Exemple #1
        private static string GetMessageAndLocation(string rootContent, CXDiagnostic diagnostic, out CppSourceLocation location)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            location = CppModelBuilder.GetSourceLocation(diagnostic.Location);
            if (location.File == CppAstRootFileName)
                var    reader = new StringReader(rootContent);
                var    lines  = new List <string>();
                string line;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

                var lineIndex = location.Line - 1;
                if (lineIndex < lines.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < location.Column - 1; i++)
                        builder.Append(i + 1 == location.Column - 1 ? "-" : " ");


 /// <summary>
 /// Reparse the Translation Unit contained by this instance.
 /// Updates Symbol Database
 /// Places error markers on document
 /// </summary>
 public void ParseAndDiagnose(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     lock (Manager.SyncRoot) {
         var unsavedFilesArray = unsavedFiles.ToArray();
         TU = Manager.Reparse(FileName, unsavedFilesArray, cancellationToken);
         uint numDiag = clang.getNumDiagnostics(TU);
         for (uint i = 0; i < numDiag; i++)
             CXDiagnostic diag      = clang.getDiagnostic(TU, i);
             string       spelling  = diag.ToString();
             uint         numRanges = clang.getDiagnosticNumRanges(diag);
             if (numRanges != 0)
                 for (uint j = 0; j < numRanges; j++)
                     try {
                         SourceLocation begin = Manager.GetSourceLocation(clang.getRangeStart(clang.getDiagnosticRange(diag, j)));
                         SourceLocation end   = Manager.GetSourceLocation(clang.getRangeEnd(clang.getDiagnosticRange(diag, j)));
                         Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, spelling, new DocumentRegion(begin.Line, begin.Column, end.Line, end.Column)));
                     } catch {
                         //it seems sometimes "expression result unused" diagnostics appear multiple times
                         //for the same problem, when there is only e.g.
                         //an '1;' line in the code, and not every indicator has a valid filename in their location
                         //this crashes the thread, so we ignore it
                 try {
                     SourceLocation loc = Manager.GetSourceLocation(clang.getDiagnosticLocation(diag));
                     Add(new Error(ErrorType.Error, spelling, new DocumentRegion(loc.Line, loc.Column, loc.Line, loc.Column + 1)));
                 } catch {
                     //same goes here
         Manager.UpdateDatabase(FileName, TU, cancellationToken, true);