Exemple #1
         * Prototype with the default structure of a new auto-shape.
        internal static CT_Shape Prototype()
            if (prototype == null)
                CT_Shape shape = new CT_Shape();

                CT_ShapeNonVisual nv = shape.AddNewNvSpPr();
                NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_NonVisualDrawingProps nvp = nv.AddNewCNvPr();
                nvp.id   = (1);
                nvp.name = ("Shape 1");

                NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Spreadsheet.CT_ShapeProperties sp = shape.AddNewSpPr();
                NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_Transform2D t2d = sp.AddNewXfrm();
                CT_PositiveSize2D p1 = t2d.AddNewExt();
                p1.cx = (0);
                p1.cy = (0);
                CT_Point2D p2 = t2d.AddNewOff();
                p2.x = (0);
                p2.y = (0);

                CT_PresetGeometry2D geom = sp.AddNewPrstGeom();
                geom.prst = (ST_ShapeType.rect);

                CT_ShapeStyle  style  = shape.AddNewStyle();
                CT_SchemeColor scheme = style.AddNewLnRef().AddNewSchemeClr();
                scheme.val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1);
                scheme.AddNewShade().val = 50000;
                style.lnRef.idx = (2);

                CT_StyleMatrixReference Fillref = style.AddNewFillRef();
                Fillref.idx = (1);
                Fillref.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1);

                CT_StyleMatrixReference effectRef = style.AddNewEffectRef();
                effectRef.idx = (0);
                effectRef.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1);

                CT_FontReference fontRef = style.AddNewFontRef();
                fontRef.idx = (ST_FontCollectionIndex.minor);
                fontRef.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.lt1);

                CT_TextBody           body   = shape.AddNewTxBody();
                CT_TextBodyProperties bodypr = body.AddNewBodyPr();
                bodypr.anchor = (ST_TextAnchoringType.ctr);
                bodypr.rtlCol = (false);
                CT_TextParagraph p = body.AddNewP();

                p.AddNewPPr().algn = (ST_TextAlignType.ctr);
                CT_TextCharacterProperties endPr = p.AddNewEndParaRPr();
                endPr.lang = ("en-US");
                endPr.sz   = (1100);


                prototype = shape;
Exemple #2
         * org.openxmlformats.schemas.spreadsheetml.x2006.main.CTRPrElt to
         * org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTFont adapter
        private static void ApplyAttributes(CT_RPrElt pr, CT_TextCharacterProperties rPr)
            if (pr.sizeOfBArray() > 0)
                rPr.b = (pr.GetBArray(0).val);
            if (pr.sizeOfUArray() > 0)
                ST_UnderlineValues u1 = pr.GetUArray(0).val;
                if (u1 == ST_UnderlineValues.single)
                    rPr.u = (ST_TextUnderlineType.sng);
                else if (u1 == ST_UnderlineValues.@double)
                    rPr.u = (ST_TextUnderlineType.dbl);
                else if (u1 == ST_UnderlineValues.none)
                    rPr.u = (ST_TextUnderlineType.none);
            if (pr.sizeOfIArray() > 0)
                rPr.i = (pr.GetIArray(0).val);

            if (pr.sizeOfFamilyArray() > 0)
                CT_TextFont rFont = rPr.AddNewLatin();
                rFont.typeface = (pr.GetRFontArray(0).val);

            if (pr.sizeOfSzArray() > 0)
                int sz = (int)(pr.GetSzArray(0).val * 100);
                rPr.sz = (sz);

            if (pr.sizeOfColorArray() > 0)
                CT_SolidColorFillProperties fill = rPr.IsSetSolidFill() ? rPr.solidFill : rPr.AddNewSolidFill();
                NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Spreadsheet.CT_Color xlsColor = pr.GetColorArray(0);
                if (xlsColor.IsSetRgb())
                    CT_SRgbColor clr = fill.IsSetSrgbClr() ? fill.srgbClr : fill.AddNewSrgbClr();
                    clr.val = (xlsColor.rgb);
                else if (xlsColor.IsSetIndexed())
                    HSSFColor indexed = HSSFColor.GetIndexHash()[(int)xlsColor.indexed] as HSSFColor;
                    if (indexed != null)
                        byte[] rgb = new byte[3];
                        rgb[0] = (byte)indexed.GetTriplet()[0];
                        rgb[1] = (byte)indexed.GetTriplet()[1];
                        rgb[2] = (byte)indexed.GetTriplet()[2];
                        CT_SRgbColor clr = fill.IsSetSrgbClr() ? fill.srgbClr : fill.AddNewSrgbClr();
                        clr.val = (rgb);