileDir + filename;


        string[] strFileParts = newFile.Split(new string[] { "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

        //Display excel spreadsheet
        this.Response.Buffer = true;
        this.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + strFileParts[strFileParts.Length - 1]);
        this.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
        this.Response.Charset     = "";

        if (newFile.Length == 0)
            this.Response.Write("Error encountered - no spreadsheet to display");

 private static DataTable GenerateDataTable(ReportParamCampersFJC param)
     return(CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperSummaryReport(param.CampYearID, param.FedID, param.CampID_List, param.StatusID_List));
    private DataTable GenerateDataTable()
        // Prepare the necessary data before query the database
        string CampID_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistCamp.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (CampID_List == "")
                    CampID_List = li.Value;
                    CampID_List += ", " + li.Value;

        string StatusName_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistStatus.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (StatusName_List == "")
                    StatusName_List = String.Format("[{0}]", li.Text.Trim());
                    StatusName_List += String.Format(", [{0}]", li.Text.Trim());

        DataTable   dt;
        ProgramType pt;

        string FedID_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in ddlProgram.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (FedID_List == "")
                    FedID_List = li.Value;
                    FedID_List += ", " + li.Value;

        if (ddlProgram.SelectedValue == "0")
            pt = ProgramType.CIP;
        else if (ddlProgram.SelectedValue == "1")
            pt = ProgramType.JWest;
            pt = ProgramType.All;

        // We have to know if the user is FJC or Fed Admin.  For Fed Admin, we can only show camps that are associated with specific Federation
        // There is one to one relationship between Fed Admin and a Federation, so UserID of FedAdmin is enough to know FedID
        if (UserRole == Role.FederationAdmin)
            dt = CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperCountByCamp(Int32.Parse(ddlCampYear.SelectedValue), pt, CampID_List, StatusName_List, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]));
        else if (UserRole == Role.FJCAdmin)
            dt = CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperCountByCamp(Int32.Parse(ddlCampYear.SelectedValue), pt, CampID_List, StatusName_List, -1);
        else if (UserRole == Role.CampDirector)
            dt = CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperCountByCamp(Int32.Parse(ddlCampYear.SelectedValue), pt, CampID_List, StatusName_List, -1);
            // Other possible roles, use the most stringent rule first
            dt = CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperCountByCamp(Int32.Parse(ddlCampYear.SelectedValue), pt, CampID_List, StatusName_List, Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"]));
    private DataSet GenerateDataSet()
        string FedID_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistFed.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (FedID_List == "")
                    FedID_List = li.Value;
                    FedID_List += ", " + li.Value;

        if (FedID_List == "")
            FedID_List = "3, 4";

        string CampID_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistCamp.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (CampID_List == "")
                    CampID_List = li.Value;
                    CampID_List += ", " + li.Value;

        string StatusID_List = "";

        foreach (ListItem li in chklistStatus.Items)
            if (li.Selected)
                if (StatusID_List == "")
                    StatusID_List = String.Format("{0}", li.Value.Trim());
                    StatusID_List += String.Format(", {0}", li.Value.Trim());

        int TimesReceivedGrant = 0;

        if (chkAllTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 1;

        if (chk1stTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 2;

        if (chk2ndTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 4;

        if (chk3rdTimers.Checked)
            TimesReceivedGrant += 8;

        return(CamperApplicationBL.GetCamperByState(Int32.Parse(ddlCampYear.SelectedValue), FedID_List, CampID_List, StatusID_List, TimesReceivedGrant));