internal static CT_Picture Prototype() { if (XSSFPicture.prototype == null) { CT_Picture ctPicture = new CT_Picture(); CT_PictureNonVisual pictureNonVisual = ctPicture.AddNewNvPicPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps visualDrawingProps = pictureNonVisual.AddNewCNvPr(); = 1U; = "Picture 1"; visualDrawingProps.descr = "Picture"; pictureNonVisual.AddNewCNvPicPr().AddNewPicLocks().noChangeAspect = true; CT_BlipFillProperties blipFillProperties = ctPicture.AddNewBlipFill(); blipFillProperties.AddNewBlip().embed = ""; blipFillProperties.AddNewStretch().AddNewFillRect(); CT_ShapeProperties ctShapeProperties = ctPicture.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D ctTransform2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewXfrm(); CT_PositiveSize2D ctPositiveSize2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewExt(); = 0L; = 0L; CT_Point2D ctPoint2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewOff(); ctPoint2D.x = 0L; ctPoint2D.y = 0L; CT_PresetGeometry2D presetGeometry2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewPrstGeom(); presetGeometry2D.prst = ST_ShapeType.rect; presetGeometry2D.AddNewAvLst(); XSSFPicture.prototype = ctPicture; } return(XSSFPicture.prototype); }
public XWPFPicture AddPicture(Stream pictureData, int pictureType, string filename, int width, int height) { XWPFDocument document = this.paragraph.GetDocument(); string id = document.AddPictureData(pictureData, pictureType); XWPFPictureData relationById = (XWPFPictureData)document.GetRelationById(id); try { CT_Inline ctInline =; XmlElement element = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("pic", "pic", ""); ctInline.graphic = new CT_GraphicalObject(); ctInline.graphic.graphicData = new CT_GraphicalObjectData(); ctInline.graphic.graphicData.AddPicElement((XmlElement)element.Clone()); ctInline.distT = 0U; ctInline.distR = 0U; ctInline.distB = 0U; ctInline.distL = 0U; CT_NonVisualDrawingProps visualDrawingProps1 = ctInline.AddNewDocPr(); long num = this.GetParagraph().GetDocument().GetDrawingIdManager().ReserveNew(); = (uint)num; = "Drawing " + (object)num; visualDrawingProps1.descr = filename; CT_PositiveSize2D ctPositiveSize2D1 = ctInline.AddNewExtent(); = (long)width; = (long)height; NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_Picture ctPicture = this.GetCTPictures((object)ctInline.graphic.graphicData)[0]; CT_PictureNonVisual pictureNonVisual = ctPicture.AddNewNvPicPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps visualDrawingProps2 = pictureNonVisual.AddNewCNvPr(); = 0U; = "Picture " + (object)num; visualDrawingProps2.descr = filename; pictureNonVisual.AddNewCNvPicPr().AddNewPicLocks().noChangeAspect = true; CT_BlipFillProperties blipFillProperties = ctPicture.AddNewBlipFill(); blipFillProperties.AddNewBlip().embed = relationById.GetPackageRelationship().Id; blipFillProperties.AddNewStretch().AddNewFillRect(); CT_ShapeProperties ctShapeProperties = ctPicture.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D ctTransform2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewXfrm(); CT_Point2D ctPoint2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewOff(); ctPoint2D.x = 0L; ctPoint2D.y = 0L; CT_PositiveSize2D ctPositiveSize2D2 = ctTransform2D.AddNewExt(); = (long)width; = (long)height; CT_PresetGeometry2D presetGeometry2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewPrstGeom(); presetGeometry2D.prst = ST_ShapeType.rect; presetGeometry2D.AddNewAvLst(); XWPFPicture xwpfPicture = new XWPFPicture(ctPicture, this);; return(xwpfPicture); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException("", ex); } }
internal static CT_Shape Prototype() { if (XSSFSimpleShape.prototype == null) { CT_Shape ctShape = new CT_Shape(); CT_ShapeNonVisual ctShapeNonVisual = ctShape.AddNewNvSpPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps visualDrawingProps = ctShapeNonVisual.AddNewCNvPr(); = 1U; = "Shape 1"; ctShapeNonVisual.AddNewCNvSpPr(); CT_ShapeProperties ctShapeProperties = ctShape.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D ctTransform2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewXfrm(); CT_PositiveSize2D ctPositiveSize2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewExt(); = 0L; = 0L; CT_Point2D ctPoint2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewOff(); ctPoint2D.x = 0L; ctPoint2D.y = 0L; CT_PresetGeometry2D presetGeometry2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewPrstGeom(); presetGeometry2D.prst = ST_ShapeType.rect; presetGeometry2D.AddNewAvLst(); CT_ShapeStyle ctShapeStyle = ctShape.AddNewStyle(); CT_SchemeColor ctSchemeColor = ctShapeStyle.AddNewLnRef().AddNewSchemeClr(); ctSchemeColor.val = ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1; ctSchemeColor.AddNewShade().val = 50000; ctShapeStyle.lnRef.idx = 2U; CT_StyleMatrixReference styleMatrixReference1 = ctShapeStyle.AddNewFillRef(); styleMatrixReference1.idx = 1U; styleMatrixReference1.AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1; CT_StyleMatrixReference styleMatrixReference2 = ctShapeStyle.AddNewEffectRef(); styleMatrixReference2.idx = 0U; styleMatrixReference2.AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1; CT_FontReference ctFontReference = ctShapeStyle.AddNewFontRef(); ctFontReference.idx = ST_FontCollectionIndex.minor; ctFontReference.AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.lt1; CT_TextBody ctTextBody = ctShape.AddNewTxBody(); CT_TextBodyProperties textBodyProperties = ctTextBody.AddNewBodyPr(); textBodyProperties.anchor = ST_TextAnchoringType.ctr; textBodyProperties.rtlCol = false; CT_TextParagraph ctTextParagraph = ctTextBody.AddNewP(); ctTextParagraph.AddNewPPr().algn = ST_TextAlignType.ctr; CT_TextCharacterProperties characterProperties = ctTextParagraph.AddNewEndParaRPr(); characterProperties.lang = "en-US"; = 1100; ctTextBody.AddNewLstStyle(); XSSFSimpleShape.prototype = ctShape; } return(XSSFSimpleShape.prototype); }
/** * Initialize default structure of a new auto-shape * */ public static CT_Connector Prototype() { if (prototype == null) { CT_Connector shape = new CT_Connector(); CT_ConnectorNonVisual nv = shape.AddNewNvCxnSpPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps nvp = nv.AddNewCNvPr(); = (1); = ("Shape 1"); nv.AddNewCNvCxnSpPr(); CT_ShapeProperties sp = shape.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D t2d = sp.AddNewXfrm(); CT_PositiveSize2D p1 = t2d.AddNewExt(); = (0); = (0); CT_Point2D p2 = t2d.AddNewOff(); p2.x = (0); p2.y = (0); CT_PresetGeometry2D geom = sp.AddNewPrstGeom(); geom.prst = (ST_ShapeType.line); geom.AddNewAvLst(); CT_ShapeStyle style = shape.AddNewStyle(); CT_SchemeColor scheme = style.AddNewLnRef().AddNewSchemeClr(); scheme.val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1); style.lnRef.idx = (1); CT_StyleMatrixReference fillref = style.AddNewFillRef(); fillref.idx = (0); fillref.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1); CT_StyleMatrixReference effectRef = style.AddNewEffectRef(); effectRef.idx = (0); effectRef.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1); CT_FontReference fontRef = style.AddNewFontRef(); fontRef.idx = (ST_FontCollectionIndex.minor); fontRef.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.tx1); prototype = shape; } return(prototype); }
/** * Returns a prototype that is used to construct new shapes * * @return a prototype that is used to construct new shapes */ internal static CT_Picture Prototype() { if (prototype == null) { CT_Picture pic = new CT_Picture(); CT_PictureNonVisual nvpr = pic.AddNewNvPicPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps nvProps = nvpr.AddNewCNvPr(); = (1); = ("Picture 1"); nvProps.descr = ("Picture"); CT_NonVisualPictureProperties nvPicProps = nvpr.AddNewCNvPicPr(); nvPicProps.AddNewPicLocks().noChangeAspect = true; CT_BlipFillProperties blip = pic.AddNewBlipFill(); blip.AddNewBlip().embed = ""; blip.AddNewStretch().AddNewFillRect(); CT_ShapeProperties sppr = pic.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D t2d = sppr.AddNewXfrm(); CT_PositiveSize2D ext = t2d.AddNewExt(); //should be original picture width and height expressed in EMUs = (0); = (0); CT_Point2D off = t2d.AddNewOff(); off.x = (0); off.y = (0); CT_PresetGeometry2D prstGeom = sppr.AddNewPrstGeom(); prstGeom.prst = (ST_ShapeType.rect); prstGeom.AddNewAvLst(); prototype = pic; } return(prototype); }
public static CT_Connector Prototype() { if (XSSFConnector.prototype == null) { CT_Connector ctConnector = new CT_Connector(); CT_ConnectorNonVisual connectorNonVisual = ctConnector.AddNewNvCxnSpPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps visualDrawingProps = connectorNonVisual.AddNewCNvPr(); = 1U; = "Shape 1"; connectorNonVisual.AddNewCNvCxnSpPr(); CT_ShapeProperties ctShapeProperties = ctConnector.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D ctTransform2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewXfrm(); CT_PositiveSize2D ctPositiveSize2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewExt(); = 0L; = 0L; CT_Point2D ctPoint2D = ctTransform2D.AddNewOff(); ctPoint2D.x = 0L; ctPoint2D.y = 0L; CT_PresetGeometry2D presetGeometry2D = ctShapeProperties.AddNewPrstGeom(); presetGeometry2D.prst = ST_ShapeType.line; presetGeometry2D.AddNewAvLst(); CT_ShapeStyle ctShapeStyle = ctConnector.AddNewStyle(); ctShapeStyle.AddNewLnRef().AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1; ctShapeStyle.lnRef.idx = 1U; CT_StyleMatrixReference styleMatrixReference1 = ctShapeStyle.AddNewFillRef(); styleMatrixReference1.idx = 0U; styleMatrixReference1.AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1; CT_StyleMatrixReference styleMatrixReference2 = ctShapeStyle.AddNewEffectRef(); styleMatrixReference2.idx = 0U; styleMatrixReference2.AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1; CT_FontReference ctFontReference = ctShapeStyle.AddNewFontRef(); ctFontReference.idx = ST_FontCollectionIndex.minor; ctFontReference.AddNewSchemeClr().val = ST_SchemeColorVal.tx1; XSSFConnector.prototype = ctConnector; } return(XSSFConnector.prototype); }
XWPFPicture AddPicture(Stream pictureData, int pictureType, String filename, int width, int height, Action <XWPFDocument, CT_Blip> extAct) { // Add the picture + relationship String relationId; XWPFPictureData picData; XWPFDocument doc = null; // Work out what to add the picture to, then add both the // picture and the relationship for it // TODO Should we have an interface for this sort of thing? if (parent.Part is XWPFHeaderFooter) { XWPFHeaderFooter headerFooter = (XWPFHeaderFooter)parent.Part; relationId = headerFooter.AddPictureData(pictureData, pictureType); picData = (XWPFPictureData)headerFooter.GetRelationById(relationId); } else { doc = parent.Document; relationId = doc.AddPictureData(pictureData, pictureType); picData = (XWPFPictureData)doc.GetRelationById(relationId); } try { // Create the Drawing entry for it CT_Drawing Drawing = run.AddNewDrawing(); CT_Inline inline = Drawing.AddNewInline(); // Do the fiddly namespace bits on the inline // (We need full control of what goes where and as what) //CT_GraphicalObject tmp = new CT_GraphicalObject(); //String xml = // "<a:graphic xmlns:a=\"" + "" + "\">" + // "<a:graphicData uri=\"" + "" + "\">" + // "<pic:pic xmlns:pic=\"" + "" + "\" />" + // "</a:graphicData>" + // "</a:graphic>"; //InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)); //org.w3c.dom.Document doc = DocumentHelper.readDocument(is); //inline.set(XmlToken.Factory.parse(doc.getDocumentElement(), DEFAULT_XML_OPTIONS)); inline.graphic = new CT_GraphicalObject(); inline.graphic.graphicData = new CT_GraphicalObjectData(); inline.graphic.graphicData.uri = ""; // Setup the inline inline.distT = (0); inline.distR = (0); inline.distB = (0); inline.distL = (0); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.WordProcessing.CT_NonVisualDrawingProps docPr = inline.AddNewDocPr(); long id = parent.Document.DrawingIdManager.ReserveNew(); = (uint)(id); /* This name is not visible in Word 2010 anywhere. */ = ("Drawing " + id); docPr.descr = (filename); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.WordProcessing.CT_PositiveSize2D extent = inline.AddNewExtent(); = (width); = (height); // Grab the picture object NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_Picture pic = new OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_Picture(); // Set it up NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_PictureNonVisual nvPicPr = pic.AddNewNvPicPr(); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_NonVisualDrawingProps cNvPr = nvPicPr.AddNewCNvPr(); /* use "0" for the id. See ECM-576, */ = (0); /* This name is not visible in Word 2010 anywhere */ = ("Picture " + id); cNvPr.descr = (filename); CT_NonVisualPictureProperties cNvPicPr = nvPicPr.AddNewCNvPicPr(); cNvPicPr.AddNewPicLocks().noChangeAspect = true; CT_BlipFillProperties blipFill = pic.AddNewBlipFill(); CT_Blip blip = blipFill.AddNewBlip(); blip.embed = (picData.GetPackageRelationship().Id); if (doc != null) { extAct(doc, blip); } blipFill.AddNewStretch().AddNewFillRect(); CT_ShapeProperties spPr = pic.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D xfrm = spPr.AddNewXfrm(); CT_Point2D off = xfrm.AddNewOff(); off.x = (0); off.y = (0); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_PositiveSize2D ext = xfrm.AddNewExt(); = (width); = (height); CT_PresetGeometry2D prstGeom = spPr.AddNewPrstGeom(); prstGeom.prst = (ST_ShapeType.rect); prstGeom.AddNewAvLst(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms); pic.Write(sw, "pic:pic"); sw.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; var sr = new StreamReader(ms); var picXml = sr.ReadToEnd(); inline.graphic.graphicData.AddPicElement(picXml); } // Finish up XWPFPicture xwpfPicture = new XWPFPicture(pic, this); pictures.Add(xwpfPicture); return(xwpfPicture); } catch (XmlException e) { throw new InvalidOperationException("XWPFRun.Addpicture error", e); } }
/** * Adds a picture to the run. This method handles * attaching the picture data to the overall file. * * @see NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.Document#PICTURE_TYPE_EMF * @see NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.Document#PICTURE_TYPE_WMF * @see NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.Document#PICTURE_TYPE_PICT * @see NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.Document#PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG * @see NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.Document#PICTURE_TYPE_PNG * @see NPOI.XWPF.UserModel.Document#PICTURE_TYPE_DIB * * @param pictureData The raw picture data * @param pictureType The type of the picture, eg {@link Document#PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG} * @param width width in EMUs. To convert to / from points use {@link org.apache.poi.util.Units} * @param height height in EMUs. To convert to / from points use {@link org.apache.poi.util.Units} * @throws NPOI.Openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException * @throws IOException */ public XWPFPicture AddPicture(Stream pictureData, int pictureType, String filename, int width, int height) { XWPFDocument doc = parent.Document; // Add the picture + relationship String relationId = doc.AddPictureData(pictureData, pictureType); XWPFPictureData picData = (XWPFPictureData)doc.GetRelationById(relationId); // Create the Drawing entry for it CT_Drawing Drawing = run.AddNewDrawing(); CT_Inline inline = Drawing.AddNewInline(); // Do the fiddly namespace bits on the inline // (We need full control of what goes where and as what) //CT_GraphicalObject tmp = new CT_GraphicalObject(); //String xml = // "<a:graphic xmlns:a=\"" + "" + "\">" + // "<a:graphicData uri=\"" + "" + "\">" + // "<pic:pic xmlns:pic=\"" + "" + "\" />" + // "</a:graphicData>" + // "</a:graphic>"; //inline.Set((xml)); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); //XmlElement el = xmlDoc.CreateElement("pic", "pic", ""); inline.graphic = new CT_GraphicalObject(); inline.graphic.graphicData = new CT_GraphicalObjectData(); inline.graphic.graphicData.uri = ""; // Setup the inline inline.distT = (0); inline.distR = (0); inline.distB = (0); inline.distL = (0); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.WordProcessing.CT_NonVisualDrawingProps docPr = inline.AddNewDocPr(); long id = parent.Document.DrawingIdManager.ReserveNew(); = (uint)(id); /* This name is not visible in Word 2010 anywhere. */ = ("Drawing " + id); docPr.descr = (filename); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.WordProcessing.CT_PositiveSize2D extent = inline.AddNewExtent(); = (width); = (height); // Grab the picture object NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_Picture pic = new OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_Picture(); // Set it up NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.Picture.CT_PictureNonVisual nvPicPr = pic.AddNewNvPicPr(); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_NonVisualDrawingProps cNvPr = nvPicPr.AddNewCNvPr(); /* use "0" for the id. See ECM-576, */ = (0); /* This name is not visible in Word 2010 anywhere */ = ("Picture " + id); cNvPr.descr = (filename); CT_NonVisualPictureProperties cNvPicPr = nvPicPr.AddNewCNvPicPr(); cNvPicPr.AddNewPicLocks().noChangeAspect = true; CT_BlipFillProperties blipFill = pic.AddNewBlipFill(); CT_Blip blip = blipFill.AddNewBlip(); blip.embed = (picData.GetPackageRelationship().Id); blipFill.AddNewStretch().AddNewFillRect(); CT_ShapeProperties spPr = pic.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D xfrm = spPr.AddNewXfrm(); CT_Point2D off = xfrm.AddNewOff(); off.x = (0); off.y = (0); NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_PositiveSize2D ext = xfrm.AddNewExt(); = (width); = (height); CT_PresetGeometry2D prstGeom = spPr.AddNewPrstGeom(); prstGeom.prst = (ST_ShapeType.rect); prstGeom.AddNewAvLst(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms); pic.Write(sw, "pic:pic"); sw.Flush(); ms.Position = 0; var sr = new StreamReader(ms); var picXml = sr.ReadToEnd(); inline.graphic.graphicData.AddPicElement(picXml); } // Finish up XWPFPicture xwpfPicture = new XWPFPicture(pic, this); pictures.Add(xwpfPicture); return(xwpfPicture); }
/** * Prototype with the default structure of a new auto-shape. */ internal static CT_Shape Prototype() { if (prototype == null) { CT_Shape shape = new CT_Shape(); CT_ShapeNonVisual nv = shape.AddNewNvSpPr(); CT_NonVisualDrawingProps nvp = nv.AddNewCNvPr(); = (1); = ("Shape 1"); nv.AddNewCNvSpPr(); CT_ShapeProperties sp = shape.AddNewSpPr(); CT_Transform2D t2d = sp.AddNewXfrm(); CT_PositiveSize2D p1 = t2d.AddNewExt(); = (0); = (0); CT_Point2D p2 = t2d.AddNewOff(); p2.x = (0); p2.y = (0); CT_PresetGeometry2D geom = sp.AddNewPrstGeom(); geom.prst = (ST_ShapeType.rect); geom.AddNewAvLst(); CT_ShapeStyle style = shape.AddNewStyle(); CT_SchemeColor scheme = style.AddNewLnRef().AddNewSchemeClr(); scheme.val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1); scheme.AddNewShade().val = 50000; style.lnRef.idx = (2); CT_StyleMatrixReference Fillref = style.AddNewFillRef(); Fillref.idx = (1); Fillref.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1); CT_StyleMatrixReference effectRef = style.AddNewEffectRef(); effectRef.idx = (0); effectRef.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.accent1); CT_FontReference fontRef = style.AddNewFontRef(); fontRef.idx = (ST_FontCollectionIndex.minor); fontRef.AddNewSchemeClr().val = (ST_SchemeColorVal.lt1); CT_TextBody body = shape.AddNewTxBody(); CT_TextBodyProperties bodypr = body.AddNewBodyPr(); bodypr.anchor = (ST_TextAnchoringType.ctr); bodypr.rtlCol = (false); CT_TextParagraph p = body.AddNewP(); p.AddNewPPr().algn = (ST_TextAlignType.ctr); CT_TextCharacterProperties endPr = p.AddNewEndParaRPr(); endPr.lang = ("en-US"); = (1100); body.AddNewLstStyle(); prototype = shape; } return(prototype); }