/// <summary> /// OnMethodEnd callback /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Type of the target</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">Instance value, aka `this` of the instrumented method.</param> /// <param name="exception">Exception instance in case the original code threw an exception.</param> /// <param name="state">Calltarget state value</param> /// <returns>Return value of the method</returns> public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { if (!Tracer.Instance.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(IntegrationName)) { return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); } SynchronizationContext context = SynchronizationContext.Current; try { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(null); // We have to ensure the flush of the buffer after we finish the tests of an assembly. // For some reason, sometimes when all test are finished none of the callbacks to handling the tracer disposal is triggered. // So the last spans in buffer aren't send to the agent. // Other times we reach the 500 items of the buffer in a sec and the tracer start to drop spans. // In a test scenario we must keep all spans. Tracer.Instance.FlushAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } finally { SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(context); } return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
internal static CallTargetReturn EndInvocationVoid(Exception exception, Scope scope, ILambdaExtensionRequest requestBuilder) { scope?.Dispose(); Flush(); NotifyExtensionEnd(requestBuilder, scope, exception != null); return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { CallTargetReturn returnValue = CallTargetReturn.GetDefault(); string msg = $"{returnValue} {nameof(Noop3ArgumentsVoidIntegration)}.OnMethodEnd<{typeof(TTarget).FullName}>({instance}, {exception}, {state})"; Console.WriteLine(msg); return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// OnAsyncMethodEnd callback /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Type of the target</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">Instance value, aka `this` of the instrumented method.</param> /// <param name="exception">Exception instance in case the original code threw an exception.</param> /// <param name="state">Calltarget state value</param> /// <returns>A response value, in an async scenario will be T of Task of T</returns> public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd<TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { var scope = state.Scope; scope.DisposeWithException(exception); return CallTargetReturn.GetDefault(); }
public static CallTargetReturn EndMethod <TIntegration, TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { if (IntegrationOptions <TIntegration, TTarget> .IsIntegrationEnabled) { return(EndMethodHandler <TIntegration, TTarget> .Invoke(instance, exception, state)); } return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { CallTargetReturn returnValue = CallTargetReturn.GetDefault(); Console.WriteLine($"ProfilerOK: EndMethod(0)<{typeof(Noop1ArgumentsVoidIntegration)}, {typeof(TTarget)}>({instance}, {exception?.ToString() ?? "(null)"}, {state})"); if (instance?.GetType().Name.Contains("ThrowOnEnd") == true) { Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown."); throw new Exception(); } return(returnValue); }
/// <summary> /// OnMethodEnd callback /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Type of the target</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">Instance value, aka `this` of the instrumented method.</param> /// <param name="exception">Exception instance in case the original code threw an exception.</param> /// <param name="state">Calltarget state value</param> /// <returns>A response value, in an async scenario will be T of Task of T</returns> public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { var span = state.Segment; if (span is not null) { if (exception is not null) { span.CaptureException(exception); } span.End(); } return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception?exception, CallTargetState state) { if (!TracerManager.Instance.DirectLogSubmission.Settings.IsIntegrationEnabled(IntegrationId.ILogger)) { return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); } if (exception is not null) { // If there's an exception during the constructor, things aren't going to work anyway return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); } LoggerFactoryIntegrationCommon <TTarget> .AddDirectSubmissionLoggerProvider(instance); return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
/// <summary> /// OnMethodEnd callback /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Type of the target</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">Instance value, aka `this` of the instrumented method.</param> /// <param name="exception">Exception instance in case the original code threw an exception.</param> /// <param name="state">Calltarget state value</param> /// <returns>A response value, in an async scenario will be T of Task of T</returns> public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { if (state.State is Action <ITypedDeliveryHandlerShimAction> updateHandlerAction && instance.TryDuckCast <ITypedDeliveryHandlerShimAction>(out var shim)) { try { updateHandlerAction.Invoke(shim); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "There was an error updating the delivery report handler to "); // Not ideal to close the span here immediately, but as we can't trace the result, // we don't really have a choice state.Scope?.Span.Finish(); } } return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
static EndMethodHandler() { try { DynamicMethod dynMethod = IntegrationMapper.CreateEndMethodDelegate(typeof(TIntegration), typeof(TTarget)); if (dynMethod != null) { _invokeDelegate = (InvokeDelegate)dynMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(InvokeDelegate)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CallTargetInvokerException(ex); } finally { if (_invokeDelegate is null) { _invokeDelegate = (instance, exception, state) => CallTargetReturn.GetDefault(); } } }
public Task <HttpResponseMessage> PublicSendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Task <HttpResponseMessage> result = CachedResult; CallTargetState state = CallTargetState.GetDefault(); CallTargetReturn <Task <HttpResponseMessage> > cReturn = CallTargetReturn <Task <HttpResponseMessage> > .GetDefault(); Exception exception = null; try { try { state = CallTargetInvoker.BeginMethod <HttpClientHandlerIntegration, HttpClientHandler, HttpRequestMessage, CancellationToken>(this, request, cancellationToken); } catch (Exception ex) { CallTargetInvoker.LogException <HttpClientHandlerIntegration, HttpClientHandler>(ex); } result = CachedResult; } catch (Exception ex) { exception = ex; throw; } finally { try { cReturn = CallTargetInvoker.EndMethod <HttpClientHandlerIntegration, HttpClientHandler, Task <HttpResponseMessage> >(this, result, exception, state); result = cReturn.GetReturnValue(); } catch (Exception ex) { CallTargetInvoker.LogException <HttpClientHandlerIntegration, HttpClientHandler>(ex); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// OnMethodEnd callback /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Type of the target</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">Instance value, aka `this` of the instrumented method.</param> /// <param name="exception">Exception instance in case the original code threw an exception.</param> /// <param name="state">Calltarget state value</param> /// <returns>A response value, in an async scenario will be T of Task of T</returns> public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }
/// <summary> /// OnMethodEnd callback /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TTarget">Type of the target</typeparam> /// <param name="instance">Instance value, aka `this` of the instrumented method.</param> /// <param name="exception">Exception instance in case the original code threw an exception.</param> /// <param name="state">Calltarget state value</param> /// <returns>Return value of the method</returns> public static CallTargetReturn OnMethodEnd <TTarget>(TTarget instance, Exception exception, CallTargetState state) { Common.FlushSpans(NUnitIntegration.IntegrationId); return(CallTargetReturn.GetDefault()); }