public void Calibration(CalibrationAxis axis, float angle)
            if (ViveSR_DualCameraRig.Instance.TrackedCameraLeft == null || ViveSR_DualCameraRig.Instance.TrackedCameraRight == null)
            Vector3 vectorAxis =;

            switch (axis)
            case CalibrationAxis.X:
                vectorAxis = Vector3.right;

            case CalibrationAxis.Y:
                vectorAxis = Vector3.up;

            case CalibrationAxis.Z:
                vectorAxis = Vector3.forward;
            if (CurrentCalibrationType == CalibrationType.RELATIVE)
                ViveSR_DualCameraRig.Instance.TrackedCameraLeft.Anchor.transform.localEulerAngles += vectorAxis * angle;
                RelativeAngle += vectorAxis * angle;
            if (CurrentCalibrationType == CalibrationType.ABSOLUTE)
                ViveSR_DualCameraRig.Instance.TrackedCameraLeft.Anchor.transform.localEulerAngles  += vectorAxis * angle;
                ViveSR_DualCameraRig.Instance.TrackedCameraRight.Anchor.transform.localEulerAngles += vectorAxis * angle;
                AbsoluteAngle += vectorAxis * angle;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the projective mapping from a line.
        /// length: Real world length of the line.
        /// a, b: Image coordinates of the line vertices.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize(float lengthWorld, PointF startImage, PointF endImage, CalibrationAxis calibrationAxis)
            this.calibrationAxis = calibrationAxis;
            QuadrilateralF quadImage = MakeQuad(startImage, endImage, calibrationAxis);
            SizeF          sizeWorld = new SizeF(lengthWorld, lengthWorld);

            Initialize(sizeWorld, quadImage);
            perspective = false;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a quadrilateral from a single line.
        /// The quadrilateral will be a square with the original line at the bottom edge.
        /// </summary>
        private QuadrilateralF MakeQuad(PointF start, PointF end, CalibrationAxis calibrationAxis)
            switch (calibrationAxis)
            case CalibrationAxis.LineHorizontal:
                // Rebuild a quadrilateral as a square, assuming the passed line is the bottom edge, left to right.
                // The base quadrilateral is defined as ABCD going CW from top-left,
                // the line is making up the DC vector which will map to the +X axis.
                PointF d = start;
                PointF c = end;
                PointF a = new PointF(d.X + (c.Y - d.Y), d.Y - (c.X - d.X));
                PointF b = new PointF(a.X + (c.X - d.X), a.Y + (c.Y - d.Y));
                return(new QuadrilateralF(a, b, c, d));

            case CalibrationAxis.LineVertical:
                // Rebuild a quadrilateral as a square, assuming the passed line is the left edge, bottom to top.
                // The base quadrilateral is defined as ABCD going CW from top-left,
                // the line is making up the DA vector which will map to the +Y axis.
                PointF d = start;
                PointF a = end;
                PointF c = new PointF(d.X + (d.Y - a.Y), d.Y + (a.X - d.X));
                PointF b = new PointF(a.X + (c.X - d.X), a.Y + (c.Y - d.Y));
                return(new QuadrilateralF(a, b, c, d));

            case CalibrationAxis.ImageAxes:
                // Rebuild a quadrilateral as a square aligned to the normal image axes (except Y goes up).
                // The base quadrilateral is defined as ABCD going CW from top-left,
                // the line length is giving the length of the DC edge of the square.
                float  length = GeometryHelper.GetDistance(start, end);
                PointF d      = start;
                PointF c      = new PointF(d.X + length, d.Y);
                PointF a      = new PointF(d.X + (c.Y - d.Y), d.Y - (c.X - d.X));
                PointF b      = new PointF(a.X + (c.X - d.X), a.Y + (c.Y - d.Y));
                return(new QuadrilateralF(a, b, c, d));
Exemple #4
        public void ReadLineXml(XmlReader r, PointF scaling)
            float    length = 0;
            SegmentF line   = SegmentF.Empty;

            calibrationAxis = CalibrationAxis.LineHorizontal;

            while (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                switch (r.Name)
                case "Length":
                    length = float.Parse(r.ReadElementContentAsString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                case "Segment":
                    line = ParseSegment(r, scaling);

                case "Origin":
                    // Import from older format.
                    origin = XmlHelper.ParsePointF(r.ReadElementContentAsString());
                    if (float.IsNaN(origin.X) || float.IsNaN(origin.Y))
                        origin = PointF.Empty;

                    origin = origin.Scale(scaling.X, scaling.Y);

                case "Axis":
                    calibrationAxis = (CalibrationAxis)Enum.Parse(typeof(CalibrationAxis), r.ReadElementContentAsString());

                case "Scale":
                    // Import and convert from older format.
                    // Create a fake line of 100 px horizontal at the origin.
                    float  bakedScale   = float.Parse(r.ReadElementContentAsString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    float  lengthPixels = 100;
                    PointF start        = origin;
                    PointF end          = origin.Translate(lengthPixels, 0);
                    line   = new SegmentF(start, end);
                    length = lengthPixels * bakedScale;

                    // The actual origin should be expressed in the calibrated plane coordinate system, which has its true origin at the A point of the quad.
                    origin = new PointF(0, length);

                    string unparsed = r.ReadOuterXml();
                    log.DebugFormat("Unparsed content in KVA XML: {0}", unparsed);


            // Update mapping.
            size      = new SizeF(length, length);
            quadImage = MakeQuad(line.Start, line.End, calibrationAxis);

            mapping.Update(new QuadrilateralF(size.Width, size.Height), quadImage);
            valid       = quadImage.IsConvex;
            initialized = true;
Exemple #5
        public void CalibrationByLine_Initialize(Guid id, float length, PointF a, PointF b, CalibrationAxis calibrationAxis)
            calibrationDrawingId = id;
            PointF aRectif = distortionHelper.Undistort(a);
            PointF bRectif = distortionHelper.Undistort(b);

            calibrationPlane.Initialize(length, aRectif, bRectif, calibrationAxis);