private void uploadFiles(List <FileItem> filesToUpload) { this.uploadedBytes.Clear(); ManualResetEvent[] doneEvents = null; int taskMax = filesToUpload.Count; doneEvents = new ManualResetEvent[taskMax]; this.uploadInfos = new UploadInfo[taskMax]; for (int taskId = 0; taskId < taskMax; taskId++) { this.uploadInfos[taskId] = new UploadInfo(); doneEvents[taskId] = new ManualResetEvent(false); FileUploader uploader = new FileUploader(this.syncSetting, doneEvents[taskId], this, taskId, upctl); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(uploader.uploadFile), filesToUpload[taskId]); } try { WaitHandle.WaitAll(doneEvents); CachedHash.BatchInsertOrUpdate(filesToUpload, localHashDB); SyncLog.BatchInsertOrUpdate(filesToUpload, syncLogDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("wait for job to complete error, " + ex.Message); } }
private void createOptionalDB() { //check jobs db if (!File.Exists(this.jobsDbPath)) { try { SyncRecord.CreateSyncRecordDB(this.jobsDbPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("create sync record db for job {0} failed due to {1}", this.jobId, ex.Message)); } } else { DateTime syncDateTime = DateTime.Now; try { SyncRecord.InsertRecord(this.jobId, syncDateTime, this.syncSetting, this.jobsDbPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("record sync job failed for job {0} due to {1}", this.jobId, ex.Message)); } } if (!File.Exists(this.localHashDBPath)) { try { CachedHash.CreateCachedHashDB(this.localHashDBPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("create cached hash db failed, " + ex.Message); } } if (!File.Exists(this.syncLogDBPath)) { try { SyncLog.CreateSyncLogDB(this.syncLogDBPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("create sync log db for job {0} failed due to {1}", this.jobId, ex.Message)); } } }
public Hasher() { this.contextResolutionCache = new CachedHash<Tuple<IIncludePathContext, string, ModPart>, BuildObject>( delegate(Tuple<IIncludePathContext, string, ModPart> key) { return, key.Item3); }); this.parsedIncludesCache = new CachedHash<Tuple<IIncludePathContext, BuildObject>, List<BeatIncludes.LabeledInclude>>( delegate(Tuple<IIncludePathContext, BuildObject> key) { return BeatIncludes.parseLabeledIncludes(key.Item1, key.Item2); }); }
private void createDirCache(string localSyncDir) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(localSyncDir); FileInfo[] fileInfos = di.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); int originalCount = fileInfos.Length; List <string> files = new List <string>(); string[] keys = new string[originalCount]; bool[] skip = new bool[originalCount]; overwriteDict = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; ++i) { files.Add(fileInfos[i].FullName); if (syncSetting.UseShortFilename) { keys[i] = syncSetting.SyncPrefix + fileInfos[i].Name; } else { keys[i] = syncSetting.SyncPrefix + fileInfos[i].FullName; } skip[i] = false; overwriteDict.Add(fileInfos[i].FullName, false); } // 按照前缀/后缀跳过 string[] skippedPrefixes = this.syncSetting.SkipPrefixes.Split(','); string[] skippedSuffixes = this.syncSetting.SkipSuffixes.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; ++i) { string shortFileName = fileInfos[i].Name; if (skip[i]) { continue; } if (shouldSkipByPrefix(shortFileName, skippedPrefixes)) { skip[i] = true; addFileSkippedLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, files[i])); updateUploadLog("按照前缀规则跳过文件 " + files[i]); } if (skip[i]) { continue; } if (shouldSkipBySuffix(shortFileName, skippedSuffixes)) { skip[i] = true; addFileSkippedLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, files[i])); updateUploadLog("按照后缀规则跳过文件 " + files[i]); } } // 检查本地增量文件 if (syncSetting.CheckNewFiles) { List <string> cachedKeys = CachedHash.GetAllKeys(localHashDB); Dictionary <string, string> itemDict = CachedHash.GetAllItems(localHashDB); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; ++i) { if (skip[i]) { continue; } string f = files[i]; if (itemDict.ContainsKey(f)) { string oldHash = itemDict[f]; string newHash = Qiniu.Util.QETag.hash(f); if (string.Equals(oldHash, newHash)) { addFileExistsLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, files[i], keys[i])); updateUploadLog("本地检查已同步,跳过文件 " + files[i]); skip[i] = true; } } } } // 检查云端同名文件 Qiniu.Util.Mac mac = new Qiniu.Util.Mac(SystemConfig.ACCESS_KEY, SystemConfig.SECRET_KEY); string[] remoteHash = BucketFileHash.BatchStat(mac, syncSetting.TargetBucket, keys); // 跳过 if (!syncSetting.OverwriteDuplicate) { for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; ++i) { if (skip[i]) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteHash[i])) { string localHash = Qiniu.Util.QETag.hash(files[i]); if (string.Equals(localHash, remoteHash[i])) { addFileNotOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, files[i], keys[i])); updateUploadLog("空间已存在相同文件,跳过文件 " + files[i]); skip[i] = true; } } } } else // 覆盖 { for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; ++i) { if (skip[i]) { continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remoteHash[i])) { string localHash = Qiniu.Util.QETag.hash(files[i]); if (string.Equals(localHash, remoteHash[i])) { addFileNotOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, files[i], keys[i])); updateUploadLog("空间已存在相同文件,跳过文件 " + files[i]); overwriteDict[files[i]] = true; } } } } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(cacheFilePathDone)) { for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; ++i) { if (!skip[i]) { sw.WriteLine(files[i]); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 1.根据设定参数进行必要的配置 /// 2.检查过滤之后,生成待上传的文件列表并展示 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ButtonCheckFilesToUpload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #region CHECK_SYNC_SETTINS // 检查并设置AK&SK if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.account.AccessKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.account.SecretKey)) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "请设置AK&SK"; return; } SystemConfig.ACCESS_KEY = this.account.AccessKey; SystemConfig.SECRET_KEY = this.account.SecretKey; // 检查本地同步目录与远程同步空间 string syncDirectory = this.SyncLocalFolderTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncDirectory) || !Directory.Exists(syncDirectory)) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "请设置本地待同步的目录"; return; } if (this.SyncTargetBucketsComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "请设置目标空间"; return; } string targetBucket = this.SyncTargetBucketsComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (this.syncSetting == null) { this.syncSetting = new SyncSetting(); } this.syncSetting.LocalDirectory = syncDirectory; this.syncSetting.TargetBucket = targetBucket; this.syncSetting.SyncPrefix = this.PrefixTextBox.Text.Trim(); this.syncSetting.SkipPrefixes = this.SkipPrefixesTextBox.Text.Trim(); this.syncSetting.SkipSuffixes = this.SkipSuffixesTextBox.Text.Trim(); this.syncSetting.CheckNewFiles = this.CheckNewFilesCheckBox.IsChecked.Value; this.syncSetting.UseShortFilename = this.CheckBoxUseShortFilename.IsChecked.Value; this.syncSetting.OverwriteDuplicate = this.RadioButtonOverwriteDuplicate.IsChecked.Value; this.syncSetting.SyncThreadCount = (int)this.ThreadCountSlider.Value; this.syncSetting.ChunkUploadThreshold = (int)this.ChunkUploadThresholdSlider.Value * 1024 * 1024; this.syncSetting.DefaultChunkSize = this.defaultChunkSize; this.syncSetting.UploadFromCDN = this.RadioButtonFromCDN.IsChecked.Value; #endregion CHECK_SYNC_SETTINS #region SIMULATION StatResult statResult = this.bucketManager.stat(this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, "NONE_EXIST_KEY"); if (statResult.ResponseInfo.isNetworkBroken()) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "网络故障"; return; } if (statResult.ResponseInfo.StatusCode == 401) { //ak & sk not right this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "AK 或 SK 不正确"; return; } else if (statResult.ResponseInfo.StatusCode == 631) { //bucket not exist this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "指定空间不存在"; return; } else if (statResult.ResponseInfo.StatusCode == 612 || statResult.ResponseInfo.StatusCode == 200) { //file exists or not //ignore } else if (statResult.ResponseInfo.StatusCode == 400) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statResult.ResponseInfo.Error)) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "未知错误(状态代码400)"; } else { if (statResult.ResponseInfo.Error.Equals("incorrect zone")) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "上传入口机房设置错误"; } else { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = statResult.ResponseInfo.Error; } } return; } else { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "未知错误,请联系七牛"; Log.Error(string.Format("get buckets unknown error, {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}", statResult.ResponseInfo.StatusCode, statResult.ResponseInfo.Error, statResult.ResponseInfo.ReqId, statResult.Response)); return; } #endregion SIMULATION int numFiles = 0; // 总文件数 int numUpload = 0; // 待上传文件数 uploadItems.Clear(); this.FilesToUploadDataGrid.DataContext = null; List <string> localFiles = new List <string>(); // 本地待上传的文件 List <string> saveKeys = new List <string>(); // 保存到空间文件名 List <string> fileEtags = new List <string>(); // 待上传文件的ETAG List <long> lastModified = new List <long>(); // 文件最后修改时间 List <bool> fileSkip = new List <bool>(); // 是否跳过该文件(不上传) long T0 = (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0))).Ticks; #region TRAVERSE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(syncDirectory); FileInfo[] ffi = di.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); numFiles = ffi.Length; string savePrefix = this.PrefixTextBox.Text.Trim(); if (this.syncSetting.UseShortFilename) { foreach (var fi in ffi) { localFiles.Add(fi.FullName); saveKeys.Add(savePrefix + fi.Name); fileEtags.Add("_"); lastModified.Add((fi.LastWriteTime.Ticks - T0) / 10000); fileSkip.Add(false); } } else { foreach (var fi in ffi) { localFiles.Add(fi.FullName); saveKeys.Add(savePrefix + fi.FullName); fileEtags.Add("_"); lastModified.Add((fi.LastWriteTime.Ticks - T0) / 10000); fileSkip.Add(false); } } #endregion TRAVERSE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY #region CHECK_PREFIX_SUFFX string skipPrefixes = this.SkipPrefixesTextBox.Text.Trim(); string skipSuffixes = this.SkipSuffixesTextBox.Text.Trim(); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) { string saveKey = saveKeys[i]; string[] ssPrfx = skipPrefixes.Split(','); foreach (string prefix in ssPrfx) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prefix)) { if (saveKey.StartsWith(prefix.Trim())) { fileSkip[i] = true; break; } } } string[] ssSufx = skipSuffixes.Split(','); foreach (string suffix in ssSufx) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) { if (saveKey.EndsWith(suffix.Trim())) { fileSkip[i] = true; break; } } } } #endregion CHECK_PREFIX_SUFFX string hashDBFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "qsunsync", "local_hash.db"); if (!File.Exists(hashDBFile)) { CachedHash.CreateCachedHashDB(hashDBFile); } SQLiteConnection localHashDBConn = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format("data source = {0}", hashDBFile)); localHashDBConn.Open(); Dictionary <string, HashDBItem> localHashDict = CachedHash.GetAllItems(localHashDBConn); localHashDBConn.Close(); #region CHECK_LOCAL_DUPLICATE if (this.syncSetting.CheckNewFiles) { for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) { if (fileSkip[i]) { continue; } string fileName = localFiles[i]; if (localHashDict.ContainsKey(fileName)) { string oldEtag = localHashDict[fileName].FileHash; string newEtag = QETag.hash(fileName); if (string.Equals(oldEtag, newEtag)) { fileSkip[i] = true; } else { fileEtags[i] = newEtag; } } else { fileEtags[i] = QETag.hash(fileName); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) { if (fileSkip[i]) { continue; } fileEtags[i] = QETag.hash(localFiles[i]); } } #endregion CHECK_LOCAL_DUPLICATE #region CHECK_REMOTE_DUPLICATES // 如果选择了“强制覆盖”,那么无需进行远程检查 if (!this.syncSetting.OverwriteDuplicate) { List <string> remoteHash = new List <string>(); List <long> remoteUpdate = new List <long>(); try { Mac mac = new Mac(this.account.AccessKey, this.account.SecretKey); BucketFileHash.BatchStat(mac, targetBucket, saveKeys, fileSkip, ref remoteHash, ref remoteUpdate); for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) { if (fileSkip[i]) { continue; } if (string.Equals(fileEtags[i], remoteHash[k])) { // 云端已存在相同文件,跳过 fileSkip[i] = true; } ++k; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = ex.Message; Log.Error(ex.Message); } } #endregion CHECK_REMOTE_DUPLICATES #region SHOW_UPLOAD_DETAILS this.SyncSettingTabControl.SelectedItem = this.TabItemFilesToUploadDetail; numUpload = numFiles; foreach (var b in fileSkip) { if (b) { --numUpload; } } if (numUpload < 1) { TextBlockFilesToUploadSummery.Text = "没有待上传的文件"; return; } double N = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; ++i) { if (fileSkip[i]) { continue; } string fsize = "0"; long n = ffi[i].Length; double K = 1.0 * n / 1024.0; double M = 0.0; if (K > 1024.0) { M = K / 1024.0; fsize = string.Format("{0:0.00}MB", M); } else if (K > 1.0) { fsize = string.Format("{0:0.00}KB", K); } else { fsize = string.Format("{0}B", n); } N += n; uploadItems.Add(new UploadItem() { LocalFile = localFiles[i], SaveKey = saveKeys[i], FileSize = fsize, FileHash = fileEtags[i], LastUpdate = lastModified[i].ToString() }); } string vol = ""; double mega = 1024.0 * 1024; double kilo = 1024.0; if (N > mega) { vol = string.Format("{0:0.00}MB", N / mega); } else if (N > kilo) { vol = string.Format("{0:0.00}KB", N / kilo); } else { vol = string.Format("{0}B", N); } TextBlockFilesToUploadSummery.Text = string.Format("待上传的文件总数:{0}, 总大小:{1}", numUpload, vol); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { ObservableCollection <UploadItem> dataSource = new ObservableCollection <UploadItem>(); foreach (var d in uploadItems) { dataSource.Add(d); } this.FilesToUploadDataGrid.DataContext = dataSource; })); ButtonStartSync.IsEnabled = true; #endregion SHOW_UPLOAD_DETAILS }
/// <summary> /// 更新 2016-09-22 16:40 fengyh /// </summary> private void processUpload() { try { while (currentIndex < uploadItems.Count) { if (this.cancelSignal) { return; } int itemsLeft = uploadItems.Count - currentIndex; if (itemsLeft < this.syncSetting.SyncThreadCount) { this.uploadFiles(itemsLeft); currentIndex += itemsLeft; } else { this.uploadFiles(this.syncSetting.SyncThreadCount); currentIndex += this.syncSetting.SyncThreadCount; } } #region UPDATE_HASH_DB if (dbItems.Count > 0) { SQLiteConnection sqlConn = null; try { if (!File.Exists(this.localHashDBPath)) { CachedHash.CreateCachedHashDB(this.localHashDBPath); } var qsb = new SQLiteConnectionStringBuilder { DataSource = this.localHashDBPath }; sqlConn = new SQLiteConnection(qsb.ToString()); sqlConn.Open(); CachedHash.BatchInsertOrUpdate(dbItems, sqlConn); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.Message); } finally { if (sqlConn != null) { sqlConn.Close(); } } } #endregion UPDATE_HASH_DB } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Fatal(ex.Message); } }
public FetchModuleCache(IIncludePathContext context) { this.beatIncludes = new BeatIncludes(context); this.cache = new CachedHash<string, BuildObject>(this.fetchModule); }