public void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { color.A *= 0.85; Cairo.Color selection_color = color; Cairo.Color selection_stroke = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 0.85); selection_stroke.A = color.A; if (filled) { Cairo.Color selection_fill_light = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.05); Cairo.Color selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop(0, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop(1, selection_fill_light); cr.SetSource(grad); cr.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); cr.Fill(); grad.Dispose(); } if (stroked && !filled) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetSourceColor(selection_stroke); cr.Rectangle(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1); cr.Stroke(); } }
public void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners, bool flat_fill) { var selection_color = color; var selection_highlight = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.24); var selection_stroke = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 0.85); selection_highlight.A = 0.5; selection_stroke.A = color.A; LinearGradient grad = null; if (filled) { if (flat_fill) { cr.SetSourceColor(selection_color); } else { var selection_fill_light = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.12); var selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; grad = new LinearGradient(x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop(0, selection_fill_light); grad.AddColorStop(0.4, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop(1, selection_fill_light); cr.SetSource(grad); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x, y, width, height, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Fill(); if (grad != null) { grad.Dispose(); } } if (filled && stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetSourceColor(selection_highlight); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, Context.Radius - 1, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); } if (stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetSourceColor(selection_stroke); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); } }
public static void RenderThumbnail(Cairo.Context cr, ImageSurface image, bool dispose, double x, double y, double width, double height, bool drawBorder, double radius, bool fill, Color fillColor, CairoCorners corners) { if (image == null || image.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } double p_x = x; double p_y = y; p_x += image.Width < width ? (width - image.Width) / 2 : 0; p_y += image.Height < height ? (height - image.Height) / 2 : 0; cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; if (fill) { cr.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); cr.Color = fillColor; cr.Fill(); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, p_x, p_y, image.Width, image.Height, radius, corners); cr.SetSource(image, p_x, p_y); cr.Fill(); if (!drawBorder) { if (dispose) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose(); } return; } cr.LineWidth = 1.0; if (radius < 1) { cr.Antialias = Antialias.None; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, radius, corners); cr.Color = cover_border_light_color; cr.Stroke(); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, radius, corners); cr.Color = cover_border_dark_color; cr.Stroke(); if (dispose) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose(); } }
public override void DrawRowCursor(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { cr.LineWidth = 1.25; cr.Color = color; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + cr.LineWidth / 2.0, y + cr.LineWidth / 2.0, width - cr.LineWidth, height - cr.LineWidth, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); }
public static void RoundedRectangle(Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners) { if (r < 0.0001 || corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.Rectangle(x, y, w, h); return; } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.MoveTo(x + r, y); } else { cr.MoveTo(x, y); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, Math.PI * 0.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + h - r, r, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y); } }
public void DrawFooterBackground(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle alloc, int top_offset, bool fill) { Color gtk_background_color = GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Background, StateType.Normal); Color gtk_base_color = GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Base, StateType.Normal); Color light_color = gtk_background_color.ColorShade(1.1); Color dark_color = gtk_background_color.ColorShade(0.95); const CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight; if (fill) { LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X, alloc.Y + alloc.Height); grad.AddColorStop(0, light_color); grad.AddColorStop(0.75, dark_color); grad.AddColorStop(0, light_color); cr.Pattern = grad; cr.RoundedRectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Y + top_offset, alloc.Width, alloc.Height - top_offset, BORDER_RADIUS, corners); cr.Fill(); cr.Color = gtk_base_color; cr.Rectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.Width, top_offset); cr.Fill(); } else { cr.Color = gtk_base_color; cr.RoundedRectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.Width, alloc.Height, BORDER_RADIUS, corners); cr.Fill(); } cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Translate(alloc.Y + 0.5, alloc.Y - 0.5); cr.Color = border_color; cr.RoundedRectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Y - 4, alloc.Width - 1, alloc.Height + 4, BORDER_RADIUS, corners); cr.Stroke(); if (fill) { cr.LineWidth = 1; cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None; cr.MoveTo(alloc.X + 1, alloc.Y + 1 + top_offset); cr.LineTo(alloc.X + alloc.Width - 1, alloc.Y + 1 + top_offset); cr.Stroke(); cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; } }
public ClosableExpander() { header = new ExpanderHeader(this); PackStart(header, false, false, 0); contentBox = new VBox(); contentBox.ExposeEvent += delegate(object o, ExposeEventArgs args) { using (var cr = CairoHelper.Create(args.Event.Window)) { CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight; int r = 10; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, contentBox.Allocation.X + 0.5, contentBox.Allocation.Y + 0.5, contentBox.Allocation.Width - 1, contentBox.Allocation.Height - 1, r, corners, true); cr.LineWidth = 1; cr.Color = (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Dark(StateType.Normal); cr.Stroke(); } }; expanded = true; PackStart(contentBox, true, true, 0); ShowAll(); }
public override void DrawHeaderBackground(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle alloc) { CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight; LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X, alloc.Bottom); grad.AddColorStop(0, CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0xf6f3f3)); grad.AddColorStop(0.33, CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0xeeecec)); grad.AddColorStop(0.66, CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0xeeecec)); grad.AddColorStop(1, CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0xe1dfdf)); cr.Pattern = grad; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.Width, alloc.Height, Context.Radius, corners); cr.Fill(); cr.Color = CairoExtensions.RgbToColor(0x919191); cr.Rectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Bottom, alloc.Width, BorderWidth); cr.Fill(); grad.Destroy(); }
public override void DrawHeaderBackground(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle alloc) { Color gtk_background_color = Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Background, StateType.Normal); Color light_color = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(gtk_background_color, 1.1); Color dark_color = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(gtk_background_color, 0.95); CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight; using (LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X, alloc.Bottom)) { grad.AddColorStop(0, light_color); grad.AddColorStop(0.75, dark_color); grad.AddColorStop(0, light_color); cr.SetSource(grad); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.Width, alloc.Height, Context.Radius, corners); cr.Fill(); } cr.SetSourceColor(border_color); cr.Rectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Bottom, alloc.Width, BorderWidth); cr.Fill(); }
public override void DrawHeaderBackground(Cairo.Context cr, Gdk.Rectangle alloc) { Cairo.Color gtk_background_color = CairoExtensions.GdkRGBAToCairoColor(Widget.StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor(StateFlags.Normal)); Cairo.Color light_color = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(gtk_background_color, 1.1); Cairo.Color dark_color = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(gtk_background_color, 0.95); CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight; LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.X, alloc.Bottom); grad.AddColorStop(0, light_color); grad.AddColorStop(0.75, dark_color); grad.AddColorStop(0, light_color); cr.Pattern = grad; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, alloc.X, alloc.Y, alloc.Width, alloc.Height, Context.Radius, corners); cr.Fill(); cr.Color = border_color; cr.Rectangle(alloc.X, alloc.Bottom, alloc.Width, BorderWidth); cr.Fill(); grad.Destroy(); }
public void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { color.A *= 0.85; Cairo.Color selection_color = color; Cairo.Color selection_stroke = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 0.85); selection_stroke.A = color.A; if (filled) { Cairo.Color selection_fill_light = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 1.05); Cairo.Color selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient (x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop (0, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop (1, selection_fill_light); cr.SetSource (grad); cr.Rectangle (x, y, width, height); cr.Fill (); grad.Dispose (); } if (stroked && !filled) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetSourceColor (selection_stroke); cr.Rectangle (x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1); cr.Stroke (); } }
public abstract void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners);
public static void RenderThumbnail (Cairo.Context cr, ImageSurface image, bool dispose, double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius, bool fill, Cairo.Color fillColor, CairoCorners corners, double scale) { if (image == null || image.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { image = null; } double p_x = x; double p_y = y; if (image != null) { double scaled_image_width = scale * image.Width; double scaled_image_height = scale * image.Height; p_x += (scaled_image_width < width ? (width - scaled_image_width) / 2 : 0) / scale; p_y += (scaled_image_height < height ? (height - scaled_image_height) / 2 : 0) / scale; } cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; if (image != null) { if (fill) { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, width, height, radius, corners); cr.Color = fillColor; cr.Fill (); } cr.Scale (scale, scale); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, p_x, p_y, image.Width, image.Height, radius, corners); cr.SetSource (image, p_x, p_y); cr.Fill (); cr.Scale (1.0/scale, 1.0/scale); } else { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, width, height, radius, corners); if (fill) { var grad = new LinearGradient (x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop (0, fillColor); grad.AddColorStop (1, CairoExtensions.ColorShade (fillColor, 1.3)); cr.Pattern = grad; cr.Fill (); grad.Destroy (); } } cr.Stroke (); if (dispose && image != null) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose (); } }
protected override bool OnExposeEvent(EventExpose evnt) { Style.PaintBox(Style, evnt.Window, StateType.Insensitive, ShadowType.None, Allocation, this, "base", 0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height); var expanderBounds = GetExpanderBounds(); using (var cr = CairoHelper.Create(evnt.Window)) { CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight; if (!container.Expanded) { corners = CairoCorners.All; } int r = 10; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, 0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height, r, corners); var lg = new Cairo.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, Allocation.Height); var state = mouseOver ? StateType.Prelight : StateType.Normal; lg.AddColorStop(0, (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Mid(state)); lg.AddColorStop(1, (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Dark(state)); cr.Pattern = lg; cr.Fill(); if (mouseOver) { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, 0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height, r, corners); double rx = mx; double ry = my; Cairo.RadialGradient gradient = new Cairo.RadialGradient(rx, ry, Allocation.Width * 2, rx, ry, 2); gradient.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); Cairo.Color color = (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Light(StateType.Normal); color.A = 0.2; gradient.AddColorStop(1, color); cr.Pattern = gradient; cr.Fill(); } cr.LineWidth = 1; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, 0.5, 0.5, Allocation.Width - 1, Allocation.Height - 1, r, corners); cr.Color = (Mono.TextEditor.HslColor)Style.Dark(StateType.Normal); cr.Stroke(); using (var layout = new Pango.Layout(PangoContext)) { layout.SetMarkup(Label); int w, h; layout.GetPixelSize(out w, out h); const int padding = 4; cr.MoveTo(expanderBounds.Right + padding, (Allocation.Height - h) / 2); cr.Color = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0); cr.ShowLayout(layout); } DrawCloseButton(cr); } var state2 = mouseOver && !IsCloseSelected ? StateType.Prelight : StateType.Normal; Style.PaintExpander(Style, evnt.Window, state2, evnt.Region.Clipbox, this, "expander", expanderBounds.X + expanderBounds.Width / 2, expanderBounds.Y + expanderBounds.Width / 2, expanderStyle); return(true); }
public static void RoundedRectangle(Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners) { RoundedRectangle(cr, x, y, w, h, r, corners, false); }
public static void RoundedRectangle(this Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners, bool topBottomFallsThrough) { if (topBottomFallsThrough && corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.MoveTo(x, y - r); cr.LineTo(x, y + h + r); cr.MoveTo(x + w, y - r); cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h + r); return; } else if (r < 0.0001 || corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.Rectangle(x, y, w, h); return; } if ((corners & (CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight)) == 0 && topBottomFallsThrough) { y -= r; h += r; cr.MoveTo(x + w, y); } else { if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.MoveTo(x + r, y); } else { cr.MoveTo(x, y); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y); } } if ((corners & (CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight)) == 0 && topBottomFallsThrough) { h += r; cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); cr.MoveTo(x, y + h); cr.LineTo(x, y + r); cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5); } else { if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, Math.PI * 0.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + h - r, r, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y); } } }
public static void RenderThumbnail(Cairo.Context cr, ImageSurface image, bool dispose, double x, double y, double width, double height, bool drawBorder, double radius, bool fill, Color fillColor, CairoCorners corners) { if (image == null || image.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { image = null; } double p_x = x; double p_y = y; if (image != null) { p_x += image.Width < width ? (width - image.Width) / 2 : 0; p_y += image.Height < height ? (height - image.Height) / 2 : 0; } cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; if (image != null) { if (fill) { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x, y, width, height, radius, corners); cr.SetSourceColor(fillColor); cr.Fill(); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, p_x, p_y, image.Width, image.Height, radius, corners); cr.SetSource(image, p_x, p_y); cr.Fill(); } else { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x, y, width, height, radius, corners); if (fill) { using (var grad = new LinearGradient(x, y, x, y + height)) { grad.AddColorStop(0, fillColor); grad.AddColorStop(1, CairoExtensions.ColorShade(fillColor, 1.3)); cr.SetSource(grad); cr.Fill(); } } Banshee.CairoGlyphs.BansheeLineLogo.Render(cr, new Rectangle(x + 15, y + 15, width - 30, height - 30), CairoExtensions.RgbaToColor(0x00000044), CairoExtensions.RgbaToColor(0x00000055)); } if (!drawBorder) { if (dispose && image != null) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose(); } return; } cr.LineWidth = 1.0; if (radius < 1) { cr.Antialias = Antialias.None; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, radius, corners); cr.SetSourceColor(cover_border_light_color); cr.Stroke(); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, radius, corners); cr.SetSourceColor(cover_border_dark_color); cr.Stroke(); if (dispose && image != null) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose(); } }
public override void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { DrawRowSelection (cr, x, y, width, height, filled, stroked, color, corners, false); }
private void PaintRows(Rectangle clip) { sort_column_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < column_cache.Length; i++) { if (!column_cache [i].Column.Visible) { continue; } Column column = column_cache [i].Column; if (sortModel == null) { continue; } CellTextHeader column_cell = column.HeaderCell as CellTextHeader; if (column_cell == null) { continue; } if (column.IsSortable && sortModel.SortColumn == column) { sort_column_index = i; } } if (sort_column_index != -1 && (!pressed_column_is_dragging || pressed_column_index != sort_column_index)) { CachedColumn col = column_cache [sort_column_index]; Theme.DrawRowRule(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X + col.X1 - (int)hadjustment.Value, header_rendering_alloc.Bottom + Theme.BorderWidth, col.Width, list_rendering_alloc.Height + Theme.InnerBorderWidth * 2); } clip.Intersect(list_rendering_alloc); cairo_context.Rectangle(clip.X, clip.Y, clip.Width, clip.Height); cairo_context.Clip(); cell_context.Clip = clip; cell_context.TextAsForeground = false; int vadjustment_value = (int)vadjustment.Value; int first_row = vadjustment_value / RowHeight; int last_row; try { last_row = Math.Min(model.Count, first_row + RowsInView); } catch (DbConnectionLostException) { last_row = first_row + RowsInView; } int offset = list_rendering_alloc.Y - vadjustment_value % RowHeight; Rectangle selected_focus_alloc = Rectangle.Zero; Rectangle single_list_alloc = new Rectangle(); single_list_alloc.X = list_rendering_alloc.X - (int)(hadjustment.Value); single_list_alloc.Y = offset; single_list_alloc.Width = list_rendering_alloc.Width; single_list_alloc.Height = RowHeight; int selection_height = 0; int selection_y = 0; selected_rows.Clear(); for (int ri = first_row; ri < last_row; ri++) { if (Selection != null && Selection.Contains(ri)) { if (selection_height == 0) { selection_y = single_list_alloc.Y; } selection_height += single_list_alloc.Height; selected_rows.Add(ri); if (Selection.FocusedCell.Row == ri) { selected_focus_alloc = single_list_alloc; } } else { if (rules_hint && ri % 2 != 0) { Theme.DrawRowRule(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X, single_list_alloc.Y, single_list_alloc.Width, single_list_alloc.Height); } if (ri == drag_reorder_row_index && Reorderable) { cairo_context.Save(); cairo_context.LineWidth = 1.0; cairo_context.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None; cairo_context.MoveTo(single_list_alloc.Left, single_list_alloc.Top); cairo_context.LineTo(single_list_alloc.Right, single_list_alloc.Top); cairo_context.Color = Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Text, StateType.Normal); cairo_context.Stroke(); cairo_context.Restore(); } if (Selection != null && Selection.FocusedCell.Row == ri && !Selection.Contains(ri) && AllowSelect) { CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.All; if (Selection.Contains(ri - 1)) { corners &= ~(CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight); } if (Selection.Contains(ri + 1)) { corners &= ~(CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight); } Theme.DrawRowSelection(cairo_context, single_list_alloc.X, single_list_alloc.Y, single_list_alloc.Width, single_list_alloc.Height, false, true, Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Background, StateType.Selected), corners); } if (selection_height > 0) { Theme.DrawRowSelection(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X, selection_y, list_rendering_alloc.Width, selection_height); selection_height = 0; } PaintRow(ri, single_list_alloc, StateType.Normal); } single_list_alloc.Y += single_list_alloc.Height; } if (selection_height > 0) { Theme.DrawRowSelection(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X, selection_y, list_rendering_alloc.Width, selection_height); } if (Selection != null && Selection.Count > 1 && !selected_focus_alloc.Equals(Rectangle.Zero) && HasFocus) { Theme.DrawRowSelection(cairo_context, selected_focus_alloc.X, selected_focus_alloc.Y, selected_focus_alloc.Width, selected_focus_alloc.Height, false, true, Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Dark, StateType.Selected)); } foreach (int ri in selected_rows) { single_list_alloc.Y = offset + ((ri - first_row) * single_list_alloc.Height); PaintRow(ri, single_list_alloc, StateType.Selected); } cairo_context.ResetClip(); }
public override void DrawRowSelection(Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Color color, CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.All) { Color selection_color = color; Color selection_stroke = selection_color.ColorShade(0.85); selection_stroke.A = color.A; if (filled) { Color selection_fill_light = selection_color.ColorShade(1.12); Color selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop(0, selection_fill_light); grad.AddColorStop(0.4, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop(1, selection_fill_light); cr.Pattern = grad; cr.RoundedRectangle(x, y, width, height, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Fill(); grad.Destroy(); } if (!stroked) { return; } cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Color = selection_stroke; cr.RoundedRectangle(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); }
private void PaintRows(Rectangle clip) { // TODO factor this out? // Render the sort effect to the GdkWindow. if (sort_column_index != -1 && (!pressed_column_is_dragging || pressed_column_index != sort_column_index)) { CachedColumn col = column_cache[sort_column_index]; Theme.DrawRowRule(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X + col.X1 - HadjustmentValue, header_rendering_alloc.Bottom + Theme.BorderWidth, col.Width, list_rendering_alloc.Height + Theme.InnerBorderWidth * 2); } clip.Intersect(list_rendering_alloc); cairo_context.Rectangle(clip.X, clip.Y, clip.Width, clip.Height); cairo_context.Clip(); cell_context.Clip = clip; cell_context.TextAsForeground = false; int vadjustment_value = VadjustmentValue; int first_row = vadjustment_value / RowHeight; int last_row = Math.Min(model.Count, first_row + RowsInView); int offset = list_rendering_alloc.Y - vadjustment_value % RowHeight; Rectangle selected_focus_alloc = Rectangle.Zero; Rectangle single_list_alloc = new Rectangle(); single_list_alloc.X = list_rendering_alloc.X - HadjustmentValue; single_list_alloc.Y = offset; single_list_alloc.Width = list_rendering_alloc.Width + HadjustmentValue; single_list_alloc.Height = RowHeight; int selection_height = 0; int selection_y = 0; selected_rows.Clear(); for (int ri = first_row; ri < last_row; ri++) { if (Selection != null && Selection.Contains(ri)) { if (selection_height == 0) { selection_y = single_list_alloc.Y; } selection_height += single_list_alloc.Height; selected_rows.Add(ri); if (Selection.FocusedIndex == ri) { selected_focus_alloc = single_list_alloc; } } else { if (rules_hint && ri % 2 != 0) { Theme.DrawRowRule(cairo_context, single_list_alloc.X, single_list_alloc.Y, single_list_alloc.Width, single_list_alloc.Height); } PaintReorderLine(ri, single_list_alloc); if (Selection != null && Selection.FocusedIndex == ri && !Selection.Contains(ri) && HasFocus) { CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.All; if (Selection.Contains(ri - 1)) { corners &= ~(CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight); } if (Selection.Contains(ri + 1)) { corners &= ~(CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight); } if (HasFocus && !HeaderFocused) // Cursor out of selection. { Theme.DrawRowCursor(cairo_context, single_list_alloc.X, single_list_alloc.Y, single_list_alloc.Width, single_list_alloc.Height, CairoExtensions.ColorShade(Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Background, StateType.Selected), 0.85)); } } if (selection_height > 0) { Cairo.Color selection_color = Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Background, StateType.Selected); if (!HasFocus || HeaderFocused) { selection_color = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.1); } Theme.DrawRowSelection(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X, selection_y, list_rendering_alloc.Width, selection_height, true, true, selection_color, CairoCorners.All); selection_height = 0; } PaintRow(ri, single_list_alloc, StateType.Normal); } single_list_alloc.Y += single_list_alloc.Height; } // In case the user is dragging to the end of the list PaintReorderLine(last_row, single_list_alloc); if (selection_height > 0) { Theme.DrawRowSelection(cairo_context, list_rendering_alloc.X, selection_y, list_rendering_alloc.Width, selection_height); } if (Selection != null && Selection.Count > 1 && !selected_focus_alloc.Equals(Rectangle.Zero) && HasFocus && !HeaderFocused) // Cursor inside selection. { Theme.DrawRowCursor(cairo_context, selected_focus_alloc.X, selected_focus_alloc.Y, selected_focus_alloc.Width, selected_focus_alloc.Height, Theme.Colors.GetWidgetColor(GtkColorClass.Text, StateType.Selected)); } foreach (int ri in selected_rows) { single_list_alloc.Y = offset + ((ri - first_row) * single_list_alloc.Height); PaintRow(ri, single_list_alloc, StateType.Selected); } cairo_context.ResetClip(); }
public abstract void DrawRowSelection (Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners);
public override void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { Cairo.Color selection_color = color; Cairo.Color selection_highlight = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.24); Cairo.Color selection_stroke = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 0.85); selection_highlight.A = 0.5; selection_stroke.A = color.A; if (filled) { Cairo.Color selection_fill_light = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.12); Cairo.Color selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient(x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop(0, selection_fill_light); grad.AddColorStop(0.4, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop(1, selection_fill_light); cr.Pattern = grad; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x, y, width, height, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Fill(); grad.Destroy(); } if (filled && stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Color = selection_highlight; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, Context.Radius - 1, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); } if (stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Color = selection_stroke; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle(cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); } }
public static void RenderThumbnail (Cairo.Context cr, ImageSurface image, bool dispose, double x, double y, double width, double height, bool drawBorder, double radius, bool fill, Color fillColor, CairoCorners corners) { if (image == null || image.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { image = null; } double p_x = x; double p_y = y; if (image != null) { p_x += image.Width < width ? (width - image.Width) / 2 : 0; p_y += image.Height < height ? (height - image.Height) / 2 : 0; } cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; if (image != null) { if (fill) { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, width, height, radius, corners); cr.Color = fillColor; cr.Fill (); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, p_x, p_y, image.Width, image.Height, radius, corners); cr.SetSource (image, p_x, p_y); cr.Fill (); } else { CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, width, height, radius, corners); if (fill) { var grad = new LinearGradient (x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop (0, fillColor); grad.AddColorStop (1, CairoExtensions.ColorShade (fillColor, 1.3)); cr.Pattern = grad; cr.Fill (); grad.Destroy (); } Banshee.CairoGlyphs.BansheeLineLogo.Render (cr, new Rectangle (x + 15, y + 15, width - 30, height - 30), CairoExtensions.RgbaToColor (0x00000044), CairoExtensions.RgbaToColor (0x00000055)); } if (!drawBorder) { if (dispose && image != null) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose (); } return; } cr.LineWidth = 1.0; if (radius < 1) { cr.Antialias = Antialias.None; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, radius, corners); cr.Color = cover_border_light_color; cr.Stroke (); } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, radius, corners); cr.Color = cover_border_dark_color; cr.Stroke (); if (dispose && image != null) { ((IDisposable)image).Dispose (); } }
private void PaintList(Cairo.Context cr, Rectangle clip) { if (ChildSize.Height <= 0) { return; } // TODO factor this out? // Render the sort effect to the GdkWindow. if (sort_column_index != -1 && (!pressed_column_is_dragging || pressed_column_index != sort_column_index)) { CachedColumn col = column_cache[sort_column_index]; StyleContext.AddRegion("column", RegionFlags.Sorted); StyleContext.RenderBackground(cr, list_rendering_alloc.X + col.X1 - HadjustmentValue, header_rendering_alloc.Bottom + Theme.BorderWidth, col.Width, list_rendering_alloc.Height + Theme.InnerBorderWidth * 2); StyleContext.RemoveRegion("column"); } clip.Intersect(list_rendering_alloc); cr.Rectangle(clip.X, clip.Y, clip.Width, clip.Height); cr.Clip(); cell_context.Clip = clip; cell_context.TextAsForeground = false; int vadjustment_value = VadjustmentValue; int first_row = vadjustment_value / ChildSize.Height; int last_row = Math.Min(model.Count, first_row + RowsInView); int offset = list_rendering_alloc.Y - vadjustment_value % ChildSize.Height; Rectangle selected_focus_alloc = Rectangle.Zero; Rectangle single_list_alloc = new Rectangle(); single_list_alloc.X = list_rendering_alloc.X - HadjustmentValue; single_list_alloc.Y = offset; single_list_alloc.Width = list_rendering_alloc.Width + HadjustmentValue; single_list_alloc.Height = ChildSize.Height; int selection_height = 0; int selection_y = 0; selected_rows.Clear(); for (int ri = first_row; ri < last_row; ri++) { if (Selection != null && Selection.Contains(ri)) { if (selection_height == 0) { selection_y = single_list_alloc.Y; } selection_height += single_list_alloc.Height; selected_rows.Add(ri); if (Selection.FocusedIndex == ri) { selected_focus_alloc = single_list_alloc; } } else { StyleContext.AddClass("cell"); if (rules_hint) // TODO: check also gtk_widget_style_get(widget,"allow-rules",&allow_rules,NULL); { StyleContext.AddRegion("row", ri % 2 != 0 ? RegionFlags.Odd : RegionFlags.Even); } StyleContext.RenderBackground(cr, single_list_alloc.X, single_list_alloc.Y, single_list_alloc.Width, single_list_alloc.Height); StyleContext.RemoveRegion("row"); StyleContext.RemoveClass("cell"); PaintReorderLine(cr, ri, single_list_alloc); if (Selection != null && Selection.FocusedIndex == ri && !Selection.Contains(ri) && HasFocus) { CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.All; if (Selection.Contains(ri - 1)) { corners &= ~(CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight); } if (Selection.Contains(ri + 1)) { corners &= ~(CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight); } if (HasFocus && !HeaderFocused) // Cursor out of selection. { Theme.DrawRowCursor(cr, single_list_alloc.X, single_list_alloc.Y, single_list_alloc.Width, single_list_alloc.Height, CairoExtensions.ColorShade(CairoExtensions.GdkRGBAToCairoColor(StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor(StateFlags.Selected)), 0.85)); } } if (selection_height > 0) { StyleContext.AddClass("cell"); var bg_selected_color = StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor(StateFlags.Selected); if (bg_selected_color.Equals(StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor(StateFlags.Normal))) { // see Hyena.Log.Warning("Buggy CSS theme: same background-color for .cell:selected and .cell"); StyleContext.RemoveClass("cell"); bg_selected_color = StyleContext.GetBackgroundColor(StateFlags.Selected); StyleContext.AddClass("cell"); } Cairo.Color selection_color = CairoExtensions.GdkRGBAToCairoColor(bg_selected_color); if (!HasFocus || HeaderFocused) { selection_color = CairoExtensions.ColorShade(selection_color, 1.1); } Theme.DrawRowSelection(cr, list_rendering_alloc.X, selection_y, list_rendering_alloc.Width, selection_height, true, true, selection_color, CairoCorners.All); StyleContext.RemoveClass("cell"); selection_height = 0; } PaintRow(cr, ri, single_list_alloc, StateFlags.Normal); } single_list_alloc.Y += single_list_alloc.Height; } // In case the user is dragging to the end of the list PaintReorderLine(cr, last_row, single_list_alloc); if (selection_height > 0) { Theme.DrawRowSelection(cr, list_rendering_alloc.X, selection_y, list_rendering_alloc.Width, selection_height); } if (Selection != null && Selection.Count > 1 && !selected_focus_alloc.Equals(Rectangle.Zero) && HasFocus && !HeaderFocused) // Cursor inside selection. // Use entry to get text color { StyleContext.Save(); StyleContext.AddClass("entry"); Cairo.Color text_color = CairoExtensions.GdkRGBAToCairoColor(StyleContext.GetColor(StateFlags.Selected)); StyleContext.Restore(); Theme.DrawRowCursor(cr, selected_focus_alloc.X, selected_focus_alloc.Y, selected_focus_alloc.Width, selected_focus_alloc.Height, text_color); } foreach (int ri in selected_rows) { single_list_alloc.Y = offset + ((ri - first_row) * single_list_alloc.Height); PaintRow(cr, ri, single_list_alloc, StateFlags.Selected); } cr.ResetClip(); }
public abstract void DrawRowCursor(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners);
public override void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { if (!IsSourceViewWidget) { base.DrawRowSelection(cr, x, y, width, height, filled, stroked, color, corners, true); return; } y -= 1; x -= 1; width += 1; height += 1; color = TextMidColor; base.DrawRowSelection(cr, x, y, width, height, filled, false, color, corners, true); if (stroked) { cr.Color = color; cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None; cr.MoveTo(x, y); cr.LineTo(x + width, y); cr.Stroke(); cr.MoveTo(x, y + height); cr.LineTo(x + width, y + height); cr.Stroke(); cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; } }
public override void DrawRowCursor(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { cr.LineWidth = 1.25; cr.Color = color; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + cr.LineWidth/2.0, y + cr.LineWidth/2.0, width - cr.LineWidth, height - cr.LineWidth, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke (); }
public override void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { if (!IsSourceViewWidget) { base.DrawRowSelection (cr, x, y, width, height, filled, stroked, color, corners, true); return; } y -= 1; x -= 1; width += 1; height += 1; color = TextMidColor; base.DrawRowSelection (cr, x, y, width, height, filled, false, color, corners, true); if (stroked) { cr.SetSourceColor (color); cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.None; cr.MoveTo (x, y); cr.LineTo (x + width, y); cr.Stroke (); cr.MoveTo (x, y + height); cr.LineTo (x + width, y + height); cr.Stroke (); cr.Antialias = Cairo.Antialias.Default; } }
public void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners, bool flat_fill) { Cairo.Color selection_color = color; Cairo.Color selection_highlight = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 1.24); Cairo.Color selection_stroke = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 0.85); selection_highlight.A = 0.5; selection_stroke.A = color.A; LinearGradient grad = null; if (filled) { if (flat_fill) { cr.Color = selection_color; } else { Cairo.Color selection_fill_light = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 1.12); Cairo.Color selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; grad = new LinearGradient (x, y, x, y + height); grad.AddColorStop (0, selection_fill_light); grad.AddColorStop (0.4, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop (1, selection_fill_light); cr.Pattern = grad; } CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, width, height, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Fill (); if (grad != null) { grad.Destroy (); } } if (filled && stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Color = selection_highlight; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, Context.Radius - 1, corners, true); cr.Stroke (); } if (stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Color = selection_stroke; CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke (); } }
public override void DrawRowSelection(Cairo.Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { DrawRowSelection(cr, x, y, width, height, filled, stroked, color, corners, false); }
public static void RoundedRectangle(this Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners) { RoundedRectangle(cr, x, y, w, h, r, corners, false); }
public static void RoundedRectangle (Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners) { if (r < 0.0001 || corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.Rectangle (x, y, w, h); return; } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.MoveTo (x + r, y); } else { cr.MoveTo (x, y); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopRight) != 0) { cr.Arc (x + w - r, y + r, r, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2); } else { cr.LineTo (x + w, y); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomRight) != 0) { cr.Arc (x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, Math.PI * 0.5); } else { cr.LineTo (x + w, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.BottomLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc (x + r, y + h - r, r, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI); } else { cr.LineTo (x, y + h); } if ((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc (x + r, y + r, r, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5); } else { cr.LineTo (x, y); } }
public override void DrawRowSelection(Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Cairo.Color color, CairoCorners corners) { Color selection_color = color; Color selection_highlight = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 1.24); Color selection_stroke = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 0.85); selection_highlight.A = 0.5; selection_stroke.A = color.A; if (filled) { Color selection_fill_light = CairoExtensions.ColorShade (selection_color, 1.12); Color selection_fill_dark = selection_color; selection_fill_light.A = color.A; selection_fill_dark.A = color.A; using (LinearGradient grad = new LinearGradient (x, y, x, y + height)) { grad.AddColorStop (0, selection_fill_light); grad.AddColorStop (0.4, selection_fill_dark); grad.AddColorStop (1, selection_fill_light); cr.SetSource (grad); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x, y, width, height, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Fill (); } } if (filled && stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetSourceColor (selection_highlight); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + 1.5, y + 1.5, width - 3, height - 3, Context.Radius - 1, corners, true); cr.Stroke (); } if (stroked) { cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.SetSourceColor (selection_stroke); CairoExtensions.RoundedRectangle (cr, x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke (); } }
public static void RoundedRectangle(Cairo.Context cr, double x, double y, double w, double h, double r, CairoCorners corners, bool topBottomFallsThrough) { if(topBottomFallsThrough && corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.MoveTo(x, y - r); cr.LineTo(x, y + h + r); cr.MoveTo(x + w, y - r); cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h + r); return; } else if(r < 0.0001 || corners == CairoCorners.None) { cr.Rectangle(x, y, w, h); return; } if((corners & (CairoCorners.TopLeft | CairoCorners.TopRight)) == 0 && topBottomFallsThrough) { y -= r; h += r; cr.MoveTo(x + w, y); } else { if((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.MoveTo(x + r, y); } else { cr.MoveTo(x, y); } if((corners & CairoCorners.TopRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, System.Math.PI * 1.5, System.Math.PI * 2); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y); } } if((corners & (CairoCorners.BottomLeft | CairoCorners.BottomRight)) == 0 && topBottomFallsThrough) { h += r; cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); cr.MoveTo(x, y + h); cr.LineTo(x, y + r); cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, System.Math.PI, System.Math.PI * 1.5); } else { if((corners & CairoCorners.BottomRight) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, 0, System.Math.PI * 0.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x + w, y + h); } if((corners & CairoCorners.BottomLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + h - r, r, System.Math.PI * 0.5, System.Math.PI); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y + h); } if((corners & CairoCorners.TopLeft) != 0) { cr.Arc(x + r, y + r, r, System.Math.PI, System.Math.PI * 1.5); } else { cr.LineTo(x, y); } } }
public override void DrawRowSelection(Context cr, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool filled, bool stroked, Color color, CairoCorners corners = CairoCorners.All) { Color selection_color = new Color(56d / 255, 117d / 255, 215d / 255, color.A); Color selection_stroke = selection_color.ColorShade(0.85); selection_stroke.A = color.A; if (filled) { cr.Color = selection_color; cr.RoundedRectangle(x, y, width, height, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Fill(); } if (!stroked) { return; } cr.LineWidth = 1.0; cr.Color = selection_stroke; cr.RoundedRectangle(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1, Context.Radius, corners, true); cr.Stroke(); }