public When_saving_two_aggregates_in_parallel()
            _testStore = new TestInMemoryEventStore();
            _rep1 = new CacheRepository(new Repository(_testStore), _testStore, new MemoryCache());

            _aggregate1 = new TestAggregate(Guid.NewGuid());
            _aggregate2 = new TestAggregate(Guid.NewGuid());


            var t1 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep1.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate1.Id);

            var t2 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep1.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate2.Id);

            Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);
 public When_saving_aggregate()
     _testRep = new TestRepository();
     _rep = new CacheRepository(_testRep, new TestInMemoryEventStore(), new CqrsMemoryCache());
     _aggregate = _testRep.Get<TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
     _rep.Save(_aggregate, -1);
 public void Setup()
     _testRep = new TestRepository();
     _rep = new CacheRepository(_testRep, new TestInMemoryEventStore());
     _aggregate = _testRep.Get<TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
 public void Should_get_same_aggregate_from_different_cache_repository()
     var rep = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestInMemoryEventStore(), _memoryCache);
     var aggregate = rep.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);
     Assert.Equal(_aggregate.DidSomethingCount, aggregate.DidSomethingCount);
     Assert.Equal(_aggregate.Id, aggregate.Id);
     Assert.Equal(_aggregate.Version, aggregate.Version);
 private static CacheRepository InitializeSut()
     var jsonSerializer = new JsonContractSerializer();
     innerRepository = new FakeRepository(jsonSerializer);
     var memCache = new InMemoryCacheProvider();
     var sut = new CacheRepository(innerRepository, memCache);
     return sut;
 public When_saving_fails()
     _memoryCache = new MemoryCache();
     _testRep = new TestRepository();
     _rep = new CacheRepository(_testRep, new TestInMemoryEventStore(), _memoryCache);
     _aggregate = _testRep.Get<TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
         _rep.Save(_aggregate, 100);
     catch (Exception) { }
Exemple #7
        public void Test()
            var repository = new MockRepository<Person>();
            var cacheRepository = new CacheRepository<Person>();

            var people = repository.Get();

            Assert.IsTrue(people.Count() == 3);

            var cachedPeople = cacheRepository.Get();

            Assert.IsTrue(cachedPeople.Count() == 3);
Exemple #8
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            var repo = new CacheRepository (new HttpRepository (""));

            var channel = new ChannelViewController ("monotouch", repo);

            window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController (channel);

            window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

            return true;
        public void Setup()
            // This will clear the cache between runs.
            var cacheKeys = MemoryCache.Default.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToList();
            foreach (var cacheKey in cacheKeys)

            _testStore = new TestInMemoryEventStore();
            _rep1 = new CacheRepository(new Repository(_testStore,new TestEventPublisher()), _testStore);
            _rep2 = new CacheRepository(new Repository(_testStore,new TestEventPublisher()), _testStore);

            _aggregate = new TestAggregate(Guid.NewGuid());

            var t1 = new Task(() =>
                                      for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                                          var aggregate = _rep1.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);

            var t2 = new Task(() =>
                                      for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                                          var aggregate = _rep2.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);
            var t3 = new Task(() =>
                                      for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                                          var aggregate = _rep2.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);

            Task.WaitAll(t1, t2, t3);
        public When_saving_same_aggregate_in_parallel()
            // New up a new Cache for each run
            var memoryCache = new CqrsMemoryCache();

            _testStore = new TestInMemoryEventStore();
            _rep1 = new CacheRepository(new Repository(_testStore, new TestEventPublisher()), _testStore, memoryCache);
            _rep2 = new CacheRepository(new Repository(_testStore, new TestEventPublisher()), _testStore, memoryCache);

            _aggregate = new TestAggregate(Guid.NewGuid());

            var t1 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep1.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);

            var t2 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep2.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);
            var t3 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep2.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);

            Task.WaitAll(t1, t2, t3);
 public CacheRepositoryTests()
     Database.SetInitializer(new TestStorageInitializer());
     sampleAnswer = new Answer
                            Sort = 1,
                            AnswerId = 8203291,
                            QuestionId = 8203265,
                            QuestionTitle = "First"
     anotherAnswer = new Answer
                             Sort = 2,
                             AnswerId = 8203291,
                             QuestionId = 8203265,
                             QuestionTitle = "Second"
     testContext = new TestContext();
     assertContext = new TestContext();
     repo = new CacheRepository(testContext, new JsonSofuService());
        public When_saving_two_aggregates_in_parallel()
            // This will clear the cache between runs.
            var memoryCache = new CqrsMemoryCache();

            _testStore = new TestInMemoryEventStore();
            _rep1 = new CacheRepository(new Repository(_testStore, new TestEventPublisher()), _testStore, memoryCache);

            _aggregate1 = new TestAggregate(Guid.NewGuid());
            _aggregate2 = new TestAggregate(Guid.NewGuid());


            var t1 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep1.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate1.Id);

            var t2 = new Task(() =>
                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    var aggregate = _rep1.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate2.Id);

            Task.WaitAll(new[] { t1, t2 });
 public When_getting_aggregate()
     _memoryCache = new MemoryCache();
     _rep = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestEventStore(), _memoryCache);
     _aggregate = _rep.Get<TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
 public void Should_get_same_aggregate_from_different_cache_repository()
     var rep = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestInMemoryEventStore());
     var aggregate = rep.Get<TestAggregate>(_aggregate.Id);
     Assert.That(aggregate, Is.EqualTo(_aggregate));
 public SearchCommandHandler(CacheRepository repository)
     _repository = repository;
 public void Setup()
     _rep = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestEventStore());
     _aggregate = _rep.Get<TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
 public ManageUsersController(CacheRepository repo)
     _repo = repo;
        public ActionResult Create(Product p, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            //upload image related to product on the bucket
                if (file != null)
                    #region Uploading file on Cloud Storage
                    var    storage = StorageClient.Create();
                    string link    = "";

                    using (var f = file.InputStream)
                        var filename      = Guid.NewGuid() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                        var storageObject = storage.UploadObject("pfct001", filename, null, f);

                        link = "" + file.FileName;

                        if (null == storageObject.Acl)
                            storageObject.Acl = new List <ObjectAccessControl>();

                        storageObject.Acl.Add(new ObjectAccessControl()
                            Bucket = "pfct001",
                            Entity = $"user-" + "*****@*****.**", //whereas [email protected] has to be replaced by a gmail email address who you want to have access granted
                            Role   = "OWNER",                                  //READER

                        storageObject.Acl.Add(new ObjectAccessControl()
                            Bucket = "pfct001",
                            Entity = $"user-" + "*****@*****.**", //whereas [email protected] has to be replaced by a gmail email address who you want to have access granted
                            Role   = "READER",                                 //READER

                        var updatedObject = storage.UpdateObject(storageObject, new UpdateObjectOptions()
                            // Avoid race conditions.
                            IfMetagenerationMatch = storageObject.Metageneration,
                    //store details in a relational db including the filename/link
                #region Storing details of product in db [INCOMPLETE]
                p.OwnerFk = "*****@*****.**";     //User.Identity.Name
                ProductsRepository pr = new ProductsRepository();


                #region Updating Cache with latest list of Products from db

                //enable: after you switch on db
                CacheRepository cr = new CacheRepository();

                PubSubRepository psr = new PubSubRepository();
                //psr.AddToEmailQueue(p); //adding it to queue to be sent as an email later on.
                ViewBag.Message = "Product created successfully";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Error = "Product failed to be created; " + ex.Message;

Exemple #19
        public async Task ProcessHashTagsAsync(List <TweetModel> tweets)
            List <string> listOfHashtags = new List <string>();

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    if (tweets != null && tweets.Count > 0)
                        List <string> listOfTweetTexts = tweets.Select(x => x.FullText).ToList();
                        Dictionary <string, int> hashTagsWithCount = CacheRepository.Get <Dictionary <string, int> >("HashtagsWithCount") != null ? CacheRepository.Get <Dictionary <string, int> >("HashtagsWithCount") : new Dictionary <string, int>();
                        int tweetsWithHashtags = CacheRepository.Get <int>("TweetsWithHashTags");
                        hashTagsWithCount      = this.HashtagProcessor.GetHashtagsWithCount(hashTagsWithCount, listOfHashtags);
                        if (hashTagsWithCount == null)
                            hashTagsWithCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                        Dictionary <string, int> topHashtags = hashTagsWithCount.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).Take(25).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
                        tweetsWithHashtags += this.HashtagProcessor.GetNumberOfTweetsWithHashTags(tweets);
                        CacheRepository.Set <Dictionary <string, int> >("HashtagsWithCount", hashTagsWithCount, 9999);
                        CacheRepository.Set <Dictionary <string, int> >("TopHashtags", topHashtags, 9999);
                        CacheRepository.Set <Dictionary <string, int> >("TweetsWithHashTags", topHashtags, 9999);
                        CacheRepository.Set <int>("TweetsWithHashTags", tweetsWithHashtags, 9999);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.LogError(ex, "Error at ProcessEmojis", null);
 public When_getting_wrong_events_from_event_store()
     _memoryCache = new CqrsMemoryCache();
     _rep = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestEventStoreWithBugs(), _memoryCache);
     _aggregate = _rep.Get<TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
Exemple #21
 public When_getting_aggregate()
     _cache     = new MemoryCache();
     _rep       = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestEventStore(), _cache);
     _aggregate = _rep.Get <TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid()).Result;
Exemple #22
 public When_getting_earlier_than_expected_events_from_event_store()
     _cache     = new MemoryCache();
     _rep       = new CacheRepository(new TestRepository(), new TestEventStoreWithBugs(), _cache);
     _aggregate = _rep.Get <TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid()).Result;
 public void Setup()
     _rep       = new CacheRepository <ISingleSignOnToken>(new TestAggregateRepository(), new TestEventStoreWithBugs());
     _aggregate = _rep.Get <TestAggregate>(Guid.NewGuid());
        public ActionResult Create(Models.File p, HttpPostedFileBase file)
            //upload image related to product on the bucket
                string link     = "";
                var    filename = "";
                if (file != null)
                    #region Uploading file on Cloud Storage
                    var storage = StorageClient.Create();
                    using (var f = file.InputStream)
                        filename = Guid.NewGuid() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                        var storageObject = storage.UploadObject("programming-for-the-cloud", filename, null, f);
                        //link = storageObject.MediaLink;
                        link = "" + "/" + filename;

                        if (null == storageObject.Acl)
                            storageObject.Acl = new List <ObjectAccessControl>();

                        storageObject.Acl.Add(new ObjectAccessControl()
                            Bucket = "programming-for-the-cloud",
                            Entity = $"user-" + "*****@*****.**",
                            Role   = "READER", //READER

                        var updatedObject = storage.UpdateObject(storageObject, new UpdateObjectOptions()
                            // Avoid race conditions.
                            IfMetagenerationMatch = storageObject.Metageneration,
                    //store details in a relational db including the filename/link
                #region Storing details of product in db [INCOMPLETE]
                p.OwnerFk = User.Identity.Name; //"*****@*****.**";

                ServiceAccountCredential credential;
                using (var stream = new FileStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "//jurgen-cloud-project-5f077f2e1ba1.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                    credential = GoogleCredential.FromStream(stream).UnderlyingCredential as ServiceAccountCredential;

                UrlSigner urlSigner = UrlSigner.FromServiceAccountCredential(credential); //
                string    signedUrl = urlSigner.Sign("programming-for-the-cloud", filename, TimeSpan.FromDays(365));

                p.Link = signedUrl;

                //p.Link = link;
                FilesRepository pr = new FilesRepository();
                pr.AddFile(p.Name, p.Description, p.OwnerFk, p.Link);

                #region Updating Cache with latest list of Products from db
                //enable: after you switch on db
                CacheRepository cr = new CacheRepository();

                new LoggingRepository().Logging("File Uploaded By: " + User.Identity.Name + " At: " + DateTime.Now);

                //PubSubRepository psr = new PubSubRepository();
                //psr.AddToEmailQueue(p); //adding it to queue to be sent as an email later on.
                //ViewBag.Message = "Product created successfully";
            catch (Exception ex)
                new LoggingRepository().ErrorLogging(ex);
                ViewBag.Error = "Product failed to be created; " + ex.Message;

Exemple #25
 public void DeleteFile(int id)