protected void Save() { if (bAllowUpdate) { CSystemSettings sysChg = new CSystemSettings(); bool bSaved = sysChg.UpdateSystemSettings(Master, txtMailSMTPHost.Text, txtSenderEmailAddress.Text, Convert.ToInt64(txtMailSMTPPort.Text), txtWebSiteUrl.Text, txtNotifyEmailAddress.Text, txtTextingHost.Text, Convert.ToInt64(txtTextingPort.Text), txtTextingUser.Text, txtTextingPswd.Text, txtOraWinDir.Text); if (bSaved) { CDataUtils utils = new CDataUtils(); DataSet dsSys = new DataSet(); CSystemSettings sys = new CSystemSettings(); Session["SYSSETTINGS"] = sys.GetSystemSettingsDS(Master); dsSys = (DataSet)Session["SYSSETTINGS"]; Master.StatusComment = "System Settings Updated."; } } else { Master.StatusCode = 1; Master.StatusComment = "<img alt=\"\" src=\"Images/lock16x16.png\" /> You have <b>Read-Only Access</b> to this section."; } ShowSysFeedback(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CSec usrsec = new CSec(); bAllowUpdate = (usrsec.GetRightMode(Master, (long)SUATUserRight.AdministratorUR) > (long)RightMode.ReadOnly) && (Master.APPMaster.UserType == (long)SUATUserType.ADMINISTRATOR); if (!IsPostBack) { CDataUtils utils = new CDataUtils(); //get system settings DataSet dsSys = new DataSet(); if (Session["SYSSETTINGS"] == null) { CSystemSettings sys = new CSystemSettings(); Session["SYSSETTINGS"] = sys.GetSystemSettingsDS(Master); } dsSys = (DataSet)Session["SYSSETTINGS"]; txtMailSMTPHost.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "MAIL_SMTP_HOST"); txtSenderEmailAddress.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "MAIL_SMTP_SENDER"); txtMailSMTPPort.Text = Convert.ToString(utils.GetLongValueFromDS(dsSys, "MAIL_SMTP_PORT")); txtWebSiteUrl.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "SITE_URL"); txtNotifyEmailAddress.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "NOTIFY_EMAIL"); //New Text Message Fields txtTextingHost.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "TEXTING_HOST"); txtTextingPort.Text = Convert.ToString(utils.GetLongValueFromDS(dsSys, "TEXTING_PORT")); txtTextingUser.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "TEXTING_USER"); txtTextingPswd.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "TEXTING_PSWD"); txtOraWinDir.Text = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSys, "ORA_WIN_DIR"); Master.ClosePatient(); } if (Master.OnMasterSAVE()) { Save(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.IsLoggedIn()) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", true); } //set session time remaining strMilisecondsSessionExpire = SessionTimeRemaining(); strSessionTimeout = SessionTimeRemaining(); // register Ext.NET library icons ResourceManager1.RegisterIcon(Icon.Information); //pass the master to the popup ucPatLookup.BaseMstr = this; ucLogin.BaseMstr = this; ucVerticalMenu.BaseMstr = this; ucEncounterType.BaseMstr = this; if (!this.IsLoggedIn()) { //put us back in login mode ucLogin.SetMode(1); this.ClosePatient(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get "Last updated" info string strLastUpdated = this.GetVSStringValue("LAST_UPDATED"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLastUpdated)) { divLastModified.Visible = true; divLastModified.InnerText = strLastUpdated; } //remove PATIENTNAME session variable if //not logged in and patient_id is empty if (!this.IsLoggedIn() || String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SelectedPatientID)) { Session["PATIENTNAME"] = null; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NOT POSTBACK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region not_postback if (!IsPostBack) { //get system settings DataSet dsSys = new DataSet(); if (Session["SYSSETTINGS"] == null) { CSystemSettings sys = new CSystemSettings(); Session["SYSSETTINGS"] = sys.GetSystemSettingsDS(this); } dsSys = (DataSet)Session["SYSSETTINGS"]; //get site if (Session["SiteID"] == null) { CSystemSettings SysSettings = new CSystemSettings(); DataSet dsSite = SysSettings.GetSiteDS(this); string strSiteID = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSite, "SITE_ID"); Session["SiteID"] = strSiteID; } } #endregion //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IS POSTBACK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region isPostBack if (IsPostBack) { //get the postback control string strPostBackControl = Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"]; if (strPostBackControl != null) { #region PatientLookup //did we do a patient lookup? if (strPostBackControl.Equals("PATIENT_LOOKUP")) { //Clears previously looked up patient id, treatment id this.SelectedPatientID = ""; this.SelectedTreatmentID = -1; this.SelectedEncounterID = ""; this.SelectedProblemID = -1; this.ClosePatient(); //get the patient id string[] strArg = Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"].Split('|'); //pass the patient id to the base, this will cache //it in the db fx_session_value table this.SelectedPatientID = strArg[0]; //check if it is an event lookup if (strArg.Length > 1) { if (strArg[1].ToLower().Equals("event")) { Session["EVENT_LOOKUP"] = true; } } //set the current treatment id, gets list of records with newest first DataSet t_recs = treatment.GetRecordList(this, this.SelectedPatientID, 2); //OPEN CASES - Revamp only uses this if (t_recs != null && t_recs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { this.SelectedTreatmentID = Convert.ToInt32(t_recs.Tables[0].Rows[0]["treatment_id"].ToString()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //GET INITIAL VISIT ID //GET PATIENT NAME FOR THE DEMOGRAPHICS BLURB if (this.IsLoggedIn() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SelectedPatientID))//must be logged in too... { if (Session["InitialVisit"] == null) { CEncounter patInitVisit = new CEncounter(); CDataUtils dUtils = new CDataUtils(); DataSet dsInitVisit = patInitVisit.GetInitialVisitDS(this, this.SelectedPatientID, this.SelectedTreatmentID); Session["InitialVisit"] = dUtils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsInitVisit, "encounter_id"); } if (Session["PATIENTNAME"] == null) { CPatient cpat = new CPatient(); Session["PATIENTNAME"] = cpat.GetPatientName(this); } //GET SELECTED PATIENT'S DEMOGRAPHICS CPatient pat = new CPatient(); CDataUtils utils = new CDataUtils(); DataSet clientDemographics = new DataSet(); Session["PAT_DEMOGRAPHICS_DS"] = pat.GetPatientDemographicsDS(this); clientDemographics = (DataSet)Session["PAT_DEMOGRAPHICS_DS"]; foreach (DataTable patTable in clientDemographics.Tables) { foreach (DataRow patRow in patTable.Rows) { this.APPMaster.PatientHasOpenCase = false; if (!patRow.IsNull("OPENCASE_COUNT")) { if (Convert.ToInt32(patRow["OPENCASE_COUNT"]) > 0) { this.APPMaster.PatientHasOpenCase = true; } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //VERIFY STATUS OF THE PATIENT RECORD CPatientLock plock = new CPatientLock(this); string strLockProviderName = String.Empty; string strLockProviderEmail = String.Empty; this.IsPatientLocked = plock.IsPatientLocked(this.SelectedPatientID, out strLockProviderName, out strLockProviderEmail); Session["PAT_LOCK_PROVIDER"] = strLockProviderName; Session["PAT_LOCK_EMAIL"] = strLockProviderEmail; //REDIRECT USER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ long lSoapNoteUR = (long)SUATUserRight.NoteSubjectiveUR + (long)SUATUserRight.NoteObjectiveUR + (long)SUATUserRight.NoteAssessmentUR + (long)SUATUserRight.NotePlanUR; if (this.APPMaster.HasUserRight(lSoapNoteUR)) { Response.Redirect("pat_summary.aspx", true); } else if (this.APPMaster.HasUserRight((long)SUATUserRight.ProcessNewPatientsUR)) { Response.Redirect("pat_demographics.aspx", false); } else { Response.Redirect("revamp.aspx", true); } } #endregion #region OtherLookups //did we do a user lookup? if (strPostBackControl.Equals("USER_LOOKUP")) { //get the uidpwd string strArg = Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]; //pass the patient id to the base, this will cache //it in the db fx_session_value table this.SelectedProviderID = strArg; Response.Redirect("user_admin.aspx", true); } //did we do a Portal Patient Lookup? if (strPostBackControl.Equals("PORTAL_PATIENT_LOOKUP")) { //get the uidpwd string strArg = Request.Form["__EVENTARGUMENT"]; //pass the patient id to the base, this will cache //it in the db fx_session_value table this.SelectedPatientID = strArg; Response.Redirect("pat_portal_account.aspx", true); } //-- 2/22/2011 close currently looked up patient if (strPostBackControl.Equals("CLOSE_PATIENT")) { this.SelectedPatientID = ""; this.SelectedTreatmentID = -1; this.LookupSearchCase = -1; Response.Redirect("revamp.aspx", true); } #endregion } } #endregion #region ShowUsernameAndPatientDemographics if (this.IsLoggedIn()) { //Name Of User Currently logged on. string strUserLoggedOn = String.Empty; if (Session["USERLOGGEDON"] == null) { strUserLoggedOn += "<img alt=\"Account Activity\" src=\"Images/information.png\" style=\"cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 3px;\" onclick=\"showAccDetails();\" />"; strUserLoggedOn += UserLoggedOn(); strUserLoggedOn += " - "; strUserLoggedOn += DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); strUserLoggedOn += " "; strUserLoggedOn += DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); lblUserLoggedOn.Text = strUserLoggedOn; Session["USERLOGGEDON"] = strUserLoggedOn; } else { lblUserLoggedOn.Text = Session["USERLOGGEDON"].ToString(); } //draw the patient info bar at the top patDemoInfoBar.InnerHtml = ""; //GET PATIENT NAME for the demographics blurb //Render Left Vertical Menu for selected patient if (this.IsLoggedIn() && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SelectedPatientID))//must be logged in too... { if (Session["PATIENTNAME"] == null) { CPatient cpat = new CPatient(); Session["PATIENTNAME"] = cpat.GetPatientName(this); } string[] strPatInfo = (string[])Session["PATIENTNAME"]; patDemoInfoBar.InnerHtml = strPatInfo[0]; //render vertical menu ucVerticalMenu.RenderVerticalMenu(); } else { this.ClosePatient(); } } #endregion //load the patient treatment/encounter info //if we are in group note, hide it... bool bSkipSelectedPatientCheck = false; string strPage = ""; strPage = this.GetPageName().ToLower(); if (strPage.IndexOf("pat_portal_account.aspx") > -1) { pnlTxTree.Visible = false; bSkipSelectedPatientCheck = true; } else if (strPage.IndexOf("cms_menu_edit.aspx") > -1) { pnlTxTree.Visible = false; bSkipSelectedPatientCheck = true; if (IsPostBack) { if (this.OnMasterSAVE()) { BuildMenu(); } } } else if (strPage.IndexOf("cms_page_edit.aspx") > -1) { pnlTxTree.Visible = false; bSkipSelectedPatientCheck = true; } else { pnlTxTree.Visible = true; patDemoInfoBar.Visible = true; bSkipSelectedPatientCheck = false; } // ---------------- if (!bSkipSelectedPatientCheck) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.SelectedPatientID)) { pnlTxTree.Visible = true; pnlDemoInfoBar.Visible = true; } else { pnlTxTree.Visible = false; pnlDemoInfoBar.Visible = false; } } if (!this.IsLoggedIn()) { pnlLogoff.Visible = false; } else { pnlLogoff.Visible = true; } //get account activity details GetAccountDetails(); // Build the Menu & Toolbar HTML string BuildMenu(); //check if user has new messages btnEmailNew.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("vertical-align", "middle"); btnEmailNew.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-right", "8px"); btnEmailNew.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("cursor", "pointer"); btnEmailNew.Visible = this.HasNewMessage(); btnEmailNew.Attributes.Add("onclick", "winrpt.showReport('messagescenter',['null'],{maximizable:false, width:($(window).width() - 50), height:($(window).height() - 50)});"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //doesn't cache the page so users cannot back into sensitive information after logging off //Response.AddHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=9"); //Response.Cache.SetAllowResponseInBrowserHistory(false); //Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); //Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-1)); //Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); //Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); //loads version lblVersion.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Version"]; //set session time remaining strMilisecondsSessionExpire = SessionTimeRemaining(); strSessionTimeout = SessionTimeRemaining(); // register Ext.NET library icons ResourceManager1.RegisterIcon(Icon.Information); if (!IsPostBack) { //get site if (Session["SiteID"] == null) { CSystemSettings SysSettings = new CSystemSettings(); DataSet dsSite = SysSettings.GetSiteDS(this); string strSiteID = utils.GetStringValueFromDS(dsSite, "SITE_ID"); Session["SiteID"] = strSiteID; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // IS POSTBACK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region isPostBack if (IsPostBack) { //get the postback control string strPostBackControl = Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"]; if (strPostBackControl != null) { } } #endregion #region ShowUsernameAndPatientDemographics if (this.IsLoggedIn()) { //Name Of User Currently logged on. string strLoginDateTime = String.Empty; if (Session["LOGINDATETIME"] == null) { strLoginDateTime += DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); strLoginDateTime += " "; strLoginDateTime += DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); Session["LOGINDATETIME"] = strLoginDateTime; } string strUserLoggedOn = String.Empty; if (Session["USERLOGGEDON"] == null) { strUserLoggedOn += "<img alt=\"Account Activity\" src=\"Images/information.png\" style=\"cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 3px;\" onclick=\"showAccDetails();\" />"; strUserLoggedOn += UserLoggedOn(); strUserLoggedOn += " - "; strUserLoggedOn += Session["LOGINDATETIME"].ToString(); lblUserLoggedOn.Text = strUserLoggedOn; Session["USERLOGGEDON"] = strUserLoggedOn; } else { lblUserLoggedOn.Text = Session["USERLOGGEDON"].ToString(); } //draw the patient info bar at the top //patDemoInfoBar.InnerHtml = ""; } #endregion string strPage = this.GetPageName().ToLower(); if (!this.IsLoggedIn()) { pnlLogoff.Visible = false; } else { pnlLogoff.Visible = true; } //get account activity details GetAccountDetails(); // Build the Menu & Toolbar HTML string BuildMenu(); //check if user has new messages btnEmailNew.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("vertical-align", "middle"); btnEmailNew.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-right", "8px"); btnEmailNew.Visible = this.HasNewMessage(); }