public void TestLine(string input, bool resolve = true)
            // First, let's parse it
            CalcObject obj1 = CLInterpreter.Interpret(input);

            // And put it back to string and back
            string     code2 = obj1.ToCode();
            CalcObject obj3  = CLInterpreter.Interpret(code2);
            string     code4 = obj3.ToCode();

            // code2 and code4 need to match
            Assert.AreEqual(code2, code4, "code2 and code4 don't match on line: " + input);

            // We'll stop here if we're testing non-deterministic functions
            if (!resolve)

            // Then, let's get the value
            CalcValue  val5  = obj1.GetValue();
            string     code6 = val5.ToCode();
            CalcObject obj7  = CLInterpreter.Interpret(code6);
            string     code8 = obj7.ToCode();
            CalcValue  val9  = obj7.GetValue();

            // code6 and code8 need to match
            Assert.AreEqual(code6, code8, "code6 and code8 don't match on line: " + input);

            // val5 and val9 also need to match
            Assert.AreEqual(val5, val9, "val5 and val9 don't match on line: " + input);
Exemple #2
        public string TestLine(string line, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context, string expected)
            // We'll parse the line as usual
            CalcObject obj1  = CLInterpreter.Interpret(line);
            string     code2 = obj1.ToCode();
            CalcObject obj3  = CLInterpreter.Interpret(code2);
            string     code4 = obj3.ToCode();

            // Make sure things look right
            Assert.AreEqual(code2, code4);

            // Now get the value out of it
            CalcValue  val5  = obj3.GetValue(vars, context);
            string     code6 = val5.ToCode();
            CalcObject obj7  = CLInterpreter.Interpret(code6);
            string     code8 = val5.ToCode();
            CalcValue  val9  = obj7.GetValue(vars, context);

            // Make sure things still look right
            Assert.AreEqual(code6, code8);
            Assert.AreEqual(val5, val9);

            // Now we should also make sure the values reported are as expected.
            Assert.AreEqual(code8, expected);

            // And we'll return the final value so it can be used later!
Exemple #3
        private void Set()
            if (this.nRows == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Generate data first.");
                int    row = Row;
                int    col = Col;
                string val = CalcValue.ToString();

      [row, col] = val;

            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid row and column index.\r\nException: " + ex1.Message);
            catch (FormatException ex2)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid row and column index.\r\nException: " + ex2.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// 适用于Calc.D Calc.E
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ValueC AsValueC()
     // value值为 >123 或 =123 或 >123
     if (CalcType != CalcType.D && CalcType != CalcType.E)
         return(new ValueC(false));
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CalcValue))
         return(new ValueC(false));
     if (CalcValue[0] != '<' && CalcValue[0] != '=' && CalcValue[0] != '>')
         return(new ValueC(false));
         return(new ValueC(true)
             Opt = CalcValue[0], Param = Convert.ToInt32(CalcValue.Substring(1))
     catch (Exception)
         return(new ValueC(false));
Exemple #5
        private void ExecuteSetCommand(object param)
            if (NRows == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Generate data first.");

                int    row = Row;
                int    col = Col;
                string val = CalcValue.ToString();
                if (this.nRows != row && this.nCols != col)
                    data[row, col] = val;
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid row and column index.\nThis field is belongs to Sum of the rows and columns");

            catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid row and column index.\r\nException: " + ex1.Message);
            catch (FormatException ex2)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid row and column index.\r\nException: " + ex2.Message);
        // Gets the parameter at a given index in the params list as a value.
        public static CalcValue ValueAt(CalcObject[] pars, int index, string name, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            if (pars.Length <= index)
                throw new CLException($"{name} parameter {index} was not specified.");
            CalcValue val = pars[index].GetValue(vars, context);

Exemple #7
        private static DiceDie FunctionDie(CalcObject[] pars, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            if (pars.Length < 2)
                throw new CLException("{!die} requires two params: A number and a value.");

            CalcNumber num = NumberAt(pars, 0, "!die", vars, context);
            CalcValue  val = pars[1].GetValue();

            return(new DiceDie(num.Value, val));
Exemple #8
        // Returns the list, with all its elements negated.
        public static CalcValue PreMinusList(CalcObject param, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            CalcList lstParam = param as CalcList;

            CalcValue[] lstRet = new CalcValue[lstParam.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < lstRet.Length; i++)
                lstRet[i] = PrefixMinus.Run(lstParam[i], vars, context);

            return(new CalcList(lstRet));
                /// <summary>
                /// Calc.A
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public ValueA AsValueA()
                    // value值为 or:count>123,amount<789 或 and:count>123,amount<789
                    if (CalcType != CalcType.A)
                        return(new ValueA(false));
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CalcValue))
                        return(new ValueA(false));
                    var value = CalcValue.ToLower();

                    if (value.StartsWith("and") || value.StartsWith("or"))
                            var o = new ValueA(true);
                            var a = value.Split(':')[0];
                            if (a == "and")
                                o.And = true;
                            var tmp    = value.Split(':')[1];
                            var vals   = tmp.Split(',');
                            var status = false;
                            foreach (var val in vals)
                                if (val.StartsWith("count"))
                                    status       = true;
                                    o.CountOpt   = val.Substring(5, 1)[0];
                                    o.CountParam = Convert.ToInt32(val.Substring(6));
                                else if (val.StartsWith("amount"))
                                    status        = true;
                                    o.AmountOpt   = val.Substring(6, 1)[0];
                                    o.AmountParam = Convert.ToInt32(val.Substring(7));
                            return(status ? o : new ValueA(false));
                        catch (Exception)
                            return(new ValueA(false));
                    return(new ValueA(false));
Exemple #10
        // Gets the parameter at a given index in the params list as a number.
        internal static CalcNumber NumberAt(CalcObject[] pars, int index, string name, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            if (pars.Length <= index)
                throw new CLException(name + " parameter " + index + " was not specified.");
            CalcValue val = pars[index].GetValue(vars, context);

            if (!(val is CalcNumber num))
                throw new CLCastException(name + " parameter " + index + " must be a number.");
Exemple #11
        // Returns the quotient of a list's items over a number.
        public static CalcValue BinDivideList(CalcObject left, CalcObject right, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            CalcList   lstLeft  = left as CalcList;
            CalcNumber numRight = right as CalcNumber;

            // We will *not* do string checking here
            // It's entirely possible someone writes a string divider and this function will use it.

            CalcValue[] lstRet = new CalcValue[lstLeft.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < lstRet.Length; i++)
                lstRet[i] = BinaryDivide.Run(lstLeft[i], numRight, vars, context);

            return(new CalcList(lstRet));
Exemple #12
 private void buttonEqualization_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (textEkran.Text != "")
         double temp;
         if (labelTemp.Text.EndsWith("+"))
             if (Double.TryParse(textEkran.Text, out temp))
                 CalcValue = CalcValue + temp;
         else if (labelTemp.Text.EndsWith("-"))
             if (Double.TryParse(textEkran.Text, out temp))
                 CalcValue = CalcValue - temp;
         else if (labelTemp.Text.EndsWith("*"))
             if (Double.TryParse(textEkran.Text, out temp))
                 CalcValue = CalcValue * temp;
         else if (labelTemp.Text.EndsWith("/") && textEkran.Text != "0" && textEkran.Text != "0." && textEkran.Text != "-0." && textEkran.Text != "-0" && textEkran.Text != "-")
             if (Double.TryParse(textEkran.Text, out temp))
                 CalcValue = CalcValue / temp;
         else if (textEkran.Text == "0" || textEkran.Text == "0." || textEkran.Text == "-0." || textEkran.Text == "-0" || textEkran.Text == "-")
             labelTemp.Text = "Division by zero!";
     textEkran.Text = CalcValue.ToString();
     if (labelTemp.Text != "Division by zero!")
         labelTemp.Text = String.Empty;
Exemple #13
        // Concatenates two lists.
        public static CalcValue BinPlusLists(CalcObject left, CalcObject right, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            CalcList lstLeft  = left as CalcList;
            CalcList lstRight = right as CalcList;

            CalcValue[] lstRet = new CalcValue[lstLeft.Count + lstRight.Count];

            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < lstLeft.Count; i++)
                lstRet[i] = lstLeft[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < lstRight.Count; j++)
                lstRet[i + j] = lstRight[j];

            return(new CalcList(lstRet));
Exemple #14
        // Multiplies a list by a number.
        public static CalcValue BinTimesList(CalcObject left, CalcObject right, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            CalcList   lstLeft  = left as CalcList;
            CalcNumber numRight = right as CalcNumber;

            // If it has a string, we'll just repeat the list multiple times.
            if (lstLeft.HasString())
                int count = (int)numRight;
                if (count < 0)
                    throw new CLException("Lists cannot be repeated negative times.");

                CalcValue[] lstRet = new CalcValue[lstLeft.Count * count];

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < lstLeft.Count; j++)
                        lstRet[i * lstLeft.Count + j] = lstLeft[j];

                return(new CalcList(lstRet));
                // Otherwise we'll multiply everything by the number.
                CalcValue[] lstRet = new CalcValue[lstLeft.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < lstRet.Length; i++)
                    lstRet[i] = BinaryTimes.Run(lstLeft[i], numRight, vars, context);
                return(new CalcList(lstRet));
                /// <summary>
                /// Calc.B Calc.C
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns></returns>
                public ValueB AsValueB()
                    // value值为 or:123,789 或 and:123,789
                    if (CalcType != CalcType.B && CalcType != CalcType.B)
                        return(new ValueB(false));
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CalcValue))
                        return(new ValueB(false));
                    var value = CalcValue.ToLower();
                    var tmp   = value.Split(':');
                    var op    = tmp[0];

                    if (op == "and" || op == "or")
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp[0]))
                                var o = new ValueB(true);
                                o.And = op == "and";
                                var v = tmp[1].Split(',');
                                o.Param = v.Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToArray();

                            catch (Exception)
                                return(new ValueB(false));
                    return(new ValueB(false));
Exemple #16
        private static CalcValue BinDice(CalcObject left, CalcObject right, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            int         limit = int.MaxValue;
            DiceContext dc    = null;

            // We need to get the limits if they've been set
            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(DiceContext), out Type actualDiceContext))
                dc    = (DiceContext)(context.Get(actualDiceContext));
                limit = Math.Min(dc.PerRollLimit, dc.PerFunctionLimit - dc.PerFunctionUsed);
                if (limit == 0)
                    throw new LimitedDiceException();

            CalcNumber numLeft  = (CalcNumber)left;
            CalcNumber numRight = null;
            CalcList   lstRight = null;
            bool       list     = false;

            // Now figure out how many dice to roll...
            int count = (int)(numLeft.Value);

            // ... and whether or not it's within limits (including the limitation that it must be positive)
            if (count <= 0)
                throw new CLException("The number of dice to roll must be positive.");
            else if (count > limit)
                count = limit;

            // also remember to actually UPDATE the limits! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
            if (dc != null)
                dc.PerFunctionUsed += count;

            // Now figure out how many sides each die has...
            int sides = 0;

            // (Are we using a list or a number for the sides?)
            if (right is CalcNumber)
                numRight = (CalcNumber)right;
                sides    = (int)(numRight.Value);
            else if (right is CalcList)
                lstRight = (CalcList)right;
                sides    = lstRight.Count;
                list     = true;

            // ... and ensure it's at least one.
            if (sides < 1)
                throw new CLException("Dice must have at least one side.");

            // Now we can roll the dice!
            CalcValue[] ret = new CalcValue[count];

            Random rand = null;

            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(Random), out Type actualRandom))
                rand = (Random)(context.Get(actualRandom));
                rand = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int choice = rand.Next(sides);
                if (list)
                    CalcValue val = lstRight[choice];
                    if (val is CalcNumber valNum)
                        ret[i] = new DiceDie(valNum.Value, lstRight);
                    else if (val is CalcList valList)
                        ret[i] = new DiceDie(valList.Sum(), lstRight);
                        throw new CLException("Dice must be numeric values."); // maybe I'll change this one day
                    ret[i] = new DiceDie(choice + 1, new CalcNumber(sides));

            CalcList output = new CalcList(ret);

            // Add to roll history
            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(List <(string, CalcList)>), out Type actual))
                List <(string, CalcList)> history = (List <(string, CalcList)>)context.Get(actual);
                history.Add(($"{left.ToCode()}d{right.ToCode()}", output));

 public DiceDie(decimal value, CalcValue sides) : base(value)
     Sides = sides;
Exemple #18
        private static CalcValue KeepDropNumber(CalcList list, int count, bool keep, bool highest, CLLocalStore vars)
            // Shortcuts
            if (list.Count == 0)
                vars["_d"] = new CalcList(new CalcValue[0]);
            if (count >= list.Count)
                if (keep)
                    vars["_d"] = new CalcList(new CalcValue[0]);
                    vars["_d"] = list;
                    return(new CalcList(new CalcValue[0]));
            else if (count <= 0)
                if (keep)
                    vars["_d"] = list;
                    return(new CalcList(new CalcValue[0]));
                    vars["_d"] = new CalcList(new CalcValue[0]);

            // The long way
            int found = 0;

            bool[]  action  = new bool[list.Count];
            decimal next    = highest ? decimal.MinValue : decimal.MaxValue;
            decimal current = next;

            decimal[] values = new decimal[list.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                // Get value of list item
                CalcValue  val = list[i];
                CalcNumber num = val as CalcNumber;
                if (num == null)
                    num = ListToNum(val);
                values[i] = num.Value;

            while (found < count)
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count && found < count; i++)
                    // If this is already one we found, skip it
                    if (action[i])

                    // Otherwise, if it's the next value, grab it
                    if (values[i] == current)
                        action[i] = true;

                    // Otherwise, check to see if it can be the next value
                    if (highest)
                        next = Math.Max(next, values[i]);
                        next = Math.Min(next, values[i]);

                current = next;
                next    = highest ? decimal.MinValue : decimal.MaxValue;

            // Now make the outputs
            CalcValue[] fits   = new CalcValue[count];
            CalcValue[] noFits = new CalcValue[list.Count - count];

            // Split the values into the two lists
            int fitCount   = 0;
            int noFitCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                if (action[i])
                    fits[fitCount++] = list[i];
                    noFits[noFitCount++] = list[i];

            if (keep)
                vars["_d"] = new CalcList(noFits);
                return(new CalcList(fits));
                vars["_d"] = new CalcList(fits);
                return(new CalcList(noFits));
Exemple #19
        private static CalcValue CompRerolls(CalcObject left, CLComparison comp, CalcObject right, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context, bool keep = false, bool recurse = false)
            CalcList   lstLeft  = (CalcList)left;
            CalcNumber numRight = (CalcNumber)right;

            List <CalcValue> output = new List <CalcValue>();

            DiceContext dc        = null;
            int         limit     = 0;
            int         limitUsed = 0;

            // We need to get the limits if they've been set
            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(DiceContext), out Type actualDiceContext))
                dc    = (DiceContext)(context.Get(actualDiceContext));
                limit = Math.Min(dc.PerRollLimit, dc.PerFunctionLimit - dc.PerFunctionUsed);
                if (limit == 0)
                    throw new LimitedDiceException();

            // Go through the list
            foreach (CalcValue val in lstLeft)
                decimal value;
                if (val is CalcNumber valNum)
                    value = valNum.Value;
                else if (val is CalcList valList)
                    value = valList.Sum();
                    throw new CLException("Re-rolls only work with numeric values.");

                // If it's a value we need to re-roll
                if (comp.CompareFunction(value, numRight.Value))
                    // Keep the original value ("x" and "xr" operators)
                    if (keep)

                    // Now make another value (or recurse)
                    bool redo = true;

                    // Now figure out how many sides each die has...
                    int       sides = 0;
                    bool      list  = false;
                    CalcValue dSides;

                    CalcList lstSides = null;

                    if (val is DiceDie die)
                        dSides = die.Sides;

                        // (Are we using a list or a number for the sides?)
                        if (dSides is CalcNumber nSides)
                            sides = (int)(nSides.Value);
                        else if (dSides is CalcList lSides)
                            lstSides = lSides;
                            sides    = lSides.Count;
                            list     = true;
                        decimal valValue = 0;
                        if (val is CalcNumber nVal)
                            valValue = nVal.Value;
                        else if (val is CalcList lVal)
                            valValue = lVal.Sum();
                            throw new CLException("Reroll only works with numeric values.");

                        if (valValue < 0)
                            valValue *= -1;

                        sides =
                            (valValue <= 6) ? 6 :
                            (valValue <= 20) ? 20 :
                            (valValue <= 100) ? 100 :
                            (valValue <= 1000) ? 1000 :
                            (valValue <= 10000) ? 10000 :
                            (valValue <= 100000) ? 100000 :
                            (valValue <= 1000000) ? 1000000 :
                            (valValue <= 10000000) ? 10000000 :
                            (valValue <= 100000000) ? 100000000 :
                            (valValue <= 1000000000) ? 1000000000 : 2147483647;

                        dSides = new CalcNumber(sides);

                    // Now we can roll the dice!
                    Random rand = null;

                    if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(Random), out Type actualRandom))
                        rand = (Random)(context.Get(actualRandom));
                        rand = new Random();

                    while (redo && limitUsed < limit)
                        int choice = rand.Next(sides);
                        decimal cValue = 0;

                        if (list)
                            CalcValue cVal = lstSides[choice];
                            if (cVal is CalcNumber cNum)
                                cValue = cNum.Value;
                                output.Add(new DiceDie(cValue, lstSides));
                            else if (cVal is CalcList cList)
                                cValue = cList.Sum();
                                output.Add(new DiceDie(cValue, lstSides));
                            cValue = choice + 1;
                            output.Add(new DiceDie(cValue, new CalcNumber(sides)));

                        // recursion?
                        if (recurse)
                            redo = comp.CompareFunction(cValue, numRight.Value);
                            redo = false;
                    // The reroll comparison wasn't satisfied

            return(new CalcList(output.ToArray()));
Exemple #20
        private static CalcValue CompUntil(CalcObject left, CLComparison comp, CalcObject right, CLLocalStore vars, CLContextProvider context)
            int limit = int.MaxValue;

            DiceContext dc = null;

            // We need to get the limits if they've been set
            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(DiceContext), out Type actualDiceContext))
                dc    = (DiceContext)(context.Get(actualDiceContext));
                limit = Math.Min(dc.PerRollLimit, dc.PerFunctionLimit - dc.PerFunctionUsed);
                if (limit == 0)
                    throw new LimitedDiceException();

            CalcNumber numLeft  = null;
            CalcList   lstLeft  = null;
            bool       list     = false;
            CalcNumber numRight = (CalcNumber)right;

            // Now figure out how many sides each die has...
            int sides = 0;

            // (Are we using a list or a number for the sides?)
            if (left is CalcNumber)
                numLeft = (CalcNumber)left;
                sides   = (int)(numLeft.Value);
            else if (left is CalcList)
                lstLeft = (CalcList)left;
                sides   = lstLeft.Count;
                list    = true;

            // ... and ensure it's at least one.
            if (sides < 1)
                throw new CLException("Dice must have at least one side.");

            // Now we can roll the dice!
            List <CalcValue> lstRet = new List <CalcValue>();

            Random rand = null;

            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(Random), out Type actualRandom))
                rand = (Random)(context.Get(actualRandom));
                rand = new Random();

            CalcList output = null;
            Type     actual = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                // First determine the value
                int        choice = rand.Next(sides);
                CalcNumber value  = null;
                if (list)
                    CalcValue val = lstLeft[choice];
                    if (val is CalcList valList)
                        value = new DiceDie(valList.Sum(), lstLeft);
                    else if (val is CalcNumber valNum)
                        value = new DiceDie(valNum.Value, lstLeft);
                    value = new DiceDie(choice + 1, new CalcNumber(sides));

                // See if it satisfies the comparison
                if (comp.CompareFunction(value.Value, numRight.Value))
                    vars["_u"] = value;

                    output = new CalcList(lstRet.ToArray());

                    // Add to roll history
                    if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(List <(string, CalcList)>), out actual))
                        List <(string, CalcList)> history = (List <(string, CalcList)>)context.Get(actual);
                        history.Add(($"{left.ToCode()}u{comp.PostfixSymbol}{right.ToCode()}", output));
                        history.Add(($"Killed above roll:", ValToList(value)));

                    // also remember to actually UPDATE the limits! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
                    if (dc != null)
                        dc.PerFunctionUsed += i + 1;


            vars["_u"] = new CalcNumber(0);
            output     = new CalcList(lstRet.ToArray());

            // Add to roll history
            if (context.ContainsDerived(typeof(List <(string, CalcList)>), out actual))
                List <(string, CalcList)> history = (List <(string, CalcList)>)context.Get(actual);
                history.Add(($"{left.ToCode()}u{comp.PostfixSymbol}{right.ToCode()}", output));

            // also remember to actually UPDATE the limits! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
            if (dc != null)
                dc.PerFunctionUsed += limit;
