Exemple #1
        public EditorActorBrush(EditorViewportControllerWidget editorWidget, ActorInfo actor, PlayerReference owner, WorldRenderer wr)
            this.editorWidget = editorWidget;
            worldRenderer = wr;
            world = wr.World;
            editorLayer = world.WorldActor.Trait<EditorActorLayer>();

            Actor = actor;
            this.owner = owner;

            preview = editorWidget.Get<ActorPreviewWidget>("DRAG_ACTOR_PREVIEW");
            preview.GetScale = () => worldRenderer.Viewport.Zoom;
            preview.IsVisible = () => editorWidget.CurrentBrush == this;

            var buildingInfo = actor.Traits.GetOrDefault<BuildingInfo>();
            if (buildingInfo != null)
                locationOffset = -FootprintUtils.AdjustForBuildingSize(buildingInfo);
                previewOffset = FootprintUtils.CenterOffset(world, buildingInfo);

            var td = new TypeDictionary();
            td.Add(new FacingInit(facing));
            td.Add(new TurretFacingInit(facing));
            td.Add(new OwnerInit(owner.Name));
            td.Add(new RaceInit(owner.Race));
            preview.SetPreview(actor, td);

            // The preview widget may be rendered by the higher-level code before it is ticked.
            // Force a manual tick to ensure the bounds are set correctly for this first draw.
        public override void Tick(Actor self)

            if (!dirty)

            // Update connection to neighbours
            var vec = new CVec(1, 1);
            var adjacentActors = self.World.FindActorsInBox(self.Location - vec, self.Location + vec);

            adjacent = 0;
            foreach (var a in adjacentActors)
                var rb = a.TraitOrDefault<RenderBuildingWall>();
                if (rb == null || rb.info.Type != info.Type)

                var location = self.Location;
                var otherLocation = a.Location;

                if (otherLocation == location + new CVec(0, -1))
                    adjacent |= 1;
                else if (otherLocation == location + new CVec(+1, 0))
                    adjacent |= 2;
                else if (otherLocation == location + new CVec(0, +1))
                    adjacent |= 4;
                else if (otherLocation == location + new CVec(-1, 0))
                    adjacent |= 8;

            dirty = false;
        bool RampExists(Actor self, CVec offset)
            var neighbour = bridgeLayer[self.Location + offset];
            if (neighbour == null)
                return false;

            return bridgeInfo.RampActors.Contains(neighbour.Info.Name);
Exemple #4
 static CPos FindEdge(Surface s, CPos p, CVec d, TerrainTile replace)
     for (;;)
         var q = p + d;
         if (!s.Map.Contains(q)) return p;
         if (s.Map.MapTiles.Value[q].Type != replace.Type) return p;
         p = q;
Exemple #5
        public void Do([NotNull] CVec input)

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

            NativeMethods.aubio_spectral_whitening_do(this, input);
        static IEnumerable<CVec> TilesWhere(string name, CVec dim, char[] footprint, Func<char, bool> cond)
            if( footprint.Length != dim.X * dim.Y )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Invalid footprint for " + name );
            int index = 0;

            for( int y = 0 ; y < dim.Y ; y++ )
                for( int x = 0 ; x < dim.X ; x++ )
                    if( cond( footprint[ index++ ] ) )
                        yield return new CVec(x, y);
Exemple #7
        int GetCostToNode(CPos destNode, CVec direction)
            var movementCost = locomotor.MovementCostToEnterCell(Actor, destNode, checkConditions, IgnoreActor);

            if (movementCost != short.MaxValue && !(CustomBlock != null && CustomBlock(destNode)))
                return(CalculateCellCost(destNode, direction, movementCost));

Exemple #8
        int GetPathCostToNode(CPos srcNode, CPos destNode, CVec direction)
            var movementCost = locomotor.MovementCostToEnterCell(Actor, srcNode, destNode, checkConditions, IgnoreActor);

            if (movementCost != MovementCostForUnreachableCell && !(CustomBlock != null && CustomBlock(destNode)))
                return(CalculateCellPathCost(destNode, direction, movementCost));

        int GetPathCostToNode(CPos srcNode, CPos destNode, CVec direction)
            var movementCost = locomotor.MovementCostToEnterCell(actor, srcNode, destNode, check, ignoreActor);

            if (movementCost != PathGraph.MovementCostForUnreachableCell)
                return(CalculateCellPathCost(destNode, direction, movementCost));

        int GetCostToNode(CPos destNode, CVec direction)
            var movementCost = locomotorInfo.MovementCostToEnterCell(worldMovementInfo, Actor, destNode, IgnoreActor, checkConditions);

            if (movementCost != int.MaxValue && !(CustomBlock != null && CustomBlock(destNode)))
                return(CalculateCellCost(destNode, direction, movementCost));

        bool RampExists(Actor self, CVec offset)
            var neighbour = bridgeLayer[self.Location + offset];

            if (neighbour == null)

Exemple #12
        public bool IsCloseEnoughToBase(World world, Player p, string buildingName, CPos topLeft)
            if (p.PlayerActor.Trait <DeveloperMode>().BuildAnywhere)

            if (RequiresBaseProvider && FindBaseProvider(world, p, topLeft) == null)

            var buildingMaxBounds = (CVec)Dimensions;
            var buildingTraits    = world.Map.Rules.Actors[buildingName].Traits;

            if (buildingTraits.Contains <BibInfo>() && !(buildingTraits.Get <BibInfo>().HasMinibib))
                buildingMaxBounds += new CVec(0, 1);

            var scanStart = world.ClampToWorld(topLeft - new CVec(Adjacent, Adjacent));
            var scanEnd   = world.ClampToWorld(topLeft + buildingMaxBounds + new CVec(Adjacent, Adjacent));

            var nearnessCandidates = new List <CPos>();

            var bi = world.WorldActor.Trait <BuildingInfluence>();
            var allyBuildRadius = world.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllyBuildRadius;

            for (var y = scanStart.Y; y < scanEnd.Y; y++)
                for (var x = scanStart.X; x < scanEnd.X; x++)
                    var pos = new CPos(x, y);
                    var at  = bi.GetBuildingAt(pos);
                    if (at == null || !at.IsInWorld || !at.HasTrait <GivesBuildableArea>())

                    if (at.Owner == p || (allyBuildRadius && at.Owner.Stances[p] == Stance.Ally))

            var buildingTiles = FootprintUtils.Tiles(world.Map.Rules, buildingName, this, topLeft).ToList();

                   .Any(a => buildingTiles
                        .Any(b => Math.Abs(a.X - b.X) <= Adjacent &&
                             Math.Abs(a.Y - b.Y) <= Adjacent)));
Exemple #13
        public override CPos ParseActorLocation(string input, int loc)
            var newLoc     = new CPos(loc % MapSize, loc / MapSize);
            var vectorDown = new CVec(0, 1);

            if (input == "obli" || input == "atwr" || input == "weap" || input == "hand" || input == "tmpl" || input == "split2" || input == "split3")
                newLoc += vectorDown;

Exemple #14
        bool NeighbourIsDestroyed(CVec offset)
            var neighbour = bridgeLayer[self.Location + offset];
            if (neighbour == null)
                return false;

            var segment = neighbour.TraitOrDefault<IBridgeSegment>();
            if (segment == null)
                return false;

            return segment.DamageState == DamageState.Dead;
Exemple #15
        public override CPos ParseActorLocation(string input, int loc)
            var newLoc     = new CPos(loc % MapSize, loc / MapSize);
            var vectorDown = new CVec(0, 1);

            if (input == "tsla" || input == "agun" || input == "gap" || input == "apwr" || input == "iron")
                newLoc += vectorDown;

Exemple #16
        public IEnumerable <IActorPreview> RenderPreviewSprites(ActorPreviewInitializer init, RenderSpritesInfo rs, string image, int facings, PaletteReference p)
            if (init.Contains <HideBibPreviewInit>() && init.Get <HideBibPreviewInit, bool>())
                yield break;

            if (Palette != null)
                p = init.WorldRenderer.Palette(Palette);

            var bi = init.Actor.TraitInfo <BuildingInfo>();

            var rows         = HasMinibib ? 1 : 2;
            var width        = bi.Dimensions.X;
            var bibOffset    = bi.Dimensions.Y - rows;
            var centerOffset = bi.CenterOffset(init.World);
            var map          = init.World.Map;
            var location     = CPos.Zero;

            if (init.Contains <LocationInit>())
                location = init.Get <LocationInit, CPos>();

            for (var i = 0; i < rows * width; i++)
                var index      = i;
                var anim       = new Animation(init.World, image);
                var cellOffset = new CVec(i % width, i / width + bibOffset);
                var cell       = location + cellOffset;

                // Some mods may define terrain-specific bibs
                var sequence = Sequence;
                if (map.Tiles.Contains(cell))
                    var terrain      = map.GetTerrainInfo(cell).Type;
                    var testSequence = Sequence + "-" + terrain;
                    if (anim.HasSequence(testSequence))
                        sequence = testSequence;

                anim.PlayFetchIndex(sequence, () => index);
                anim.IsDecoration = true;

                // Z-order is one set to the top of the footprint
                var offset = map.CenterOfCell(cell) - map.CenterOfCell(location) - centerOffset;
                yield return(new SpriteActorPreview(anim, () => offset, () => - (offset.Y + centerOffset.Y + 512), p, rs.Scale));
        static void UpdateNeighbours(Actor self)
            var vec        = new CVec(1, 1);
            var neighbours = self.World.FindActorsInBox(self.Location - vec, self.Location + vec)
                             .Select(a => a.TraitOrDefault <RenderBuildingWall>())
                             .Where(a => a != null);

            foreach (var rb in neighbours)
                rb.dirty = true;
Exemple #18
        public static void GetSpectrum([NotNull] FVec compspec, [NotNull] CVec spectrum)
            if (compspec == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(compspec));

            if (spectrum == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(spectrum));

            NativeMethods.aubio_fft_get_spectrum(compspec, spectrum);
Exemple #19
        static IEnumerable<CPos> RandomWalk(CPos p, MersenneTwister r)
            for (;;)
                var dx = r.Next(-1, 2);
                var dy = r.Next(-1, 2);

                if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)

                p += new CVec(dx, dy);
                yield return p;
        public static IEnumerable<CPos> Tiles(string name, BuildingInfo buildingInfo, CPos topLeft)
            var dim = (CVec)buildingInfo.Dimensions;

            var footprint = buildingInfo.Footprint.Where(x => !char.IsWhiteSpace(x));

            if (Rules.Info[ name ].Traits.Contains<BibInfo>())
                dim += new CVec(0, 1);
                footprint = footprint.Concat(new char[dim.X]);

            return TilesWhere( name, dim, footprint.ToArray(), a => a != '_' ).Select( t => t + topLeft );
Exemple #21
        public static IEnumerable <CPos> Tiles(string name, BuildingInfo buildingInfo, CPos topLeft)
            var dim = (CVec)buildingInfo.Dimensions;

            var footprint = buildingInfo.Footprint.Where(x => !char.IsWhiteSpace(x));

            if (Rules.Info[name].Traits.Contains <BibInfo>())
                dim      += new CVec(0, 1);
                footprint = footprint.Concat(new char[dim.X]);

            return(TilesWhere(name, dim, footprint.ToArray(), a => a != '_').Select(t => t + topLeft));
Exemple #22
        public static void GetRealImag([NotNull] CVec spectrum, [NotNull] FVec compspec)
            if (spectrum == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(spectrum));

            if (compspec == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(compspec));

            NativeMethods.aubio_fft_get_realimag(spectrum, compspec);
        int CalculateCellCost(CPos neighborCPos, CVec direction, int movementCost)
            var cellCost = movementCost;

            if (direction.X * direction.Y != 0)
                cellCost = (cellCost * 34) / 24;

            if (CustomCost != null)
                var customCost = CustomCost(neighborCPos);
                if (customCost == Constants.InvalidNode)

                cellCost += customCost;

            // Prevent units from jumping over height discontinuities
            if (checkTerrainHeight && neighborCPos.Layer == 0)
                var from = neighborCPos - direction;
                if (Math.Abs(World.Map.Height[neighborCPos] - World.Map.Height[from]) > 1)

            // Directional bonuses for smoother flow!
            if (LaneBias != 0)
                var ux = neighborCPos.X + (InReverse ? 1 : 0) & 1;
                var uy = neighborCPos.Y + (InReverse ? 1 : 0) & 1;

                if ((ux == 0 && direction.Y < 0) || (ux == 1 && direction.Y > 0))
                    cellCost += LaneBias;

                if ((uy == 0 && direction.X < 0) || (uy == 1 && direction.X > 0))
                    cellCost += LaneBias;

Exemple #24
		public static IEnumerable<CPos> Tiles(Ruleset rules, string name, BuildingInfo buildingInfo, CPos topLeft)
			var dim = (CVec)buildingInfo.Dimensions;

			var footprint = buildingInfo.Footprint.Where(x => !char.IsWhiteSpace(x));

			var bibInfo = rules.Actors[name].TraitInfoOrDefault<BibInfo>();
			if (bibInfo != null && !bibInfo.HasMinibib)
				dim += new CVec(0, 1);
				footprint = footprint.Concat(new char[dim.X]);

			return TilesWhere(name, dim, footprint.ToArray(), a => a != '_').Select(t => t + topLeft);
            public SelectConditionTarget(World world, string order, SupportPowerManager manager, GrantExternalConditionPowerCA power)
                // Clear selection if using Left-Click Orders
                if (Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle)

                this.manager = manager;
                this.order   = order;
                this.power   = power;
                footprint    = power.info.Footprint.Where(c => !char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).ToArray();
                dimensions   = power.info.Dimensions;
                tile         = world.Map.Rules.Sequences.GetSequence("overlay", "target-select").GetSprite(0);
        void Copy(CellRegion source, CVec offset)
            var gridType     = worldRenderer.World.Map.Grid.Type;
            var mapTiles     = worldRenderer.World.Map.Tiles;
            var mapHeight    = worldRenderer.World.Map.Height;
            var mapResources = worldRenderer.World.Map.Resources;

            var dest = new CellRegion(gridType, source.TopLeft + offset, source.BottomRight + offset);

            var previews    = new Dictionary <string, ActorReference>();
            var tiles       = new Dictionary <CPos, (TerrainTile, ResourceTile, byte)>();
            var copyFilters = getCopyFilters();

            foreach (var cell in source)
                if (!mapTiles.Contains(cell) || !mapTiles.Contains(cell + offset))

                tiles.Add(cell + offset, (mapTiles[cell], mapResources[cell], mapHeight[cell]));

                if (copyFilters.HasFlag(MapCopyFilters.Actors))
                    foreach (var preview in editorLayer.PreviewsAt(cell))
                        if (previews.ContainsKey(preview.ID))

                        var copy         = preview.Export();
                        var locationInit = copy.GetOrDefault <LocationInit>();
                        if (locationInit != null)
                            copy.RemoveAll <LocationInit>();
                            copy.Add(new LocationInit(locationInit.Value + offset));

                        previews.Add(preview.ID, copy);

            var action = new CopyPasteEditorAction(copyFilters, worldRenderer.World.Map, tiles, previews, editorLayer, dest);

        CPos?ChooseMcvDeployLocation(string actorType, CVec offset, bool distanceToBaseIsImportant)
            var actorInfo = world.Map.Rules.Actors[actorType];
            var bi        = actorInfo.TraitInfoOrDefault <BuildingInfo>();

            if (bi == null)

            // Find the buildable cell that is closest to pos and centered around center
            Func <CPos, CPos, int, int, CPos?> findPos = (center, target, minRange, maxRange) =>
                var cells = world.Map.FindTilesInAnnulus(center, minRange, maxRange);

                // Sort by distance to target if we have one
                if (center != target)
                    cells = cells.OrderBy(c => (c - target).LengthSquared);
                    cells = cells.Shuffle(world.LocalRandom);

                foreach (var cell in cells)
                    if (!world.CanPlaceBuilding(cell + offset, actorInfo, bi, null))

                    if (distanceToBaseIsImportant && !bi.IsCloseEnoughToBase(world, player, actorInfo, cell))



            var baseCenter = GetRandomBaseCenter();

            return(findPos(baseCenter, baseCenter, Info.MinBaseRadius,
                           distanceToBaseIsImportant ? Info.MaxBaseRadius : world.Map.Grid.MaximumTileSearchRange));
Exemple #28
 static CPos FindEdge(Surface s, CPos p, CVec d, TileReference <ushort, byte> replace)
     for (;;)
         var q = p + d;
         if (!s.Map.IsInMap(q))
         if (s.Map.MapTiles.Value[q.X, q.Y].Type != replace.Type)
         p = q;
Exemple #29
        public void Do([NotNull] FVec input, [NotNull] CVec fftGrain)

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

            if (fftGrain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fftGrain));

            NativeMethods.aubio_pvoc_do(this, input, fftGrain);
Exemple #30
        public void Rdo([NotNull] CVec fftGrain, [NotNull] FVec output)

            if (fftGrain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fftGrain));

            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output));

            NativeMethods.aubio_pvoc_rdo(this, fftGrain, output);
Exemple #31
        static IEnumerable <CPos> RandomWalk(CPos p, Thirdparty.Random r)
            for (; ;)
                var dx = r.Next(-1, 2);
                var dy = r.Next(-1, 2);

                if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)

                p += new CVec(dx, dy);
                yield return(p);
Exemple #32
        public static IEnumerable <CPos> Tiles(Ruleset rules, string name, BuildingInfo buildingInfo, CPos topLeft)
            var dim = buildingInfo.Dimensions;

            var footprint = buildingInfo.Footprint.Where(x => !char.IsWhiteSpace(x));

            var bibInfo = rules.Actors[name].TraitInfoOrDefault <BibInfo>();

            if (bibInfo != null && !bibInfo.HasMinibib)
                dim      += new CVec(0, 1);
                footprint = footprint.Concat(new char[dim.X]);

            return(TilesWhere(name, dim, footprint.ToArray(), a => a != '_').Select(t => t + topLeft));
Exemple #33
        public static IEnumerable <CPos> RandomWalk(CPos p, MersenneTwister r)
            while (true)
                var dx = r.Next(-1, 2);
                var dy = r.Next(-1, 2);

                if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)

                p += new CVec(dx, dy);
                yield return(p);
Exemple #34
        public void Do([NotNull] CVec input, [NotNull] FVec output)

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output));

            NativeMethods.aubio_filterbank_do(this, input, output);
        public void Do([NotNull] CVec fftGrain, [NotNull] FVec description)

            if (fftGrain == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fftGrain));

            if (description == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(description));

            NativeMethods.aubio_specdesc_do(this, fftGrain, description);
Exemple #36
        public void Rdo([NotNull] CVec spectrum, [NotNull] FVec output)

            if (spectrum == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(spectrum));

            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(output));

            NativeMethods.aubio_fft_rdo(this, spectrum, output);
Exemple #37
        public void Do([NotNull] FVec input, [NotNull] CVec spectrum)

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

            if (spectrum == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(spectrum));

            NativeMethods.aubio_fft_do(this, input, spectrum);
Exemple #38
 static CPos FindEdge(Surface s, CPos p, CVec d, TerrainTile replace)
     for (;;)
         var q = p + d;
         if (!s.Map.Contains(q))
         if (s.Map.MapTiles.Value[q].Type != replace.Type)
         p = q;
        void UpdateNeighbour(CVec offset)
            var neighbour = bridgeLayer[self.Location + offset];

            if (neighbour == null)

            var body = neighbour.TraitOrDefault <WithBridgeSpriteBody>();

            if (body != null && body.bridgeInfo.Type == bridgeInfo.Type)
        public override void Tick(Actor self)

            if (!hasTicked)
                var vec = new CVec(1, 1);
                var adjWalls = self.World.FindActorsInBox(self.Location - vec, self.Location + vec)
                    .Where(a => a.Info == self.Info && a != self);

                foreach (var w in adjWalls)
                    w.Trait<RenderBuildingWall>().AddAdjacentWall(w.Location, self.Location);
                    AddAdjacentWall(self.Location, w.Location);
                hasTicked = true;
Exemple #41
 static CPos FindEdge(Surface s, CPos p, CVec d, TileReference<ushort, byte> replace)
     for (;;)
         var q = p + d;
         if (!s.Map.IsInMap(q)) return p;
         if (s.Map.MapTiles.Value[q.X, q.Y].Type != replace.Type) return p;
         p = q;
Exemple #42
 internal static void ModifyCPos(ref string input, CVec vector)
     var oldCPos = FieldLoader.GetValue<CPos>("(value)", input);
     var newCPos = oldCPos + vector;
     input = newCPos.ToString();
        void Copy(CellRegion source, CVec offset)
            var gridType = worldRenderer.World.Map.Grid.Type;
            var mapTiles = worldRenderer.World.Map.Tiles;
            var mapHeight = worldRenderer.World.Map.Height;
            var mapResources = worldRenderer.World.Map.Resources;

            var dest = new CellRegion(gridType, source.TopLeft + offset, source.BottomRight + offset);

            var previews = new Dictionary<string, ActorReference>();
            var tiles = new Dictionary<CPos, Tuple<TerrainTile, ResourceTile, byte>>();

            foreach (var cell in source)
                if (!mapTiles.Contains(cell) || !mapTiles.Contains(cell + offset))

                tiles.Add(cell + offset, Tuple.Create(mapTiles[cell], mapResources[cell], mapHeight[cell]));

                foreach (var preview in editorLayer.PreviewsAt(cell))
                    if (previews.ContainsKey(preview.ID))

                    var copy = preview.Export();
                    if (copy.InitDict.Contains<LocationInit>())
                        var location = copy.InitDict.Get<LocationInit>();
                        copy.InitDict.Add(new LocationInit(location.Value(worldRenderer.World) + offset));

                    previews.Add(preview.ID, copy);

            foreach (var kv in tiles)
                mapTiles[kv.Key] = kv.Value.Item1;
                mapResources[kv.Key] = kv.Value.Item2;
                mapHeight[kv.Key] = kv.Value.Item3;

            var removeActors = dest.SelectMany(editorLayer.PreviewsAt).Distinct().ToList();
            foreach (var preview in removeActors)

            foreach (var kv in previews)
Exemple #44
        void UpdateNeighbour(CVec offset)
            var neighbour = bridgeLayer[self.Location + offset];
            if (neighbour == null)

            var body = neighbour.TraitOrDefault<WithBridgeSpriteBody>();
            if (body != null && body.bridgeInfo.Type == bridgeInfo.Type)
        public override CPos ParseActorLocation(string input, int loc)
            var newLoc = new CPos(loc % MapSize, loc / MapSize);
            var vectorDown = new CVec(0, 1);

            if (input == "obli" || input == "atwr" || input == "weap" || input == "hand" || input == "tmpl" || input == "split2" || input == "split3")
                newLoc += vectorDown;

            return newLoc;
Exemple #46
        static void UpdateNeighbours(Actor self)
            var vec = new CVec(1, 1);
            var neighbours = self.World.FindActorsInBox(self.Location - vec, self.Location + vec)
                .Select(a => a.TraitOrDefault<RenderBuildingWall>())
                .Where(a => a != null);

            foreach (var rb in neighbours)
                rb.dirty = true;
Exemple #47
		int2 CellToMinimapPixel(CPos p)
			var mapOrigin = new CVec(world.Map.Bounds.Left, world.Map.Bounds.Top);
			var mapOffset = Map.CellToMap(world.Map.TileShape, p) - mapOrigin;

			return new int2(mapRect.X, mapRect.Y) + (previewScale * new float2(mapOffset.X, mapOffset.Y)).ToInt2();
Exemple #48
        public static Bitmap ShroudBitmap(World world)
            var map = world.Map;
            var b = map.Bounds;

            var size = Exts.NextPowerOf2(Math.Max(b.Width, b.Height));
            var bitmap = new Bitmap(size, size);
            if (world.RenderPlayer == null)
                return bitmap;

            var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(bitmap.Bounds(),
                ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

            var shroud = Color.Black.ToArgb();
            var fog = Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Black).ToArgb();
            var offset = new CVec(b.Left, b.Top);

                var colors = (int*)bitmapData.Scan0;
                var stride = bitmapData.Stride / 4;
                var shroudObscured = world.ShroudObscuresTest(map.Cells);
                var fogObscured = world.FogObscuresTest(map.Cells);
                foreach (var cell in map.Cells)
                    var uv = Map.CellToMap(map.TileShape, cell) - offset;
                    if (shroudObscured(cell))
                        colors[uv.Y * stride + uv.X] = shroud;
                    else if (fogObscured(cell))
                        colors[uv.Y * stride + uv.X] = fog;

            return bitmap;