Exemple #1
        public CalculatePiNumberOutput CalculatePiNumber(CalculatePiInput input)
            //For xUnit testing, its not able to get caught by the Validation, so I made this control here. It works for xUnit Testing purposes.
            if (input.IterationCount <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Iteraction Count can not be less or equal to zero");

            decimal pi = 0;

            for (decimal i = 0; i < input.IterationCount; i++)
                pi += 2 / (((4 * i) + 1) * ((4 * i) + 3));

            return(new CalculatePiNumberOutput {
                piNumber = pi * 4
        public IActionResult CalculatePiNumber([FromBody] CalculatePiInput input)
            var piNumberOutput = _calculateService.CalculatePiNumber(input);
