Exemple #1
        static void UpdateCurrency(string baseCurrencyCode, string quoteCurrencyCode, DateTime startDate)
            // Need a minimum span of months to force Oanda to display monthly data vs. weekly data
            DateTime oandaStartDate = startDate;

            if (DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-12) < oandaStartDate)
                oandaStartDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-12);

            string url = BuildRequestUrl(baseCurrencyCode, quoteCurrencyCode, oandaStartDate);

            string csvString = "";

                var client = new System.Net.WebClient();
                csvString = client.DownloadString(url);
            catch (Exception)

            string[] allRows  = csvString.Split('\n');
            string[] dateRows = GetDateRows(allRows);

            foreach (string row in dateRows)
                string[] lineData = LineSplitter(row).ToArray();

                if (lineData.Count() >= 1)
                    DateTime conversionDate   = DateTime.Parse(lineData[0]);
                    decimal  conversionFactor = 1 / Convert.ToDecimal(lineData[1]);

                    if (conversionDate != null && conversionFactor != null)
                        CURRENCY_XREF entry = (from cx in entities.CURRENCY_XREF
                                               where cx.CURRENCY_CODE == quoteCurrencyCode &&
                                               cx.EFF_YEAR == conversionDate.Year &&
                                               cx.EFF_MONTH == conversionDate.Month
                                               select cx).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (entry == null)
                            entry = new CURRENCY_XREF()
                                EFF_YEAR           = conversionDate.Year,
                                EFF_MONTH          = conversionDate.Month,
                                CURRENCY_CODE      = quoteCurrencyCode,
                                BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = conversionFactor
Exemple #2
        protected void rbSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int currentMonth = ((DateTime)radPeriodSelect.SelectedDate).Month;
            int currentYear  = ((DateTime)radPeriodSelect.SelectedDate).Year;

            foreach (RepeaterItem ri in rptCurrency.Items)
                HiddenField       hf = (HiddenField)ri.FindControl("hfCurrencyCode");
                RadNumericTextBox tb = (RadNumericTextBox)ri.FindControl("tbRate");

                if (hf != null && tb != null)
                    string currencyCode = hf.Value;
                    //decimal rate = 0;
                    //Decimal.TryParse(tb.Text, out rate);
                    double rateVal = 0;
                    Double.TryParse(tb.Text, out rateVal);

                    if (rateVal > 0)
                        //rate = (decimal)rateVal;
                        var entities    = new PSsqmEntities();
                        var queryObject = (from cx in entities.CURRENCY_XREF where cx.EFF_YEAR == currentYear &&
                                           cx.EFF_MONTH == currentMonth &&
                                           cx.CURRENCY_CODE == currencyCode
                                           select cx).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (queryObject == null)
                            CURRENCY_XREF cur = new CURRENCY_XREF()
                                EFF_YEAR           = currentYear,
                                EFF_MONTH          = currentMonth,
                                CURRENCY_CODE      = currencyCode,
                                BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = (decimal)rateVal
                            queryObject.BASE_CURRENCY_RATE = (decimal)rateVal;
            lblMessage.Visible = true;
            lblMessage.Text    = "<div style=\"padding: 12px 0;\">Changes have been saved.</div>";
Exemple #3
        public void BindProfileInputHdr(EHSProfile profile)
            lblPlantName_out.Text  = profile.Plant.PLANT_NAME;
            lblPeriodFrom_out.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatDate(profile.InputPeriod.PeriodDate, "MM/yyyy", false);
            lblDueDate_out.Text    = SQMBasePage.FormatDate(profile.InputPeriod.DueDate.AddMonths(1), "d", false);
            DateTime   lastUpdateDate;
            TaskStatus status = profile.PeriodStatus(new string[0] {
            }, true, out lastUpdateDate);

            lblInputStatus1_out.Text = profile.InputPeriod.NumRequiredComplete.ToString();
            lblInputStatus2_out.Text = profile.InputPeriod.NumRequired.ToString();

            lblLastUpdateBy_out.Text = lblLastUpdate_out.Text = "";
            EHS_PROFILE_INPUT lastinput = profile.InputPeriod.GetLastInput();

            if (lastinput == null || lastinput.LAST_UPD_DT.HasValue == false)
                if (profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.LAST_UPD_BY))
                    lblLastUpdateBy_out.Text = profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.LAST_UPD_BY;
                    if (profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.LAST_UPD_DT.HasValue)
                        lblLastUpdate_out.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.LAST_UPD_DT, "", false);
                lblLastUpdateBy_out.Text = lastinput.LAST_UPD_BY;
                lblLastUpdate_out.Text   = SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)lastinput.LAST_UPD_DT, "", false);

            CURRENCY_XREF exchangeRate = profile.InputPeriod.PeriodExchangeRate(profile.Plant);

            if (exchangeRate != null && exchangeRate.EFF_MONTH > 0)
                phRateStatus.Visible = true;
                lblCurrency.Text     = profile.Plant.CURRENCY_CODE;
                lblRateStatus.Text   = (System.Environment.NewLine + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(new DateTime(exchangeRate.EFF_YEAR, exchangeRate.EFF_MONTH, DateTime.DaysInMonth(exchangeRate.EFF_YEAR, exchangeRate.EFF_MONTH)), "d", false));
Exemple #4
        public static CURRENCY_XREF CurrentRate(string currencyCode, int effYear, int effMonth)
            CURRENCY_XREF currentRate = new CURRENCY_XREF();

                using (PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities())
                    if (effYear > 0 && effMonth > 0)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currencyCode))
                            currentRate = (from r in entities.CURRENCY_XREF
                                           where (r.EFF_YEAR == effYear && r.EFF_MONTH == effMonth)
                                           select r).FirstOrDefault();
                            currentRate = (from r in entities.CURRENCY_XREF
                                           where (r.CURRENCY_CODE == currencyCode && r.EFF_YEAR == effYear && r.EFF_MONTH == effMonth)
                                           select r).FirstOrDefault();
                        currentRate = (from r in entities.CURRENCY_XREF
                                       select r).OrderByDescending(r => r.EFF_YEAR).ThenByDescending(r => r.EFF_MONTH).Where(l => l.CURRENCY_CODE == currencyCode).First();
            catch (Exception e)
                // SQMLogger.LogException(e);

Exemple #5
        static string ProcessEnvironmental()
            PSsqmEntities entities     = new PSsqmEntities();
            SETTINGS      setting      = null;
            string        nextStep     = "";
            DateTime      toDate       = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, 1);
            DateTime      fromDate     = toDate.AddMonths(-3);
            int           status       = 0;
            DateTime      currencyDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            WriteLine("ENVIRONMENTAL Rollup Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));

            List <SETTINGS> sets = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");            // ABW 20140805

                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_ENV_PERIODSPAN").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null)
                    fromDate = toDate.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt32(setting.VALUE) * -1);

                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_ENV_NEXTPAGE").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE) && setting.VALUE.Length > 1)
                    nextStep = setting.VALUE;

                CURRENCY_XREF latestCurrency = CurrencyMgr.GetLatestRecord(entities);
                if (latestCurrency != null)
                    currencyDate = new DateTime(latestCurrency.EFF_YEAR, latestCurrency.EFF_MONTH, DateTime.DaysInMonth(latestCurrency.EFF_YEAR, latestCurrency.EFF_MONTH));
                WriteLine("Max Currency Date = " + currencyDate.ToShortDateString());

                List <EHSProfile> profileList = new List <EHSProfile>();
                foreach (decimal plantID in (from p in entities.EHS_PROFILE select p.PLANT_ID).ToList())
                    profileList.Add(new EHSProfile().Load(Convert.ToDecimal(plantID), false, true));

                foreach (EHSProfile profile in profileList)                             // do each plant having a metric profile
                    DateTime periodDate = fromDate;

                    while (periodDate <= toDate)                                                // do each month within the rollup span
                        WriteLine(" " + periodDate.Year.ToString() + "/" + periodDate.Month.ToString());
                        if (profile.InputPeriod == null || profile.InputPeriod.PeriodDate != periodDate)

                        if (profile.ValidPeriod())
                            if (!profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT.HasValue)
                                profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT = toDate;
                                profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVER_ID = 1m;                      // default to the sysadmin user
                            status = profile.UpdateMetricHistory(periodDate);                              // new roll-up logic
                            WriteLine(" ... " + status.ToString());
                        periodDate = periodDate.AddMonths(1);

                WriteLine("ENVIRONMENTAL Rollup Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("ENVIRONMENTAL RollUp Error: " + ex.ToString());

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPostBack)
                System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);

            output = new StringBuilder();
            SETTINGS setting  = null;
            bool     validIP  = true;
            string   pageURI  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            string   nextPage = "";
            DateTime toDate   = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, 1);
            DateTime fromDate = toDate.AddMonths(-3);

            WriteLine("ENV Data Rollup Started: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));


                string          currentIP = GetIPAddress();
                List <SETTINGS> sets      = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("AUTOMATE", "");           // ABW 20140805

                string strValidIP = sets.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ValidIP").VALUE.ToString();

                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_ENV_PERIODSPAN").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null)
                    fromDate = toDate.AddMonths(Convert.ToInt32(setting.VALUE) * -1);

                setting = sets.Where(x => x.SETTING_CD == "ROLLUP_ENV_NEXTPAGE").FirstOrDefault();
                if (setting != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.VALUE) && setting.VALUE.Length > 1)
                    nextPage = setting.VALUE;

                 * if (strValidIP.Equals(currentIP))
                 * {
                 *      WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp being accessed from a valid IP address " + currentIP);
                 *      validIP = true;
                 *      if (Request.QueryString["validation"] != null)
                 *      {
                 *              if (Request.QueryString["validation"].ToString().Equals("Vb12M11a4"))
                 *                      validIP = true;
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *              WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp requested from incorrect source.");
                 *              validIP = false;
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *      WriteLine("Main Incident RollUp being accessed from invalid IP address " + currentIP);
                 *      validIP = false;
                 * }
            catch (Exception ex)
                validIP = false;
                WriteLine("Main ENV Data RollUp Error validating IP Address: " + ex.ToString());

            // make sure this code is NOT moved to production
            //validIP = true;

            if (!validIP)
                WriteLine("Main ENV Data RollUp Invalid IP Address");
                ltrStatus.Text = output.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>");

                System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);

                PSsqmEntities entities = new PSsqmEntities();

                int      status       = 0;
                DateTime currencyDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                CURRENCY_XREF latestCurrency = CurrencyMgr.GetLatestRecord(entities);
                if (latestCurrency != null)
                    currencyDate = new DateTime(latestCurrency.EFF_YEAR, latestCurrency.EFF_MONTH, DateTime.DaysInMonth(latestCurrency.EFF_YEAR, latestCurrency.EFF_MONTH));
                WriteLine("Max Currency Date = " + currencyDate.ToShortDateString());

                List <EHSProfile> profileList = new List <EHSProfile>();
                foreach (decimal plantID in (from p in entities.EHS_PROFILE select p.PLANT_ID).ToList())
                    profileList.Add(new EHSProfile().Load(Convert.ToDecimal(plantID), false, true));

                foreach (EHSProfile profile in profileList)                             // do each plant having a metric profile
                    DateTime periodDate = fromDate;

                    while (periodDate <= toDate)                                                // do each month within the rollup span
                        WriteLine(" " + periodDate.Year.ToString() + "/" + periodDate.Month.ToString());
                        if (profile.InputPeriod == null || profile.InputPeriod.PeriodDate != periodDate)

                        if (profile.ValidPeriod())
                            if (!profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT.HasValue)
                                profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT = toDate;
                                profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVER_ID = 1m;                      // default to the sysadmin user
                            status = profile.UpdateMetricHistory(periodDate);                              // new roll-up logic
                            WriteLine(" ... " + status.ToString());
                            periodDate = periodDate.AddMonths(1);

            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteLine("Main ENV Data RollUp Error - " + ex.ToString());

            WriteLine("Completed: " + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("hh:mm MM/dd/yyyy"));
            ltrStatus.Text = output.ToString().Replace("\n", "<br/>");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextPage))
                    int    s1          = pageURI.LastIndexOf('/');
                    int    s2          = pageURI.LastIndexOf('.') > -1 ? pageURI.LastIndexOf('.') : pageURI.Length;
                    string nextPageURI = pageURI.Substring(0, s1 + 1) + nextPage + pageURI.Substring(s2, pageURI.Length - s2);
            catch (Exception ex)
                output = new StringBuilder();
                WriteLine("RollUp Redirect Error - " + ex.ToString());

            System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "closePage", "window.onunload = CloseWindow();", true);
        public void rptProfileStatus_OnItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item)
                Label lbl;
                    EHSProfile profile = (EHSProfile)e.Item.DataItem;

                    Button btn = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("btnRollup");
                    btn.CommandArgument = profile.Plant.PLANT_ID.ToString();
                    btn = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("btnRollupYTD");
                    btn.CommandArgument = profile.Plant.PLANT_ID.ToString();

                    DateTime   lastUpdateDate;
                    TaskStatus status = profile.PeriodStatus(new string[0] {
                    }, true, out lastUpdateDate);

                    lbl       = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblInputs");
                    lbl.Text += profile.InputPeriod.NumComplete + " of " + profile.MeasureList(false).Count + " (Total)";
                    lbl       = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblReqdInputs");
                    lbl.Text  = profile.InputPeriod.NumRequiredComplete.ToString() + " of " + profile.InputPeriod.NumRequired.ToString() + " (Required)";
                    LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnkInputs");
                    lnk.CommandArgument = profile.Plant.PLANT_ID.ToString();

                    lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblRollupStatus");
                    lnk = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("lnkHistory");
                    lnk.CommandArgument = profile.Plant.PLANT_ID.ToString();
                    if (profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting != null && profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.FINALIZE_DT != null)
                        lbl.Text    = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.FINALIZE_ID, ""));
                        lbl.Text   += " ";
                        lbl.Text   += SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.FINALIZE_DT, "d", false);
                        lnk.Visible = true;

                    string currencyCode = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(profile.Plant.PLANT_ID).CURRENCY_CODE;
                    lbl      = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblRateStatus");
                    lbl.Text = currencyCode + ": ";
                    CURRENCY_XREF currentRate = CurrencyConverter.CurrentRate(currencyCode, profile.InputPeriod.PeriodYear, profile.InputPeriod.PeriodMonth);
                    if (currentRate != null && currentRate.EFF_MONTH > 0)
                        lbl.Text += (System.Environment.NewLine + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(new DateTime(currentRate.EFF_YEAR, currentRate.EFF_MONTH, DateTime.DaysInMonth(currentRate.EFF_YEAR, currentRate.EFF_MONTH)), "d", false));

                    if (profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting != null)
                        SETTINGS    sets = SQMSettings.GetSetting("EHS", "ACCTFIELDS"); // try to retrieve fields to display for this client
                        Ucl_EHSList ucl  = (Ucl_EHSList)e.Item.FindControl("uclProdList");
                        ucl.BindProdFieldsList(profile, sets == null ? "" : sets.VALUE);

                        if (profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVER_ID.HasValue && profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT.HasValue)
                            lbl       = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblFinalStatus");
                            lbl.Text  = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVER_ID, ""));
                            lbl.Text += " ";
                            lbl.Text += SQMBasePage.FormatDate((DateTime)profile.InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT, "", false);
                catch (Exception ex)