Exemple #1
        //static AnalogInput potentiometer0 = new AnalogInput(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.Analog_Pin5);

        public static void Main()
            //double analogRead0;
            /* simple counter to print and watch using the debugger */
            //int counter = 0;
            /* loop forever */

            //static System.IO.Ports.SerialPort _uart
            // System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 115200);

            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController myGamepad = new
                                                               CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController(new CTRE.Phoenix.UsbHostDevice(0));

            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.VictorSPX motor0 = new

            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.VictorSPX motor1 = new

            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.VictorSPX motor2 = new

            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX motor3 = new

            while (true)
                /* print the three analog inputs as three columns */
                //analogRead0 = potentiometer0.Read();
                //Debug.Print("Motor 0 position: " + analogRead0);
                if (myGamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                //if ((analogRead0 > 0)&&(analogRead0 < .400))
                    Debug.Print("axis:" + myGamepad.GetAxis(1));
                    motor1.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(1) / 2);
                    motor2.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(2) / 1.33);
                    //motor3.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 1);
                    //analogRead0 = potentiometer0.Read();
                    //Debug.Print("Motor 0 position: " + analogRead0);
                    //if ((analogRead0 > .570) && (analogRead0 < .575))
                    //  {
                    //motor1.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 1);
                    //  motor1.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 0);
                //Debug.Print("Counter Value: " + counter);

                /* increment counter */
                // ++counter; /* try to land a breakpoint here and hover over 'counter' to see it's current value.  Or add it to the Watch Tab */

                /* wait a bit */
        public static void Main()
            // Loop for running Tshirt Code
            while (true)
                // CTRE Saftey feature to make it so that if the controller is disconnected we no longer send values to the motor controllers
                if (m_controller.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Watchdog.Feed(); // Allows motor control

Exemple #3
        public static void Main()
            /* simple counter to print and watch using the debugger */
            //int counter = 0;

            // Controller Object
            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController myGamepad = new CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController(new CTRE.Phoenix.UsbHostDevice(0));

            // Talon Object
            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX myTalon = new CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX(55);

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)
                if (myGamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    Debug.Print("Axis 0:" + myGamepad.GetAxis(0));
                    Debug.Print("Axis 1:" + myGamepad.GetAxis(1));
                    Debug.Print("Axis 2:" + myGamepad.GetAxis(2));
                    Debug.Print("Axis 5:" + myGamepad.GetAxis(5));

                    // pass axis value to talon
                    myTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(1));


                /* print the three analog inputs as three columns */
                //Debug.Print("Counter Value: " + counter);

                /* increment counter */
                //++counter; /* try to land a breakpoint here and hover over 'counter' to see it's current value.  Or add it to the Watch Tab */

                /* wait a bit */
Exemple #4
        public static void Main()
            //Gamepad for input
            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController _gamepad = new CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController(CTRE.Phoenix.UsbHostDevice.GetInstance());

            //simple PWM for fine control of pulse width, period, timing...
            uint period   = 50000;           //period between pulses
            uint duration = 1500;            //duration of pulse
            PWM  pwm_9    = new PWM(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin9, period, duration, PWM.ScaleFactor.Microseconds, false);

            pwm_9.Start();             //starts the signal

            // ...and just a PWM SpeedController for motor controller (Victor SP, Talon SR, Victor 888, etc.)...
            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.PWMSpeedController pwmSpeedController = new CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.PWMSpeedController(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port3.PWM_Pin7);

            while (true)
                /* only enable motor control (PWM/CAN) if gamepad is connected.  Logitech gamepads may be disabled using the X/D switch */
                if (_gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* let axis control the pwm speed controller */
                pwmSpeedController.Set(0.10f);                 /* 10% */

                /* let button1 control the explicit PWM pin duration*/
                if (_gamepad.GetButton(1) == true)
                    pwm_9.Duration = 2000;                     /* 2.0ms */
                    pwm_9.Duration = 1000;                     /* 1.0ms */

                /* yield for a bit, this controls this task's frequency */
Exemple #5
        public static void Main()
            /* Initialize Display Module elements */

            /* Initialize Talon and Victor with various configurations */

            /* LED Variables */
            float   _Brightness = 0.25f; /* Default LED Brightness */
            Boolean On          = true;  /* Color Flashing state */
            byte    i           = 0;     /* Color Duration track variable for flashing */
            int     colorDelay  = 0;     /* Color Duration track variable for Sequence speed */

            /* State variables */
            DriveState MotionState    = DriveState.MotionMagicTalon;
            LEDState   OperationState = LEDState.Pigeon;

            /* Buttons and boolean for motor control */
            Boolean lastButton1 = false;
            Boolean lastButton2 = false;
            Boolean lastButton3 = false;
            Boolean lastbutton4 = false;

            while (true)
                /* Check gamepad connection */
                if (_Gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    OperationState = LEDState.Controller;
                    OperationState = LEDState.Pigeon;

                if (OperationState == LEDState.Controller)

                    if (_Battery.IsLow())
                        _labelTitle.SetText("Low voltage");

                    /* Get gamepad values */
                    float LeftX  = _Gamepad.GetAxis(0);
                    float LeftY  = _Gamepad.GetAxis(1);
                    float RightY = _Gamepad.GetAxis(5);
                    float RightX = _Gamepad.GetAxis(2);

                    /* Deadband gamepad values */
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref LeftX);
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref LeftY);
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref RightX);
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Deadband(ref RightY);

                    /* Update Guages */
                    UpdateGauge(_leftX, LeftX);
                    UpdateGauge(_leftY, LeftY);
                    UpdateGauge(_rightX, RightX);
                    UpdateGauge(_rightY, RightY);

                    /* Update Crosshairs */
                    _leftCrossHair.SetPosition((int)(30 + 15 * LeftX), 100 + (int)(15 * LeftY));
                    _rightCrossHair.SetPosition((int)(100 + 15 * RightX), 100 + (int)(15 * RightY));

                    /* Get single button presses to control MotionState */
                    Boolean Button1 = _Gamepad.GetButton(1);
                    Boolean Button2 = _Gamepad.GetButton(2);
                    Boolean Button3 = _Gamepad.GetButton(3);
                    Boolean Button4 = _Gamepad.GetButton(4);
                    if (Button1 && !lastButton1)
                        MotionState = DriveState.MotionMagicTalon;
                    else if (Button2 && !lastButton2)
                        MotionState = DriveState.PercentOutputBoth;
                    else if (Button3 && !lastButton3)
                        MotionState = DriveState.MotionMagicVictor;
                    else if (Button4 && !lastbutton4)
                        MotionState = DriveState.SensorReset;
                    lastButton1 = Button1;
                    lastButton2 = Button2;
                    lastButton3 = Button3;
                    lastbutton4 = Button4;

                    /* Controls Motoroutput based on MotionState */
                    MotorDriveControl(-LeftY, MotionState);

                    if (LeftX != 0 || LeftY != 0)
                        /** Left joystick in use, stop color cycling and give user control */

                        /* Grab brightness from the right joystick ([-1,1] + 1 * 0.5 => [0,1]) */
                        float Brightness = (RightY - 1f) * -0.5f;
                        _Brightness = Brightness;

                        /* Update LED strip with left joystick, right joystick, and brightness */
                        UpdateLedStrip(Brightness, LeftX, LeftY);
                        /** Left joystick not in use, start color cycling */

                        /* You can change the sequence in ColorSequencer.cs by ordering the premade colors or creating your own values */
                        if (colorDelay >= 3)
                            colorDelay = 0;

                        /* Go through a color sequence at half brightness when idle */
                        UpdateLedStrip(_Brightness, _ColorSequencer.Red, _ColorSequencer.Green, _ColorSequencer.Blue);
                else if (OperationState == LEDState.Pigeon)
                    if (_Battery.IsLow())
                        _labelTitle.SetText("Low Batt...");

                    /* Check status of Pigeon to see if it is connected */
                    CTRE.Phoenix.Sensors.PigeonState _PigeonState = _Pigeon.GetState();
                    if (_PigeonState == CTRE.Phoenix.Sensors.PigeonState.Ready)
                        /** Pigeon connected, giver user tilt control */

                        /* Pull Yaw, Pitch, and Roll from Pigeon */
                        float[] YPR = new float[3];
                        float Pitch = YPR[1];
                        float Roll  = YPR[2];

                        CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Cap(Pitch, 90);
                        CTRE.Phoenix.Util.Cap(Roll, 90);

                        float Brightness = 0.5f;

                        /* Update LED strip */
                        UpdateLedStrip(Brightness, Pitch / 90, Roll / 90, true);
                        /* Pigeon is not Ready/Available, so flash us */
                        if (i >= 100)
                            On = !On;
                            i  = 0;

                        /* Decide if strip is white or off */
                        if (On == true)
                            UpdateLedStrip(1, 255, 255, 255);   /* White */
                        else if (On == false)
                            UpdateLedStrip(1, 0, 0, 0);                 /* Off */

                int idx = GetFirstButton(_Gamepad);
                if (idx < 0)
                    _labelRow1.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color) 0xA0A0A0); // gray RGB
                    _labelRow2.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color) 0xA0A0A0); // gray RGB
                    _labelRow3.SetColor((DisplayModule.Color) 0xA0A0A0); // gray RGB

                    float[] ypr = new float[3];
                    _labelRow1.SetText("Yaw:" + ypr[0]);
                    _labelRow2.SetText("Pitch:" + ypr[1]);
                    _labelRow3.SetText("Roll:" + ypr[2]);
                    switch (idx % 4)
                    case 0: _labelRow1.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Cyan); break;

                    case 1: _labelRow1.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Green); break;

                    case 2: _labelRow1.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Red); break;

                    case 3: _labelRow1.SetColor(DisplayModule.Color.Yellow); break;

                    _labelRow1.SetText("Pressed Button " + idx);

                /* Let he program to sleep for a little */
Exemple #6
        /** entry point of the application */
        public static void Main()
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                if (motors[i] == null)

            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController myGamepad = new
                                                               CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController(new CTRE.Phoenix.UsbHostDevice(0));
            /* temporary array */
            byte[] scratch  = new byte[1];
            byte[] toReadIn = new byte[10];
            _uart = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 115200);
            //_uart = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 9600);

            //synch flags
            bool lowering     = false;
            bool raising      = true;
            bool step0        = true;
            bool step1        = false;
            bool step2        = false;
            bool step3        = false;
            bool kneel0       = false;
            bool kneel1       = false;
            bool kneel2       = false;
            bool kneel3       = false;
            bool eGoalReached = false;
            bool wGoalReached = false;

            while (true)
                string[] stringReadings;
                //string[] strCopy;
                int[] intReadings;
                //if (_rx != null && _uart.BytesToRead > 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Print("getting initial string readings");
                stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                intReadings    = getIntReadings(stringReadings);
                bool lastPress  = false;
                bool lastPress1 = false;
                bool lastPress2 = false;
                bool pressed1;
                bool pressed2;
                bool pressed;
                bool RF_met  = false;
                bool RF_met1 = false;
                bool RF_met2 = false;
                bool RF_met3 = false;
                //bool reachedLimit = false;

                //raise the legs

                 * if (raising && raise(0, intReadings))
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Print("*** Raised leg 0");
                 *  lowering = true;
                 *  raising = false;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Print("Elbow Goal: " + jointPositions[1][OpUp] + " -- currently: " + sensor[1]);
                 *  Debug.Print("Wrist Goal: " + jointPositions[2][OpUp] + " -- currently: " + sensor[2]);
                 * }
                 * if (lowering && lower(0, intReadings))
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Print("*** Lowered leg 0");
                 *  lowering = false;
                 *  raising = true;
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Print("LOWER Elbow Goal: " + jointPositions[1][OpUp] + " -- currently: " + sensor[1]);
                 *  Debug.Print("LOWER Wrist Goal: " + jointPositions[2][OpUp] + " -- currently: " + sensor[2]);
                 * }
                // comment the following line to enable step motion
                //step0 = false;
                if (step0 && step(0, intReadings, ref raising, ref lowering, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished stepping");
                    raising  = true;
                    lowering = false;
                    step0    = false;
                    step1    = true;
                if (step1 && step(1, intReadings, ref raising, ref lowering, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished stepping");
                    raising  = true;
                    lowering = false;
                    step1    = false;
                    step2    = true;
                if (step2 && step(2, intReadings, ref raising, ref lowering, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished stepping");
                    raising  = true;
                    lowering = false;
                    step2    = false;
                    step3    = true;
                if (step3 && step(3, intReadings, ref raising, ref lowering, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished stepping");
                    raising  = true;
                    lowering = false;
                    step3    = false;
                    step0    = false; // set true to repeat

                    kneel0 = true;
                // comment the following to enable kneeling
                //kneel0 = false;
                //eGoalReached = false;
                //wGoalReached = false;
                if (kneel0 && kneel(0, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished kneeling 0");
                    eGoalReached = false;
                    wGoalReached = false;
                    kneel0       = false;
                    kneel1       = true;
                if (kneel1 && kneel(1, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished kneeling 1");
                    eGoalReached = false;
                    wGoalReached = false;
                    kneel1       = false;
                    kneel2       = true;
                if (kneel2 && kneel(2, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished kneeling 2");
                    eGoalReached = false;
                    wGoalReached = false;
                    kneel2       = false;
                    kneel3       = true;
                if (kneel3 && kneel(3, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached))
                    Debug.Print("Finished kneeling 3");
                    eGoalReached = false;
                    wGoalReached = false;
                    kneel3       = false;
                    kneel0       = false; //set true to repeat

                if (myGamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    talons[3].Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(1));
                    talons[7].Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(1));

                    talons[11].Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(2));
                    talons[15].Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(2));

                     * Debug.Print("gamepad connected");
                     * pressed = myGamepad.GetButton(1);
                     * pressed2 = myGamepad.GetButton(2);
                     * if (pressed != lastPress || pressed == true)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Print("Button pressed, Kneeling selected");
                     *  //while(reachedLimit == false)
                     *  //{
                     *  stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                     *  intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);
                     *  Debug.Print("potentiometer 2 is " + intReadings[2].ToString());
                     *  if (!RF_met1)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met1 = raise(1, intReadings,ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress = pressed;
                     *  }
                     *  if (!RF_met2)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met2 = raise(2, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress = pressed;
                     *  }
                     *  if (!RF_met)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met = raise(0, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress = pressed;
                     *  }
                     *  if (!RF_met3)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met3 = raise(3, intReadings, ref eGoalReached, ref wGoalReached);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress = pressed;
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * //if (pressed2 == true)
                     * //{
                     *  //motorRFT.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, myGamepad.GetAxis(1) / 2);
                     *  //Hardware._rightFrontTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, -1*myGamepad.GetAxis(1), CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, -1*myGamepad.GetAxis(2) / 2);
                     *  //Hardware._leftFrontTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, -1*myGamepad.GetAxis(1), CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, 1*myGamepad.GetAxis(2) / 2);
                     *  //Hardware._rightBackTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, -1*myGamepad.GetAxis(1), CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, -1*myGamepad.GetAxis(2) / 2);
                     *  //Hardware._leftBackTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 1*myGamepad.GetAxis(1), CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.DemandType.ArbitraryFeedForward, 1*myGamepad.GetAxis(2) / 2);
                     * //}
                     * /*if (pressed1 != lastPress1 || pressed1 == true)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Print("Button pressed, Kneeling selected");
                     *  //while(reachedLimit == false)
                     *  //{
                     *  stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                     *  intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);
                     *  Debug.Print("potentiometer 2 is " + intReadings[2].ToString());
                     *  if (!RF_met)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met = raise(0, intReadings);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress1 = pressed1;
                     *  }
                     *  if (!RF_met3)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met3 = raise(3, intReadings);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress1 = pressed1;
                     *  }
                     * }
                     * if (pressed2 != lastPress2 || pressed2 == true)
                     * {
                     *  Debug.Print("Button pressed, Kneeling selected");
                     *  //while(reachedLimit == false)
                     *  //{
                     *  stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                     *  intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);
                     *  Debug.Print("potentiometer 2 is " + intReadings[2].ToString());
                     *  if (!RF_met1)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met1 = lower(1, intReadings);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress2 = pressed2;
                     *  }
                     *  if (!RF_met2)//&& !RF_met1 && !RF_met2 && !RF_met3)
                     *  {
                     *      RF_met2 = lower(2, intReadings);
                     *      Debug.Print("raising leg");
                     *      lastPress2 = pressed2;
                     *  }
                     * }*/
Exemple #7
        public static void Main()
            /* Current setup is a CTRE MAG Encoder and a 128 CPR Opitcal Encoder, where printf's can be used to compare accuracy */
            magTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.FeedbackDevice.PulseWidthEncodedPosition, 0, kTimeout);
            anaTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackSensor(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.FeedbackDevice.QuadEncoder, 0, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(0.125f, 0, kTimeout); /* Mag Encoder 4096 CPR * 0.125 = 128 == 128 CPR Opitcal Encoder, could scale up */
            anaTalon.ConfigSelectedFeedbackCoefficient(1, 0, kTimeout);


            /* Reduce the velocity averaging to generate useful plots in Vehicle spy */
            magTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow(1, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.VelocityMeasPeriod.Period_1Ms, kTimeout);

            anaTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementWindow(1, kTimeout);
            anaTalon.ConfigVelocityMeasurementPeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.VelocityMeasPeriod.Period_1Ms, kTimeout);

            /* Increase the rate of the CAN frame */
            magTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 4, kTimeout);
            anaTalon.SetStatusFramePeriod(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.StatusFrameEnhanced.Status_2_Feedback0, 4, kTimeout);

            /* For PWM test, scale down motor so optical has a chance to keep up? */
            float peakOutput    = 1f;
            float nominalOutput = 0;

            magTalon.ConfigPeakOutputForward(peakOutput, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigPeakOutputReverse(-peakOutput, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigNominalOutputForward(nominalOutput, kTimeout);
            magTalon.ConfigNominalOutputReverse(-nominalOutput, kTimeout);

            differenceDisplay = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(gFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Orange, 0, 0, 100, 15);
            statusDisplay     = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(gFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Green, 0, 20, 100, 15);
            errorDisplay      = displayModule.AddLabelSprite(gFont, CTRE.Gadgeteer.Module.DisplayModule.Color.Red, 0, 60, 100, 15);

            statusDisplay.SetText("Gamepad Mode");

            /* Clear Position */

            /* Variables to test various features */
            bool  lastBtn  = false;
            bool  lastBtn3 = false;
            bool  state    = false;
            float output   = 0;

            while (true)
                /* CTRE Output enable */
                if (gamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)

                /* Encoder Postion taring */
                bool btn  = gamepad.GetButton(2);
                bool btn3 = gamepad.GetButton(3);
                if (btn && !lastBtn)
                    errorDisplay.SetText("Error: " + 0);
                if (btn3 && !lastBtn3)
                    state = !state;
                    if (state)
                        statusDisplay.SetText("Sine Mode");
                        statusDisplay.SetText("Gamepad Mode");
                lastBtn  = btn;
                lastBtn3 = btn3;

                if (!state)
                    /* Joypad value */
                    output = gamepad.GetAxis(1);

                    /* Reduce speed if right trigger is held down */
                    if (gamepad.GetButton(6))
                        output *= 0.50f;
                    float amplitude   = 1;
                    float frequencyHZ = 0.2f;
                    float time        = stopwatch.Duration;
                    output = amplitude * (float)System.Math.Sin((2 * System.Math.PI) * frequencyHZ * time);

                byte[] Frame = new byte[8];
                Frame[0] = (byte)((int)(output * 1000) >> 8);
                Frame[1] = (byte)((int)(output * 1000) & 0xFF);
                ulong data = (ulong)BitConverter.ToUInt64(Frame, 0);
                CTRE.Native.CAN.Send(0x09, data, 8, 0);

                /* (scale for maximum rpm @3000 - 6900ish) */
                output *= (1 / 5f);

                /* Talon with CTRE Mag Encoder drives the Talon */
                magTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, output);

                /* Telemetry */
                int magTemp    = magTalon.GetSelectedSensorPosition(0);
                int anaTemp    = anaTalon.GetSelectedSensorPosition(0);
                int difference = magTemp - anaTemp;

                Debug.Print("mag: " + magTemp + " ana: " + anaTemp + " dif: " + difference);
                differenceDisplay.SetText("Dif: " + difference);

                if (output > -0.05 && output < 0.05)
                    /* We are slow enough to check */
                    if (System.Math.Abs(difference) > 50)
                        /* Disruption in position */
                        state = false;
                        statusDisplay.SetText("Bad Postion");
                        errorDisplay.SetText("Error: " + difference);
                else if (System.Math.Abs(difference) > 500)
                    /* Disruption in position */
                    state = false;
                    statusDisplay.SetText("Bad Postion");
                    errorDisplay.SetText("Error: " + difference);

                /* Allow some breathing room for the CAN Frames */
Exemple #8
        /** entry point of the application */
        public static void Main()
            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController myGamepad = new
                                                               CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController(new CTRE.Phoenix.UsbHostDevice(0));
            /* temporary array */
            byte[] scratch  = new byte[1];
            byte[] toReadIn = new byte[10];

            /* open the UART, select the com port based on the desired gadgeteer port.
             *   This utilizes the CTRE.IO Library.
             *   The full listing of COM ports on HERO can be viewed in CTRE.IO
            _uart = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 115200);
            //_uart = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(CTRE.HERO.IO.Port1.UART, 9600);
            /* send a message to the terminal for the user to see */
            //_uart.Write(_helloMsg, 0, _helloMsg.Length);
            /* loop forever */
            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.VictorSPX motor1 = new
            while (true)
                //Debug.Print("In loop");
                /* read bytes out of uart */
                //if (_uart.BytesToRead > 0)
                //Debug.Print("In if");

                 * int readCnt = _uart.Read(_rx, 0, CalcRemainingCap());
                 * for (int i = 0; i < readCnt; ++i)
                 * {
                 *  Debug.Print("In for");
                 *  PushByte(_rx[i]);
                 * }
                //Debug.Print("reading uart");
                //_uart.Read(_rx, 0, 13);
                //Debug.Print("BYTES TO READ = "+_uart.BytesToRead.ToString());
                //int readIn =_uart.Read(_rx, 0, 10);

                 * This section is in fucntion getStrReadings now. This function is called below.
                 * char[] readIn = Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(_rx);
                 *  string str = new string(readIn);
                 *  string[] readings = str.Split('-');
                string[] stringReadings;
                //string[] strCopy;
                int[] intReadings;
                //if (_rx != null && _uart.BytesToRead > 0)
                Debug.Print("getting initial string readings");
                stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                //int[] intReadings;

                //if (stringReadings[0] == "E" && stringReadings[3] == ";")
                if (newData == true)
                    intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);

                    // intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);

                    //  strCopy = stringReadings;
                    //stringReadings[0] = strCopy[2][1].ToString();
                    //Debug.Print("New index 0 " + stringReadings[0]);
                    //stringReadings[1] = strCopy[3] + strCopy[0];
                    //Debug.Print("New index 1 " + stringReadings[1]);
                    //stringReadings[2] = strCopy[1];
                    //Debug.Print("New index 2 " + stringReadings[2]);
                    //stringReadings[3] = strCopy[2][0].ToString();
                    //Debug.Print("New index 3 " + stringReadings[3]);

                    //intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);

                    //if (intReadings[0] < 90)
                    //while (true)
                    bool lastPress = false;
                    bool pressed;
                    if (myGamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                        pressed = myGamepad.GetButton(1);
                        if (pressed != lastPress && pressed == true)
                            Debug.Print("Button pressed, Kneeling selected");
                            while (intReadings[0] < 500)
                                motor1.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, .25);
                                stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                                intReadings    = getIntReadings(stringReadings);
                            // else
                            //  lastPress = pressed;
                        lastPress = pressed; //debounce
                                             //set motor to run forward until specified angle
                                             //motor0.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, .25);

                        //_uart.Read(_rx, 0, 13);
                        //Debug.Print("BYTEs TO READ = " + _uart.BytesToRead.ToString());
                        //if (_rx != null)
                        //  stringReadings = getStrReadings();
                        //if (stringReadings[0] == "E" && stringReadings[3] == ";")
                        //intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);
                        //hard coded to most common error for now

                        //      strCopy = stringReadings;
                        //    stringReadings[0] = strCopy[2][1].ToString();
                        //  Debug.Print("New index 0 " + stringReadings[0]);
                        //stringReadings[1] = strCopy[3] + strCopy[0];
                        //Debug.Print("New index 1 " + stringReadings[1]);
                        //stringReadings[2] = strCopy[1];
                        //Debug.Print("New index 2 " + stringReadings[2]);
                        //stringReadings[3] = strCopy[2][0].ToString();
                        //Debug.Print("New index 3 " + stringReadings[3]);

                        //intReadings = getIntReadings(stringReadings);


                        Debug.Print("Motor running, goal not met");

                    Debug.Print("Motor stopped, goal met");

                    /* wait a bit, keep the main loop time constant, this way you can add to this example (motor control for example). */
Exemple #9
 public bool IsConnected()
     return(gameController.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected);
        public static void Main()
            /* create a gamepad object */
            CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController myGamepad = new CTRE.Phoenix.Controller.GameController(new CTRE.Phoenix.UsbHostDevice(0));

            /* create a talon, the Talon Device ID in HERO LifeBoat is zero */
            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX myTalon  = new CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX(1);
            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX myTalon2 = new CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX(2);
            CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX myTalon3 = new CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.CAN.TalonSRX(25);

            float speed;
            float turn;
            float avg;
            bool  rampDown = false;
            bool  rampUp   = false;
            int   c        = 0;

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            while (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime < TimeSpan.FromTicks(50000000))
                myTalon3.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 1);
                Debug.Print("Test: " + c++);
                /* allow motor control */

            startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            while (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime < TimeSpan.FromTicks(50000000))
                myTalon3.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, -1);
                Debug.Print("Test: " + c++);

            /* wait a bit */

            /* loop forever */
            while (true)
                /* added inside the while loop */
                if (myGamepad.GetConnectionStatus() == CTRE.Phoenix.UsbDeviceConnection.Connected)
                    //If you want to change it to right bumper use get.axis(2) and (5)
                    speed    = myGamepad.GetAxis(1);
                    turn     = myGamepad.GetAxis(0);
                    avg      = speed / 2 + turn / 2;
                    rampDown = myGamepad.GetButton(1);
                    rampUp   = myGamepad.GetButton(2);
                    /* print the axis value */
                    //Turning is overriding the speed
                    Debug.Print("axis:" + myGamepad.GetAxis(0) + ", " + myGamepad.GetAxis(1) + ", " + myGamepad.GetAxis(2) + ", " + myGamepad.GetAxis(5));
                    Debug.Print("speed:" + speed);
                    Debug.Print("turn:" + turn);
                    Debug.Print("Button 1(DOWN): " + rampDown);
                    Debug.Print("Button 2(UP): " + rampUp);

                    /* pass axis value to talon */
                    // myTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, speed);
                    // myTalon2.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, speed);

                    //myTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, turn);
                    //myTalon2.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, turn * -1);

                    myTalon.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, avg * -1);
                    myTalon2.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, avg);
                    if (rampDown)
                        myTalon3.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, -1.0);
                    else if (rampUp)
                        myTalon3.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 1.0);
                        myTalon3.Set(CTRE.Phoenix.MotorControl.ControlMode.PercentOutput, 0);

                    //once button is pressed move motor specific amount of times so that the ramp rests at a 90 degree angle

                    /* allow motor control */

                /* wait a bit */