/// <summary> /// Builds a list of EForms filtered by disease (if applicable) /// </summary> private void BuildEForms() { // set visibility EformComponentHolder.Visible = false; EformListPanel.Visible = true; // get static eforms var masterEformList = from eform in CaisisConfiguration.GetEformsConfigList() orderby(eform.Disease == "General" ? 0 : 1) ascending, eform.Disease ascending, eform.Name ascending select new { Name = eform.Name, Disease = eform.Disease, FileName = eform.FileName, EFormType = "static", EFormId = string.Empty, Active = eform.Active }; // filter by disease if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryDiseaseName)) { masterEformList = masterEformList.Where(e => e.Disease.Equals(QueryDiseaseName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); } if (masterEformList.Count() > 0) { // bind list of eforms EformsRptr.DataSource = masterEformList; EformsRptr.DataBind(); NoResultsMsg.Visible = false; } EFormCount.Text = masterEformList.Count().ToString(); }
private XmlDocument GetEFormsXml() { string modFolder = Caisis.UI.Core.Classes.XmlUtil.GetParentModuleDirectory(base.EFormFileName + ".xml", "EForms"); string eformsXmlFile = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.ToString() + "\\Modules\\" + modFolder + "\\EForms\\" + base.EFormFileName + ".xml"; return(CaisisConfiguration.GetEFormsXml(eformsXmlFile)); }
override protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["inquireAboutRoles"] != null && Request.QueryString["userId"].Length > 0) { AddUserTable.Visible = false; valMsg.Text = "\n\nWould you like to add this user to a group? <a href=\"AdminUserToGroup.aspx?userId=" + Request.QueryString["userId"] + "&newUser=yes\">Yes</a> <a href=\"AdminAddUser.aspx\">No</a>"; } else { base.Page_Load(sender, e); RandomPasswordHolder.Value = PageUtil.GenPassword(6); } // display the ldap search button only if we can successfully connect to LDAP if (CaisisConfiguration.PingLDAP()) { SearchLdapButton.Visible = true; } bool useLDAP = CaisisConfiguration.UseLDAP(); if (useLDAP) { PasswordValidator.Enabled = false; UseLDAPRow.Visible = true; UserPassword.Attributes["class"] = "LDAPGray"; } }
override protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { GlobalInstitution.Text = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("institutionShortName"); base.Page_Load(sender, e); base.SetTitle(ComponentTitle); }
/// <summary> /// Publish the exception to the system event log and/or database and/or error email. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex">The exception to be published.</param> /// <param name="errorType">Optional user error subject text.</param> public static void Publish(Exception ex, string errorType) { string LOWER_TRUE_STRING = bool.TrueString.ToLower(); string logErrorsToSystemEventLog = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("logErrorsToSystemEventLog"); string emailErrors = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("emailErrors"); string logErrorsToDatabase = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("logErrorsToDatabase"); //log errors to application log if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logErrorsToSystemEventLog) && logErrorsToSystemEventLog.ToLower().Equals(LOWER_TRUE_STRING)) { ExceptionHandler.WriteToApplicationLog(ex); } //send errors to admin email address if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailErrors) && emailErrors.ToLower().Equals(LOWER_TRUE_STRING)) { ExceptionHandler.SendErrorEmail(ex, errorType); } // log errors to database table for reporting in admin if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logErrorsToDatabase) && logErrorsToDatabase.ToLower().Equals(LOWER_TRUE_STRING)) { ExceptionHandler.WriteToDatabaseLog(ex); } }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ProcInstitution_1.Value = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("institutionShortName"); base.Page_Load(sender, e); string SurgeryDate = ""; if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null) { SurgeryDate = Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString(); } if (SurgeryDate.Length > 0) { SetHiddenDateFieldPair(ProcDateText_1, ProcDate_1, SurgeryDate); } ////string Surgeon = ""; //if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType] != null && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListType].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("CLINIC") && Session[SessionKey.CurrentListCrit].ToString().Length > 0) //{ // Surgeon = Session[SessionKey.CurrentListCrit].ToString(); //} //if (Surgeon.Length > 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProcSurgeon_1.Value)) //{ // if (Surgeon.IndexOf(",") > -1) // { // Surgeon = Surgeon.Remove(Surgeon.IndexOf(",")); // } // ProcSurgeon_1.Value = Surgeon; //} }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void BuildEFormDropDownList() { if (ConfigTypeName == typeof(PaperFormConfig).Name) { configName = "Paper Form"; // filter list if needed configList = CaisisConfiguration.GetPaperFormConfigList().OfType <ICaisisConfiguration>(); } else if (ConfigTypeName == typeof(EformConfig).Name) { configName = "Eform"; configList = CaisisConfiguration.GetEformsConfigList().OfType <ICaisisConfiguration>(); DefaultEForm = UserPrefDefaultEForm(); DefaultEForms = UserPrefDefaultEForms(); } // finally, filter out only active nodes configList = configList.Where(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.DisplayName) && c.Active); // get distinct list of diseases var diseases = configList.SelectMany(c => c.Diseases).Distinct(); // bind outer repeater EformDropDownRptr.DataSource = diseases; EformDropDownRptr.DataBind(); }
private void RedirectOnLogout() { // do not redirect to login page if using novell access manager; otherwise send user back to login page if (!CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("LDAPAuthenticationMode").ToLower().Equals("accessmgr")) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", false); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds a list of all tabs /// </summary> private void BuildTabs() { var tabs = CaisisConfiguration.GetModuleConfigList().Where(m => m.IsTab); //XmlDocument xmlDoc = XmlUtil.GetModulesConfigXml(); //XmlNodeList listOfTabs = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("modules/module[@isTab='true']"); TabsRptr.DataSource = tabs; TabsRptr.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a list of all tabs /// </summary> private void BuildModules() { var tabs = from tab in CaisisConfiguration.GetModuleConfigList() where tab.IsTab select tab.Name; ModulesRptr.DataSource = tabs; ModulesRptr.DataBind(); ModulesCount.Text = tabs.Count().ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a list of Widgets specific to current User. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">The page object used to load widget controls</param> /// <returns>A list of Widgets specific to current users.</returns> public static IEnumerable <BaseWidgetControl> GetWidgets(Page page) { // retrieve all widgets var widgets = GetAllWidgets(page); // retrieve widget config var configs = CaisisConfiguration.GetWidgetConfigList(); // a list of filtered (by permission, configuration) user widgets var filteredWidgets = new List <BaseWidgetControl>(); // FILTER: filter widgets which have config nodes and are active foreach (var config in configs) { // only care about active widgets if (config.Active) { // find widget which matches config foreach (var widget in widgets) { if (widget.Name == config.Name) { // set widget properties via config SetWidgetByConfig(widget, config); // add to filtered list filteredWidgets.Add(widget); } } } } // FILTER: filter nodes which are associated with tabs XmlDocument xmlDoc = XmlUtil.GetModulesConfigXml(); string groupViewCode = page.Session[SessionKey.GroupViewCode].ToString(); TabController ct = new TabController(groupViewCode); DataTable tabs = ct.CreateTabDataTable(xmlDoc); var tabNames = from row in tabs.AsEnumerable() let tabName = row["TabName"].ToString() select tabName; var filtered = from widget in filteredWidgets where // if not associated with a module widget.Modules.Count() == 0 || // otherwise validate, user has access to at least one tab (from module in widget.Modules where tabNames.Contains(module, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) select module).Count() > 0 select widget; // return filters list return(filtered); }
private void BindSpecimensGrid() { SpecimenManagerDa da = new SpecimenManagerDa(); string _identifierType = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("SpecimenModuleDefaultId"); DataTable dt = da.GetSpecimensInCollectionForPrint(colId, _identifierType); this.totalSpecimens.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString(); this.SpecimenGridView.DataSource = dt; this.SpecimenGridView.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a list of all tabs /// </summary> private void BuildTabs() { var tabs = from tab in CaisisConfiguration.GetModuleConfigList() where tab.IsTab select tab.Name.ToUpper(); //XmlDocument xmlDoc = XmlUtil.GetModulesConfigXml(); //XmlNodeList listOfTabs = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("modules/module[@isTab='true']"); TabsRptr.DataSource = tabs; TabsRptr.DataBind(); }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsPostBack) { QueryView.SQLConnectionString = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("dbConnectionString"); QueryView.UserName = GetInstanceOwner(); QueryView.QueryTableName = "Patients"; QueryView.SavedQueriesTableName = "savedqueries"; } QueryView.DatasetSql = CacheManager.GetDatasetSQL(Page.Session[SessionKey.DatasetId]); }
/// <summary> /// Adjusts visibility of the contact admin link /// </summary> private void SetEmailLink() { string adminEmail = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("adminEmail"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminEmail)) { ContactAdminLink.Visible = true; } else { ContactAdminLink.Visible = false; } }
protected void SearchLDAP(object sender, EventArgs e) { SecurityController sc = new SecurityController(); string ldapServer = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("LDAPServer"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ldapServer)) { ldapServer = "LDAP://" + ldapServer; } string username = sc.GetUserName(); string password = DomainPassword.Text; IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > searchResults = null; try { if (LastNameSearchOption.Checked) { searchResults = SearchLDAPByLastName(SearchString.Text, ldapServer, username, password); } else if (EmailSearchOption.Checked) { searchResults = SearchLDAPByEmail(SearchString.Text, ldapServer, username, password); } else { // do nothing } } // ?? ideally validate server vs client auth exception catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessage.Visible = true; } // build results SearchResults.DataSource = searchResults; SearchResults.DataBind(); if (searchResults == null || searchResults.Count() == 0) { SearchResultsRow.Visible = false; } else { SearchResults.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select a user ...", "")); SearchResultsRow.Visible = true; } }
// Checks EForm Registry to see if form should autoprint when approved protected bool PromptForPrint() { XmlNode node = CaisisConfiguration.GetEFormNode(this.EFormName); if (node != null) { XmlAttribute nodeAtt = node.Attributes["promptForPrint"]; if (nodeAtt != null) { return(nodeAtt.Value.Length > 0 && nodeAtt.Value.ToLower() == "true"); } } return(false); }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { base.Page_Load(sender, e); EFormTitle.Text = base.EFormTitle; // PatientName.Text = ""; if (Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName] != null && Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName].ToString().Length > 0) { PatientName.Text = ""; PatientName.Text += Session[SessionKey.PtFirstName].ToString(); } if (Session[SessionKey.PtLastName] != null && Session[SessionKey.PtLastName].ToString().Length > 0) { PatientName.Text += " " + Session[SessionKey.PtLastName].ToString(); } // centralize setting of new eform drop down this with eform list ListItemCollection lic = new ListItemCollection(); lic.Add(new ListItem("", "")); XmlNodeList list = CaisisConfiguration.GetEFormsList(); foreach (XmlNode node in list) { string name = node.Attributes["displayname"].Value; string value = node.Attributes["name"].Value; ListItem item = new ListItem(name, value); lic.Add(item); } // Old Code to populate dropdown list //lic.Add(new ListItem("Prostate Surgery EForm", "Prostate Surgery EForm")); ////lic.Add(new ListItem("Prostate New Patient EForm", "Prostate New Patient EForm")); //lic.Add(new ListItem("Urology Prostate Follow Up", "Uro Pros FU")); //lic.Add(new ListItem("GU Prostate Follow Up", "GU Pros FU")); EFormDropDown.DataSource = lic; EFormDropDown.DataTextField = "Text"; EFormDropDown.DataValueField = "Value"; EFormDropDown.DataBind(); string epid = CustomCryptoHelper.Encrypt(Session[SessionKey.PatientId].ToString()); StartNewEFormImg.Attributes.Add("onClick", "if (checkEformTypeChosen('" + EFormDropDown.ClientID + "')) { startBtnClick(this.id, '" + epid + "' ) } else { alert('Please select an EForm type.') }"); // set repeater this.SetPatientEFormList(); // this.ShowEFormNarrative(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { txtTo.ReadOnly = true; MailForm.Visible = true; sentMessageTable.Visible = false; if (Page.IsPostBack) { if (txtFrom.Text != null && txtFrom.Text.Length > 0) { this.btnSend_Click(sender, e); MailForm.Visible = false; sentMessageTable.Visible = true; } /* else * { * ErrorMsg.Text = "Please enter a valid email address in the 'from' field."; * } */ } else { // if (Request.QueryString["userError"] != null && Request.QueryString["userError"].Length > 0 && Request.QueryString["userError"] == "true") { txtSubject.Text = "Caisis Error Report"; } UserDa user = new UserDa(); DataSet ds = user.GetByUserName(User.Identity.Name); //populate from address if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string emailAddress = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserEmail"].ToString(); fromFName.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserFirstName"].ToString(); fromLName.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserLastName"].ToString(); fromUName.Value = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); if (emailAddress != null && !emailAddress.Equals("")) { txtFrom.Text = emailAddress; txtFrom.ReadOnly = true; } } txtTo.Text = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("adminEmail"); } }
/// <summary> /// Build a list of all eform components, filtered by disease /// </summary> private void BuildEFormComponents() { // set visibility EformComponentHolder.Visible = true; EformListPanel.Visible = false; // get componenets by disease if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(QueryDiseaseName)) { var components = from component in GetEformComponentsByDisease(QueryDiseaseName) select new { Disease = QueryDiseaseName, Component = component.Key, Path = component.Value }; if (components.Count() > 0) { // build list of componenets EformComponentsRptr.DataSource = components; EformComponentsRptr.DataBind(); NoComponentResultsMsg.Visible = false; EFormComponentCount.Text = components.Count().ToString(); } } // combine all disease/view components else { var views = CaisisConfiguration.GetViewConfigList(); // for each view, create a list of objects represeting a component, flatten lists var components = (from view in views orderby view.Name ascending select from component in GetEformComponentsByDisease(view.Name) select new { Disease = view.Name, Component = component.Key, Path = component.Value } ).SelectMany(c => c); // build list of componenets EformComponentsRptr.DataSource = components; EformComponentsRptr.DataBind(); EFormComponentCount.Text = components.Count().ToString(); } }
override protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlobalInstitution.Text = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("institutionShortName"); base.Page_Load(sender, e); base.SetTitle(ComponentTitle); //string SurgeryDate = ""; //if (Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate] != null) SurgeryDate = Session[SessionKey.CurrentClinicDate].ToString(); //if (SurgeryDate.Length > 0) //{ // SetHiddenDateFieldPair(ProcDateText, ProcDate, SurgeryDate); //} }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListItem defaultIns = new ListItem(); defaultIns.Value = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("institutionShortName"); defaultIns.Text = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("institutionShortName"); DxInstitutionDefaultBtn.Items.Add(defaultIns); base.Page_Load(sender, e); base.SetTitle(ComponentTitle); string[] searchFilter = new string[] { "BMD", "Bone Mineral Density" }; BuildBMDDiagnostics(this._patientId, this._eformName, "Dynamic", Diagnostic.DxType, " IN ", searchFilter); }
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // get ID type from web config _identifierType = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("SpecimenModuleDefaultId"); IdentifierType.Text = _identifierType; // Set Helper variables isPostBack = Page.IsPostBack; setCriteria = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(getQS("setCriteria")); // No Value or Non-existant makes this false if (!isPostBack) { LoadPriorQueryParams(); } }
private bool HasModuleAccess(string url) { Dictionary <string, string> map = null; if (!CacheManager.IsInCache("modulesecurity")) { XmlNodeList tabs = CaisisConfiguration.GetTabsList(); map = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var q = from XmlNode x in tabs let locationEl = x["location"] let tabName = x.Attributes["name"].Value.ToUpper() where locationEl != null && locationEl.InnerText.StartsWith("/") select new { Location = locationEl.InnerText.Split('/')[1], Tab = tabName }; foreach (var t in q) { map[t.Location.ToUpper()] = t.Tab; } CacheManager.InsertIntoCache("modulesecurity", map, 240); } else { map = (Dictionary <string, string>)CacheManager.GetFromCache("modulesecurity"); } if (Session[SessionKey.GroupViewCode] != null) { string upperUrl = url.ToUpper(); string groupViewCode = Session[SessionKey.GroupViewCode].ToString(); foreach (string location in map.Keys) { if (upperUrl.Contains(location)) { return(groupViewCode.Contains(map[location])); } } } // default allow return(true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Verify User Permission and Valid Eform Id string queryEformId = Request.QueryString["encEformId"]; string queryEformName = Request.QueryString["encEformName"]; if (PermissionManager.HasPermission(PermissionManager.EditSecurity)) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = null; // load xml from db if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryEformId)) { int eformId = int.Parse(Security.CustomCryptoHelper.Decrypt(queryEformId)); BOL.EForm biz = new Caisis.BOL.EForm(); biz.Get(eformId); string eformXML = biz[BOL.EForm.EFormXML].ToString(); // attempt to load/parse xml into document try { xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(eformXML); } catch { Response.Write(eformXML); } } // load eform from file else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryEformName)) { string eformName = Security.CustomCryptoHelper.Decrypt(queryEformName); xmlDoc = CaisisConfiguration.GetEFormsXmlByName(eformName); } // write if xml document exists if (xmlDoc != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlDoc.InnerXml)) { Response.Clear(); // set header Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; // write xml to response stream xmlDoc.Save(Response.OutputStream); } // cleanup Response.Flush(); Response.End(); } }
protected void HidePasswordButtons() { string loginMode = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("LDAPAuthenticationMode"); if (string.Equals(loginMode, "On", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || string.Equals(loginMode, "AccessMgr", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { ChangePasswordButton.Visible = false; ForgotPasswordButton.Visible = false; // does it use EZ Password? string useEzPassword = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("AccessMgrURL"); if (string.Equals(useEzPassword, "ezpassword", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { EzPasswordImg.Visible = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Builds a list of all modules/tabs /// </summary> private void BuildModulesTabs() { var tabs = from tab in CaisisConfiguration.GetModuleConfigList() where tab.IsTab select tab.Name; ModulesRptr.DataSource = tabs; ModulesRptr.DataBind(); // set labels ListMainLabel.Text = "Modules / Tabs"; ListCountLabel.Text = tabs.Count().ToString(); ListLabel.Text = "Modules in Caisis"; // set list visibility ModulesRptr.Visible = true; ModuleGroupsRptr.Visible = false; }
/// <summary> /// Renders the CusotmMenu Control to the specified HtmlTextWriter /// </summary> /// <param name="output">Output writer</param> protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { EnsureDataBindings(this.Controls); this.EnableViewState = false; MenuList menu; string viewMode = new Caisis.Security.SecurityController().GetViewMode(); // special case if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CaisisConfigurationType) && CaisisConfigurationType == "PatientDataEntryConfig") { xDoc = CaisisConfiguration.GetPatientDataConfig(); menu = LoadMenusFromXml(); } else { xDoc.Load(this.MapPathSecure(this.XMLMenuFile)); if (CacheManager.IsInCache(this.XMLMenuFile + "XmlDoc") && CacheManager.IsInCache(this.XMLMenuFile + viewMode)) { XmlDocument cachedXml = (XmlDocument)CacheManager.GetFromCache(this.XMLMenuFile + "XmlDoc"); if (xDoc.InnerXml == cachedXml.InnerXml) { menu = (MenuList)CacheManager.GetFromCache(this.XMLMenuFile + viewMode); } else { menu = LoadMenusFromXml(); CacheManager.InsertIntoCache(this.XMLMenuFile + viewMode, menu, 10); CacheManager.InsertIntoCache(this.XMLMenuFile + "XmlDoc", xDoc, 10); } } else { menu = LoadMenusFromXml(); CacheManager.InsertIntoCache(this.XMLMenuFile + viewMode, menu, 10); CacheManager.InsertIntoCache(this.XMLMenuFile + "XmlDoc", xDoc, 10); } } menu.RenderControl(output); Literal l = new Literal(); l.Text = "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>if(InitMenu) { InitMenu(); }</script>"; l.RenderControl(output); }
/// <summary> /// Builds a list of default idenfitiers used for default search parameters /// as well as identifier on various forms. /// </summary> private void BuildDefaultIdentifiers() { // determine if list should be Shown string showIdentifierOnLogin = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("ShowIdentifiersOnLogin"); // only build and show list if web config key explicity set to true if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(showIdentifierOnLogin) && bool.Parse(showIdentifierOnLogin)) { LookupCodeDa lkpDa = new LookupCodeDa(); DataView defaultIdList = lkpDa.GetLookupCodesAttributeValues("IdType", "UseAsDefault").DefaultView; DefaultIdentifiersRadioList.DataSource = defaultIdList; DefaultIdentifiersRadioList.DataBind(); // only show identifiers radio when values exist if (defaultIdList.Count > 0) { // show list IdentifiersPanel.Visible = true; // select value in list if in cookie HttpCookie defaultIdTypeCookie = GetDefaultIdTypeCookie(); if (defaultIdTypeCookie != null) { string defaultIdType = defaultIdTypeCookie.Value; // if a value exists in cookie, check default radio if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultIdType)) { foreach (ListItem item in DefaultIdentifiersRadioList.Items) { if (item.Value == defaultIdType) { item.Selected = true; break; } } } } } else { IdentifiersPanel.Visible = false; } } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { string graphMode = CaisisConfiguration.GetWebConfigValue("ShowLabGraph"); if (string.Equals(graphMode, "All", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { labOpenGraph.Visible = true; } else if (string.Equals(graphMode, "PSA", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { psaOpenGraph.Visible = true; } else if (string.Equals(graphMode, "Both", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { labOpenGraph.Visible = true; psaOpenGraph.Visible = true; } base.OnLoad(e); }