// raycasts towards selected point and returns hit result
    private void CheckCollisionsFor(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint, ref CameraWhisker result)
        RaycastHit outHit;

        result.distance  = (toPoint - fromPoint).magnitude;
        result.hitPoint  = toPoint;
        result.hitNormal = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3 direction = (toPoint - fromPoint).normalized;
        bool    hasHit    =
                out outHit,
                1   // Default layer

        result.hasHit    = hasHit;
        result.direction = direction;

        if (hasHit)
            result.distance  = outHit.distance;
            result.hitPoint  = outHit.point;
            result.hitNormal = outHit.normal;
    // searches through (WHISKERS_COUNT/2) right raycasts and returns the one with the closest hit
    private CameraWhisker FindClosestRightObstacle()
        float minDistance = float.MaxValue;

        // default 45 deg whisker
        CameraWhisker closestObstacleWhisker = null;

        for (int i = (int)(WHISKERS_COUNT * 0.5f); i < WHISKERS_COUNT; i++)
            Vector3 direction = Vector3.Slerp(transform.right, transform.forward, (WHISKERS_COUNT - i) / (WHISKERS_COUNT - WHISKERS_COUNT * 0.5f));
            // rotate the direction towards the character
            direction = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -m_lookOffset, 0f) * direction;

            CheckCollisionsFor(transform.position, transform.position + direction * m_whiskerLength, ref whiskers[i]);
            if (whiskers[i].hasHit)
                if (whiskers[i].distance < minDistance)
                    closestObstacleWhisker = whiskers[i];
                    minDistance            = whiskers[i].distance;

    void Awake()
        for(int i = 0; i < WHISKERS_COUNT; i++)
            whiskers[i] = new CameraWhisker();

        tempMaxDistance = maxDistance;
    void Awake()
        for (int i = 0; i < WHISKERS_COUNT; i++)
            whiskers[i] = new CameraWhisker();

        tempMaxDistance = maxDistance;
    public void CollectCameraWhiskers()
        Vector3 targetFocusDir = (cameraFocusTarget.position - transform.position).normalized;

        CheckCollisionsFor(cameraFocusTarget.position, transform.position, ref lineOfSight);
        CheckCollisionsFor(transform.position, transform.position - targetFocusDir * tempMaxDistance, ref backWhisker);

        left  = FindClosestLeftObstacle();
        right = FindClosestRightObstacle();
    public void CollectCameraWhiskers()
        Vector3 targetFocusDir = (cameraFocusTarget.position - transform.position).normalized;

        CheckCollisionsFor(cameraFocusTarget.position, transform.position, ref lineOfSight);
        CheckCollisionsFor(transform.position, transform.position - targetFocusDir * tempMaxDistance, ref backWhisker);

        left = FindClosestLeftObstacle();
        right = FindClosestRightObstacle();
    // raycasts towards selected point and returns hit result
    private void CheckCollisionsFor(Vector3 fromPoint, Vector3 toPoint, ref CameraWhisker result)
        RaycastHit outHit;

        result.distance = (toPoint - fromPoint).magnitude;
        result.hitPoint = toPoint;
        result.hitNormal = Vector3.zero;

        Vector3 direction = (toPoint - fromPoint).normalized;
        bool hasHit = 
                out outHit,
                1   // Default layer
        result.hasHit = hasHit;
        result.direction = direction;

            result.distance = outHit.distance;
            result.hitPoint = outHit.point;
            result.hitNormal = outHit.normal;