public Result ProcessData(Request request)
            DateTime start;
            TimeSpan time;

            Worker.Priority = request.Priority;
            start           = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Worker.ProcessData called for " + request.JobID + " - " + request.TaskID + "- priority=" + request.Priority);
            //process Data here and return processed data

            Result result = new Result();

            result.JobID  = request.JobID;
            result.TaskID = request.TaskID;
            // Console.Write("Calculating NPV for trades: { ");
            //  foreach (int id in request.TradeIds)
            // {
            //   Console.Write(id + " ");
                Dictionary <String, Double[]> resData = CalculateUtil.execute(tradeProxy, localCache, request.TradeIds, request.Rate);
                result.resultData = resData;
                time = DateTime.Now - start;
                result.Processingtime = time.Milliseconds;
            catch (Exception e)

        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string path)
            string userAuthenResult = await UserAuthentication();

            if (!userAuthenResult.Equals(string.Empty))

            User   user  = GetUser();
            string token = user.Token;

            FormControl formControl = await _formControlService.FindByPathForm(path);

            if (formControl == null)
            string assign = formControl.Assign;

            bool isFormPending = CalculateUtil.IsFormPendingOrExpired(formControl.Start);
            bool isFormExpired = !CalculateUtil.IsFormPendingOrExpired(formControl.Expired);

            if (isFormPending || isFormExpired)

            bool isFormAssignToUser = await IsFormAssignToUser(token, assign, user.IdGroup);

            if (assign.Equals(Keywords.AUTHENTICATED) || isFormAssignToUser)
                string res1 = await _formService.FindFormWithToken(token, path);

                JObject resJSON = JObject.Parse(res1);

                string res2 = await _submissionService.FindSubmissionsByPage(token, path, 1);

                JArray jsonArray      = JArray.Parse(res2);
                bool   isNotSubmitted = jsonArray.Count == 0;
                if (isNotSubmitted)
                    ViewBag.Link  = string.Empty;
                    ViewBag.Title = Messages.HAS_NOT_SUBMITTED_MESSAGE;
                    ViewBag.Link  = APIs.ModifiedForm(path);
                    ViewBag.Title = resJSON.GetValue(Keywords.TITLE).ToString();
                    ViewBag.Id    = ((JObject)jsonArray[0]).GetValue(Keywords.ID).ToString();
                    ViewBag.Data  = ((JObject)jsonArray[0]).GetValue(Keywords.DATA).ToString();
                ViewBag.User = user;


Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// 更新棋局
    /// </summary>
    public static void UpdateChessGame()
        CalculateUtil.UpdateChessData();        //更新棋局
        Dictionary <GameObject, Vector2> temp = new Dictionary <GameObject, Vector2>();

        foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Vector2> kvp in CalculateUtil.chess2Vector)
            temp.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
        maps.Add(temp);  //添加棋谱
        // GET: Orders
        public ActionResult Index()
            fakeOrders = fakeOrders.Where(k => (k.orderDate).Year == 2017).ToList();
            CalculateUtil cal = new CalculateUtil();

            foreach (Order item in fakeOrders)
                item.price = cal.CalculateDiscount(item.price, item.quantity);
            //return View(fakeOrders);
            // ascending order by date
            return(View(fakeOrders.OrderBy(order => order.orderDate).ToList()));
Exemple #5
        public void Getdiscount_If_Quantity_More_than_30()
            //item.price = cal.CalculateDiscount(item.price, item.quantity);
            Order         obj = new Order();
            CalculateUtil cal = new CalculateUtil();

            obj.quantity = 40;
            decimal result = cal.CalculateDiscount(obj.price, obj.quantity);

            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDecimal(33.5), result);
Exemple #6
        public void Getdiscount_If_Quantity_Less_Or_Equal_10()
            //item.price = cal.CalculateDiscount(item.price, item.quantity);
            Order         obj = new Order();
            CalculateUtil cal = new CalculateUtil();

            obj.quantity = 5;
            decimal result = cal.CalculateDiscount(obj.price, obj.quantity);

            Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToDecimal(5.0), result);
        public async Task <List <Form> > FindForms(string token, string email, int page)
            List <Form> list   = new List <Form>();
            string      apiURI = APIs.FORM_URL + "?type=form&sort=-created&owner=" + email + "&limit=" + Configs.NUMBER_ROWS_PER_PAGE
                                 + "&skip=" + (page - 1) * Configs.NUMBER_ROWS_PER_PAGE + "&select=name,title,path,tags";

            HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpUtil.GetAsync(token, apiURI);

            if (response == null || !response.IsSuccessStatusCode)

            string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            JArray jArray = JArray.Parse(content);

            foreach (JObject jObject in jArray)
                string name   = jObject.GetValue(Keywords.NAME).ToString();
                string title  = jObject.GetValue(Keywords.TITLE).ToString();
                string path   = jObject.GetValue(Keywords.PATH).ToString();
                long   amount = await _submissionService.CountSubmissions(token, path);

                FormControl formControl = await _formControlService.FindByPathForm(path);

                if (formControl == null)

                string start   = formControl.Start;
                string expired = formControl.Expired;
                string assign  = formControl.Assign;

                List <string> tags = new List <string>();
                foreach (string tag in JArray.Parse(jObject.GetValue(Keywords.TAGS).ToString()))

                int    durationPercent = CalculateUtil.GetDurationPercent(start, expired);
                string typeProgressBar = CalculateUtil.GetTypeProgressBar(durationPercent);
                list.Add(new Form(name, title, path, amount, start, expired, tags, durationPercent, typeProgressBar,

        public static void GenenateJobs()
            int parallelThread = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfJobs / parallelThread; i++)
                GridService[] gridServiceA = new GridService[parallelThread];
                for (int j = 0; j < parallelThread; j++)
                    GridService gridService = GridAPI.createService(i + "");
                    Dictionary <String, String> parameters = new Dictionary <String, String>();
                    parameters.Add("param1", ((i * 10) + j) + "");
                    Console.WriteLine("Submiting Job");
                    Job job = gridService.Submit("Function1", parameters);
                    gridServiceA[j] = gridService;
                Task <ServiceData>[] taskArray =
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[0].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[1].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[2].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[3].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[4].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[5].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[6].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[7].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[8].CollectNext(1000)),
                    Task <ServiceData> .Factory.StartNew(() => gridServiceA[9].CollectNext(1000))
                ServiceData[] serviceDataA = new ServiceData[taskArray.Length];
                for (int k = 0; k < taskArray.Length; k++)
                    serviceDataA[k] = taskArray[k].Result;
                    for (int l = 0; l < serviceDataA[k].Data.Length; l++)
                        if (serviceDataA[k].Data[l] != null)
                            CalculateUtil.subreducer(aggResults, serviceDataA[k].Data[l].resultData);
                            totalCalcTime += serviceDataA[k].Data[l].Processingtime;
                    Console.WriteLine("From GenenateJobs using Task now Results found for k=" + k);
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// 悔棋点击事件
 /// </summary>
 public void Undo_Click()
     if (maps.Count >= 3)
         Dictionary <GameObject, Vector2> temp = maps[maps.Count - 1 - 2];
         foreach (KeyValuePair <GameObject, Vector2> kvp in temp)
             CalculateUtil.ResetChessByMaps(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
         maps.RemoveRange(maps.Count - 2, 2);
         Chess_Boss.DetectBeAttacked(CalculateUtil.chess2Vector, CalculateUtil.vector2Chess);
         //GameObject.Find("UndoButton").GetComponent<Button>().enabled = false;
Exemple #10
 public void play()
     if (isTouch)
         bingV = VRTK_DeviceFinder.GetControllerRightHand().GetComponent <VRTK_ControllerEvents>().GetVelocity();
         if (bingV.magnitude > 0.8f && !isMoved)                                         //如果玩家挥拍了
             isMoved = true;                                                             //移动标志位置true
             gailv();                                                                    //判断概率
             gestureJudge();                                                             //判断手势
             position = qiu.transform.position;                                          //获取球的位置
             qiu.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = speA;                             //给球一个回去的速度
             resultB = CalculateUtil.getPosAndSpeB(position, speA);                      //计算球落点的位置
             posB    = resultB[0];                                                       //计算落球点B的位置
             shock();                                                                    //判断游戏是否结束
             Constant.isOutside = false;                                                 //顺利运行到这里表示未出界
             isTouch            = false;                                                 //球未到玩家击球范围
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// 通过AI来移动
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chess2Vector"></param>
 /// <param name="vector2Chess"></param>
 /// <param name="target">移动的目标位置</param>
 /// <param name="realMove">是真的移动还是假设移动?</param>
 public void Move(Dictionary <GameObject, Vector2> chess2Vector, Dictionary <Vector2, GameObject> vector2Chess, Vector2 target, bool realMove)
     Vector2[] canMovePoints = CanMovePoints(chess2Vector, vector2Chess).ToArray();
     if (realMove)
         for (int i = 0; i < canMovePoints.Length; i++)
             if (target == canMovePoints[i])
                 //假设移动完后,获取移动后的棋局状况 然后再检测有没有将军
                 ArrayList moveAssumptionData = CalculateUtil.MoveAssumption(gameObject, target);
                 Chess_Boss.DetectBeAttacked((Dictionary <GameObject, Vector2>)moveAssumptionData[0], (Dictionary <Vector2, GameObject>)moveAssumptionData[1]);
        private async Task <List <Form> > AddFormToList(string token, List <Form> listForm, List <FormControl> listFormControl)
            foreach (FormControl formControl in listFormControl)
                string path    = formControl.PathForm;
                string start   = formControl.Start;
                string expired = formControl.Expired;

                int    durationPercent = CalculateUtil.GetDurationPercent(start, expired);
                string typeProgressBar = CalculateUtil.GetTypeProgressBar(durationPercent);

                string formRes = await _formService.FindFormWithToken(token, path);

                JObject formResJSON = JObject.Parse(formRes);
                if (formResJSON.Count == 0)
                string        title     = formResJSON.GetValue(Keywords.TITLE).ToString();
                List <string> tags      = new List <string>();
                JArray        tagsArray = (JArray)formResJSON.GetValue(Keywords.TAGS);
                foreach (JObject tag in tagsArray)

                string submissionsRes = await _submissionService.FindSubmissionsByPage(token, path, 1);

                JArray submissionResJSON = JArray.Parse(submissionsRes);
                bool   isSubmitted       = submissionResJSON.Count != 0;

                bool isPending = CalculateUtil.IsFormPendingOrExpired(start);

                listForm.Add(new Form(title, path, start, expired, tags, durationPercent, typeProgressBar, isSubmitted, isPending));

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            url = args[0];
            Int32 batchSize = 10000;

            numOfTrades = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to Space:" + url);
            SpaceProxy = GigaSpacesFactory.FindSpace(url);
            Console.WriteLine("Inserting " + numOfTrades + " Trades in the space");
            Int32 k = 0;

            Trade[] trades;
            if (numOfTrades <= batchSize)
                trades = new Trade[numOfTrades];
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfTrades; i++)
                    trades[i] = CalculateUtil.generateTrade(i + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfTrades / batchSize; i++)
                    trades = new Trade[batchSize];
                    for (int j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
                        trades[j] = CalculateUtil.generateTrade(k + 1);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");