Exemple #1
        private void LoadReorderLevelData()
            CReorderLevelBO oReorderLevelBO = new CReorderLevelBO();
            CResult         oResult         = new CResult();
            CReorderLevel   oReorderLevel   = new CReorderLevel();

            oResult = oReorderLevelBO.ReadAllReorderLevelData(oReorderLevel);
            if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                foreach (CReorderLevel obj in oResult.Data as ArrayList)
                    ListViewItem oItem = new ListViewItem();
                    oItem.Text = obj.OID.ToString();


                MessageBox.Show(oResult.ErrMsg.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Exemple #2
        private void AlertForItemShortage()
            CReorderLevelBO oReorderLevelBO     = new CReorderLevelBO();
            CResult         oResultReorderLevel = new CResult();
            CReorderLevel   oReorderLevel       = new CReorderLevel();
            String          ItemName            = null;

            oResultReorderLevel = oReorderLevelBO.ReadAllReorderLevelData(oReorderLevel);
            if (oResultReorderLevel.IsSuccess)
                foreach (CReorderLevel obj in oResultReorderLevel.Data as ArrayList)
                    oReorderLevel.Quantity = obj.Quantity;

                    CInventoryBO oInventoryBO     = new CInventoryBO();
                    CResult      oResultInventory = new CResult();
                    CInventory   oInventory       = new CInventory();
                    oInventory.Invt_BranchOID = obj.Branch_ID;
                    oInventory.Invt_LocOID    = obj.Location_ID;
                    oInventory.Invt_ItemOID   = obj.Item_ID;
                    oResultInventory          = oInventoryBO.ReadForROL(oInventory);
                    if (oResultInventory.IsSuccess)
                        foreach (CInventory oInv in oResultInventory.Data as ArrayList)
                            if (int.Parse(oInv.Invt_QTY.ToString()) < int.Parse(oReorderLevel.Quantity.ToString()))
                                ItemName = ItemName + oInv.Invt_ItemName.ToString() + "\n";
                                // MessageBox.Show("Item", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                //MessageBox.Show("Shortage Of Following Items "+ItemName+"", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                if (ItemName != null)
                    frmPopup ofrmPopUp = new frmPopup(PopupSkins.AlertSkin);
                    ofrmPopUp.ShowPopup("Item Shortage!!", "Shortage Of Following Items-" + ItemName + "", 500, 2000, 500);
        private void ExportData()
            string m_sMasterExportFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + "_" + currentBranch.CompBrn_Name;

            saveFileDialog1.FileName         = m_sMasterExportFileName;
            saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = @"H:\";
            saveFileDialog1.Filter           = "Master File (*.mstrexp)|*.mstrexp";

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                m_sMasterExportFileName = saveFileDialog1.FileName;

                IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                using (Stream stream = new FileStream(m_sMasterExportFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                    byte[]       baKey        = { 51, 208, 75, 59, 223, 134, 241, 155, 170, 229, 177, 160, 246, 71, 77, 141, 66, 7, 223, 103, 97, 80, 235, 82, 94, 107, 226, 190, 76, 94, 31, 43 };
                    byte[]       baIV         = { 142, 96, 41, 14, 206, 132, 173, 19, 12, 50, 124, 121, 42, 27, 35, 9 };
                    Rijndael     rijndael     = Rijndael.Create();
                    CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(stream, rijndael.CreateEncryptor(baKey, baIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);

                        CResult oResult;

                        // UOM
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CUOMBO oUOMBO = new CUOMBO();
                        oResult = oUOMBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListUOM = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListUOM);
                        // Item Type
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CItemBO oItemBO = new CItemBO();
                        oResult = oItemBO.ReadAll(new CItemType());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListItemType = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListItemType);
                        // Item Group
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        oItemBO = new CItemBO();
                        oResult = oItemBO.ReadAll(new CItemGroup());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListItemGroup = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListItemGroup);
                        // Item
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        oItemBO = new CItemBO();
                        oResult = oItemBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListItem = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListItem);
                        // Reorder Level
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CReorderLevelBO oReorderLevelBO = new CReorderLevelBO();
                        oResult = oReorderLevelBO.ReadAllReorderLevelData(new CReorderLevel());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListReorderLevel = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListReorderLevel);
                        // Currency
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CCurrencyBO oCurrencyBO = new CCurrencyBO();
                        oResult = oCurrencyBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            List <CCurrency> oListCurrency = (List <CCurrency>)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListCurrency);
                        // Price Master
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CPriceMasterBO oPriceMasterBO = new CPriceMasterBO();
                        oResult = oPriceMasterBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListPriceMaster = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListPriceMaster);
                        // Customer
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CCustomerBO oCustomerBO = new CCustomerBO();
                        oResult = oCustomerBO.ReadAll(new CCustomer());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListCustomer = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListCustomer);
                        // Supplier
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CSupplierBO oSupplierBO = new CSupplierBO();
                        oResult = oSupplierBO.ReadAll(new CSupplier());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListSupplier = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListSupplier);
                        // Company
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CCompanyBO oCompanyBO = new CCompanyBO();
                        oResult = oCompanyBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            List <CCompany> oListCompany = (List <CCompany>)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListCompany);
                        // Company Branch
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CCompanyBranchBO oCompanyBranchBO = new CCompanyBranchBO();
                        oResult = oCompanyBranchBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            List <CCompanyBranch> oListCompanyBranch = (List <CCompanyBranch>)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListCompanyBranch);
                        // Company Vs CompanyBranch
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CCVBBO oCVBBO = new CCVBBO();
                        oResult = oCVBBO.ReadAllCVB(new CCVB());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListCVB = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListCVB);
                        // Inventory Location
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CLocBO oLocBO = new CLocBO();
                        oResult = oLocBO.ReadAll();
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListLocation = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListLocation);
                        // CompanyBranch Vs Location
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        oCVBBO  = new CCVBBO();
                        oResult = oCVBBO.ReadAllBVL(new CCVB());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListCVB = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListCVB);
                        // Employee
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CEmployeeBO oEmployeeBO = new CEmployeeBO();
                        oResult = oEmployeeBO.ReadAllEmployee(new CEmployee());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListEmployee = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListEmployee);
                        // User
                        oResult = new CResult();
                        CUserBO oUserBO = new CUserBO();
                        oResult = oUserBO.ReadAllUserData(new CUser());
                        if (oResult.IsSuccess)
                            ArrayList oListUser = (ArrayList)oResult.Data;
                            formatter.Serialize(cryptoStream, oListUser);