public void TestInstallWithCache()
            var packageMock = new Mock <IPackage>();

            packageMock.Setup((o) => o.GetSourceReference())
            packageMock.Setup((o) => o.GetSourceUris())
            .Returns(new[] { "" });
            packageMock.Setup((o) => o.GetSourceUri())
            packageMock.Setup((o) => o.GetVersionPretty())

            var processMock        = new Mock <IProcessExecutor>();
            var expectedGitCommand = WinCompat("git --version");

            processMock.Setup(expectedGitCommand, "git version 2.3.1");

            var config = new Config();

            var cachePath = config.Get(Settings.CacheVcsDir) + $"/{CacheFileSystem.FormatCacheFolder("")}/";

            expectedGitCommand = WinCompat($"git clone --mirror '' '{cachePath}'");
            processMock.Setup(expectedGitCommand, returnValue: () =>
                if (Directory.Exists(cachePath))
                    Directory.Delete(cachePath, true);


            expectedGitCommand = WinCompat($"git clone --no-checkout '{cachePath}' 'bucketPath' --dissociate --reference '{cachePath}' && cd 'bucketPath' && git remote set-url origin '' && git remote add bucket ''");

            expectedGitCommand = WinCompat("git branch -r");
            processMock.Setup(expectedGitCommand, expectedCwd: bucketPath);

            expectedGitCommand = WinCompat("git checkout master --");
            processMock.Setup(expectedGitCommand, expectedCwd: bucketPath);

            expectedGitCommand = WinCompat("git reset --hard 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 --");
            processMock.Setup(expectedGitCommand, expectedCwd: bucketPath);

            var downloader = CreateDownloaderMock(config: config, process: processMock.Object);

            downloader.Install(packageMock.Object, "bucketPath");

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RepositoryBucket"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public RepositoryBucket(
            ConfigRepositoryBucket configRepository,
            IIO io,
            Config config,
            ITransport transport             = null,
            IEventDispatcher eventDispatcher = null,
            IVersionParser versionParser     = null)
            if (!Regex.IsMatch(configRepository.Uri, @"^[\w.]+\??://"))
                // assume http as the default protocol
                configRepository.Uri = $"http://{configRepository.Uri}";

            configRepository.Uri = configRepository.Uri.TrimEnd('/');

            if (configRepository.Uri.StartsWith("https?", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                configRepository.Uri = $"https{configRepository.Uri.Substring(6)}";
                uriIsIntelligent     = true;

            if (!Uri.TryCreate(configRepository.Uri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out _))
                throw new ConfigException($"Invalid url given for Bucket repository: {configRepository.Uri}");

            // changes will not be applied to configRepository.
            uri = configRepository.Uri;

            // force url for to
            // without converting other addresses.
            var match = Regex.Match(configRepository.Uri, @"^(?<proto>https?)://gxpack\.org/?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                uri = $"{match.Groups["proto"].Value}://";

            baseUri = Regex.Replace(uri, @"(?:/[^/\\\\]+\.json)?(?:[?#].*)?$", string.Empty).TrimEnd('/');

            this.configRepository = configRepository;
                = io;
            this.transport       = transport ?? new TransportHttp(io, config);
            this.eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher;
            this.versionParser   = versionParser ?? new BVersionParser();

            var cacheDir = Path.Combine(config.Get(Settings.CacheDir), CacheFileSystem.FormatCacheFolder(uri));

            cache          = new CacheFileSystem(cacheDir, io, "a-z0-9.$~");
            loader         = new LoaderPackage(versionParser);
            providersByUid = new Dictionary <int, IPackage>();
Exemple #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Initialize()
            string cacheUri;

            if (FileSystemLocal.IsLocalPath(Uri))
                Uri = Regex.Replace(Uri, @"[\\/]\.git/?$", string.Empty);
                repositoryDirectory = Uri;
                cacheUri            = Path.GetFullPath(Uri);
                var cacheVcsDir = Config.Get(Settings.CacheVcsDir);
                if (!CacheFileSystem.IsUsable(cacheVcsDir))
                    throw new RuntimeException("DriverGit requires a usable cache directory, and it looks like you set it to be disabled.");

                if (Regex.IsMatch("^ssh://[^@]+@[^:]+:[^0-9]+", Uri))
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException($"The source URL {Uri} is invalid, ssh URLs should have a port number after \":\".{Environment.NewLine}Use ssh://[email protected]:22/path or just [email protected]:path if you do not want to provide a password or custom port.");


                var fileSystem = new FileSystemLocal($"{cacheVcsDir}/{CacheFileSystem.FormatCacheFolder(Uri)}/");
                var git        = new Git(IO, Config, Process, fileSystem);

                repositoryDirectory = fileSystem.Root;

                if (!git.SyncMirror(Uri, repositoryDirectory))
                    IO.WriteError($"<error>Failed to update {Uri}, package information from this repository may be outdated</error>");

                cacheUri = Uri;


            cache = new CacheFileSystem($"{Config.Get(Settings.CacheRepoDir)}/{CacheFileSystem.FormatCacheFolder(cacheUri)}", IO);
Exemple #4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void DoInstall(IPackage package, string cwd, string uri)
            cwd = NormalizePath(cwd);
            var cachePath = Config.Get(Settings.CacheVcsDir) + $"/{CacheFileSystem.FormatCacheFolder(uri)}/";
            var reference = package.GetSourceReference();
            var flag      = Platform.IsWindows ? "/D " : string.Empty;

            // --dissociate option is only available since git 2.3.0-rc0
            var gitVersion = git.GetVersion();
            var message    = $"Cloning {GetShortHash(reference)}";

            var command = $"git clone --no-checkout %uri% %path% && cd {flag}%path% && git remote add bucket %uri% && git fetch bucket";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gitVersion) &&
                Comparator.GreaterThanOrEqual(gitVersion, "2.3.0-rc0") &&
                IO.WriteError(string.Empty, true, Verbosities.Debug);
                IO.WriteError($"    Cloning to cache at {ProcessExecutor.Escape(cachePath)}", true, Verbosities.Debug);

                    git.FetchReferenceOrSyncMirror(uri, reference, cachePath);
                    if (FileSystem.Exists(cachePath, FileSystemOptions.Directory))
                        command = "git clone --no-checkout %cachePath% %path% --dissociate --reference %cachePath%"
                                  + $" && cd {flag}%path%"
                                  + " && git remote set-url origin %uri% && git remote add bucket %uri%";
                        message = $"Cloning {GetShortHash(reference)} from cache.";
                catch (RuntimeException)
                    // ignore runtime exception because this is an optimization solution.


            string CommandCallable(string authUri)
                var template = command;

                template = template.Replace("%uri%", ProcessExecutor.Escape(authUri));
                template = template.Replace("%path%", ProcessExecutor.Escape(cwd));
                template = template.Replace("%cachePath%", ProcessExecutor.Escape(cachePath));

            git.ExecuteCommand(CommandCallable, uri, cwd, true);

            if (uri != package.GetSourceUri())
                UpdateOriginUri(package.GetSourceUri(), cwd);
                SetPushUri(uri, cwd);

            ExecuteUpdate(cwd, reference, package);