Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bank"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="retry"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private CSLibrary.Constants.Result CUST_18K6CTagWrite(
            CSLibrary.Constants.MemoryBank bank,
            UInt32 offset,
            UInt32 count,
            UInt16[] data,
            UInt32 password,
            CSLibrary.Constants.SelectFlags flags
            if (count > MAX_WR_CNT)
                return(CSLibrary.Constants.Result.DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT);       // too many data
            MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_ACCPWD, password);
            Start18K6CRequest(1, flags);
            MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_DESC_CFG /*0xA01*/, (31 << 1) | 0x01);  // Enable write verify and set retry count
                                                                                            //MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_DESC_CFG  /*0xA01*/, 0x1ff); // Enable write verify and set retry count
            Setup18K6CWriteRegisters(bank, offset, count, data, 0);
            _deviceHandler.SendAsync(0, 0, DOWNLINKCMD.RFIDCMD, PacketData(0xf000, (UInt32)HST_CMD.WRITE), HighLevelInterface.BTWAITCOMMANDRESPONSETYPE.WAIT_BTAPIRESPONSE_COMMANDENDRESPONSE, (UInt32)CurrentOperation);

        } //  Start18K6CRead

        bool CUST_18K6CTagRead(CSLibrary.Constants.MemoryBank bank, int offset, int count, UInt16[] data, UInt32 password, /*UInt32 retry, */ CSLibrary.Constants.SelectFlags flags)
            const int MAX_RD_CNT = 0x20;

            if (count > MAX_RD_CNT)
                return(false);       // too many data
            Start18K6CRead((uint)bank, (uint)(offset), (uint)count, data, password, 1, flags);

        } //  Start18K6CRead

        bool CUST_18K6CTagRead(CSLibrary.Constants.MemoryBank bank, int offset, int count, UInt16[] data, UInt32 password, /*UInt32 retry, */ CSLibrary.Constants.SelectFlags flags)
            const int MAX_RD_CNT = 0x20;

            int rdCycle = count / MAX_RD_CNT;
            int rdReminder = count % MAX_RD_CNT;
            int index = 0, i;

            //if (retry > 7)
            //    retry = 7;

            if (rdCycle > 0)
                return(false);       // too many data

             * for (index = 0; index < rdCycle; index++)
             * {
             *  for (i = 0; i < retry; i++)
             *      if (Start18K6CRead(bank, (uint)(offset + index * MAX_RD_CNT), MAX_RD_CNT, tagreadbuf, password, 1, flags) == true)
             *      {
             *          if (m_TagAccessStatus == 2)
             *          {
             *              Array.Copy(tagreadbuf, 0, data, index * MAX_RD_CNT, MAX_RD_CNT);
             *              break;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  if (i == retry)
             *      return false;
             * }

            if (rdReminder > 0)
                Start18K6CRead((uint)bank, (uint)(offset + index * MAX_RD_CNT), (uint)rdReminder, data, password, 1, flags);

                 *  if (Start18K6CRead(bank, (uint)(offset + index * MAX_RD_CNT), (uint)rdReminder, tagreadbuf, password, 1, flags) == true)
                 * {
                 *  if (m_TagAccessStatus == 2)
                 *  {
                 *      Array.Copy(tagreadbuf, 0, data, index * MAX_RD_CNT, rdReminder);
                 *      break;
                 *  }
                 * }*/
        public int Start18K6CRead(uint bank, uint offset, uint count, UInt16[] data, uint accessPassword, uint retry, CSLibrary.Constants.SelectFlags flags)
            // Perform the common 18K6C tag operation setup
            Start18K6CRequest(retry, flags);

            Setup18K6CReadRegisters(bank, offset, count);

            // Set up the access password register
            MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_ACCPWD, accessPassword);

            // Issue the read command
            _deviceHandler.SendAsync(0, 0, DOWNLINKCMD.RFIDCMD, PacketData(0xf000, (UInt32)HST_CMD.READ), HighLevelInterface.BTWAITCOMMANDRESPONSETYPE.WAIT_BTAPIRESPONSE_COMMANDENDRESPONSE, (UInt32)CurrentOperation);

        } //  Start18K6CRead
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bank"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="retry"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private CSLibrary.Constants.Result CUST_18K6CTagWrite(
            CSLibrary.Constants.MemoryBank bank,
            UInt32 offset,
            UInt32 count,
            UInt16[] data,
            UInt32 password,
            //UInt32 retry,
            //UInt32 writeretry,
            CSLibrary.Constants.SelectFlags flags
            int  index;
            uint wrCycle    = (uint)(count / MAX_WR_CNT);
            uint wrReminder = (uint)(count % MAX_WR_CNT);

            CSLibrary.Constants.Result status;
            UInt32 i;

            if (wrCycle > 0)

            //MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_DESC_CFG, 0x1ff);
            MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_ACCPWD, password);
            Start18K6CRequest(1, flags);

            MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_DESC_CFG /*0xA01*/, (31 << 1) | 0x01);  // Enable write verify and set retry count
            //MacWriteRegister(MACREGISTER.HST_TAGACC_DESC_CFG  /*0xA01*/, 0x1ff); // Enable write verify and set retry count

            /*			for (index = 0; index < wrCycle; index++)
             *                                  {
             *                                          Setup18K6CWriteRegisters(bank, (uint)(offset + index * MAX_WR_CNT), MAX_WR_CNT, data, (uint)(index * MAX_WR_CNT));
             *                                          for (i = retry; i > 0; i--)
             *                                          {
             *                                                  // Issue the write command to the MAC
             *                                                  status = COMM_HostCommand(HST_CMD.WRITE);
             *                                                  if (status != Result.OK)
             *                                                          return status;
             *                                                  //MacClearError();
             *                                                  if (m_TagAccessStatus == 2)
             *                                                          break;
             *                                                  System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);
             *                                          }
             *                                          if (i == 0)
             *                                                  return Result.MAX_RETRY_EXIT;
             *                                  }*/
            index = 0;
            if (wrReminder > 0)
                Setup18K6CWriteRegisters(bank, (uint)(offset + index * MAX_WR_CNT), wrReminder, data, (uint)(index * MAX_WR_CNT));

                //for (i = retry; i > 0; i--)
                    // Issue the write command to the MAC
                    //status = COMM_HostCommand(HST_CMD.WRITE);
                    _deviceHandler.SendAsync(0, 0, DOWNLINKCMD.RFIDCMD, PacketData(0xf000, (UInt32)HST_CMD.WRITE), HighLevelInterface.BTWAITCOMMANDRESPONSETYPE.WAIT_BTAPIRESPONSE_COMMANDENDRESPONSE, (UInt32)CurrentOperation);

                    //if (status != Result.OK)
                    //return status;


                    //if (m_TagAccessStatus == 2)


                //if (i == 0)
                //return Result.MAX_RETRY_EXIT;
