/// <summary> /// 团购订单:15天后订单商品自动评论 /// </summary> public void StartBargainGoodsCommentServer(int timelength) { List <BargainUser> bargainuserlist = BargainUserBLL.SingleModel.GetSuccessDataList(0, timelength); if (bargainuserlist != null && bargainuserlist.Count > 0) { string userids = string.Join(",", bargainuserlist.Select(s => s.UserId).Distinct()); List <C_UserInfo> userinfolist = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(userids); userinfolist = userinfolist == null ? new List <C_UserInfo>() : userinfolist; string aids = string.Join(",", bargainuserlist.Select(s => s.aid).Distinct()); List <XcxAppAccountRelation> xcxrelationlist = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(aids); xcxrelationlist = xcxrelationlist == null ? new List <XcxAppAccountRelation>() : xcxrelationlist; foreach (BargainUser itembargain in bargainuserlist) { C_UserInfo userinfo = userinfolist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == itembargain.UserId); XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = xcxrelationlist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == itembargain.aid); string imgurl = itembargain.ImgUrl; itembargain.IsCommentting = true; BargainUserBLL.SingleModel.Update(itembargain, "IsCommentting"); SingleModel.AddComment(xcxrelation.Id, userinfo, (int)EntGoodsType.价产品, itembargain.BId, itembargain.BName, itembargain.CurrentPrice, imgurl, itembargain.Id, ""); } } }
/// <summary> /// 团购订单:15天后订单商品自动评论 /// </summary> public void StartGroupGoodsCommentServer(int timelength) { List <GroupUser> groupuserlist = GroupUserBLL.SingleModel.GetSuccessDataList(0, timelength); if (groupuserlist != null && groupuserlist.Count > 0) { string userids = string.Join(",", groupuserlist.Select(s => s.ObtainUserId).Distinct()); List <C_UserInfo> userinfolist = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(userids); userinfolist = userinfolist == null ? new List <C_UserInfo>() : userinfolist; string aids = string.Join(",", groupuserlist.Select(s => s.AId).Distinct()); List <XcxAppAccountRelation> xcxrelationlist = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(aids); xcxrelationlist = xcxrelationlist == null ? new List <XcxAppAccountRelation>() : xcxrelationlist; foreach (GroupUser itemgroup in groupuserlist) { C_UserInfo userinfo = userinfolist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == itemgroup.ObtainUserId); XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = xcxrelationlist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == itemgroup.AId); string imgurl = itemgroup.GroupImgUrl; itemgroup.IsCommentting = true; GroupUserBLL.SingleModel.Update(itemgroup, "IsCommentting"); SingleModel.AddComment(xcxrelation.Id, userinfo, (int)EntGoodsType.团购商品, itemgroup.GroupId, itemgroup.GroupName, itemgroup.BuyPrice, imgurl, itemgroup.Id, ""); } } }
/// <summary> /// 订单取消发送订单取消通知模板消息 /// </summary> /// <param name="pinOrder"></param> public void SendTemplateMsg_PayCancel(PinGoodsOrder pinOrder) { PinStore store = PinStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid_Id(pinOrder.aid, pinOrder.storeId); if (store == null && pinOrder.orderType == 0) { log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(GetType(), new Exception($"拼享惠发送订单取消模板消息失败,找不到店铺信息 aid:{pinOrder.aid}, storeid:{pinOrder.storeId}")); return; } //如果未支付,获取预支付码的formid是无效的,要取消 if (pinOrder.payState == (int)PayState.未付款) { C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(pinOrder.userId); if (userInfo == null) { log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(GetType(), new Exception($"拼享惠发送订单取消模板消息失败,找不到用户信息 userid:{pinOrder.userId}")); return; } TemplateMsg_UserParam userParam = TemplateMsg_UserParamBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($" Form_Id is not null and appId = '{userInfo.appId}' and Open_Id = '{userInfo.OpenId}' and State = 1 and LoseDateTime > now() and orderId={pinOrder.id} "); if (userParam != null) { userParam.State = -1; TemplateMsg_UserParamBLL.SingleModel.Update(userParam, "state"); } } //发给用户通知 object orderData = TemplateMsg_Miniapp.PinGetTemplateMessageData(SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.拼享惠订单取消通知, order: pinOrder, store: store); TemplateMsg_Miniapp.SendTemplateMessage(pinOrder.userId, SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.拼享惠订单取消通知, TmpType.拼享惠, orderData, $"pages/shopping/orderInfo/orderInfo?orderid={pinOrder.id}&storeid={pinOrder.storeId}"); }
/// <summary> /// 专业版普通订单:15天后订单商品自动评论 /// </summary> public void StartEntGoodsCommentServer(int timelength) { List <EntGoodsCart> entgoodscartlist = EntGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.GetSuccessDataList(0, timelength); if (entgoodscartlist != null && entgoodscartlist.Count > 0) { string userids = string.Join(",", entgoodscartlist.Select(s => s.UserId).Distinct()); List <C_UserInfo> userinfolist = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(userids); userinfolist = userinfolist == null ? new List <C_UserInfo>() : userinfolist; string aids = string.Join(",", entgoodscartlist.Select(s => s.aId).Distinct()); List <XcxAppAccountRelation> xcxrelationlist = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(aids); xcxrelationlist = xcxrelationlist == null ? new List <XcxAppAccountRelation>() : xcxrelationlist; string goodsids = string.Join(",", entgoodscartlist.Select(s => s.FoodGoodsId).Distinct()); List <EntGoods> entgoodslist = EntGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(goodsids); entgoodslist = entgoodslist == null ? new List <EntGoods>() : entgoodslist; foreach (EntGoodsCart itemcart in entgoodscartlist) { C_UserInfo userinfo = userinfolist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == itemcart.UserId); XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = xcxrelationlist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == itemcart.aId); EntGoods entgood = entgoodslist?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.id == itemcart.FoodGoodsId); string imgurl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemcart.SpecImg) ? entgood.img : itemcart.SpecImg; itemcart.IsCommentting = true; EntGoodsCartBLL.SingleModel.Update(itemcart, "IsCommentting"); SingleModel.AddComment(xcxrelation.Id, userinfo, entgood.goodtype, itemcart.FoodGoodsId, itemcart.GoodName, itemcart.Price, imgurl, itemcart.GoodsOrderId, itemcart.SpecInfo); } } }
public ActionResult MyIncomeList(string phone = "", string testpxhappid = "", int type = 0, int extractType = 0, string utoken = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testpxhappid)) { testpxhappid = _pxhAppId; } C_UserInfo userinfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByTelephone_appid(phone, testpxhappid); if (userinfo == null) { return(Content("无效用户")); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppid(userinfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { return(Content("无效模板")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(utoken)) { return(Content("utoken无效,请重新登录")); } //获取登陆秘钥 ViewBag.utoken = utoken; PinAgent agent = PinAgentBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(userinfo.Id); agent.userInfo = userinfo; return(View(agent)); }
public List <CityUserMsg> getListByUserId(int aid, int userId, out int totalCount, int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 1, string appId = "") { string strWhere = $"aid={aid} and toUserId={userId}"; base.ExecuteNonQuery($"update CityUserMsg set state=1 where aid={aid} and toUserId={userId}");//将该用户未读消息全部标记为已读 totalCount = base.GetCount(strWhere); OpenAuthorizerConfig openAuthorizerConfig = OpenAuthorizerConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppids(appId); List <CityUserMsg> list = base.GetList(strWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, "*", "addTime desc"); string userIds = string.Join(",", list?.Select(s => s.fromUserId).Distinct()); List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(userIds); list.ForEach(x => { //获取用户头像 昵称 C_UserInfo c_UserInfo = userInfoList?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == x.fromUserId); if (c_UserInfo != null) { x.fromUserName = c_UserInfo.NickName; x.fromUseImg = c_UserInfo.HeadImgUrl; } else { x.fromUserName = "******"; x.fromUseImg = openAuthorizerConfig.head_img; } x.addTimeStr = CommondHelper.GetTimeSpan(DateTime.Now - x.addTime); }); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 提现申请 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult ApplyList(int aid = 0, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 15) { if (aid <= 0) { return(Content("参数错误")); } ViewModel <DrawCashApply> vm = new ViewModel <DrawCashApply>(); int recordCount = 0; vm.DataList = DrawCashApplyBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAid(aid, pageIndex, pageSize, out recordCount); if (vm.DataList != null && vm.DataList.Count > 0) { string userIds = string.Join(",", vm.DataList.Select(s => s.userId).Distinct()); List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(userIds); vm.DataList.ForEach(apply => { apply.userId = apply.appId == WebSiteConfig.GongZhongAppId ? apply.OrderId : apply.userId; apply.pinStore = PinStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid_UserId(apply.Aid, apply.userId); C_UserInfo userInfo = userInfoList?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == apply.userId); apply.nickName = userInfo != null ? $"{userInfo.NickName} {userInfo.TelePhone}" : "用户信息错误"; }); } vm.PageSize = pageSize; vm.PageIndex = pageIndex; vm.TotalCount = recordCount; vm.aId = aid; return(View(vm)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取分销提现申请记录列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="appId"></param> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="startTime"></param> /// <param name="endTime"></param> /// <param name="telephone"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <DrawCashApply> GetDistributionDrawCashApplys(out int TotalCount, int appId, int state = -2, string startTime = "", string endTime = "", string telephone = "", int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 1) { #region 查找出当前小程序所属分销员的userId 然后再去查询提现申请 string salesManWhere = $"appId={appId}"; List <MySqlParameter> mysqlParams = new List <MySqlParameter>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(telephone)) { salesManWhere += $" and TelePhone like @telephone"; mysqlParams.Add(new MySqlParameter("@telephone", "%" + telephone + "%")); } List <SalesMan> listSalesMan = SalesManBLL.SingleModel.GetListByParam(salesManWhere, mysqlParams.ToArray()); List <int> listSalesManUserId = new List <int>(); foreach (SalesMan item in listSalesMan) { listSalesManUserId.Add(item.UserId); } #endregion List <DrawCashApply> listDrawCashApply = new List <DrawCashApply>(); string userIds = string.Join(",", listSalesManUserId); TotalCount = 0; if (listSalesManUserId != null && listSalesManUserId.Count > 0) { string strWhere = $"aid={appId} and applyType=0 and userId in({userIds}) "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endTime)) { strWhere += $" and AddTime>='{startTime}' and AddTime<='{endTime}'"; } if (state != -2) { strWhere += $" and state={state}"; } string salesManRecordIds = string.Empty; listDrawCashApply = base.GetList(strWhere, pageSize, pageIndex, "*", "addTime desc"); listDrawCashApply.ForEach(x => { C_UserInfo c_UserInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(x.userId); if (c_UserInfo != null) { x.nickName = c_UserInfo.NickName; } SalesMan salesMan = listSalesMan.Find(y => y.UserId == x.userId); if (salesMan != null) { x.phone = salesMan.TelePhone; } }); TotalCount = base.GetList(strWhere) == null ? 0 : base.GetList(strWhere).Count; } return(listDrawCashApply); }
// GET api/<controller>/5 /// <summary> /// 根据帐号获取用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="account">帐号</param> /// <returns></returns> public C_UserInfo Get(string id) { C_UserInfo userinfo = null; using (var db = new fz_basicEntities()) { sy_user m = db.sy_user.Where(w => w.Account == id.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); int tid = db.sy_teacher.Where(w => w.UserId == m.Id).Select(s => s.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (m != null) { userinfo = new C_UserInfo(); userinfo.Id = m.Id; userinfo.Type = m.Type; userinfo.Account = m.Account; userinfo.Name = m.Name; userinfo.Subject = 3; userinfo.userClass = db.sy_class.Where(w => db.sy_teacher_and_class_and_subject.Any(a => a.TeacherId == tid && a.ClassId == w.Id)).Select(s => new C_UserClass { ClassId = s.Id, ClassName = s.Name, GradeId = s.sy_grade.Id, GradeName = s.sy_grade.Name }).ToArray(); } } return(userinfo); }
public JsonResult MasterLogin(string username, string password, string wxToken = null) { bool wxLogin = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wxToken); bool hasInput = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password); if (!wxLogin && !hasInput) { return(ApiModel(message: "用户名和密码不能为空")); } Account account = null; C_UserInfo userInfo = null; if (wxLogin) { //微信授权登陆 wxToken = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(wxToken); int userId; int.TryParse(DESEncryptTools.DESDecrypt(wxToken), out userId); userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); account = AccountBLL.SingleModel.GetAccountByUnionId(userInfo.UnionId); } string loginToken = string.Empty; string authToken = string.Empty; if (account != null) { //登陆已绑定微信的账号 authToken = DESEncryptTools.DESEncrypt(account.Id.ToString()); loginToken = Utils.BuildCookie(account.Id, account.UpdateTime); } else if (hasInput) { bool success = false; //用账号密码登录账号 account = AccountBLL.SingleModel.LoginUserWhole(username, password); if (account == null) { return(ApiModel(message: "用户名或密码错误")); } if (userInfo != null) { account.UnionId = userInfo.UnionId; success = AccountBLL.SingleModel.Update(account, "UnionId"); } if (userInfo != null && account != null && !success) { return(ApiModel(message: "账号绑定微信失败")); } authToken = DESEncryptTools.DESEncrypt(account.Id.ToString()); loginToken = Utils.BuildCookie(account.Id, account.UpdateTime); } else { return(ApiModel(isok: true, message: "微信账号未绑定账号,请输入账号密码", data: "NewUser")); } return(ApiModel(isok: true, message: "登陆成功", data: new { loginToken, authToken })); }
/// <summary> /// 提现申请界面 /// </summary> /// <param name="aId"></param> /// <param name="storeId"></param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> // GET: PinAdmin/Cash public ActionResult Index(int aId = 0, int storeId = 0) { if (aId <= 0 || storeId <= 0) { return(Content("参数错误")); } PinPlatform platform = PinPlatformBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid(aId); if (platform == null) { return(Content("平台信息错误")); } PinStore store = (PinStore)Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["pinStore"]; C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.userId); if (userInfo == null) { return(Content($"用户信息错误")); } PinAgent agent = PinAgentBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByUserId(userInfo.Id); int sumCash = DrawCashApplyBLL.SingleModel.GetSumCash(aId, store.userId); ViewBag.DrawCashSum = (sumCash * 0.01).ToString("0.00"); ViewData["platform"] = platform; ViewData["userInfo"] = userInfo; ViewData["agent"] = agent; return(View(store)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前可以参加的团 /// </summary> /// <param name="groupid">拼团商品ID</param> /// <param name="length">获取数据数量</param> /// <returns></returns> private List <GroupSponsor> GetHaveSuccessGroup(int groupid, int length) { List <GroupSponsor> gsList = GroupSponsorBLL.SingleModel.GetListJoiningGroup(groupid, length); if (gsList.Count > 0) { string userIds = string.Join(",", gsList.Select(s => s.SponsorUserId).Distinct()); List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(userIds); foreach (GroupSponsor gsInfo in gsList) { //获取头像和昵称 C_UserInfo user = userInfoList?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == gsInfo.SponsorUserId); if (user != null) { gsInfo.UserName = user.NickName; gsInfo.UserLogo = "//j.vzan.cc/content/city/images/voucher/10.jpg"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.HeadImgUrl)) { gsInfo.UserLogo = user.HeadImgUrl; } } //开始以及结束时间 gsInfo.ShowStartTime = gsInfo.StartDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); gsInfo.ShowEndTime = gsInfo.EndDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); } } return(gsList); }
/// <summary> /// 提交验证短信验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="utoken"></param> /// <param name="postData"> /// { /// tel:"", /// code:"", /// appid:"" /// } /// </param> /// <returns></returns> public ReturnMsg ValidateSMS(PinStore store, string code = "") { C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.userId); if (userInfo == null) { result.msg = "用户信息错误!"; return(result); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcx = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.aId); if (xcx == null) { result.msg = "小程序信息错误!"; return(result); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { result.msg = "验证码不能为空!"; return(result); } string serverAuthCode = RedisUtil.Get <string>(userInfo.TelePhone); if (serverAuthCode != code) { result.msg = "验证码错误!"; return(result); } RedisUtil.Remove(userInfo.TelePhone); result.code = 1; result.msg = "验证成功"; return(result); }
public bool AddByFlashItem(FlashDealItem flashItem, C_UserInfo user, TmpType pageType = TmpType.小程序电商模板) { FlashDeal flashDeal = FlashDealBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(flashItem.DealId); object sendContent = new { keyword1 = new { value = "限时秒杀开始啦!", color = "#000000" }, //交易类型 keyword2 = new { value = flashDeal.Title, color = "#000000" }, //活动信息 keyword3 = new { value = flashItem.Title, color = "#000000" }, //商品信息 keyword4 = new { value = flashDeal.End.ToString(), color = "#000000" }, //到期日 }; SubscribeMessage newMsg = new SubscribeMessage { State = (int)SubscribeMsgState.等待发送, Template = (int)SendTemplateMessageTypeEnum.秒杀开始通知, ContentType = (int)SubscribeMsgType.小程序模板消息, UserId = user.Id, SourceId = flashDeal.Id, OpenId = user.OpenId, PageType = (int)pageType, SendTime = flashDeal.Begin, SendContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sendContent) }; int newId = 0; return(int.TryParse(Add(newMsg).ToString(), out newId) && newId > 0); }
public ActionResult GetUserPublicData(string appid, string openid, int pageindex = 1, int pagesize = 10) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appid)) { return(Json(new { isok = -1, msg = "appid不能为空", data = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid)) { return(Json(new { isok = -1, msg = "openid不能为空", data = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } XcxAppAccountRelation umodel = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appid); if (umodel == null) { return(Json(new { isok = -1, msg = "请先授权", data = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } C_UserInfo userinfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelFromCache(openid); if (userinfo == null) { return(Json(new { isok = -1, msg = "请先登陆", data = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } List <SinglePage> data = SinglePageBLL.SingleModel.GetListByUserIdandRid(userinfo.Id, umodel.Id, pageindex, pagesize); if (data == null) { return(Json(new { isok = -1, msg = "没有数据", data = "" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(new { isok = 1, msg = "成功", data = data }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void HaveSixin(int tuserId, int fuserId, bool havedata = false) { C_UserInfo userinfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(tuserId); if (userinfo == null) { return; } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppid(userinfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { return; } //int tmptype = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetXcxTemplateType(xcxrelation.Id); switch (xcxrelation.Type) { case (int)TmpType.小未平台: PlatMyCard card = new PlatMyCardBLL().GetModelByUserId(tuserId); if (card == null) { return; } RefleshCach(card.Id, (int)PointsActionType.私信, true); break; case (int)TmpType.企业智推版: RedisUtil.Set <bool>(string.Format(_redis_havenewdatakey, tuserId, fuserId), true); break; } }
public int AddComment(int aid, C_UserInfo userinfo, int goodtype, int goodsid, string goodname, int price, string imgurl, int orderid, string specinfo, bool isdefalut = true, int haveImg = 0) { GoodsComment commentmodel = new GoodsComment(); commentmodel.AddTime = DateTime.Now; commentmodel.AId = aid; commentmodel.Anonymous = true; commentmodel.Comment = ""; commentmodel.Hidden = false; commentmodel.NickName = userinfo.NickName; commentmodel.UserId = userinfo.Id; commentmodel.Praise = 2; commentmodel.LogisticsScore = 5; commentmodel.ServiceScore = 5; commentmodel.DescriptiveScore = 5; commentmodel.State = 1; commentmodel.Type = goodtype; commentmodel.Points = 1; commentmodel.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now; commentmodel.GoodsId = goodsid; commentmodel.GoodsName = goodname; commentmodel.GoodsPrice = price; commentmodel.GoodsImg = imgurl; commentmodel.OrderId = orderid; commentmodel.GoodsSpecification = specinfo; commentmodel.HaveImg = haveImg; commentmodel.IsDefault = isdefalut; commentmodel.Id = Convert.ToInt32(SingleModel.Add(commentmodel)); return(commentmodel.Id); }
public ActionResult SetAgent(int aid = 0, int userId = 0, int state = -1) { int agentMoney = Utility.IO.Context.GetRequestInt("agentMoney", 0);//代理费用 if (aid <= 0 || userId <= 0) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(result)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userInfo == null) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "用户不存在"; return(Json(result)); } string msg = ""; result.code = PinAgentBLL.SingleModel.SetAgent(aid, userInfo.Id, state, out msg, agentMoney); result.msg = msg; return(Json(result)); }
/// <summary> /// 平台上获取订单信息列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetPlatOrderList() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int state = Context.GetRequestInt("state", 0); int pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageindex", 1); int pageSize = Context.GetRequestInt("pagesize", 10); if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "用户ID不能为0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "找不到用户"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(userInfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnObj)); } string userIds = userId.ToString(); List <PlatStore> storeList = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetXcxRelationAppids(xcxrelation.Id); if (storeList != null && storeList.Count > 0) { string appids = "'" + string.Join("','", storeList.Select(s => s.AppId)) + "'"; List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppIds(userInfo.TelePhone, appids); if (userInfoList != null && userInfoList.Count > 0) { userIds += "," + string.Join(",", userInfoList.Select(s => s.Id)); } } int count = 0; List <PlatChildGoodsOrder> list = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetList_Api(state, 0, 0, pageSize, pageIndex, ref count, 0, 0, 0, userIds); if (count > 0) { string storeIds = string.Join(",", list.Select(s => s.StoreId).Distinct()); List <PlatStore> allStores = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetListByIds(storeIds); foreach (PlatChildGoodsOrder item in list) { PlatStore storeModel = allStores?.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Id == item.StoreId); item.StoreName = storeModel?.Name; } } returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = new { count = count, list = list }; return(Json(returnObj)); }
public ActionResult SearchUserInfo(int aid = 0, string nickName = "", int storeId = 0) { if (aid <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickName) || storeId <= 0) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(result)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(aid); if (xcxRelation == null) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "小程序不存在"; return(Json(result)); } PinStore store = PinStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid_Id(aid, storeId); if (store == null) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "门店不存在"; return(Json(result)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByNickName(xcxRelation.AppId, nickName); result.code = 1; result.obj = userInfo; return(Json(result)); }
public ActionResult ApplyDrawCase(string orderIds = "", string openId = "") { Return_Msg returnData = new Return_Msg(); C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId_OpenId(_appid, openId); if (userInfo == null) { returnData.Msg = "无效用户"; return(Json(returnData)); } List <PinGoodsOrder> orderList = _pinGoodsOrderBLL.GetListByIds(orderIds); if (orderList != null && orderList.Count > 0) { foreach (PinGoodsOrder item in orderList) { returnData.Msg = DrawCashApplyBLL.SingleModel.PxhUserApplyDrawCash(item, userInfo.Id, _appid); if (returnData.Msg.Length > 0) { return(Json(returnData)); } } } returnData.isok = true; returnData.Msg = "申请成功"; return(Json(returnData)); }
public ActionResult GetAgentList(int aid = 0, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10, int state = -999, string phone = "", string nickName = "", string fnickName = "", string fphone = "") { if (aid <= 0 || pageIndex <= 0 || pageSize <= 0) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(result)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxAppAccountRelation = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(aid); if (xcxAppAccountRelation == null) { result.code = 0; result.msg = "小程序不存在"; return(Json(result)); } int recordCount = 0; List <PinStore> storeList = new List <PinStore>(); List <PinAgent> agentList = PinAgentBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAid_State(xcxAppAccountRelation.AppId, aid, pageSize, pageIndex, out recordCount, phone: phone, nickName: nickName, fnickName: fnickName, fphone: fphone, state: -999); if (agentList != null && agentList.Count > 0) { foreach (var agent in agentList) { PinStore store = PinStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid_UserId(agent.aId, agent.userId); if (store != null && store.state != -1) { store.goodsCount = PinGoodsBLL.SingleModel.GetCountByStoreId(store.id); store.agentInfo = agent; store.userId = agent.userId; } else { store = new PinStore() { storeName = "未开通店铺", userId = agent.userId }; store.agentInfo = agent; } store.agentFee = PinAgentBLL.SingleModel.GetAgentFee(store.agentInfo.id); C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(agent.userId); store.nickName = userInfo != null ? userInfo.NickName : string.Empty; if (agent.fuserId > 0) { store.fuserInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(agent.fuserId); } storeList.Add(store); } } result.code = 1; result.obj = new { list = storeList, recordCount }; return(Json(result)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取订单信息列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetOrderList() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userid", 0); int state = Context.GetRequestInt("state", 0); int pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageindex", 1); int pageSize = Context.GetRequestInt("pagesize", 10); if (userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "用户ID不能为0"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(userId); if (userInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "找不到用户"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxrelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(userInfo.appId); if (xcxrelation == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效模板"; return(Json(returnObj)); } PlatStore store = PlatStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAId(xcxrelation.Id); if (store == null) { returnObj.Msg = "无效店铺"; return(Json(returnObj)); } int platUserId = 0; XcxAppAccountRelation platXcxRelation = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModel(store.BindPlatAid); if (platXcxRelation != null) { //平台上的用户ID List <C_UserInfo> userInfoList = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetListByAppIds(userInfo.TelePhone, $"'{platXcxRelation.AppId}'"); if (userInfoList != null && userInfoList.Count > 0) { platUserId = userInfoList[0].Id; } } int count = 0; List <PlatChildGoodsOrder> list = PlatChildGoodsOrderBLL.SingleModel.GetList_Api(state, xcxrelation.Id, userId, pageSize, pageIndex, ref count, store.Id, store.BindPlatAid, platUserId); returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = new { count = count, list = list }; return(Json(returnObj)); }
public ReturnMsg commitFormId(string utoken, dynamic postData) { string appid = postData.appid; //string openid, string formid if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appid)) { result.msg = "appid不能为空"; return(result); } XcxAppAccountRelation umodel = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppid(appid); if (umodel == null) { result.msg = "小程序不存在"; return(result); } C_UserInfo user = GetUserInfo(utoken); if (user == null) { result.msg = "非法请求"; return(result); } string formid = postData.formid; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formid)) { result.msg = "formid为空"; return(result); } if (formid.Equals("the formId is a mock one")) { result.msg = "formId错误"; return(result); } //增加发送模板消息参数 TemplateMsg_UserParam userParam = new TemplateMsg_UserParam(); userParam.AppId = umodel.AppId; userParam.Form_IdType = 0;//form_id userParam.Open_Id = user.OpenId; userParam.AddDate = DateTime.Now; userParam.Form_Id = formid; userParam.State = 1; userParam.SendCount = 0; userParam.AddDate = DateTime.Now; userParam.LoseDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);//form_id 有效期7天 userParam.Id = Convert.ToInt32(TemplateMsg_UserParamBLL.SingleModel.Add(userParam)); result.code = 1; result.obj = new { FormId = formid }; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult GetUserInfo() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); string appId = Context.GetRequest("appid", string.Empty); int userId = Context.GetRequestInt("userId", 0); int userType = Context.GetRequestInt("userType", 0);//0 普通用户 1足浴技师 2商家 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appId) || userId <= 0) { returnObj.Msg = "参数错误"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcxRelatrion = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appId); if (xcxRelatrion == null) { returnObj.Msg = "小程序不存在"; return(Json(returnObj)); } //Store storeInfo = _storeBll.GetModelByRid(xcxRelatrion.Id); //if (storeInfo == null) //{ // result.Msg = "门店信息错误"; // return Json(result); //} //try //{ // storeInfo.funJoinModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<StoreConfigModel>(storeInfo.configJson) ?? new StoreConfigModel();//若为 null 则new一个新的配置 //} //catch //{ // storeInfo.funJoinModel = new StoreConfigModel(); //} if (userType == 0)//普通用户 { C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId_UserId(appId, userId); if (userInfo != null) { returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = userInfo; // result.Msg = storeInfo.funJoinModel.helloWords; } else { returnObj.Msg = "用户不存在"; } } else if (userType == 2)//商家 { C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetKfInfo(xcxRelatrion.AppId); returnObj.isok = true; returnObj.dataObj = userInfo; } return(Json(returnObj)); }
public ActionResult GetPayLogList() { returnObj = new Return_Msg_APP(); string appid = Context.GetRequest("appid", string.Empty); string openid = Context.GetRequest("openid", string.Empty); int pageIndex = Context.GetRequestInt("pageIndex", 1); int pageSize = Context.GetRequestInt("pageSize", 10); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appid)) { returnObj.Msg = "获取失败(appid不能为空)"; return(Json(returnObj)); } XcxAppAccountRelation r = _xcxAppAccountRelationBLL.GetModelByAppid(appid); if (r == null) { returnObj.Msg = "获取失败(还未进行授权)"; return(Json(returnObj)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId_OpenId(appid, openid); if (userInfo == null) { returnObj.Msg = "用户不存在"; return(Json(returnObj)); } List <SaveMoneySetUserLog> list = SaveMoneySetUserLogBLL.SingleModel.GetListByUserId(userInfo.Id, r.AppId, pageSize, pageIndex); list.ForEach(x => { if (x.Type == 0) { x.ChangeNote = "【充值】" + x.ChangeNote; } else if (x.Type == -1) { x.ChangeNote = "【储值支付】" + x.ChangeNote; } else if (x.Type == -2) { x.ChangeNote = "【微信支付】" + x.ChangeNote; } else if (x.Type == 1) { x.ChangeNote = "【退款】" + x.ChangeNote; } }); returnObj.Msg = "获取预存款记录成功"; returnObj.dataObj = list; returnObj.isok = true; return(Json(returnObj)); }
public ActionResult SendSMS(int aid = 0, int storeId = 0) { try { PinStore store = PinStoreBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAid_Id(aid, storeId); if (store == null) { result.msg = "店铺不存在!"; return(Json(result)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(store.userId); if (userInfo == null) { result.msg = "用户信息错误!"; return(Json(result)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.TelePhone) || !Regex.IsMatch(userInfo.TelePhone, @"^1[3-9]+\d{9}$")) { result.msg = "手机号码格式不正确!"; return(Json(result)); } XcxAppAccountRelation xcx = XcxAppAccountRelationBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(aid); if (xcx == null) { result.msg = "小程序信息错误!"; return(Json(result)); } SendMsgHelper sendMsgHelper = new SendMsgHelper(); string authCode = RedisUtil.Get <string>(userInfo.TelePhone); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authCode)) { authCode = Utility.EncodeHelper.CreateRandomCode(4); } bool sendResult = sendMsgHelper.AliSend(userInfo.TelePhone, "{\"code\":\"" + authCode + "\",\"product\":\" " + Enum.GetName(typeof(SendTypeEnum), 11) + "\"}", "小未科技", 401); if (sendResult) { RedisUtil.Set <string>(userInfo.TelePhone, authCode, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); result.code = 1; result.msg = "验证码发送成功!"; } else { result.msg = "验证码发送失败,请稍后再试!"; } result.obj = authCode; return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { result.msg = "系统异常!" + ex.Message; return(Json(result));; } }
/// <summary> /// 会员卡资料编辑 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult CardEdit(int id = 0, int aId = 6901757, int storeId = 8, string act = "") { if (act != "save") { if (id <= 0) { _result.code = 500; _result.msg = "参数错误 id_error"; return(View("PageError", _result)); } EditModel <DishVipCard> model = new EditModel <DishVipCard>(); model.DataModel = DishVipCardBLL.SingleModel.GetVipCardById_StoreId(id, storeId); model.aId = aId; model.storeId = storeId; return(View(model)); } else { if (id <= 0) { _result.msg = "参数错误 id_error"; return(Json(_result)); } string u_name = Context.GetRequest("u_name", string.Empty); string u_phone = Context.GetRequest("u_phone", string.Empty); DishVipCard card = DishVipCardBLL.SingleModel.GetVipCardById_StoreId(id, storeId); if (card == null) { _result.msg = "不存在此会员卡"; return(Json(_result)); } C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModel(card.uid); if (userInfo == null) { _result.msg = "不存在此用户"; return(Json(_result)); } card.u_name = u_name; if (!DishVipCardBLL.SingleModel.Update(card, "u_name")) { _result.msg = "保存失败"; return(Json(_result)); } userInfo.TelePhone = u_phone; if (!C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.Update(userInfo, "telephone")) { _result.msg = "手机号保存失败"; return(Json(_result)); } _result.code = 1; _result.msg = "保存成功"; return(Json(_result)); } }
public ActionResult GetOpenId(string code = "", int type = 0) { string grant_type = "authorization_code"; Return_Msg data = new Return_Msg(); string url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?appid={0}&secret={1}&code={2}&grant_type={3}"; url = string.Format(url, _appid, _secret, code, grant_type); try { string resultJson = HttpHelper.GetData(url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultJson)) { WxAuthorize result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WxAuthorize>(resultJson); if (result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.openid)) { data.dataObj = result.openid; C_UserInfo userInfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByAppId_OpenId(_appid, result.openid); if (userInfo == null) { userInfo = new C_UserInfo(); userInfo.StoreId = 0; userInfo.OpenId = result.openid; userInfo.appId = _appid; userInfo.Id = Convert.ToInt32(C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.Add(userInfo)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.TelePhone)) { if (type == 0) { return(Redirect($"/pxhfang/TiXianRecord?phone={userInfo.TelePhone}&openId={data.dataObj}&type={type}&appid={_appid}")); } else if (type == 99) { return(Redirect($"/pxhfang/MyAgentInfo?phone={userInfo.TelePhone}&openId={data.dataObj}&type={type}&appid={_appid}&id={userInfo.Id}")); } else { return(Redirect($"/pxhfang/TiXian?phone={userInfo.TelePhone}&openId={data.dataObj}&type={type}&appid={_appid}&id={userInfo.Id}")); } } return(Redirect($"/pxhfang/CheckPhone?openId={data.dataObj}&type={type}")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log4net.LogHelper.WriteError(this.GetType(), ex); } return(Content("授权失败")); //return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
private string GetPxhUserOpenId(string phone) { C_UserInfo userinfo = C_UserInfoBLL.SingleModel.GetModelByTelephone_appid(phone, _pxhAppId); if (userinfo != null) { return(userinfo.OpenId); } return(""); }