Exemple #1
 private CT_Col insertCol(CT_Cols cols, long min, long max,
                          CT_Col[] colsWithAttributes, bool ignoreExistsCheck, CT_Col overrideColumn)
     if (ignoreExistsCheck || !columnExists(cols, min, max))
         CT_Col newCol = cols.InsertNewCol(0);
         newCol.min = (uint)(min);
         newCol.max = (uint)(max);
         foreach (CT_Col col in colsWithAttributes)
             SetColumnAttributes(col, newCol);
         if (overrideColumn != null)
             SetColumnAttributes(overrideColumn, newCol);
        public void TestNoColsWithoutWidthWhenGrouping()
            XSSFWorkbook wb    = new XSSFWorkbook();
            XSSFSheet    sheet = (XSSFSheet)wb.CreateSheet("test");

            sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 5000);
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(5, 5000);

            sheet.GroupColumn((short)4, (short)7);
            sheet.GroupColumn((short)9, (short)12);

            wb    = XSSFTestDataSamples.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb, "testNoColsWithoutWidthWhenGrouping");
            sheet = (XSSFSheet)wb.GetSheet("test");

            CT_Cols cols = sheet.GetCTWorksheet().GetColsArray(0);

            //logger.log(POILogger.DEBUG, "test52186/cols:" + cols);
            foreach (CT_Col col in cols.GetColList())
                Assert.IsTrue(col.IsSetWidth(), "Col width attribute is unset: " + col.ToString());
Exemple #3
        public void TestCleanColumns()
            CT_Worksheet worksheet = new CT_Worksheet();

            CT_Cols cols1 = worksheet.AddNewCols();
            CT_Col  col1  = cols1.AddNewCol();

            col1.min    = (1);
            col1.max    = (1);
            col1.width  = (88);
            col1.hidden = (true);
            CT_Col col2 = cols1.AddNewCol();

            col2.min = (2);
            col2.max = (3);
            CT_Cols cols2 = worksheet.AddNewCols();
            CT_Col  col4  = cols2.AddNewCol();

            col4.min = (13);
            col4.max = (16384);

            // Test cleaning cols
            Assert.AreEqual(2, worksheet.sizeOfColsArray());
            int count = countColumns(worksheet);

            Assert.AreEqual(16375, count);
            // Clean columns and Test a clean worksheet
            ColumnHelper helper = new ColumnHelper(worksheet);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, worksheet.sizeOfColsArray());
            count = countColumns(worksheet);
            Assert.AreEqual(16375, count);
            // Remember - POI column 0 == OOXML column 1
            Assert.AreEqual(88.0, helper.GetColumn(0, false).width, 0.0);
            Assert.IsTrue(helper.GetColumn(0, false).hidden);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, helper.GetColumn(1, false).width, 0.0);
            Assert.IsFalse(helper.GetColumn(1, false).hidden);
Exemple #4
        public void CleanColumns()
            this.newCols = new CT_Cols();
            List <CT_Cols> colsArray = this.worksheet.GetColsArray();

            if (colsArray != null)
                int index1;
                for (index1 = 0; index1 < colsArray.Count; ++index1)
                    List <CT_Col> colArray = colsArray[index1].GetColArray();
                    for (int index2 = 0; index2 < colArray.Count; ++index2)
                        this.newCols = this.AddCleanColIntoCols(this.newCols, colArray[index2]);
                for (int index2 = index1 - 1; index2 >= 0; --index2)
            this.worksheet.SetColsArray(0, this.newCols);
Exemple #5
  * Does the column at the given 0 based index exist
  *  in the supplied list of column defInitions?
 public bool columnExists(CT_Cols cols, long index)
     return(columnExists1Based(cols, index + 1));
Exemple #6
        //public CT_Cols AddCleanColIntoCols(CT_Cols cols, CT_Col col)
        //    bool colOverlaps = false;
        //    // a Map to remember overlapping columns
        //    Dictionary<long, bool> overlappingCols = new Dictionary<long, bool>();
        //    int sizeOfColArray = cols.sizeOfColArray();
        //    for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfColArray; i++)
        //    {
        //        CT_Col ithCol = cols.GetColArray(i);
        //        long[] range1 = { ithCol.min, ithCol.max };
        //        long[] range2 = { col.min, col.max };
        //        long[] overlappingRange = NumericRanges.GetOverlappingRange(range1,
        //                range2);
        //        int overlappingType = NumericRanges.GetOverlappingType(range1,
        //                range2);
        //        // different behavior required for each of the 4 different
        //        // overlapping types
        //        if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_1_MINOR)
        //        {
        //            // move the max border of the ithCol
        //            // and insert a new column within the overlappingRange with merged column attributes
        //            ithCol.max = (uint)(overlappingRange[0] - 1);
        //            insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[0],
        //                    overlappingRange[1], new CT_Col[] { ithCol, col });
        //            i++;
        //            //CT_Col newCol = insertCol(cols, (overlappingRange[1] + 1), col
        //            //        .max, new CT_Col[] { col });
        //            //i++;
        //        }
        //        else if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_2_MINOR)
        //        {
        //            // move the min border of the ithCol
        //            // and insert a new column within the overlappingRange with merged column attributes
        //            ithCol.min = (uint)(overlappingRange[1] + 1);
        //            insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[0],
        //                    overlappingRange[1], new CT_Col[] { ithCol, col });
        //            i++;
        //            //CT_Col newCol = insertCol(cols, col.min,
        //            //        (overlappingRange[0] - 1), new CT_Col[] { col });
        //            //i++;
        //        }
        //        else if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_2_WRAPS)
        //        {
        //            // merge column attributes, no new column is needed
        //            SetColumnAttributes(col, ithCol);

        //        }
        //        else if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_1_WRAPS)
        //        {
        //            // split the ithCol in three columns: before the overlappingRange, overlappingRange, and after the overlappingRange
        //            // before overlappingRange
        //            if (col.min != ithCol.min)
        //            {
        //                insertCol(cols, ithCol.min, (col
        //                        .min - 1), new CT_Col[] { ithCol });
        //                i++;
        //            }
        //            // after the overlappingRange
        //            if (col.max != ithCol.max)
        //            {
        //                insertCol(cols, (col.max + 1),
        //                        ithCol.max, new CT_Col[] { ithCol });
        //                i++;
        //            }
        //            // within the overlappingRange
        //            ithCol.min = (uint)(overlappingRange[0]);
        //            ithCol.max = (uint)(overlappingRange[1]);
        //            SetColumnAttributes(col, ithCol);
        //        }
        //        if (overlappingType != NumericRanges.NO_OVERLAPS)
        //        {
        //            colOverlaps = true;
        //            // remember overlapped columns
        //            for (long j = overlappingRange[0]; j <= overlappingRange[1]; j++)
        //            {
        //                overlappingCols.Add(j, true);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    if (!colOverlaps)
        //    {
        //        CloneCol(cols, col);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        // insert new columns for ranges without overlaps
        //        long colMin = -1;
        //        for (long j = col.min; j <= col.max; j++)
        //        {
        //            if (overlappingCols.ContainsKey(j) && !overlappingCols[j])
        //            {
        //                if (colMin < 0)
        //                {
        //                    colMin = j;
        //                }
        //                if ((j + 1) > col.max || overlappingCols[(j + 1)])
        //                {
        //                    insertCol(cols, colMin, j, new CT_Col[] { col });
        //                    colMin = -1;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    SortColumns(cols);
        //    return cols;

         * Insert a new CT_Col at position 0 into cols, Setting min=min, max=max and
         * copying all the colsWithAttributes array cols attributes into newCol
        private CT_Col insertCol(CT_Cols cols, long min, long max,
                                 CT_Col[] colsWithAttributes)
            return(insertCol(cols, min, max, colsWithAttributes, false, null));
Exemple #7
         * @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweep_line_algorithm">Sweep line algorithm</a>
        private void SweepCleanColumns(CT_Cols cols, CT_Col[] flattenedColsArray, CT_Col overrideColumn)
            List <CT_Col>        flattenedCols   = new List <CT_Col>(flattenedColsArray);
            TreeSet <CT_Col>     currentElements = new TreeSet <CT_Col>(CTColComparator.BY_MAX);
            IEnumerator <CT_Col> flIter          = flattenedCols.GetEnumerator();
            CT_Col         haveOverrideColumn    = null;
            long           lastMaxIndex          = 0;
            long           currentMax            = 0;
            IList <CT_Col> toRemove = new List <CT_Col>();
            int            pos      = -1;

            //while (flIter.hasNext())
            while ((pos + 1) < flattenedCols.Count)
                //CTCol col = flIter.next();
                CT_Col col = flattenedCols[pos];

                long currentIndex = col.min;
                long colMax       = col.max;
                long nextIndex    = (colMax > currentMax) ? colMax : currentMax;
                //if (flIter.hasNext()) {
                if ((pos + 1) < flattenedCols.Count)
                    //nextIndex = flIter.next().getMin();
                    nextIndex = flattenedCols[pos + 1].min;
                IEnumerator <CT_Col> iter = currentElements.GetEnumerator();
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    CT_Col elem = iter.Current;
                    if (currentIndex <= elem.max)
                        break; // all passed elements have been purged

                foreach (CT_Col rc in toRemove)

                if (!(currentElements.Count == 0) && lastMaxIndex < currentIndex)
                    // we need to process previous elements first
                    CT_Col[] copyCols = new CT_Col[currentElements.Count];
                    insertCol(cols, lastMaxIndex, currentIndex - 1, copyCols, true, haveOverrideColumn);
                if (colMax > currentMax)
                    currentMax = colMax;
                if (col.Equals(overrideColumn))
                    haveOverrideColumn = overrideColumn;
                while (currentIndex <= nextIndex && !(currentElements.Count == 0))
                    NPOI.Util.Collections.HashSet <CT_Col> currentIndexElements = new NPOI.Util.Collections.HashSet <CT_Col>();
                    long currentElemIndex;

                        // narrow scope of currentElem
                        CT_Col currentElem = currentElements.First();
                        currentElemIndex = currentElem.max;

                        while (true)
                            CT_Col higherElem = currentElements.Higher(currentElem);
                            if (higherElem == null || higherElem.max != currentElemIndex)
                            currentElem = higherElem;
                            if (colMax > currentMax)
                                currentMax = colMax;
                            if (col.Equals(overrideColumn))
                                haveOverrideColumn = overrideColumn;

                    //if (currentElemIndex < nextIndex || !flIter.hasNext()) {
                    if (currentElemIndex < nextIndex || !((pos + 1) < flattenedCols.Count))
                        CT_Col[] copyCols = new CT_Col[currentElements.Count];
                        insertCol(cols, currentIndex, currentElemIndex, copyCols, true, haveOverrideColumn);
                        //if (flIter.hasNext()) {
                        if ((pos + 1) < flattenedCols.Count)
                            if (nextIndex > currentElemIndex)
                                foreach (CT_Col rc in currentIndexElements)
                                if (currentIndexElements.Contains(overrideColumn))
                                    haveOverrideColumn = null;
                            foreach (CT_Col rc in currentIndexElements)
                            if (currentIndexElements.Contains(overrideColumn))
                                haveOverrideColumn = null;
                        lastMaxIndex = currentIndex = currentElemIndex + 1;
                        lastMaxIndex = currentIndex;
                        currentIndex = nextIndex + 1;
Exemple #8
        public void TestAddCleanColIntoCols()
            CT_Worksheet worksheet = new CT_Worksheet();
            ColumnHelper helper    = new ColumnHelper(worksheet);

            CT_Cols cols1 = new CT_Cols();
            CT_Col  col1  = cols1.AddNewCol();

            col1.min    = (1);
            col1.max    = (1);
            col1.width  = (88);
            col1.hidden = (true);
            CT_Col col2 = cols1.AddNewCol();

            col2.min = (2);
            col2.max = (3);
            CT_Col col3 = cols1.AddNewCol();

            col3.min = (13);
            col3.max = (16750);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, cols1.sizeOfColArray());
            CT_Col col4 = cols1.AddNewCol();

            col4.min = (8);
            col4.max = (9);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, cols1.sizeOfColArray());

            CT_Col col5 = new CT_Col();

            col5.min = (4);
            col5.max = (5);
            helper.AddCleanColIntoCols(cols1, col5);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, cols1.sizeOfColArray());

            CT_Col col6 = new CT_Col();

            col6.min    = (8);
            col6.max    = (11);
            col6.hidden = (true);
            helper.AddCleanColIntoCols(cols1, col6);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, cols1.sizeOfColArray());

            CT_Col col7 = new CT_Col();

            col7.min   = (6);
            col7.max   = (8);
            col7.width = (17.0);
            helper.AddCleanColIntoCols(cols1, col7);
            Assert.AreEqual(8, cols1.sizeOfColArray());

            CT_Col col8 = new CT_Col();

            col8.min = (20);
            col8.max = (30);
            helper.AddCleanColIntoCols(cols1, col8);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, cols1.sizeOfColArray());

            CT_Col col9 = new CT_Col();

            col9.min = (25);
            col9.max = (27);
            helper.AddCleanColIntoCols(cols1, col9);

            // TODO - assert something interesting
            Assert.AreEqual(12, cols1.col.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1u, cols1.GetColArray(0).min);
            Assert.AreEqual(16750u, cols1.GetColArray(11).max);
Exemple #9
        public CT_Cols AddCleanColIntoCols(CT_Cols cols, CT_Col col)
            bool colOverlaps = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < cols.sizeOfColArray(); i++)
                CT_Col ithCol           = cols.GetColArray(i);
                long[] range1           = { ithCol.min, ithCol.max };
                long[] range2           = { col.min, col.max };
                long[] overlappingRange = NumericRanges.GetOverlappingRange(range1,
                int overlappingType = NumericRanges.GetOverlappingType(range1,
                // different behavior required for each of the 4 different
                // overlapping types
                if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_1_MINOR)
                    ithCol.max = (uint)(overlappingRange[0] - 1);
                    CT_Col rangeCol = insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[0],
                                                overlappingRange[1], new CT_Col[] { ithCol, col });
                    CT_Col newCol = insertCol(cols, (overlappingRange[1] + 1), col
                                              .max, new CT_Col[] { col });
                else if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_2_MINOR)
                    ithCol.min = (uint)(overlappingRange[1] + 1);
                    CT_Col rangeCol = insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[0],
                                                overlappingRange[1], new CT_Col[] { ithCol, col });
                    CT_Col newCol = insertCol(cols, col.min,
                                              (overlappingRange[0] - 1), new CT_Col[] { col });
                else if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_2_WRAPS)
                    SetColumnAttributes(col, ithCol);
                    if (col.min != ithCol.min)
                        CT_Col newColBefore = insertCol(cols, col.min, (ithCol
                                                                        .min - 1), new CT_Col[] { col });
                    if (col.max != ithCol.max)
                        CT_Col newColAfter = insertCol(cols, (ithCol.max + 1),
                                                       col.max, new CT_Col[] { col });
                else if (overlappingType == NumericRanges.OVERLAPS_1_WRAPS)
                    if (col.min != ithCol.min)
                        CT_Col newColBefore = insertCol(cols, ithCol.min, (col
                                                                           .min - 1), new CT_Col[] { ithCol });
                    if (col.max != ithCol.max)
                        CT_Col newColAfter = insertCol(cols, (col.max + 1),
                                                       ithCol.max, new CT_Col[] { ithCol });
                    ithCol.min = (uint)(overlappingRange[0]);
                    ithCol.max = (uint)(overlappingRange[1]);
                    SetColumnAttributes(col, ithCol);
                if (overlappingType != NumericRanges.NO_OVERLAPS)
                    colOverlaps = true;
            if (!colOverlaps)
                CT_Col newCol = CloneCol(cols, col);
Exemple #10
 //YK: GetXYZArray() array accessors are deprecated in xmlbeans with JDK 1.5 support
 public static void SortColumns(CT_Cols newCols)
     List<CT_Col> colArray = newCols.GetColList();
     colArray.Sort(new CTColComparator());
Exemple #11
        public CT_Cols AddCleanColIntoCols(CT_Cols cols, CT_Col col)
            bool flag = false;

            for (int index = 0; index < cols.sizeOfColArray(); ++index)
                CT_Col colArray = cols.GetColArray(index);
                long[] range1   = new long[2] {
                    (long)colArray.min, (long)colArray.max
                long[] range2 = new long[2] {
                    (long)col.min, (long)col.max
                long[] overlappingRange = NumericRanges.GetOverlappingRange(range1, range2);
                int    overlappingType  = NumericRanges.GetOverlappingType(range1, range2);
                if (overlappingType == 0)
                    colArray.max = (uint)((ulong)overlappingRange[0] - 1UL);
                    this.insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[0], overlappingRange[1], new CT_Col[2]
                    int num = index + 1;
                    this.insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[1] + 1L, (long)col.max, new CT_Col[1]
                    index = num + 1;
                else if (overlappingType == 1)
                    colArray.min = (uint)((ulong)overlappingRange[1] + 1UL);
                    this.insertCol(cols, overlappingRange[0], overlappingRange[1], new CT_Col[2]
                    int num = index + 1;
                    this.insertCol(cols, (long)col.min, overlappingRange[0] - 1L, new CT_Col[1]
                    index = num + 1;
                else if (overlappingType == 3)
                    this.SetColumnAttributes(col, colArray);
                    if ((int)col.min != (int)colArray.min)
                        this.insertCol(cols, (long)col.min, (long)(colArray.min - 1U), new CT_Col[1]
                    if ((int)col.max != (int)colArray.max)
                        this.insertCol(cols, (long)(colArray.max + 1U), (long)col.max, new CT_Col[1]
                else if (overlappingType == 2)
                    if ((int)col.min != (int)colArray.min)
                        this.insertCol(cols, (long)colArray.min, (long)(col.min - 1U), new CT_Col[1]
                    if ((int)col.max != (int)colArray.max)
                        this.insertCol(cols, (long)(col.max + 1U), (long)colArray.max, new CT_Col[1]
                    colArray.min = (uint)overlappingRange[0];
                    colArray.max = (uint)overlappingRange[1];
                    this.SetColumnAttributes(col, colArray);
                if (overlappingType != -1)
                    flag = true;
            if (!flag)
                this.CloneCol(cols, col);