public ActionResult StationAssociatesGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long stationId, string hdFlag) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetStationAssociates(stationId, hdFlag)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult StationNotesGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long stationId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetStationNotes(stationId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult AddEditStation(long?stationId, string copyInd) { var viewModel = new AddEditStationViewModel(); if (stationId.HasValue) { var drStation = CRCDataAccess.GetStation(stationId.Value); drStation.MapTo(viewModel); viewModel.EnabledInd = !(drStation["DisabledDate"] is DateTime); viewModel.CopyInd = copyInd.Equals("Y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "Y" : "N"; using (var dtStationAffiliates = CRCDataAccess.GetStationAffiliates(stationId.Value)) { viewModel.AffiliateIds = dtStationAffiliates.AsEnumerable().Select(row => (long)row["AffiliateId"]); } } else { //Set default values when adding a new station viewModel.EnabledInd = true; viewModel.MemberStatusId = InfLookupHelper.ReverseLookup("MemberStatus", "MemberStatusName", "Full"); viewModel.MinorityStatusId = InfLookupHelper.ReverseLookup("MinorityStatus", "MinorityStatusName", "None"); viewModel.StatusDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(InfDate.GetUtcOffSet); //viewModel.TimeZoneId = InfLookupHelper.ReverseLookup("TimeZone", "TimeZoneCode", "Eastern Standard Time"); viewModel.MaxNumberOfUsers = 4; } return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult AddEditProducerContact(AddEditProducerContactViewModel viewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { CRCDataAccess.SaveProducer( viewModel.ProducerId, viewModel.SalutationId, viewModel.FirstName, viewModel.MiddleName, viewModel.LastName, viewModel.Suffix, viewModel.Role, viewModel.Email, viewModel.Phone, viewModel.EnabledInd ? (DateTime?)null : DateTime.UtcNow, viewModel.EnabledInd ? (long?)null : CRCUser.UserId, CRCUser.UserId); return(Json(true)); } else { return(PartialView(viewModel)); } }
public RawDataViewModel() { DurationList = new[] { "18 hours", "24 hours", "Custom" }.ToSelectListItems(); GetStartHoursList("StartHours"); GetStartHoursList("EndingHours"); GetMonthList(); YearList = CRCDataAccess.GetScheduleYearsList(2).ToSelectListItems().SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Year); StationStatusList = new[] { "Flagship and Non-100%(Partial) Repeater", "100% Repeater", "All Statuses" }.ToSelectListItems(); GetStationStatusList(); GetMemberStatusList(); //StationList = CRCDataAccess.GetStationsList().ToSelectListItems().OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem(); StationList = CRCDataAccess.GetStationsList().ToSelectListItems().AddBlankFirstItem(); //FormatTypeList = new[] { "Excel", "CSV", "PDF" }.ToSelectListItems(); FormatTypeList = new[] { "Excel", "CSV" }.ToSelectListItems(); GetBandList(); }
public SearchByProgramProducerViewModel() { ProgramSearch = new ProgramSearch(); //ProgramFirstLetterList = GetCharacterList().ToSelectListItems().OrderBy(li => li.Text); //ProgramList = CRCDataAccess.ProgramCalendarSearch("*", "StartsWith").ToSelectListItems(); ProducerList = CRCDataAccess.GetProducersList().ToSelectListItems().OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem(); }
public ActionResult DMAMetro(ImportDocumentViewModel viewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(viewModel.Document.InputStream); CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(streamReader); csvReader.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <ImportStationMap>(); IEnumerable <ImportStationViewModel> records = csvReader.GetRecords <ImportStationViewModel>().ToList(); long rank = 0; foreach (var rec in records) { if (!rec.Band.Equals("ER", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && rec.Market.Length != 0 && rec.Rank.Length != 0 && viewModel.ImportType != null) { if (viewModel.ImportType.Equals("DMA")) { //rank = Int64.Parse(rec.Rank.Replace("t", "")); rec.Result = CRCDataAccess.UpdateDMAMarket(rec.CallLetters, rec.Band, rec.Market, rec.Rank, CRCUser.UserId); } else { rec.Result = CRCDataAccess.UpdateMetroMarket(rec.CallLetters, rec.Band, rec.Market, rec.Rank.Replace("t", ""), CRCUser.UserId); } } } viewModel.Results = records.ToList(); return(PartialView(viewModel)); } else { return(PartialView(viewModel)); } }
public ActionResult SearchSchedulesGridDataManage(GridSettings gridSettings, int?month, int?year, string status) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchSchedulesManage(null, month, year, status)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult BandGridData(GridSettings gridSettings) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetBands()) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult CarriageTypeGridData(GridSettings gridSettings) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetCarriageTypes()) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public LeadInLeadOutViewModel() { CarriageType = new[] { "Regular", "NPR Newscasts" }.ToSelectListItems(); ProgramEnabledList = new[] { "Yes", "No", "Both" }.ToSelectListItems(); //ProgramList = new[] { "abc", "abc", "abc" }.ToSelectListItems(); ProgramList = CRCDataAccess.GetProgramLookup_ED("Yes").ToSelectListItems("ProgramID", "ProgramName").OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem();; MonthsFromList = CRCDataAccess.GetMonthsList().ToSelectListItems("MonthNumber", "MonthName").SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Month); YearsFromList = CRCDataAccess.GetScheduleYearsList(2).ToSelectListItems().SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Year); MonthsToList = CRCDataAccess.GetMonthsList().ToSelectListItems("MonthNumber", "MonthName").SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Month); YearsToList = CRCDataAccess.GetScheduleYearsList(2).ToSelectListItems().SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Year); ReportFormatList = new[] { "Excel", "CSV", "PDF" }.ToSelectListItems(); //BandList = new[] { "Terrestrial", "Terrestrial & HD Multicast", "HD Multicast", "HD All" }.ToSelectListItems(); GetBandList(); StationEnabledList = new[] { "Yes", "No", "Both" }.ToSelectListItems(); MemberStatusList = CRCDataAccess.GetMemberStatusEnabled().ToSelectListItems().OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem(); StationList = CRCDataAccess.GetStationsList().ToSelectListItems("StationId", "DisplayName").OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem(); StationStateList = CRCDataAccess.GetStates().ToSelectListItems("StateId", "Abbreviation").OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem(); StationCityList = CRCDataAccess.GetCities().ToSelectListItems("City", "City").OrderBy(li => li.Text).AddBlankFirstItem(); DaysList = new[] { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }.ToSelectListItems(); StartTimeList = new[] { "12:00 AM", "12:15 AM", "12:30 AM", "12:45 AM", "1:00 AM", "1:15 AM", "1:30 AM", "1:45 AM", "2:00 AM", "2:15 AM", "2:30 AM", "2:45 AM", "3:00 AM", "3:15 AM", "3:30 AM", "3:45 AM", "4:00 AM", "4:15 AM", "4:30 AM", "4:45 AM", "5:00 AM", "5:15 AM", "5:30 AM", "5:45 AM", "6:00 AM", "6:15 AM", "6:30 AM", "6:45 AM", "7:00 AM", "7:15 AM", "7:30 AM", "7:45 AM", "8:00 AM", "8:15 AM", "8:30 AM", "8:45 AM", "9:00 AM", "9:15 AM", "9:30 AM", "9:45 AM", "10:00 AM", "10:15 AM", "10:30 AM", "10:45 AM", "11:00 AM", "11:15 AM", "11:30 AM", "11:45 AM", "12:00 PM", "12:15 PM", "12:30 PM", "12:45 PM", "1:00 PM", "1:15 PM", "1:30 PM", "1:45 PM", "2:00 PM", "2:15 PM", "2:30 PM", "2:45 PM", "3:00 PM", "3:15 PM", "3:30 PM", "3:45 PM", "4:00 PM", "4:15 PM", "4:30 PM", "4:45 PM", "5:00 PM", "5:15 PM", "5:30 PM", "5:45 PM", "6:00 PM", "6:15 PM", "6:30 PM", "6:45 PM", "7:00 PM", "7:15 PM", "7:30 PM", "7:45 PM", "8:00 PM", "8:15 PM", "8:30 PM", "8:45 PM", "9:00 PM", "9:15 PM", "9:30 PM", "9:45 PM", "10:00 PM", "10:15 PM", "10:30 PM", "10:45 PM", "11:00 PM", "11:15 PM", "11:30 PM", "11:45 PM" }.ToSelectListItems(); EndTimeList = new[] { "12:15 AM", "12:30 AM", "12:45 AM", "1:00 AM", "1:15 AM", "1:30 AM", "1:45 AM", "2:00 AM", "2:15 AM", "2:30 AM", "2:45 AM", "3:00 AM", "3:15 AM", "3:30 AM", "3:45 AM", "4:00 AM", "4:15 AM", "4:30 AM", "4:45 AM", "5:00 AM", "5:15 AM", "5:30 AM", "5:45 AM", "6:00 AM", "6:15 AM", "6:30 AM", "6:45 AM", "7:00 AM", "7:15 AM", "7:30 AM", "7:45 AM", "8:00 AM", "8:15 AM", "8:30 AM", "8:45 AM", "9:00 AM", "9:15 AM", "9:30 AM", "9:45 AM", "10:00 AM", "10:15 AM", "10:30 AM", "10:45 AM", "11:00 AM", "11:15 AM", "11:30 AM", "11:45 AM", "12:00 PM", "12:15 PM", "12:30 PM", "12:45 PM", "1:00 PM", "1:15 PM", "1:30 PM", "1:45 PM", "2:00 PM", "2:15 PM", "2:30 PM", "2:45 PM", "3:00 PM", "3:15 PM", "3:30 PM", "3:45 PM", "4:00 PM", "4:15 PM", "4:30 PM", "4:45 PM", "5:00 PM", "5:15 PM", "5:30 PM", "5:45 PM", "6:00 PM", "6:15 PM", "6:30 PM", "6:45 PM", "7:00 PM", "7:15 PM", "7:30 PM", "7:45 PM", "8:00 PM", "8:15 PM", "8:30 PM", "8:45 PM", "9:00 PM", "9:15 PM", "9:30 PM", "9:45 PM", "10:00 PM", "10:15 PM", "10:30 PM", "10:45 PM", "11:00 PM", "11:15 PM", "11:30 PM", "11:45 PM", "Midnight" }.ToSelectListItems(); }
public ActionResult ProducerContactGridData(GridSettings gridSettings) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetProducers()) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult MajorFormatsGridData(GridSettings gridSettings) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetMajorFormats()) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult SearchByProgramProducerGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long?programId, long?producerId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchProgramProducers(programId, producerId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult ResetPassword(string token) { var viewModel = new ResetPasswordViewModel(); viewModel.Token = token; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token)) { viewModel.Status = ResetPasswordStatus.NoTokenProvided; } else { var drUser = CRCDataAccess.GetCRCUserByResetPasswordToken(token); if (drUser == null) { viewModel.Status = ResetPasswordStatus.TokenInvalid; } else { viewModel.Status = ResetPasswordStatus.TokenValid; viewModel.Email = drUser["Email"].ToString(); } } return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult ProgrammingSchedulesGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long stationId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchSchedules(stationId, null, null, null)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult CRCUsersGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, string userEnabled, string stationEnabled, string userName, long?repeaterStatusId, string userRole, string band, string userPermission, long?stationId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchUsers(userEnabled, stationEnabled, userName, repeaterStatusId, userRole, band, userPermission, stationId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult SendPasswordResetEmail(string userEmail) { var drResetPassword = CRCDataAccess.SaveCRCUserPasswordReset(userEmail, null); if (drResetPassword != null) { InfEmail.AddToQueue( "Reset Password", new { ResetPasswordLink = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}?token={1}", Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme), drResetPassword["Token"].ToString()), CRCUserFirstName = drResetPassword["CRCUserFirstName"].ToString(), CRCUserLastName = drResetPassword["CRCUserLastName"].ToString(), CRCUserEmail = drResetPassword["CRCUserEmail"].ToString(), CRCManagerFirstName = drResetPassword["CRCManagerFirstName"].ToString(), CRCManagerLastName = drResetPassword["CRCManagerLastName"].ToString(), CRCManagerEmail = drResetPassword["CRCManagerEmail"].ToString(), CRCManagerPhone = drResetPassword["CRCManagerPhone"].ToString(), CRCManagerJobTitle = drResetPassword["CRCManagerJobTitle"].ToString() }, CRCUser != null ? CRCUser.UserId : (long)drResetPassword["UserId"]); return(Json(true)); } return(Json(false)); }
public ActionResult ManageStationLinksGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long userId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetStationsForUserId(userId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult AddEditStationLinkGridData(GridSettings gridSetting, long userId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetStationListForGrid(userId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSetting)); } }
public ActionResult ManageProgramProducersGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long programId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetProgramProducersByProgramId(programId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel viewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var drResetPassword = CRCDataAccess.SaveCRCUserPasswordReset(viewModel.Email, null); if (drResetPassword != null) { InfEmail.AddToQueue( "Reset Password", new { ResetPasswordLink = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}?token={1}", Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Home", null, Request.Url.Scheme), drResetPassword["Token"].ToString()), CRCUserFirstName = drResetPassword["CRCUserFirstName"].ToString(), CRCUserLastName = drResetPassword["CRCUserLastName"].ToString(), CRCUserEmail = drResetPassword["CRCUserEmail"].ToString(), CRCManagerFirstName = drResetPassword["CRCManagerFirstName"].ToString(), CRCManagerLastName = drResetPassword["CRCManagerLastName"].ToString(), CRCManagerEmail = drResetPassword["CRCManagerEmail"].ToString(), CRCManagerPhone = drResetPassword["CRCManagerPhone"].ToString(), CRCManagerJobTitle = drResetPassword["CRCManagerJobTitle"].ToString() }, CRCUser != null ? CRCUser.UserId : (long)drResetPassword["UserId"]); viewModel.Status = true; return(View(viewModel)); } } viewModel.Status = false; return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult ProgramFormatTypeGridData(GridSettings gridSettings) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetProgramFormatTypes()) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult MinorityStatusGridData(GridSettings gridSettings) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.GetMinorityStatuses()) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult SearchByProgramGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long?programId, long?programSourceId, string enabled, long?programFormatTypeId, long?majorFormatId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchPrograms(programId, programSourceId, programFormatTypeId, majorFormatId, enabled)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); } }
public ActionResult NewUserRequest( string First_Name_NU, string Last_Name_NU, string Email_NU, string Phone_NU, string Call_Letters_NU, string Title_NU ) //public ActionResult NewUserRequest( // string emailBody //) { var viewModel = new SignInViewModel(); var drCRCManager = CRCDataAccess.GetCRCManager(); if (drCRCManager != null) { viewModel.CRCManagerEmail = drCRCManager["Email"].ToString(); viewModel.CRCManagerPhone = drCRCManager["Phone"].ToString(); viewModel.CRCManagerFirstName = drCRCManager["FirstName"].ToString(); viewModel.CRCManagerMiddleName = drCRCManager["MiddleName"].ToString(); viewModel.CRCManagerLastName = drCRCManager["LastName"].ToString(); viewModel.userId = Convert.ToInt64(drCRCManager["UserId"]); //viewModel.Email = Session["useremail"].ToString(); } string UserEmail = CRCUser.Email; string emailBody = viewModel.CRCManagerFirstName + " - Please Add the User below to station: " + Call_Letters_NU + "\n\n"; emailBody += "First Name: " + " " + First_Name_NU; emailBody += "\n" + "Last Name:" + " " + Last_Name_NU; emailBody += "\n" + "Email: " + " " + Email_NU; emailBody += "\n" + "Phone: " + " " + Phone_NU; emailBody += "\n" + "Call Letters: " + " " + Call_Letters_NU; emailBody += "\n" + "Title: " + " " + Title_NU; emailBody += "\n" + "Submitted By:" + " " + UserEmail; InfEmail.AddToQueue(UserEmail, viewModel.CRCManagerEmail, "New CRC User Request: " + Call_Letters_NU, emailBody, 1); //try //{ // CRCDataAccess.RemoveUserStationLink(userId, stationId); //} //catch (EntitySqlException e) //{ // Console.Write(e); //} //if (primaryUserId.HasValue) //{ // if (userId == primaryUserId) // { // CRCDataAccess.UpdatePrimaryUserStatus(stationId); // } //} return(Json("1", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult CalendarPrint(long scheduleId) { var viewModel = new CalendarPrintViewModel(); var dataRow = CRCDataAccess.GetSchedule(scheduleId, CRCUser.UserId); dataRow.MapTo(viewModel); return(View(viewModel)); }
public ActionResult StationsGridData(GridSettings gridSettings, long?stationId, long?repeaterStatusId, long?metroMarketId, string enabled, long?memberStatusId, long?dmaMarketId, string bandId, long?stateId, long?licenseeTypeId, long?affiliateId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchStations(stationId, repeaterStatusId, metroMarketId, enabled, memberStatusId, dmaMarketId, bandId, stateId, licenseeTypeId, affiliateId)) { return(InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings)); //return null; } }
public ActionResult StationsGridDataReport(GridSettings gridSettings, long?stationId, long?repeaterStatusId, long?metroMarketId, string enabled, long?memberStatusId, long?dmaMarketId, string bandId, long?stateId, long?licenseeTypeId, long?affiliateId) { using (var dataTable = CRCDataAccess.SearchStations(stationId, repeaterStatusId, metroMarketId, enabled, memberStatusId, dmaMarketId, bandId, stateId, licenseeTypeId, affiliateId)) { //return InfJqGridData(dataTable, gridSettings); ConvertToXLSX(dataTable, "test", false, -1); return(null); } }
public ParticipatingStationViewModel() { CurrentSeasonList = new[] { "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Fall" }.ToSelectListItems(); CurrentYearList = CRCDataAccess.GetScheduleYearsList(2).ToSelectListItems().SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Year); PastSeasonList = new[] { "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Fall" }.ToSelectListItems(); PastYearList = CRCDataAccess.GetScheduleYearsList(2).ToSelectListItems().SetSelected(DateTime.UtcNow.Year); GetBandList(); FormatList = new[] { "EXCEL", "PDF", "CSV" }.ToSelectListItems(); }