Exemple #1
        private void OnSimulationCommencing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProportionOfTotalDM = new double[forages.Count];

            if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.TargetMass)
                if (PreGrazeDMArray == null || PreGrazeDMArray.Length != 12)
                    throw new Exception("There must be 12 values input for the pre-grazing DM");
                if (PostGrazeDMArray == null || PostGrazeDMArray.Length != 12)
                    throw new Exception("There must be 12 values input for the post-grazing DM");
            else if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.Flexible)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FlexibleExpressionForTimingOfGrazing))
                    throw new Exception("You must specify an expression for timing of grazing.");
                expressionFunction            = new CSharpExpressionFunction();
                expressionFunction.Parent     = this;
                expressionFunction.Expression = "Convert.ToDouble(" + FlexibleExpressionForTimingOfGrazing + ")";

            if (FractionExcretedNToDung != null && FractionExcretedNToDung.Length != 1 && FractionExcretedNToDung.Length != 12)
                throw new Exception("You must specify either a single value for 'proportion of defoliated nitrogen going to dung' or 12 monthly values.");

            if (SimpleGrazingFrequencyString != null && SimpleGrazingFrequencyString.Equals("end of month", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                simpleGrazingFrequency = 0;
                simpleGrazingFrequency = Convert.ToInt32(SimpleGrazingFrequencyString);

            if (FractionDefoliatedNToSoil == null || FractionDefoliatedNToSoil.Length == 0)
                FractionDefoliatedNToSoil = new double[] { 0 }

            // Initialise the days since grazing.
            if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.SimpleRotation)
                DaysSinceGraze = simpleGrazingFrequency;
            else if ((GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.TargetMass ||
                      GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.Flexible) &&
                     MinimumRotationLengthArray != null)
                DaysSinceGraze = Convert.ToInt32(MinimumRotationLengthArray[clock.Today.Month - 1]);
Exemple #2
        private void OnSimulationCommencing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProportionOfTotalDM = new double[forages.Count];

            if (Verbose)
                summary.WriteMessage(this, "Initialising the Manager for grazing, urine return and reporting");

            if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.TargetMass)
                if (PreGrazeDMArray == null || PreGrazeDMArray.Length != 12)
                    throw new Exception("There must be 12 values input for the pre-grazing DM");
                if (PostGrazeDMArray == null || PostGrazeDMArray.Length != 12)
                    throw new Exception("There must be 12 values input for the post-grazing DM");
            else if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.Flexible)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FlexibleExpressionForTimingOfGrazing))
                    throw new Exception("You must specify an expression for timing of grazing.");
                expressionFunction            = new CSharpExpressionFunction();
                expressionFunction.Parent     = this;
                expressionFunction.Expression = "Convert.ToDouble(" + FlexibleExpressionForTimingOfGrazing + ")";

            if (FractionOfBiomassToDung.Length != 1 && FractionOfBiomassToDung.Length != 12)
                throw new Exception("You must specify either a single value for 'proportion of biomass going to dung' or 12 monthly values.");

            if (FractionOfBiomassToUrine.Length != 1 && FractionOfBiomassToUrine.Length != 12)
                throw new Exception("You must specify either a single value for 'proportion of biomass going to urine' or 12 monthly values.");

            if (Verbose)
                summary.WriteMessage(this, "Finished initialising the Manager for grazing, urine return and reporting");
Exemple #3
        private void OnSimulationCommencing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (forages == null)
                throw new Exception("No forages component found in simulation.");
            var parentZone = Parent as Zone;

            if (parentZone == null)
                throw new Exception("SimpleGrazing is not in a zone");
            allForages          = forages.ModelsWithDigestibleBiomass.Where(forage => forage.Zone == parentZone).ToList();
            ProportionOfTotalDM = new double[allForages.Count()];

            if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.TargetMass)
                if (PreGrazeDMArray == null || PreGrazeDMArray.Length != 12)
                    throw new Exception("There must be 12 values input for the pre-grazing DM");
                if (PostGrazeDMArray == null || PostGrazeDMArray.Length != 12)
                    throw new Exception("There must be 12 values input for the post-grazing DM");
            else if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.Flexible)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FlexibleExpressionForTimingOfGrazing))
                    throw new Exception("You must specify an expression for timing of grazing.");
                expressionFunction            = new CSharpExpressionFunction();
                expressionFunction.Parent     = this;
                expressionFunction.Expression = "Convert.ToDouble(" + FlexibleExpressionForTimingOfGrazing + ")";

            if (FractionExcretedNToDung != null && FractionExcretedNToDung.Length != 1 && FractionExcretedNToDung.Length != 12)
                throw new Exception("You must specify either a single value for 'proportion of defoliated nitrogen going to dung' or 12 monthly values.");

            if (SpeciesCutProportions == null)
                SpeciesCutProportions = MathUtilities.CreateArrayOfValues(1.0, allForages.Count());

            if (SpeciesCutProportions.Sum() != allForages.Count)
                throw new Exception("The species cut weightings must add up to the number of species.");

            if (SimpleGrazingFrequencyString != null && SimpleGrazingFrequencyString.Equals("end of month", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                simpleGrazingFrequency = 0;
                simpleGrazingFrequency = Convert.ToInt32(SimpleGrazingFrequencyString);

            if (FractionDefoliatedNToSoil == null || FractionDefoliatedNToSoil.Length == 0)
                FractionDefoliatedNToSoil = new double[] { 0 }

            // Initialise the days since grazing.
            if (GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.SimpleRotation)
                DaysSinceGraze = simpleGrazingFrequency;
            else if ((GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.TargetMass ||
                      GrazingRotationType == GrazingRotationTypeEnum.Flexible) &&
                     MinimumRotationLengthArray != null)
                DaysSinceGraze = Convert.ToInt32(MinimumRotationLengthArray[clock.Today.Month - 1]);