private bool game_menu_steal_wait_on_condition(MenuCallbackArgs args)

            GoalStealTime = CampaignTime.HoursFromNow(KleptomaniaSubModule.settings.HoursWaitingToSteal);       //Goal time is 4 hours wait by default

        public override void StartEvent()
            if (Settings.GeneralSettings.DebugMode)
                InformationManager.DisplayMessage(new InformationMessage($"Starting {this.RandomEventData.EventType}", RandomEventsSubmodule.textColor));

            List <InquiryElement> inquiryElements = new List <InquiryElement>();

            inquiryElements.Add(new InquiryElement("a", "Order the men to gather some food.", null));
            inquiryElements.Add(new InquiryElement("b", "There's no time.", null));

            MultiSelectionInquiryData msid = new MultiSelectionInquiryData(
                eventTitle,                                                                                                                                                      // Title
                "While traveling you come across a large meadow with grazing deer surrounded by grape vines. If you have some spare time, perhaps you could collect some food.", // Description
                inquiryElements,                                                                                                                                                 // Options
                false,                                                                                                                                                           // Can close menu without selecting an option. Should always be false.
                1,                                                                                                                                                               // Force a single option to be selected. Should usually be true
                "Okay",                                                                                                                                                          // The text on the button that continues the event
                null,                                                                                                                                                            // The text to display on the "cancel" button, shouldn't ever need it.
                (elements) =>                                                                                                                                                    // How to handle the selected option. Will only ever be a single element unless force single option is off.
                if ((string)elements[0].Identifier == "a")
                    Campaign.Current.TimeControlMode = CampaignTimeControlMode.UnstoppableFastForwardForPartyWaitTime;

                    MobileParty.MainParty.IsActive = false;

                    waitPos = MobileParty.MainParty.Position2D;

                    //hourlyTickEvent = CampaignEvents.CreatePeriodicEvent(1f, 0f);
                    hourlyTickEvent = CampaignEvents.CreatePeriodicEvent(CampaignTime.HoursFromNow(1f), CampaignTime.Zero);
                    hourlyTickEvent.AddHandler(new MBCampaignEvent.CampaignEventDelegate(HourlyTick));
                else if ((string)elements[0].Identifier == "b")
                    MessageBox.Show($"Error while selecting option for \"{this.RandomEventData.EventType}\"");
                null);                 // What to do on the "cancel" button, shouldn't ever need it.

            InformationManager.ShowMultiSelectionInquiry(msid, true);