Exemple #1
        public void SetStrike(bool value)
            CT_RPr   pr     = run.IsSetRPr() ? run.rPr : run.AddNewRPr();
            CT_OnOff strike = pr.IsSetStrike() ? pr.strike : pr.AddNewStrike();

            strike.val = value;
Exemple #2
        private CT_OnOff On()
            CT_OnOff cT_OnOff = new CT_OnOff();

            cT_OnOff.Val_Attr = true;
Exemple #3
         * This attribute controls whether to repeat a table's header row at the top
         * of a table split across pages.
         * @param repeat - if TRUE, repeat header row at the top of each page of table;
         *                 if FALSE, don't repeat header row.
        public void SetRepeatHeader(bool repeat)
            CT_TrPr  trpr  = GetTrPr();
            CT_OnOff onoff = trpr.AddNewTblHeader();

            onoff.val = (repeat ? ST_OnOff.on : ST_OnOff.off);
         * Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script
         * characters in the contents of this run.when displayed in a document.
         * <p>
         * This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its
         * behavior differs between its use within a style defInition and its use as
         * direct formatting. When used as part of a style defInition, Setting this
         * property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up
         * to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice
         * versa). Setting it to <code>false</code> (or an equivalent) shall
         * result in the current Setting remaining unChanged. However, when used as
         * direct formatting, Setting this property to true or false shall Set the
         * absolute state of the resulting property.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the
         * formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this
         * element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then bold shall not be
         * applied to non-complex script characters.
         * </p>
         * @param value <code>true</code> if the bold property is applied to
         *              this run
        public void SetBold(bool value)
            CT_RPr   pr   = run.IsSetRPr() ? run.rPr : run.AddNewRPr();
            CT_OnOff bold = pr.IsSetB() ? pr.b : pr.AddNewB();

            bold.val = value;
Exemple #5
         * Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script
         * characters in the contents of this run.when displayed in a document.
         * <p>
         * This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its
         * behavior differs between its use within a style defInition and its use as
         * direct formatting. When used as part of a style defInition, Setting this
         * property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up
         * to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice
         * versa). Setting it to <code>false</code> (or an equivalent) shall
         * result in the current Setting remaining unChanged. However, when used as
         * direct formatting, Setting this property to true or false shall Set the
         * absolute state of the resulting property.
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the
         * formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this
         * element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then bold shall not be
         * applied to non-complex script characters.
         * </p>
         * @param value <code>true</code> if the bold property is applied to
         *              this run
        public void SetBold(bool value)
            CT_RPr   pr   = run.IsSetRPr() ? run.rPr : run.AddNewRPr();
            CT_OnOff bold = pr.IsSetB() ? pr.b : pr.AddNewB();

            bold.val = (value ? ST_OnOff.True : ST_OnOff.False);
Exemple #6
         * Specifies that the contents of this run.shall be displayed with a single
         * horizontal line through the center of the line.
         * <p/>
         * This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its
         * behavior differs between its use within a style defInition and its use as
         * direct formatting. When used as part of a style defInition, Setting this
         * property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up
         * to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice
         * versa). Setting it to false (or an equivalent) shall result in the
         * current Setting remaining unChanged. However, when used as direct
         * formatting, Setting this property to true or false shall Set the absolute
         * state of the resulting property.
         * </p>
         * <p/>
         * If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the
         * formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this
         * element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then strikethrough shall
         * not be applied to the contents of this run.
         * </p>
         * @param value <code>true</code> if the strike property is applied to
         *              this run
        public void SetStrike(bool value)
            CT_RPr   pr     = run.IsSetRPr() ? run.rPr : run.AddNewRPr();
            CT_OnOff strike = pr.IsSetStrike() ? pr.strike : pr.AddNewStrike();

            strike.val = (value ? ST_OnOff.True : ST_OnOff.False);
Exemple #7
         * Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script
         * characters in the contents of this run.when displayed in a document
         * <p/>
         * <p/>
         * This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its
         * behavior differs between its use within a style defInition and its use as
         * direct formatting. When used as part of a style defInition, Setting this
         * property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up
         * to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice
         * versa). Setting it to <code>false</code> (or an equivalent) shall
         * result in the current Setting remaining unChanged. However, when used as
         * direct formatting, Setting this property to true or false shall Set the
         * absolute state of the resulting property.
         * </p>
         * <p/>
         * If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the
         * formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this
         * element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then bold shall not be
         * applied to non-complex script characters.
         * </p>
         * @param value <code>true</code> if the italic property is applied to
         *              this run
        public void SetItalic(bool value)
            CT_RPr   pr     = run.IsSetRPr() ? run.rPr : run.AddNewRPr();
            CT_OnOff italic = pr.IsSetI() ? pr.i : pr.AddNewI();

            italic.val = (value ? ST_OnOff.True : ST_OnOff.False);
Exemple #8
         * Enforces fields update on document open (in Word).
         * In the settings.xml file <br/>
         * sets the updateSettings value to true (w:updateSettings w:val="true")
         *  NOTICES:
         *  <ul>
         *      <li>Causing Word to ask on open: "This document contains fields that may refer to other files. Do you want to update the fields in this document?"
         *           (if "Update automatic links at open" is enabled)</li>
         *      <li>Flag is removed after saving with changes in Word </li>
         *  </ul>
        public void SetUpdateFields()
            CT_OnOff onOff = new CT_OnOff();

            onOff.val = true;
            ctSettings.updateFields = (onOff);
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_MathPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_MathPr()
     this.naryLimField = new CT_LimLoc();
     this.intLimField = new CT_LimLoc();
     //this.intraSpField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.interSpField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.postSpField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.preSpField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     this.defJcField = new CT_OMathJc();
     this.rMarginField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     this.lMarginField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.dispDefField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.smallFracField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.brkBinSubField = new CT_BreakBinSub();
     this.brkBinField = new CT_BreakBin();
     this.mathFontField = new CT_String();
     this.mathFont.val = "Cambria Math";
     this.brkBin.val = ST_BreakBin.before;
     this.brkBinSub.val = ST_BreakBinSub.Item;
     this.smallFrac.val = ST_OnOff.off;
     this.lMargin.val = 0;
     this.rMargin.val = 0;
     this.defJc.val = ST_Jc.centerGroup;
     this.itemField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     (this.Item as CT_TwipsMeasure).val = 1440;
     this.itemElementName = "wrapIndent";
     this.intLim.val = ST_LimLoc.subSup;
     this.naryLim.val = ST_LimLoc.undOvr;
Exemple #10
         * This attribute controls whether to allow table rows to split across pages.
         * The logic for this attribute is a little unusual: a true value means
         * DON'T allow rows to split, false means allow rows to split.
         * @param split - if true, don't allow rows to be split. If false, allow
         *        rows to be split.
        public void SetCantSplitRow(bool split)
            CT_TrPr  trpr  = GetTrPr();
            CT_OnOff onoff = trpr.AddNewCantSplit();

            onoff.val = (split ? ST_OnOff.on : ST_OnOff.off);
Exemple #11
        public bool IsPageBreak()
            CT_PPr   ctpPr   = this.GetCTPPr();
            CT_OnOff ctOnOff = ctpPr.IsSetPageBreakBefore() ? ctpPr.pageBreakBefore : (CT_OnOff)null;

            return(ctOnOff != null && ctOnOff.val == ST_OnOff.True);
Exemple #12
  * For isBold, isItalic etc
 private bool IsCTOnOff(CT_OnOff onoff)
     if (!onoff.IsSetVal())
Exemple #13
  * For isBold, isItalic etc
 private bool IsCTOnOff(CT_OnOff onoff)
     if (!onoff.IsSetVal())
     //CT_OnOff.val is a boolean field, and parse "1","-1","true","on" valus as true.
     //see CT_OnOff.Parse(XmlNode, XmlNamespaceManager)
Exemple #14
         * Return true if a table's header row should be repeated at the top of a
         * table split across pages.
         * @return true if table's header row should be repeated at the top of each
         *         page of table, false otherwise.
        public bool IsRepeatHeader()
            bool    repeat = false;
            CT_TrPr trpr   = GetTrPr();

            if (trpr.SizeOfTblHeaderArray() > 0)
                CT_OnOff rpt = trpr.GetTblHeaderList()[0];
                repeat = rpt.val == (ST_OnOff.on);
Exemple #15
         * Return true if the "can't split row" value is true. The logic for this
         * attribute is a little unusual: a TRUE value means DON'T allow rows to
         * split, FALSE means allow rows to split.
         * @return true if rows can't be split, false otherwise.
        public bool IsCantSplitRow()
            bool    isCant = false;
            CT_TrPr trpr   = GetTrPr();

            if (trpr.SizeOfCantSplitArray() > 0)
                CT_OnOff onoff = trpr.GetCantSplitList()[0];
                isCant = onoff.val == (ST_OnOff.on);
Exemple #16
        public void SetWordWrap(bool wrap)
            CT_OnOff ctOnOff = this.GetCTPPr().IsSetWordWrap() ? this.GetCTPPr().wordWrap : this.GetCTPPr().AddNewWordWrap();

            if (wrap)
                ctOnOff.val = ST_OnOff.True;
Exemple #17
        public void SetPageBreak(bool pageBreak)
            CT_PPr   ctpPr   = this.GetCTPPr();
            CT_OnOff ctOnOff = ctpPr.IsSetPageBreakBefore() ? ctpPr.pageBreakBefore : ctpPr.AddNewPageBreakBefore();

            if (pageBreak)
                ctOnOff.val = ST_OnOff.True;
                ctOnOff.val = ST_OnOff.False;
Exemple #18
        public void TestSetGetPageBreak()
            XWPFDocument  doc = new XWPFDocument();
            XWPFParagraph p   = doc.CreateParagraph();

            CT_P   ctp = p.GetCTP();
            CT_PPr ppr = ctp.pPr == null?ctp.AddNewPPr() : ctp.pPr;

            CT_OnOff pageBreak = ppr.AddNewPageBreakBefore();

            pageBreak.val = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(false, p.IsPageBreak);

            p.IsPageBreak = (true);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ppr.pageBreakBefore.val);
Exemple #19
  * For isBold, isItalic etc
 private bool IsCTOnOff(CT_OnOff onoff)
     if (!onoff.IsSetVal())
     if (onoff.val == ST_OnOff.on)
     if (onoff.val == ST_OnOff.True)
Exemple #20
        public void TestSetGetWordWrap()
            XWPFDocument  doc = new XWPFDocument();
            XWPFParagraph p   = doc.CreateParagraph();

            CT_P   ctp = p.GetCTP();
            CT_PPr ppr = ctp.pPr == null?ctp.AddNewPPr() : ctp.pPr;

            CT_OnOff wordWrap = ppr.AddNewWordWrap();

            wordWrap.val = false;
            Assert.AreEqual(false, p.IsWordWrap);

            p.IsWordWrap = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ppr.wordWrap.val);
Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// 加入标题定义
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docxDocument"></param>
        /// <param name="strStyleId"></param>
        /// <param name="headingLevel"></param>
        private static void addCustomHeadingStyle(XWPFDocument docxDocument, String strStyleId, int headingLevel)
            CT_Style ctStyle = new CT_Style();

            ctStyle.styleId = strStyleId;

            CT_String styleName = new CT_String();

            styleName.val = strStyleId;
            ctStyle.name  = styleName;

            CT_DecimalNumber indentNumber = new CT_DecimalNumber();

            indentNumber.val = BigInteger.ValueOf(headingLevel).ToString();

            // lower number > style is more prominent in the formats bar
            ctStyle.uiPriority = indentNumber;

            CT_OnOff onoffnull = new CT_OnOff();

            ctStyle.unhideWhenUsed = onoffnull;

            // style shows up in the formats bar
            ctStyle.qFormat = onoffnull;

            // style defines a heading of the given level
            CT_PPr ppr = new CT_PPr();

            ppr.outlineLvl = indentNumber;
            ctStyle.pPr    = ppr;

            XWPFStyle style = new XWPFStyle(ctStyle);

            // is a null op if already defined
            XWPFStyles styles = docxDocument.CreateStyles();

            style.StyleType = ST_StyleType.paragraph;

            if (styles.GetStyle(strStyleId) == null)
Exemple #22
        public void AddCustomHeadingStyle(string name, int headingLevel, int outlineLevel, int ptSize = 12)
            CT_Style ctStyle = ctStyles.AddNewStyle();

            ctStyle.styleId = (name);

            CT_String styleName = new CT_String();

            styleName.val = (name);
            ctStyle.name  = (styleName);

            CT_DecimalNumber indentNumber = new CT_DecimalNumber();

            indentNumber.val = headingLevel.ToString();

            // lower number > style is more prominent in the formats bar
            ctStyle.uiPriority = (indentNumber);

            CT_OnOff onoffnull = new CT_OnOff();

            ctStyle.unhideWhenUsed = (onoffnull);

            // style shows up in the formats bar
            ctStyle.qFormat = (onoffnull);

            // style defines a heading of the given level
            CT_PPr ppr = new CT_PPr();

            ppr.outlineLvl = new CT_DecimalNumber()
                val = outlineLevel.ToString()
            ctStyle.pPr = (ppr);

            CT_RPr rpr = new CT_RPr();

            rpr.AddNewSz().val = (ulong)ptSize * 2;
            ctStyle.rPr = rpr;
Exemple #23
        public bool IsWordWrap()
            CT_OnOff ctOnOff = this.GetCTPPr().IsSetWordWrap() ? this.GetCTPPr().wordWrap : (CT_OnOff)null;

            return(ctOnOff != null && (ctOnOff.val == ST_OnOff.on || ctOnOff.val == ST_OnOff.True || ctOnOff.val == ST_OnOff.Value1));
Exemple #24
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_BoxPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_BoxPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.alnField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.brkField = new CT_ManualBreak();
     this.diffField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.noBreakField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.opEmuField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #25
 public static CT_OnOff Parse(XmlNode node, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager)
     if (node == null)
         return null;
     CT_OnOff ctObj = new CT_OnOff();
     if (node.Attributes["m:val"] != null)
         ctObj.val = (ST_OnOff)Enum.Parse(typeof(ST_OnOff), node.Attributes["m:val"].Value);
     return ctObj;
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_BorderBoxPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_BorderBoxPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.strikeTLBRField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.strikeBLTRField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.strikeVField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.strikeHField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.hideRightField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.hideLeftField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.hideBotField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.hideTopField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_RPR class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_RPR()
     this.alnField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.brkField = new CT_ManualBreak();
     this.itemsField = new object[0];
     this.litField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_DPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_DPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.shpField = new CT_Shp();
     this.growField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.endChrField = new CT_Char();
     this.sepChrField = new CT_Char();
     this.begChrField = new CT_Char();
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_MPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_MPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.mcsField = new List<CT_MC>();
     this.cGpField = new CT_UnSignedInteger();
     this.cSpField = new CT_UnSignedInteger();
     this.rSpField = new CT_UnSignedInteger();
     this.cGpRuleField = new CT_SpacingRule();
     this.rSpRuleField = new CT_SpacingRule();
     this.plcHideField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.baseJcField = new CT_YAlign();
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_PhantPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_PhantPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.transpField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.zeroDescField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.zeroAscField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.zeroWidField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.showField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #31
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_NaryPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_NaryPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.supHideField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.subHideField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.growField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.limLocField = new CT_LimLoc();
     this.chrField = new CT_Char();
Exemple #32
 public CT_WebSettings()
     //this.saveSmartTagsAsXmlField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.targetScreenSzField = new CT_TargetScreenSz();
     //this.pixelsPerInchField = new CT_DecimalNumber();
     //this.doNotUseLongFileNamesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotOrganizeInFolderField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotSaveAsSingleFileField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotRelyOnCSSField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.allowPNGField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.relyOnVMLField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.optimizeForBrowserField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.encodingField = new CT_String();
     //this.divsField = new CT_Divs();
     //this.framesetField = new CT_Frameset();
Exemple #33
 public CT_Settings()
     this.listSeparatorField = new CT_String();
     this.listSeparator.val = ",";
     this.decimalSymbolField = new CT_String();
     this.decimalSymbol.val = ".";
     //this.doNotEmbedSmartTagsField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.shapeDefaultsField = new System.Xml.XmlElement[0];
     //this.schemaLibraryField = new List<CT_Schema>();
     //this.smartTagTypeField = new List<CT_SmartTagType>();
     //this.readModeInkLockDownField = new CT_ReadingModeInkLockDown();
     //this.captionsField = new CT_Captions();
     //this.forceUpgradeField = new CT_Empty();
     //this.doNotAutoCompressPicturesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotIncludeSubdocsInStatsField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.clrSchemeMappingField = new CT_ColorSchemeMapping();
     this.clrSchemeMapping.bg1 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.light1;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.t1 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.dark1;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.bg2 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.light2;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.t2 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.dark2;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.accent1 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.accent1;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.accent2 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.accent2;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.accent3 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.accent3;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.accent4 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.accent4;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.accent5 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.accent5;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.accent6 = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.accent6;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.hyperlink = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.hyperlink;
     this.clrSchemeMapping.followedHyperlink = ST_ColorSchemeIndex.followedHyperlink;
     this.themeFontLangField = new CT_Language();
     this.themeFontLang.val = "en-US";
     this.themeFontLang.eastAsia = "zh-CN";
     //this.attachedSchemaField = new List<CT_String>();
     //this.uiCompat97To2003Field = new CT_OnOff();
     this.mathPrField = new NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Shared.CT_MathPr();
     this.rsidsField = new CT_DocRsids();
     //this.docVarsField = new List<CT_DocVar>();
     this.compatField = new CT_Compat();
     //this.endnotePrField = new CT_EdnDocProps();
     //this.footnotePrField = new CT_FtnDocProps();
     //this.hdrShapeDefaultsField = new System.Xml.XmlElement[0];
     //this.updateFieldsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.alwaysMergeEmptyNamespaceField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.showXMLTagsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.saveThroughXsltField = new CT_SaveThroughXslt();
     //this.useXSLTWhenSavingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.saveXmlDataOnlyField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotDemarcateInvalidXmlField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.alwaysShowPlaceholderTextField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.ignoreMixedContentField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.saveInvalidXmlField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotValidateAgainstSchemaField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.savePreviewPictureField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.noLineBreaksBeforeField = new CT_Kinsoku();
     //this.noLineBreaksAfterField = new CT_Kinsoku();
     //this.strictFirstAndLastCharsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.printTwoOnOneField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.characterSpacingControlField = new CT_CharacterSpacing();
     this.characterSpacingControl.val = ST_CharacterSpacing.compressPunctuation;
     //this.noPunctuationKerningField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotShadeFormDataField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.drawingGridVerticalOriginField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.drawingGridHorizontalOriginField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.doNotUseMarginsForDrawingGridOriginField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.displayVerticalDrawingGridEveryField = new CT_DecimalNumber();
     this.displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery.val = "2";
     this.displayHorizontalDrawingGridEveryField = new CT_DecimalNumber();
     this.displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery.val = "0";
     this.drawingGridVerticalSpacingField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     this.drawingGridVerticalSpacing.val = 156;
     //this.drawingGridHorizontalSpacingField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.bookFoldPrintingSheetsField = new CT_DecimalNumber();
     //this.bookFoldPrintingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.bookFoldRevPrintingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.evenAndOddHeadersField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.defaultTableStyleField = new CT_String();
     //this.clickAndTypeStyleField = new CT_String();
     //this.summaryLengthField = new CT_DecimalNumber();
     //this.showEnvelopeField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotHyphenateCapsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.hyphenationZoneField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     //this.consecutiveHyphenLimitField = new CT_DecimalNumber();
     //this.autoHyphenationField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.defaultTabStopField = new CT_TwipsMeasure();
     this.defaultTabStopField.val = 420;
     //this.styleLockQFSetField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.styleLockThemeField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.autoFormatOverrideField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.documentProtectionField = new CT_DocProtect();
     //this.doNotTrackFormattingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotTrackMovesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.trackRevisionsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.revisionViewField = new CT_TrackChangesView();
     //this.mailMergeField = new CT_MailMerge();
     //this.documentTypeField = new CT_DocType();
     //this.stylePaneSortMethodField = new CT_ShortHexNumber();
     //this.stylePaneFormatFilterField = new CT_ShortHexNumber();
     //this.linkStylesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.attachedTemplateField = new CT_Rel();
     //this.formsDesignField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.proofStateField = new CT_Proof();
     //this.activeWritingStyleField = new List<CT_WritingStyle>();
     //this.hideGrammaticalErrorsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.hideSpellingErrorsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.gutterAtTopField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.bordersDoNotSurroundFooterField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.bordersDoNotSurroundHeaderField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.alignBordersAndEdgesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.mirrorMarginsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.saveFormsDataField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.saveSubsetFontsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.embedSystemFontsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.embedTrueTypeFontsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.printFormsDataField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.printFractionalCharacterWidthField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.printPostScriptOverTextField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.displayBackgroundShapeField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotDisplayPageBoundariesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.removeDateAndTimeField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.removePersonalInformationField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.zoomField = new CT_Zoom();
     //this.viewField = new CT_View();
     //this.writeProtectionField = new CT_WriteProtection();
Exemple #34
 public CT_Compat()
     //this.cachedColBalanceField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.useAnsiKerningPairsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotVertAlignInTxbxField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotBreakConstrainedForcedTableField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotVertAlignCellWithSpField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.splitPgBreakAndParaMarkField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.displayHangulFixedWidthField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.underlineTabInNumListField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.autofitToFirstFixedWidthCellField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotAutofitConstrainedTablesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotSuppressIndentationField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTableField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.useAltKinsokuLineBreakRulesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStopField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.useNormalStyleForListField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.useFELayoutField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.growAutofitField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.useWord2002TableStyleRulesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotUseEastAsianBreakRulesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotWrapTextWithPunctField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.applyBreakingRulesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.selectFldWithFirstOrLastCharField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotSnapToGridInCellField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotBreakWrappedTablesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.useWord97LineBreakRulesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.layoutTableRowsApartField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.layoutRawTableWidthField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.noSpaceRaiseLowerField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.autoSpaceLikeWord95Field = new CT_OnOff();
     this.adjustLineHeightInTableField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.forgetLastTabAlignmentField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.alignTablesRowByRowField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.shapeLayoutLikeWW8Field = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.footnoteLayoutLikeWW8Field = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.wrapTrailSpacesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.doNotSuppressParagraphBordersField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.usePrinterMetricsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.mwSmallCapsField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6Field = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.convMailMergeEscField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.swapBordersFacingPagesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.suppressSpBfAfterPgBrkField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.suppressTopSpacingWPField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.suppressSpacingAtTopOfPageField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.suppressTopSpacingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.suppressBottomSpacingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.subFontBySizeField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.showBreaksInFramesField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.wpSpaceWidthField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.printColBlackField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.printBodyTextBeforeHeaderField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.lineWrapLikeWord6Field = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.spacingInWholePointsField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.doNotExpandShiftReturnField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.ulTrailSpaceField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.doNotLeaveBackslashAloneField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.noExtraLineSpacingField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidthField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.noColumnBalanceField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.spaceForULField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.noLeadingField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.noTabHangIndField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.wpJustificationField = new CT_OnOff();
     //this.useSingleBorderforContiguousCellsField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #35
 public void UnsetTrackRevisions()
     this.trackRevisionsField = null;
Exemple #36
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_EqArrPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_EqArrPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.rSpField = new CT_UnSignedInteger();
     this.rSpRuleField = new CT_SpacingRule();
     this.objDistField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.maxDistField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.baseJcField = new CT_YAlign();
Exemple #37
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_SSubSupPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_SSubSupPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.alnScrField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #38
 public CT_OnOff AddNewTrackRevisions()
     this.trackRevisionsField = new CT_OnOff();
     this.trackRevisionsField.val = true;
     return this.trackRevisionsField;
Exemple #39
 /// <summary>
 /// CT_RadPr class constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CT_RadPr()
     this.ctrlPrField = new CT_CtrlPr();
     this.degHideField = new CT_OnOff();
Exemple #40
 private bool IsCTOnOff(CT_OnOff onoff)
     return(!onoff.IsSetVal() || onoff.val == ST_OnOff.on || onoff.val == ST_OnOff.True);