Exemple #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //player = gameObject.transform.GetComponentInParent<UnitBehavior>(); // added to link the camera to the parent with the unitbehavior script
        clientPlayers = new List <UnitBehavior>();
        //add connected players somehow????
        targetPosition = player.transform.position;
        ClickEffect = GameObject.Instantiate(ClickObject, targetPosition, Quaternion.identity);
        mouseHeld   = false;
        CameraControllerOfflineScript playerCameraScript = mainCamera.GetComponent <CameraControllerOfflineScript>();

        if (playerCameraScript != null)
            playerCameraScript.Target = player.gameObject;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (minimapcamcontroller != null)
            //set minimap's target to the main camera's player object.
            minimapcamcontroller.Target      = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraControllerOfflineScript>().Target;
            TargetDisplay.transform.position = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraControllerOfflineScript>().Target.transform.position + Vector3.up * (1.1f);
            //set minimap's target2 to the main camera's 2nd target.
            minimapcamcontroller.Target2 = Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraControllerOfflineScript>().Target2;
            minimapcam.backgroundColor   = _Unrevealed;
            //get the minimap camera
            minimapcam = GameObject.Find("MinimapCamera").GetComponent <Camera>();
            //get that camera's control script
            minimapcamcontroller = minimapcam.GetComponent <CameraControllerOfflineScript>();

         * //when the floor is finished creating itself, apply color changes
         * if (floor != null) {
         *  if (!hasGivenColors & floor.FloorSize == floor.PathSize )
         *  {
         *      //set the scale of our target display
         *      TargetDisplay.transform.localScale = new Vector3(floor.roomWidth/4, floor.roomWidth/4, floor.roomWidth/4);
         *      hasGivenColors = true;
         *      foreach (WRoom o in floor.map)
         *      {
         *          o._Unrevealed = _Unrevealed;
         *          o._Revealed = _Revealed;
         *          o._NotCleared = _NotCleared;
         *          o._Visited = _Visited;
         *          o.minirend.material = mat;
         *      }
         *  }
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  //get the floor.
         *  floor = GameObject.Find("DungeonController").GetComponent<DungeonManager>().myfloor;
         * }
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// changes color of the room's roof object based on relative position.
    /// also changes the floor flags for the minimap class to use
    /// </summary>
    void UpdateRoofing()
        if (target == null || target.model == null)
            //Debug.Log("target or target model is null, so no roof to update.");
        foreach (WRoom o in myfloor.map)

        //now we have a target, make the target room's roof clear, and the connection rooms semi-clear
        //target.model.transform.Find("Roof").GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_MainColor", CurrentRoomColor);
        //set hasbeenrevealed for this object which the player is now in.
        target.hasBeenRevealed = true;
        //set hasbeenvisited for this object which the player is now in.
        target.hasBeenVisited = true;
        CameraControllerOfflineScript cam = GameObject.Find("Camera").GetComponent <CameraControllerOfflineScript>();

        cam.Target2 = target.model;
        UnitBehavior unit = playerObject.GetComponent <UnitBehavior>();

        if (unit != null)
            cam.SetBattle(unit.inBattle); //lets the camera know whether to zoom out or not.
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            if (target.connections[i] != null)
                //target.connections[i].model.transform.Find("Roof").GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_MainColor", ConnectedRoomColor);
                //since this connected room is partially revealed, reflect this in the map.
                target.connections[i].hasBeenRevealed = true;