Exemple #1
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            var me = RealmUserServices.GetMe(true);

            var initials = (me.FirstName?.FirstOrDefault() + " " + me.LastName?.FirstOrDefault()).Trim();
            CTStringAttributes attributes = new CTStringAttributes();

            attributes.KerningAdjustment = -2;
            NSAttributedString attributedString = new NSAttributedString(initials, attributes);

            InititalsLabel.AttributedText      = attributedString;
            InititalsLabel.BackgroundColor     = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.9f, 1);
            InititalsLabel.TextColor           = UIColor.Gray;
            InititalsLabel.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;
            InititalsLabel.Layer.CornerRadius  = InititalsLabel.Frame.Size.Width / 2;

            NameLabel.Text   = me.FirstName + " " + me.LastName;
            HandleLabel.Text = me.Handle;

            View.AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(TableViewController.View, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, ContainerView, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, 1, 0));
            View.AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(TableViewController.View, NSLayoutAttribute.Right, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, ContainerView, NSLayoutAttribute.Right, 1, 0));
            View.AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(TableViewController.View, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, ContainerView, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1, 0));
            View.AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(TableViewController.View, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, ContainerView, NSLayoutAttribute.Left, 1, 0));

            FooterLabel.Text = DrawerShared.GetFooterText();
Exemple #2
        public void SetFont(Font f)
            if (f != _lastFont)
                _lastFont = f;

                // We have a Xamarin.Forms.Font object.  We need a CTFont.  X.F.Font has
                // ToUIFont() but not a Core Text version of same.  So we make a UIFont first.

                //_font_ui = _lastFont.ToUIFont ();
                // TODO temporary hack
                _font_ui = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(_lastFont.Size);

                _font_ct = new CTFont(_font_ui.Name, _font_ui.PointSize);

                // With Core Text, it is important that we use a CTStringAttributes() with the
                // NSAttributedString constructor.

                // TODO maybe we should have the text color be separate, have it be an arg on SetFont?

                _ct_attr = new CTStringAttributes {
                    Font = _font_ct,
                    ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
                    //ForegroundColor = _clr_cg,
                    // ParagraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(new CTParagraphStyleSettings() { Alignment = CTTextAlignment.Center })
Exemple #3
        public void BackgroundColor()
            var sa = new CTStringAttributes();

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { sa.BackgroundColor = TestRuntime.GetCGColor(UIColor.Blue); }, "#0");
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { var x = sa.BackgroundColor; }, "#1");
		protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
			Font = null;
			attributes = null;
			caretView = null;
			base.Dispose (disposing);
        private void prepareTextFields()
            var placeholderAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(
                new UIStringAttributes {
                ForegroundColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f)

            EmailTextField.ReturnKeyType         = UIReturnKeyType.Next;
            EmailTextField.TintColor             = UIColor.White;
            EmailTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.LoginSignUpEmailPlaceholder, placeholderAttributes);

            PasswordTextField.ReturnKeyType         = UIReturnKeyType.Next;
            PasswordTextField.TintColor             = UIColor.White;
            PasswordTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.LoginSignUpPasswordPlaceholder, placeholderAttributes);

            ForgotPasswordButton.SetTitle(Resources.LoginForgotPassword, UIControlState.Normal);

            var underscoreAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(new UIStringAttributes
                UnderlineColor  = UIColor.White,
                ForegroundColor = UIColor.White,
                UnderlineStyle  = NSUnderlineStyle.Single,
                Font            = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(12, UIFontWeight.Medium)

                new NSAttributedString(Resources.PrivacyPolicy, underscoreAttributes), UIControlState.Normal);
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.TermsOfService, underscoreAttributes), UIControlState.Normal);
Exemple #6
        public void HorizontalInVerticalForms()
            var sa = new CTStringAttributes();

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { sa.HorizontalInVerticalForms = 1; }, "#0");
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { var x = sa.HorizontalInVerticalForms; }, "#1");
Exemple #7
        public void EnumerateCaretOffsets()
            if (!TestRuntime.CheckXcodeVersion(7, 0))
                Assert.Ignore("Requires iOS9+ or macOS 10.11+");

            var sa = new CTStringAttributes();

            sa.ForegroundColor         = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
            sa.Font                    = new CTFont("Georgia-BoldItalic", 24);
            sa.UnderlineStyle          = CTUnderlineStyle.Double;    // It does not seem to do anything
            sa.UnderlineColor          = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
            sa.UnderlineStyleModifiers = CTUnderlineStyleModifiers.PatternDashDotDot;

            var attributedString = new NSAttributedString("Hello world.\nWoohooo!\nThere", sa);

            var  line     = new CTLine(attributedString);
            bool executed = false;

#if XAMCORE_2_0
            line.EnumerateCaretOffsets((double o, nint charIndex, bool leadingEdge, ref bool stop) => {
            line.EnumerateCaretOffsets((double o, int charIndex, bool leadingEdge, ref bool stop) => {
                executed = true;
Exemple #8
 protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
     Font       = null;
     attributes = null;
     caretView  = null;
        public static NSMutableAttributedString ToNsAttributedString(this AttributedGlyphRun <TFont, TGlyph> glyphRun)
            var font           = glyphRun.Font;
            var text           = glyphRun.Text.ToString();
            var unicodeIndexes = StringInfo.ParseCombiningCharacters(text);
            var attributes     = new CTStringAttributes
                ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
                Font = font.CtFont
            var attributedString = new NSMutableAttributedString(text, attributes);
            var kernedGlyphs     = glyphRun.GlyphInfos;

            for (int i = 0; i < kernedGlyphs.Count; i++)
                var endIndex = (i < unicodeIndexes.Length - 1) ? unicodeIndexes[i + 1] : text.Length;
                var range    = new NSRange(unicodeIndexes[i], endIndex - unicodeIndexes[i]);
                if (kernedGlyphs[i].KernAfterGlyph is var kern && !(kern is 0))
                    attributedString.AddAttribute(CTStringAttributeKey.KerningAdjustment, new NSNumber(kern), range);
                if (kernedGlyphs[i].Foreground is Structures.Color foreground)
                    attributedString.AddAttribute(CTStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject(foreground.ToCgColor().Handle), range);
        public static NSMutableAttributedString ToNsAttributedString(this AttributedGlyphRun <TFont, TGlyph> glyphRun)
            var font           = glyphRun.Font;
            var text           = glyphRun.Text;
            var unicodeIndexes = StringInfo.ParseCombiningCharacters(text);
            var attributes     = new CTStringAttributes
                ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
                Font = font.CtFont
            var attributedString = new NSMutableAttributedString(text, attributes);
            var kernedGlyphs     = glyphRun.KernedGlyphs;

            for (int i = 0; i < kernedGlyphs.Length; i++)
                var kern = kernedGlyphs[i].KernAfterGlyph;
                if (kern != 0)
                    var endIndex = (i < unicodeIndexes.Length - 1) ? unicodeIndexes[i + 1] : text.Length;
                    var range    = new NSRange(unicodeIndexes[i], endIndex - unicodeIndexes[i]);
                    attributedString.AddAttribute(CTStringAttributeKey.KerningAdjustment, new NSNumber(kern), range);
        public void SimpleValuesSet()
            var sa = new CTStringAttributes();

            sa.ForegroundColor         = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
            sa.Font                    = new CTFont("Georgia-BoldItalic", 24);
            sa.UnderlineStyle          = CTUnderlineStyle.Double;    // It does not seem to do anything
            sa.UnderlineColor          = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
            sa.UnderlineStyleModifiers = CTUnderlineStyleModifiers.PatternDashDotDot;

            Assert.IsNull(sa.BaselineClass, "#0");
            sa.BaselineClass = CTBaselineClass.IdeographicHigh;
            Assert.AreEqual(CTBaselineClass.IdeographicHigh, sa.BaselineClass, "#1");

            sa.SetBaselineInfo(CTBaselineClass.Roman, 13);
            sa.SetBaselineInfo(CTBaselineClass.IdeographicHigh, 3);

            var size = new SizeF(300, 300);

            var gctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();


            var attributedString = new NSAttributedString("Test_ME~`", sa);

            using (var textLine = new CTLine(attributedString)) {

        void SelectFont()
            var f    = _lastFont;
            var name = "Helvetica";

            if (f.FontFamily == "Monospace")
                if (f.IsBold)
                    name = "Courier-Bold";
                    name = "Courier";
            else if (f.FontFamily == "DBLCDTempBlack")
                name = "Courier-Bold";
                name = f.FontFamily;
            else if (f.IsBold)
                name = "Helvetica-Bold";
            _attrs = new CTStringAttributes {
                Font = new CTFont(name, f.Size),
                ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
        public static XIR.Image RemoteRepresentation(this CTFont ctfont)
            var atts = new CTStringAttributes();

            atts.Font = ctfont;
            var attdString = new NSAttributedString(exampleString, atts.Dictionary);

        public static XIR.Image RemoteRepresentation(this NSFont nsfont)
            var atts = new CTStringAttributes();

            atts.Font = new CTFont(nsfont.FontName, nsfont.PointSize);
            var attdString = new NSAttributedString(exampleString, atts.Dictionary);

 private NSAttributedString IterateChildNodes(XElement element, CTStringAttributes baseAttribs)
     NSMutableAttributedString mutString = new NSMutableAttributedString ("");
     foreach (var child in element.Nodes()) {
         NSAttributedString formatted = NodeToAttributedString (child, baseAttribs);
         if (formatted != null)
             mutString.Append (formatted);
     return mutString;
 public SimpleCoreTextView(RectangleF frame)
     : base(frame)
     Layer.GeometryFlipped = true;  // For ease of interaction with the CoreText coordinate system.
     attributes = new CTStringAttributes ();
     Text = string.Empty;
     Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize (18);
     BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
     caretView = new SimpleCaretView (RectangleF.Empty);
Exemple #17
 public SimpleCoreTextView(CGRect frame)
     : base(frame)
     Layer.GeometryFlipped = true;              // For ease of interaction with the CoreText coordinate system.
     attributes            = new CTStringAttributes();
     Text            = string.Empty;
     Font            = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(18);
     BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
     caretView       = new SimpleCaretView(CGRect.Empty);
        public NSAttributedString ToAttributedString(UIFont baseFont)
            if (_asAttributedString == null) {
                CTStringAttributes attrs = new CTStringAttributes ();
                attrs.Font = new CTFont(baseFont.Name, baseFont.PointSize);
                attrs.ForegroundColor = UIColor.Black.CGColor;

                _asAttributedString = IterateChildNodes (Definition, attrs);

            return _asAttributedString;
        private void prepareTextFields()
            var placeholderAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(
                new UIStringAttributes {
                ForegroundColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f)

            PasswordTextField.TintColor             = UIColor.White;
            PasswordTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.LoginSignUpPasswordPlaceholder, placeholderAttributes);
Exemple #20
        public static FontHolder Create(string faceName, int size, int weight, font_style italic, font_decoration decoration, ref font_metrics fm)
            var possibleFonts = faceName.Split(',').ToList();

            possibleFonts.Add("Helvetica"); // Make sure there's a font in the list.
            CTFont font = null;

            foreach (var fontName in possibleFonts)
                // faceName = faceName; // normalize between WPF and Mac for ways to reference custom fonts.
                font = new CTFont(fontName.TrimEnd().Replace("./#", ""), size);

                // Bold & italic are properties of the CTFont
                var traits = CTFontSymbolicTraits.None;
                if (italic == font_style.fontStyleItalic)
                    traits |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Italic;
                if (weight > 400)
                    traits |= CTFontSymbolicTraits.Bold;
                font = font.WithSymbolicTraits(font.Size, traits, traits);
                if (font != null)

            var strAttrs = new CTStringAttributes {
                Font = font

            // initial size must be unscaled when getting these metrics
            fm.ascent   = (int)Math.Round(font.AscentMetric);
            fm.descent  = (int)Math.Round(font.DescentMetric);
            fm.height   = (int)Math.Round(font.AscentMetric + font.DescentMetric);
            fm.x_height = (int)Math.Round(font.XHeightMetric);

            fm.draw_spaces = decoration.HasFlag(font_decoration.font_decoration_underline) || decoration.HasFlag(font_decoration.font_decoration_linethrough);

            var fontHolder = new FontHolder
                FaceName   = faceName,
                Size       = size,
                Attributes = strAttrs,
                Decoration = decoration,
                Weight     = weight

Exemple #21
 public void Runs()
     using (var mas = new NSMutableAttributedString("Bonjour"))
         using (var rd = new CTRunDelegate(new MyOps())) {
             var sa = new CTStringAttributes()
                 RunDelegate = rd,
             mas.SetAttributes(sa, new NSRange(3, 3));
             using (var fs = new CTFramesetter(mas)) {
                 Assert.True(MyOps.Ascent, "Ascent called");
                 Assert.True(MyOps.Descent, "Descent called");
                 Assert.True(MyOps.Width, "Width called");
        private void prepareTextFields()
            TimeLabel.Font = TimeLabel.Font.GetMonospacedDigitFont();

            var stringAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(
                new UIStringAttributes {
                ForegroundColor = Color.StartTimeEntry.Placeholder.ToNativeColor()

            DescriptionTextField.TintColor             = Color.StartTimeEntry.Cursor.ToNativeColor();
            DescriptionTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.StartTimeEntryPlaceholder, stringAttributes);

Exemple #23
        public void CIAttributedTextImageGenerator()
            TestRuntime.AssertXcodeVersion(9, 0);

            using (var f = new CIAttributedTextImageGenerator()) {
                Assert.Null(f.Text, "NSAttributedString/default");
                var attr = new CTStringAttributes()
                    ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
                    Font = new CTFont("Arial", 24)
                using (var s = new NSAttributedString("testString", attr)) {
                    f.Text = s;
                    Assert.NotNull(f.Text, "NSAttributedString/not-null");
Exemple #24
        private void prepareTextFields()
            var stringAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(
                new UIStringAttributes {
                ForegroundColor = UIColor.White.ColorWithAlpha(0.5f)

            EmailTextField.TintColor             = UIColor.White;
            EmailTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.LoginSignUpEmailPlaceholder, stringAttributes);

            PasswordTextField.TintColor             = UIColor.White;
            PasswordTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.LoginSignUpPasswordPlaceholder, stringAttributes);

            ForgotPasswordButton.SetTitle(Resources.LoginForgotPassword, UIControlState.Normal);
Exemple #25
        private static CTStringAttributes GetDefaultAttributes(
            string contextFontName  = null,
            float contextFontSize   = 12f,
            string contextFontColor = null)
            var ctattributes = new CTStringAttributes();

            var font = contextFontName == null
                ? new CTFont(CTFontUIFontType.System, contextFontSize, NSLocale.CurrentLocale.Identifier)
                : new CTFont(contextFontName, contextFontSize);

            ctattributes.Font = font;

            if (contextFontColor != null)
                ctattributes.ForegroundColor = contextFontColor.Parse().ToCGColor();

        private void SetText()
            CTStringAttributes attrs = new CTStringAttributes();
            string             text  = Element.GetText(out List <HyperlinkLabelLink> links);

            if (text != null)
                var str = new NSMutableAttributedString(text);
                str.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.Font, Element.Font.ToUIFont(), new NSRange(0, str.Length));
                var textColor = (Color)Element.GetValue(Label.TextColorProperty);
                str.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.ForegroundColor, textColor.ToUIColor(Color.Black),
                                 new NSRange(0, str.Length));

                foreach (var item in links)
                    str.AddAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.Link, new NSUrl(item.Link), new NSRange(item.Start, item.Text.Length));
                Control.AttributedText = str;
Exemple #27
        UITextField AddTextFieldWithName(string name, string text, UIView overlayView, IEnumerable <UIView> previousRowItems, List <NSLayoutConstraint> constraints)
            UILabel titleLabel = StyleUtilities.CreateStandardLabel();

            titleLabel.Text = name;

            var attributes = new CTStringAttributes();

            attributes.ForegroundColor = StyleUtilities.DetailOnOverlayPlaceholderColor.CGColor;

            UITextField valueField = new UITextField {
                WeakDelegate          = this,
                Font                  = StyleUtilities.StandardFont,
                TextColor             = StyleUtilities.DetailOnOverlayColor,
                Text                  = text,
                AttributedPlaceholder = new NSAttributedString("Type here...".LocalizedString("Placeholder for profile text fields"), attributes),
                TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false


            // Ensure sufficient spacing from the row above this one
            foreach (UIView previousRowItem in previousRowItems)
                constraints.Add(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.GreaterThanOrEqual, previousRowItem, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1f, MinimumVerticalSpacingBetweenRows));

            // Place the title directly above the value
            constraints.Add(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(valueField, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1f, 0f));

            // Position the title and value within the overlay view
            constraints.Add(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, overlayView, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, 1f, StyleUtilities.ContentHorizontalMargin));
            constraints.Add(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(valueField, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, 1f, 0f));
            constraints.Add(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(valueField, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, overlayView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, 1f, -1 * StyleUtilities.ContentHorizontalMargin));

Exemple #28
        private void prepareViews()
            //This is needed for the ImageView.TintColor bindings to work
            foreach (var button in getButtons())

            TimeLabel.Font = TimeLabel.Font.GetMonospacedDigitFont();

            var stringAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(
                new UIStringAttributes {
                ForegroundColor = Color.StartTimeEntry.Placeholder.ToNativeColor()

            DescriptionTextView.TintColor = Color.StartTimeEntry.Cursor.ToNativeColor();
Exemple #29
        private void prepareViews()
            //This is needed for the ImageView.TintColor bindings to work

            TimeLabel.Font = TimeLabel.Font.GetMonospacedDigitFont();

            var stringAttributes = new CTStringAttributes(
                new UIStringAttributes {
                ForegroundColor = Color.StartTimeEntry.Placeholder.ToNativeColor()

            DescriptionTextField.TintColor             = Color.StartTimeEntry.Cursor.ToNativeColor();
            DescriptionTextField.AttributedPlaceholder =
                new NSAttributedString(Resources.StartTimeEntryPlaceholder, stringAttributes);

Exemple #30
        public override void DrawRect(CGRect dirtyRect)

            // Use Core Graphic routines to draw our UI
            using (CGContext context = NSGraphicsContext.CurrentContext.GraphicsPort)
                // Fill the screening color.
                CGPath path  = new CGPath();
                CGRect frame = new CGRect(0, 0, base.Frame.Width, base.Frame.Height);
                ColorView.SetScreeningColor(_screening, context);

                // Draw screening information.
                context.TranslateCTM(2, ScreeningsView.VerticalTextOffset);
                ColorView.SetScreeningColor(_screening, context, true);
                CTStringAttributes attrs = new CTStringAttributes();
                attrs.ForegroundColorFromContext = true;
                attrs.Font = ScreeningControl.StandardFont;
                var      textPosition = new CGPoint(0, _lineHeight);
                string[] lines        = _screening.ToScreeningLabelString().Split('\n');
                foreach (var line in lines)
                    context.TextPosition = textPosition;
                    var attributedString = new NSAttributedString(line, attrs);
                    using (var textLine = new CTLine(attributedString))
                    textPosition.Y -= _lineHeight;
            NeedsDisplay = true;
Exemple #31
        public static NSAttributedString ToAttributedStringWithMnemonic(this string value, NSDictionary attributes = null)
            if (value == null)
            var match = Regex.Match(value, @"(?<=([^&](?:[&]{2})*)|^)[&](?![&])");

            if (match.Success)
                value = value.Remove(match.Index, 1);
                value = value.Replace("&&", "&");
                var str  = attributes != null ? new NSMutableAttributedString(value, attributes) : new NSMutableAttributedString(value);
                var attr = new CTStringAttributes();
                attr.UnderlineStyle = CTUnderlineStyle.Single;
                str.AddAttributes(attr, new NSRange(match.Index, 1));
                value = value.Replace("&&", "&");
                return(attributes != null ? new NSAttributedString(value, attributes) : new NSAttributedString(value));
        private static NSMutableAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, Font font,
                                                                       Color?fontColor = null)
            // Create a new attributed string definition
            var ctAttributes = new CTStringAttributes();

            // Font attribute
            ctAttributes.Font = font.nativeFont;
            // -- end font

            if (fontColor.HasValue)
                // Font color
                var fc      = fontColor.Value;
                var cgColor = new CGColor(fc.R / 255f,
                                          fc.G / 255f,
                                          fc.B / 255f,
                                          fc.A / 255f);

                ctAttributes.ForegroundColor            = cgColor;
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColorFromContext = false;
                // -- end font Color

            if (font.Underline)
                // Underline
                int single = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid  = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss  = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;
                // --- end underline

            if (font.Strikeout)
                // StrikeThrough
                //				NSColor bcolor = NSColor.Blue;
                //				NSObject bcolorObject = new NSObject(bcolor.Handle);
                //				attsDic.Add(NSAttributedString.StrikethroughColorAttributeName, bcolorObject);
                //				#if MACOS
                //				int stsingle = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                //				int stsolid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                //				var stattss = stsingle | stsolid;
                //				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32(stattss);
                //				#else
                //				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32 (1);
                //				#endif
                //				attsDic.Add(StrikethroughStyleAttributeName, stunderlineObject);
                // --- end underline

            // Text alignment
            var alignment         = CTTextAlignment.Left;
            var alignmentSettings = new CTParagraphStyleSettings();
            alignmentSettings.Alignment = alignment;
            var paragraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(alignmentSettings);

            ctAttributes.ParagraphStyle = paragraphStyle;
            // end text alignment

            NSMutableAttributedString atts =
                new NSMutableAttributedString(text, ctAttributes.Dictionary);

        void drawLabel(CGContext ctx, CGRect rect, nfloat yCoord, nfloat xCoord, CTTextAlignment alignment, UIColor color, string label, bool flipContext = true)
            Console.WriteLine("Finish Draw code");

            var attrString = new NSMutableAttributedString (label);

            var range = new NSRange (0, attrString.Length);

            var uiFont = UIFont.FromName("HelveticaNeue-Medium", range.Length > 1 ? 15 : 22);

            var font = new CTFont (uiFont.Name, uiFont.PointSize);  //((uiFont.Name as NSString) as CFString, uiFont.pointSize, nil);

            var path = new CGPath ();

            var alignStyle = new CTParagraphStyle (new CTParagraphStyleSettings { Alignment = alignment });

            var attributes = new CTStringAttributes {
                Font = font,
                ForegroundColor = color.CGColor,
                ParagraphStyle = alignStyle

            attrString.SetAttributes(attributes, new NSRange (0, attrString.Length));

            var target = new CGSize (nfloat.MaxValue, nfloat.MaxValue);

            var fit = new NSRange (0, 0);

            var framesetter = new CTFramesetter (attrString);

            var frameSize = framesetter.SuggestFrameSize(range, null, target, out fit);

            var textRect = new CGRect (xCoord - (frameSize.Width / 2), yCoord - (frameSize.Height / 2), frameSize.Width, frameSize.Height);


            var frame = framesetter.GetFrame(range, path, null);

            if (flipContext) {


                ctx.TranslateCTM(0, rect.Height);

                ctx.ScaleCTM(1, -1);



            } else {
 public CoreGraphicsFontMetrics(CTStringAttributes attrs)
     this.attrs = attrs;
        private static void DrawText(this CGContext context, string source, float x, float y, string fontName, float fontSize, bool isCenter)
            var stringAttributes = new CTStringAttributes
                ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
                Font = new CTFont(fontName, fontSize)

            var attributedString = new NSAttributedString(source, stringAttributes);

            context.TextPosition = new PointF(x, y);

            using (var textLine = new CTLine(attributedString))
                if (isCenter)
                    context.TextPosition = new PointF((float)(x - (textLine.GetTypographicBounds() / 2)), y);

        private static NSMutableAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, Font font, 
		                                                        Color? fontColor=null)
            // Create a new attributed string definition
            var ctAttributes = new CTStringAttributes ();

            // Font attribute
            ctAttributes.Font = font.nativeFont;
            // -- end font

            if (fontColor.HasValue) {

                // Font color
                var fc = fontColor.Value;
                var cgColor = new CGColor(fc.R / 255f,
                                          fc.G / 255f,
                                          fc.B / 255f,
                                          fc.A / 255f);

                ctAttributes.ForegroundColor = cgColor;
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColorFromContext = false;
                // -- end font Color

            if (font.Underline) {
                // Underline
            #if MONOMAC
                int single = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;
                // --- end underline

            if (font.Strikeout) {
                // StrikeThrough
                //				NSColor bcolor = NSColor.Blue;
                //				NSObject bcolorObject = new NSObject(bcolor.Handle);
                //				attsDic.Add(NSAttributedString.StrikethroughColorAttributeName, bcolorObject);
                //				#if MACOS
                //				int stsingle = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                //				int stsolid = (int)MonoMac.AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                //				var stattss = stsingle | stsolid;
                //				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32(stattss);
                //				#else
                //				var stunderlineObject = NSNumber.FromInt32 (1);
                //				#endif
                //				attsDic.Add(StrikethroughStyleAttributeName, stunderlineObject);
                // --- end underline

            // Text alignment
            var alignment = CTTextAlignment.Left;
            var alignmentSettings = new CTParagraphStyleSettings();
            alignmentSettings.Alignment = alignment;
            var paragraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(alignmentSettings);

            ctAttributes.ParagraphStyle = paragraphStyle;
            // end text alignment

            NSMutableAttributedString atts =
                new NSMutableAttributedString(text,ctAttributes.Dictionary);

            return atts;
		void SelectFont ()
			var f = _lastFont;
			var name = "Helvetica";
			if (f.FontFamily == "Monospace") {
				if (f.IsBold) {
					name = "Courier-Bold";
				else {
					name = "Courier";
			else if (f.FontFamily == "DBLCDTempBlack") {
				name = "Courier-Bold";
				name = f.FontFamily;
			else if (f.IsBold) {
				name = "Helvetica-Bold";
			_attrs = new CTStringAttributes {
				Font = new CTFont (name, f.Size),
				ForegroundColorFromContext = true,
        private NSMutableAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, Font font, StringFormat format = null, 
			Color? fontColor=null)
            // Create a new attributed string definition
            var ctAttributes = new CTStringAttributes ();

            // Font attribute
            ctAttributes.Font = font.nativeFont;
            // -- end font

            if (format != null && (format.FormatFlags & StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical) == StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical)
                //ctAttributes.VerticalForms = true;


            if (fontColor.HasValue) {

                // Font color
                var fc = fontColor.Value;
                var cgColor = new CGColor(fc.R / 255f,
                    fc.G / 255f,
                    fc.B / 255f,
                    fc.A / 255f);

                ctAttributes.ForegroundColor = cgColor;
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColorFromContext = false;
                // -- end font Color

            if (font.Underline) {
                // Underline
            #if MONOMAC
                int single = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;
                // --- end underline

            if (font.Strikeout) {
                // StrikeThrough
            #if MONOMAC
                int single = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlineStyle.Single;
                int solid = (int)AppKit.NSUnderlinePattern.Solid;
                var attss = single | solid;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = attss;
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyleValue = 1;

                // --- end StrikeThrough

            var alignment = CTTextAlignment.Left;
            var alignmentSettings = new CTParagraphStyleSettings();
            alignmentSettings.Alignment = alignment;
            var paragraphStyle = new CTParagraphStyle(alignmentSettings);

            ctAttributes.ParagraphStyle = paragraphStyle;
            // end text alignment

            NSMutableAttributedString atts =
                new NSMutableAttributedString(text,ctAttributes.Dictionary);

            return atts;
		private UITextField AddTextFieldWithName (string name, string text, UIView overlayView, IEnumerable<UIView> previousRowItems, List<NSLayoutConstraint> constraints)
			UILabel titleLabel = StyleUtilities.CreateStandardLabel ();
			titleLabel.Text = name;
			overlayView.AddSubview (titleLabel);

			var attributes = new CTStringAttributes ();
			attributes.ForegroundColor = StyleUtilities.DetailOnOverlayPlaceholderColor.CGColor;

			UITextField valueField = new UITextField {
				WeakDelegate = this,
				Font = StyleUtilities.StandardFont,
				TextColor = StyleUtilities.DetailOnOverlayColor,
				Text = text,
				AttributedPlaceholder = new NSAttributedString("Type here...".LocalizedString("Placeholder for profile text fields"), attributes),
			TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
			overlayView.AddSubview (valueField);

			// Ensure sufficient spacing from the row above this one
			foreach (UIView previousRowItem in previousRowItems)
				constraints.Add (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.GreaterThanOrEqual, previousRowItem, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1f, MinimumVerticalSpacingBetweenRows));

			// Place the title directly above the value
			constraints.Add (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (valueField, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1f, 0f));

			// Position the title and value within the overlay view
			constraints.Add (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, overlayView, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, 1f, StyleUtilities.ContentHorizontalMargin));
			constraints.Add (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (valueField, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, titleLabel, NSLayoutAttribute.Leading, 1f, 0f));
			constraints.Add (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (valueField, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, overlayView, NSLayoutAttribute.Trailing, 1f, -1 * StyleUtilities.ContentHorizontalMargin));

			return valueField;
		public CoreGraphicsFontMetrics (CTStringAttributes attrs)
			this.attrs = attrs;
Exemple #41
        private static NSAttributedString buildAttributedString(string text, Font font, StringFormat format = null, Color?fontColor = null)
            var ctAttributes = new CTStringAttributes();

            ctAttributes.Font = font.nativeFont;
            if (fontColor.HasValue)
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColor            = fontColor.Value.ToCGColor();
                ctAttributes.ForegroundColorFromContext = false;
            if (font.Underline)
                ctAttributes.UnderlineStyle = CTUnderlineStyle.Single;
            // font.Strikeout - Not used by CoreText, we have to process it ourselves

            if (text.IndexOf('\0') >= 0)
                text = text.Replace("\0", "");
            if (format == null || format.HotkeyPrefix == System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.None)
                return(new NSAttributedString(text, ctAttributes.Dictionary));

            var  sb        = new StringBuilder();
            bool wasHotkey = false;

            int end = text.Length - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i)
                char c = text[i];
                if (wasHotkey || c != '&' || i == end)
                    wasHotkey = false;
                else if (c == '&')
                    wasHotkey = true;

            var atts = new NSMutableAttributedString(sb.ToString(), ctAttributes.Dictionary);

            // Underline
            wasHotkey = false;
            if (format.HotkeyPrefix == System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.Show)
                int index = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; ++i)
                    char c = text[i];
                    if (wasHotkey)
                            new CTStringAttributes()
                            UnderlineStyle = CTUnderlineStyle.Single
                            new NSRange(index, 1));
                        wasHotkey = false;
                    else if (c == '&' && i != end && text[i + 1] != '&')
                        wasHotkey = true;

 private NSAttributedString NodeToAttributedString(XNode node, CTStringAttributes baseAttribs)
     CTStringAttributes newAttribs;
     switch (node.NodeType) {
     case XmlNodeType.Text:
         string text = ((XText)node).Value;
         text = r_findExcessWhitespace.Replace (text, " ");
         return new NSAttributedString (text, baseAttribs);
     case XmlNodeType.Element:
         switch (((XElement)node).Name.LocalName) {
         case "b":
             newAttribs = new CTStringAttributes ();
             newAttribs.Font = Bolded (baseAttribs.Font);
             return IterateChildNodes ((XElement)node, newAttribs);
         case "i":
             newAttribs = new CTStringAttributes ();
             newAttribs.Font = Italicized (baseAttribs.Font);
             return IterateChildNodes ((XElement)node, newAttribs);
         case "br":
             return new NSAttributedString("\n", baseAttribs);
     return null;