public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "cabinetNo,width,cengRangeA,cengRangeB,remainWidth,startPaijiaNo")] CabinetInfo cabinetinfo, string action)
            if (action == "修改")
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    db.Entry(cabinetinfo).State = EntityState.Modified;
            if (action == "删除")
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    db.Entry(cabinetinfo).State = EntityState.Deleted;

            if (action == "返回")

Exemple #2
        public static string ExtractMediaStream(Database msiDb)
            string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string tempFolder   = GetTempFolder(tempFileName);
            string filePath     = Path.ChangeExtension(tempFileName, ".cab");
            string str4         = (string)msiDb.ExecuteScalar("SELECT `Cabinet` FROM `Media` WHERE `DiskId` = {0}", new object[] { 1 });

            using (View view = msiDb.OpenView("SELECT `Name`, `Data` FROM `_Streams` WHERE `Name` = '{0}'", new object[] { str4.Substring(1) }))
                Record record = view.Fetch();
                if (record == null)
                    throw new InstallerException("Stream not found: " + str4);
                using (record)
                    record.GetStream("Data", filePath);
            CabinetInfo info = new CabinetInfo(filePath);

        public ActionResult CreateNewChief([Bind(Include = "cabinetNo,width,cengRangeA,cengRangeB,remainWidth,startPaijiaNo")] CabinetInfo cabinetinfo, string action)
            CabinetInfo Cabinet = new CabinetInfo();

            Cabinet.cabinetNo     = cabinetinfo.cabinetNo;
            Cabinet.width         = cabinetinfo.width;
            Cabinet.cengRangeA    = cabinetinfo.cengRangeA;
            Cabinet.cengRangeB    = cabinetinfo.cengRangeB;
            Cabinet.remainWidth   = cabinetinfo.remainWidth;
            Cabinet.startPaijiaNo = cabinetinfo.startPaijiaNo;
            if (action == "添加")
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
            if (action == "返回")

Exemple #4
        public PartialViewResult StationInfo(string stationCode)
            Department department = HttpContext.Session.Get <Department>("SESSION-DEPARTMENT-KEY");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stationCode))
                var query = _context.CabinetInfo.AsQueryable();

                if (department != null)
                    query = query.Where(q => q.DeptID.Equals(department.ID));

                CabinetInfo cabinet = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.ModifyTime).FirstOrDefault();

                if (cabinet != null)
                    stationCode = cabinet.StationCode;

            ViewBag.station = _context.Station.Where(q => q.Code.Equals(stationCode)).FirstOrDefault();

        public ActionResult CreateNewChief(string id)
            var cabinet = from ad in db.CabinetInfo
                          orderby ad.cabinetNo descending
                          select ad;
            CabinetInfo Cabinet = new CabinetInfo();
            string      ID      = cabinet.First().cabinetNo;
            long        max     = Convert.ToInt32(ID) + 1;

            Cabinet.cabinetNo = max.ToString();
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Access or create a new Archive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archiveName">The full name of the archive to create or to access</param>
        private Archiver(string archiveName) : this()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(archiveName != null && archiveName.Trim() != string.Empty, "The name of the archive cannot be null nor empty / whitespace only");

            _name = Path.GetFileName(archiveName);
            if (Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveName) != string.Empty)
                _directoryName    = Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveName);
                _directoryCleanup = false;
            _fullName = Path.Combine(_directoryName, _name);
            _cabInfo  = new CabinetInfo(_fullName);
Exemple #7
        public PartialViewResult Carousel(string stationCode)
            Department department = HttpContext.Session.Get <Department>("SESSION-DEPARTMENT-KEY");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stationCode))
                var query = _context.CabinetInfo.AsQueryable();

                if (department != null)
                    query = query.Where(q => q.DeptID.Equals(department.ID));

                CabinetInfo cabinet = query.OrderByDescending(q => q.ModifyTime).FirstOrDefault();

                if (cabinet != null)
                    stationCode = cabinet.StationCode;

            ViewBag.user = HttpContext.Session.Get <Guser>("SESSION-ACCOUNT-KEY");

            var stationQ = _context.Station.AsQueryable();

            if (department != null)
                stationQ = stationQ.Where(q => q.DeptID.Equals(department.ID));

            Station station = stationQ.Where(q => q.Code.Equals(stationCode)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (station == null)
                ViewBag.station = new Station(); return(PartialView("List"));

            ViewBag.station = station;

            DateTime board = DateTime.Now - new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);

            ViewBag.board = board;

            List <Cabinet> list = _context.Cabinet.Where(q => q.StationCode.Equals(stationCode)).OrderBy(q => q.Sort).ToList();

            return(PartialView("List", list));
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CabinetFileInfo object. For use by subclasses.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal CabinetFileInfo(string name, string path, int folderNumber, int cabNumber,
                                           FileAttributes attributes, DateTime lastWriteTime, long length) : base()
            this.cabinetInfo     = null;
              = name;
            this.path            = path;
            this.initialized     = true;
            this.exists          = true;
            this.cabFolderNumber = folderNumber;
            this.cabNumber       = cabNumber;
            this.attributes      = attributes;
            this.lastWriteTime   = lastWriteTime;
            this.length          = length;

            this.OriginalPath = null;
            this.FullPath     = null;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CabinetFileInfo object representing a file within a cabinet in a specified path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cabinetInfo">Object representing the cabinet containing the file.</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">Path to the file within the cabinet. Usually, this is a simple file
        /// name, but if the cabinet contains a directory structure this may include the directory.</param>
        public CabinetFileInfo(CabinetInfo cabinetInfo, string filePath) : base()
            this.Cabinet = cabinetInfo;

            if (filePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");

              = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filePath);
            this.path            = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath);
            this.initialized     = false;
            this.exists          = false;
            this.cabFolderNumber = 0;
            this.cabNumber       = 0;
            this.attributes      = FileAttributes.Normal;
            this.lastWriteTime   = DateTime.MinValue;
            this.length          = 0;
Exemple #10
        public object Dialog(string cabinetID)
            ViewBag.userDept = HttpContext.Session.Get <Department>("SESSION-DEPARTMENT-KEY");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cabinetID))

            CabinetInfo cabinet = _context.CabinetInfo.Where(q => q.ID.Equals(cabinetID)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (cabinet == null)
                return(Json(new { code = -1, msg = "找不到指定的电气柜" }));

            ViewBag.cabinet = cabinet;

        public static void Seed(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            var user1 = new User()
                UserId       = 1,
                Name         = "Andrey",
                Surname      = "Solovyev",
                BornDate     = new DateTime(2000, 04, 03),
                PassportData = "2020445765",
                Snills       = "1234"

            var user2 = new User()
                UserId       = 2,
                Name         = "Vasiliy",
                Surname      = "Sychev",
                BornDate     = new DateTime(2000, 10, 10),
                PassportData = "2020123987",
                Snills       = "2345"

            var user3 = new User()
                UserId       = 3,
                Name         = "Ivan",
                Surname      = "Tkachenko",
                BornDate     = new DateTime(2000, 04, 07),
                PassportData = "2020234765",
                Snills       = "3456"

            var user4 = new User()
                UserId       = 4,
                Name         = "Ivan",
                Surname      = "Menshih",
                BornDate     = new DateTime(2001, 8, 14),
                PassportData = "2014456765",
                Snills       = "4567"

            var user5 = new User()
                UserId       = 5,
                Name         = "Lev",
                Surname      = "Makeev",
                BornDate     = new DateTime(2000, 07, 24),
                PassportData = "2020567123",
                Snills       = "6789"

            modelBuilder.Entity <User>().HasData(user1, user2, user3, user4, user5);

            var specialty1 = new Specialty()
                SpecialtyId = 1,
                Name        = "Endocrinologist"

            var specilaty2 = new Specialty()
                SpecialtyId = 2,
                Name        = "Сardiologist"

            var specialty3 = new Specialty()
                SpecialtyId = 3,
                Name        = "Therapist"

            var specilaty4 = new Specialty()
                SpecialtyId = 4,
                Name        = "Neurologist"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Specialty>().HasData(specialty1, specilaty2, specialty3, specilaty4);

            var doctor1 = new Doctor()
                DoctorId      = 1,
                UserId        = user1.UserId,
                SpecialtyId   = specialty1.SpecialtyId,
                LicenseNumber = "1111"

            var doctor2 = new Doctor()
                DoctorId      = 2,
                UserId        = user2.UserId,
                SpecialtyId   = specilaty2.SpecialtyId,
                LicenseNumber = "2222"

            var doctor3 = new Doctor()
                DoctorId      = 3,
                UserId        = user3.UserId,
                SpecialtyId   = specialty3.SpecialtyId,
                LicenseNumber = "3333"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Doctor>().HasData(doctor1, doctor2, doctor3);

            var patient1 = new Patient()
                PatientId = 1,
                Policy    = "12321",
                UserId    = user4.UserId

            var patient2 = new Patient()
                PatientId = 2,
                Policy    = "213214",
                UserId    = user5.UserId

            modelBuilder.Entity <Patient>().HasData(patient1, patient2);

            var visit1 = new Visit()
                VisitId   = 1,
                PatientId = patient1.PatientId,
                DoctorId  = doctor1.DoctorId,
                DateVisit = new DateTime(2021, 02, 02),
                Price     = 1300

            var visit2 = new Visit()
                VisitId   = 2,
                PatientId = patient1.PatientId,
                DoctorId  = doctor2.DoctorId,
                DateVisit = new DateTime(2021, 01, 20),
                Complaint = "Too expensive",
                Price     = 1000

            var visit3 = new Visit()
                VisitId   = 3,
                PatientId = patient2.PatientId,
                DoctorId  = doctor1.DoctorId,
                DateVisit = new DateTime(2021, 03, 25),
                Price     = 1200

            modelBuilder.Entity <Visit>().HasData(visit1, visit2, visit3);

            var diagnosis1 = new Diagnosis()
                DiagnosisId = 1,
                Name        = "Diabetes",
                Description = "Needs careful treatment"

            var diagnosis2 = new Diagnosis()
                DiagnosisId = 2,
                Name        = "Tachycardia",
                Description = "Nothing serious, just avoid much coffee"

            var diagnosis3 = new Diagnosis()
                DiagnosisId = 3,
                Name        = "Headache",
                Description = "Outflow of blood from the head is disturbed"

            modelBuilder.Entity <Diagnosis>().HasData(diagnosis1, diagnosis2, diagnosis3);

            var diagnosisInfo1 = new DiagnosisInfo()
                DiagnosisInfoId = 1,
                DiagnosisId     = diagnosis1.DiagnosisId,
                PatientId       = patient1.PatientId

            var diagnosisInfo2 = new DiagnosisInfo()
                DiagnosisInfoId = 2,
                PatientId       = patient2.PatientId,
                DiagnosisId     = diagnosis2.DiagnosisId

            modelBuilder.Entity <DiagnosisInfo>().HasData(diagnosisInfo1, diagnosisInfo2);

            var cabinet1 = new Cabinet()
                CabinetId     = 1,
                CabinetNumber = 228

            var cabinet2 = new Cabinet()
                CabinetId     = 2,
                CabinetNumber = 320

            var cabinet3 = new Cabinet()
                CabinetId     = 3,
                CabinetNumber = 223

            modelBuilder.Entity <Cabinet>().HasData(cabinet1, cabinet2, cabinet3);

            var cabinetInfo1 = new CabinetInfo()
                CabinetInfoId = 1,
                CabinetId     = cabinet1.CabinetId,
                DoctorId      = doctor1.DoctorId,
                DateStart     = new DateTime(2019, 3, 23)/*,
                                                          * DateEnd = default*/

            var cabinetInfo2 = new CabinetInfo()
                CabinetInfoId = 2,
                CabinetId     = cabinet2.CabinetId,
                DoctorId      = doctor2.DoctorId,
                DateStart     = new DateTime(2015, 6, 12),
                DateEnd       = new DateTime(2018, 3, 21)

            var cabinetInfo3 = new CabinetInfo()
                CabinetInfoId = 3,
                CabinetId     = cabinet3.CabinetId,
                DoctorId      = doctor2.DoctorId,
                DateStart     = new DateTime(2018, 3, 21)/*,
                                                          * DateEnd = default*/

            var cabinetInfo4 = new CabinetInfo()
                CabinetInfoId = 4,
                CabinetId     = cabinet2.CabinetId,
                DoctorId      = doctor3.DoctorId,
                DateStart     = new DateTime(2018, 3, 21)

            modelBuilder.Entity <CabinetInfo>().HasData(cabinetInfo1, cabinetInfo2, cabinetInfo3, cabinetInfo4);
Exemple #12
 public static extern bool FDIIsCabinet(
     FdiHandle hfdi,
     IntPtr hf,
     ref CabinetInfo pfdici);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets information about the certain files contained in the cabinte file.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="searchPattern">The search string, such as &quot;*.txt&quot;.</param>
 /// <returns>An array of <see cref="CabinetFileInfo"/> objects, each containing information about a file in the cabinet.</returns>
 internal CabinetFileInfo[] GetFiles(string searchPattern)
     return(this.GetFiles(new CabinetFilterFileHandler(CabinetInfo.RegexFilterFileHandler), CabinetInfo.FilePatternToRegex(searchPattern)));