Exemple #1
        public string GetAPIVersion(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version)
            // Make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(CRestApiHelper.BuildURI("APIinfo", null, version), "GET",
                                                          CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, String.Empty,
                                                          consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

            // Fetch DataAccessToken from CommonLibrary result
            JavaScriptSerializer objJavaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            objJavaScriptSerializer.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;
            dynamic objJsonResultRootObject = objJavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject(result);

            if (objJsonResultRootObject != null)
                Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = objJsonResultRootObject[0];
                bool isDovicoBasic = Convert.ToString(dictionary["IsDovicoBasic"]) == "T" ? true : false;
                if (isDovicoBasic || (!isDovicoBasic && Convert.ToInt32(dictionary["MaxVersion"]) == Convert.ToInt32(Constants.Version_5)))
                    version = Constants.Version_5;
                else if (!isDovicoBasic && Convert.ToInt32(dictionary["MaxVersion"]) >= Convert.ToInt32(Constants.Version_7))
                    version = Constants.Version_7;

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Method to authenticate user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="company"></param>
        /// <param name="username"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <returns>string</returns>
        public string Authenticate(string consumerSecretToken, string version, string company, string username, string password)
            string dataAccessToken = string.Empty;

            // Create Post Data
            CStringBuilder postData = new CStringBuilder();

            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"CompanyName\":\"", company, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"UserName\":\"", username, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"Password\":\"", password, "\""));

            // Make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(CRestApiHelper.BuildURI("Authenticate", null, version), "Post",
                                                          CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, postData,
                                                          consumerSecretToken, null);

            // Check for errors in return value

            // Fetch DataAccessToken from CommonLibrary result
            JavaScriptSerializer objJavaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            objJavaScriptSerializer.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;
            dynamic objJsonResultRootObject        = objJavaScriptSerializer.DeserializeObject(result);
            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = objJsonResultRootObject;

            dataAccessToken = dictionary["DataAccessToken"].ToString();

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a  specific Time Entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="timeEntryId"></param>
        public void DeleteTimeEntry(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, string timeEntryId)
            // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string uri    = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(string.Concat("TimeEntries/", timeEntryId), null, version);
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "DELETE", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, string.Empty, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

            // Check for errors in return value
Exemple #4
        // Handles the work of making a request and pulling Employee(s) from the result of a request (if there was an error the return value will
        // be null)
        protected static List <CEmployee> ProcessRequest(APIRequestResult aRequestResult)
            // Make sure the Prev/Next Page URI, if there was an error, etc are reset in the event the user is re-using an object that has already
            // been used for a different call (don't want a previous call's results giving the caller false information)

            // Pass the request on to the REST API. If there was an error then exit now
            if (aRequestResult.HadRequestError)

            // Load in the XML returned from the API call
            XmlDocument xdDoc = new XmlDocument();


            // Will hold the list of employees that will be returned to the calling function
            List <CEmployee> lstEmployees = new List <CEmployee>();

            // Grab the root element and get the Previous/Next Page URIs from it (when requesting a specific employee there will be no paging
            // information returned since a single record is all that is ever returned. If that's the case we want our Previous/Next Page URIs to
            // hold 'N/A' rather than "" which is why we pass in the URI_NOT_AVAILABLE constant)
            XmlElement xeDocElement = xdDoc.DocumentElement;

            aRequestResult.ResultPrevPageURI = CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeDocElement, Constants.PREV_PAGE_URI, Constants.URI_NOT_AVAILABLE);
            aRequestResult.ResultNextPageURI = CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeDocElement, Constants.NEXT_PAGE_URI, Constants.URI_NOT_AVAILABLE);

            XmlElement xeEmployee = null;

            // Grab the list of Employee nodes and loop through the elements...
            XmlNodeList xnlEmployees = xeDocElement.GetElementsByTagName("Employee");
            int         iCount       = xnlEmployees.Count;

            for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iCount; iIndex++)
                // Grab the current element
                xeEmployee = (XmlElement)xnlEmployees[iIndex];

                // Add the current item to our list
                lstEmployees.Add(new CEmployee(
                                     CDovicoID.Parse(CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeEmployee, "ID")),
                                     CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeEmployee, "LastName"),
                                     CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeEmployee, "FirstName")
                                     // NOTE: If this is an Employee/Me/ request, the rest of the fields may not be available
            } // End of the for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iCount; iIndex++) loop.

            // Return the list of Employees to the caller
Exemple #5
        // Returns the assignments for the URI requested (if there are multiple pages of data, pass in the NextPageURI. If you are trying to get
        // the child assignment items, pass in the GetAssignmentsURI value of the item you wish to drill down on)
        public static string GetAssignments(string sAssignmentsURI, ref APIRequestResult aRequestResult)
            // Set the URI if one was specified
            if (sAssignmentsURI != "")

            // Request the list of child assignments
            return(aRequestResult.HadRequestError ? aRequestResult.GetRequestErrorMessage() : aRequestResult.RequestResult);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Time Entry details for specific time entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="timeEntryId"></param>
        /// <returns>IList<TimeEntryBO></returns>
        public IList <TimeEntryBO> GetSingleTimeEntry(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, string timeEntryId)
            // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string uri    = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(string.Concat("TimeEntries/", timeEntryId), null, version);
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "GET", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, string.Empty, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

            // Check for errors in return value

            // Convert data to TimeEntryBO
            IList <TimeEntryBO> timeEntries = DeserializeObject(result).TimeEntries;

Exemple #7
        public static string GetInfoMeOptions(ref APIRequestResult aRequestResult)
            // Set the URI for the Employee/Me/ request. Process the request and if the returned list is not null (no errors) then return the first item in the list (there
            // should only ever be the one item)
            aRequestResult.SetRequestURI("Employees/Me/Options/", "");
            aRequestResult.ContentType = "text/xml";

            XmlDocument xdDoc = new XmlDocument();

            string ShowBillable = CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xdDoc.DocumentElement, "ShowBillable");

Exemple #8
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Get Custom Templates data for specific type
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        ///// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        ///// <param name="version"></param>
        ///// <param name="type"></param>
        ///// <returns>IList<CustomTemplateBO></returns>
        //public IList<CustomTemplateBO> GetCustomTemplates(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, string type)
        //    // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
        //    string queryString = string.Empty;
        //    string uri = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(string.Concat("CustomFieldTemplates/Type/", type, "/"), queryString, version);
        //    string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "GET", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
        //                                                    String.Empty, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

        //    // Check for errors in return value
        //    UtilityService.CheckErrorsInDovicoAPI(result);

        //    // Convert data to CustomTemplateBO
        //    IList<CustomTemplateBO> customTemplates = DeserializeObject(result).CustomTemplates;

        //    return customTemplates;

        /// <summary>
        /// Get Custom Templates data for the task
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="taskId"></param>
        /// <returns>IList<CustomTemplateBO></returns>
        public IList <CustomTemplateBO> GetCustomTemplates(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, string taskId)
            // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string queryString = string.Concat("linkid=", taskId);
            string uri         = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(string.Concat("CustomFieldTemplates/Type/M/"), queryString, version);
            string result      = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "GET", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
                                                               String.Empty, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

            // Check for errors in return value

            // Convert data to CustomTemplateBO
            IList <CustomTemplateBO> customTemplates = DeserializeObject(result).CustomTemplates;

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets CustomTerminology
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <returns>CustomTerminologyBO</returns>
        public CustomTerminologyBO GetCustomTerminology(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version)
            // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string uri    = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI("CustomTerminology", null, version);
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "GET", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, string.Empty, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

            // Check for errors in return value

            JavaScriptSerializer objJavaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            objJavaScriptSerializer.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue;

            // Convert data to CustomTerminologyBO
            CustomTerminologyBO objJsonResultRootObject = (CustomTerminologyBO)objJavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize(result, typeof(CustomTerminologyBO));

Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Submit the time entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="employeeId"></param>
        /// <param name="startDateOfWeek"></param>
        /// <param name="endDateOfWeek"></param>
        /// <returns>IList<TimeEntryBO></returns>
        public IList <TimeEntryBO> SubmitWeekTimeEntryForApproval(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, int employeeId,
                                                                  DateTime startDateOfWeek, DateTime endDateOfWeek)
            // Create parameters and uri
            string dateRangeParameter = string.Concat(startDateOfWeek.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), " ", endDateOfWeek.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
            string employeeParameter  = string.Format("TimeEntries/Employee/{0}/Submit", Convert.ToString(employeeId));
            string queryString        = string.Concat("daterange=", dateRangeParameter);
            string uri = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(employeeParameter, queryString, version);

            CStringBuilder postData = new CStringBuilder();


            // Make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "POST", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, postData, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);


            IList <TimeEntryBO> timeEntries = DeserializeObject(result).TimeEntries;

Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Time Entries data for employee
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="employeeId"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        /// <returns>IList<TimeEntryBO></returns>
        public IList <TimeEntryBO> GetTimeEntries(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, int employeeId, DateTime startDate, DateTime?endDate = null)
            // Create date variables
            string fromDate = startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            string toDate   = endDate == null ? fromDate : ((DateTime)endDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            // Create query parameters and query string
            string datetimeParamter  = string.Concat(fromDate, " ", toDate);
            string employeeParameter = string.Concat("Employee/", employeeId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            string queryString       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(datetimeParamter) ? string.Empty : string.Concat("daterange=", datetimeParamter);

            // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string uri    = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(string.Concat("TimeEntries/", employeeParameter, "/"), queryString, version);
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "GET", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON,
                                                          String.Empty, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);

            // Check for errors in return value

            // Convert data to TimeEntryBO
            IList <TimeEntryBO> timeEntires = DeserializeObject(result).TimeEntries;

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// For Updating time entry
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumerSecretToken"></param>
        /// <param name="dataAccessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="timeEntrySubmissionDetails"></param>
        /// <returns>IList<TimeEntryBO></returns>
        public IList <TimeEntryBO> UpdateTimeEntry(string consumerSecretToken, string dataAccessToken, string version, TimeEntrySubmissionBO timeEntrySubmissionDetails)
            string fromDate = timeEntrySubmissionDetails.StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

            timeEntrySubmissionDetails.Description = timeEntrySubmissionDetails.Description.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\"", "'");

            // Create Post Data
            CStringBuilder postData = new CStringBuilder();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeEntrySubmissionDetails.ClientId))
                postData.Append(string.Concat("\"ClientID\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.ClientId, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"ProjectID\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.ProjectId, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"TaskID\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.TaskId, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"EmployeeID\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.EmployeeId, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"Date\":\"", fromDate, "\","));
            // Convert start/stop time to 24 hours format
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeEntrySubmissionDetails.StartTime))
                postData.Append(string.Concat("\"StartTime\":\"", Convert.ToDateTime(timeEntrySubmissionDetails.StartTime).ToString("HHmm"), "\","));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeEntrySubmissionDetails.StopTime))
                postData.Append(string.Concat("\"StopTime\":\"", Convert.ToDateTime(timeEntrySubmissionDetails.StopTime).ToString("HHmm"), "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"Description\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.Description, "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"Billable\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.Billable ? "T" : "F", "\","));
            postData.Append(string.Concat("\"TotalHours\":\"", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.Hours, "\","));

            StringBuilder innerPostData = new StringBuilder();

            // For Custom Fields
            if (timeEntrySubmissionDetails.CustomFields != null && timeEntrySubmissionDetails.CustomFields.Count > 0)
                foreach (CustomFieldSubmissionBO customField in timeEntrySubmissionDetails.CustomFields)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(customField.ID))
                        innerPostData.Append(string.Concat("\"ID\":\"", "FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF", "\","));
                        innerPostData.Append(string.Concat("\"ID\":\"", customField.ID, "\","));
                    innerPostData.Append(string.Concat("\"TemplateID\":\"", customField.TemplateID, "\","));
                    if (customField.Values != null)
                        foreach (ValueItemsSubmission item in customField.Values)
                            innerPostData.Append(string.Concat("\"", item.Value, "\","));
                        innerPostData.Remove(innerPostData.Length - 1, 1);
                innerPostData.Remove(innerPostData.Length - 1, 1);

            // Create uri to hit and make request using Dovico.CommonLibrary CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest method
            string uri    = CRestApiHelper.BuildURI(string.Concat("TimeEntries/", timeEntrySubmissionDetails.TimeEntryId), null, version);
            string result = CRestApiHelper.MakeAPIRequest(uri, "PUT", CRestApiHelper.MIME_TYPE_APPLICATION_JSON, postData, consumerSecretToken, dataAccessToken);


            IList <TimeEntryBO> timeEntries = DeserializeObject(result).TimeEntries;

Exemple #13
        // Helper that fires off the request to the REST API and processes the results
        protected static List <CTimeEntry> ProcessRequest(ref APIRequestResult aRequestResult)
            // Make sure the Prev/Next Page URI, if there was an error, etc are reset in the event the user is re-using an object that has already
            // been used for a different call (don't want a previous call's results giving the caller false information)

            // Pass the request on to the REST API. If there was an error then exit now
            if (aRequestResult.HadRequestError)

            // Load in the XML returned from the API call
            XmlDocument xdDoc = new XmlDocument();


            // Will hold the list of Time Entries that will be returned to the calling function
            List <CTimeEntry> lstTimeEntries = new List <CTimeEntry>();

            // Grab the root element and get the Previous/Next Page URIs from it (when requesting a specific time entry there will be no paging
            // information returned since a single record is all that is ever returned. If that's the case we want our Previous/Next Page URIs to
            // hold 'N/A' rather than "" which is why we pass in the URI_NOT_AVAILABLE constant)
            XmlElement xeDocElement = xdDoc.DocumentElement;

            aRequestResult.ResultPrevPageURI = CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeDocElement, Constants.PREV_PAGE_URI, Constants.URI_NOT_AVAILABLE);
            aRequestResult.ResultNextPageURI = CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeDocElement, Constants.NEXT_PAGE_URI, Constants.URI_NOT_AVAILABLE);

            XmlElement xeTimeEntry = null, xeClient = null, xeProject = null, xeTask = null;
            DateTime   dtDate = DateTime.Now;

            // Grab the list of Time Entry nodes and loop through the elements...
            XmlNodeList xnlTimeEntries = xeDocElement.GetElementsByTagName("TimeEntry");
            int         iCount         = xnlTimeEntries.Count;

            for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iCount; iIndex++)
                // Grab the current element and the required sub-elements
                xeTimeEntry = (XmlElement)xnlTimeEntries[iIndex];
                xeClient    = (XmlElement)xeTimeEntry.GetElementsByTagName("Client")[0];
                xeProject   = (XmlElement)xeTimeEntry.GetElementsByTagName("Project")[0];
                xeTask      = (XmlElement)xeTimeEntry.GetElementsByTagName("Task")[0];

                // Parse the date
                CDateHelper.GetDateFromAPIDateString(CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTimeEntry, "Date"), out dtDate);

                // Add the current item to our list
                lstTimeEntries.Add(new CTimeEntry(
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTimeEntry, "ID"),
                                       CDovicoID.Parse(CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeClient, "ID")),
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeClient, "Name"),
                                       CDovicoID.Parse(CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeProject, "ID")),
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeProject, "Name"),
                                       CDovicoID.Parse(CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTask, "ID")),
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTask, "Name"),
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTimeEntry, "StartTime"),
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTimeEntry, "StopTime"),
                                       double.Parse(CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTimeEntry, "TotalHours"), Constants.CULTURE_US_ENGLISH),
                                       CXMLHelper.GetChildNodeValue(xeTimeEntry, "Description")
            } // End of the for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iCount; iIndex++) loop.

            // Return the list of Employees to the caller