private void Proccess() { using (new PXScreenIDScope("CR306015")) { try { if (CreateMessage()) { ProcessMessage(); } } finally { _graph.Clear(); _activity = null; if (_activityMessage != null) { _message.Exception = _activityMessage.Exception; _message.MPStatus = _activityMessage.MPStatus; } _message = null; _activityMessage = null; } } }
protected virtual void cancelActivity() { CRActivity row = Events.Current; if (row == null) { return; } if (row.OwnerID != Accessinfo.UserID) { throw new PXException(Messages.EventNonOwned, row.Subject); } if (row.UIStatus == ActivityStatusListAttribute.Completed || row.UIStatus == ActivityStatusListAttribute.Canceled) { throw new PXException(Messages.EventInStatus, row.Subject, new ActivityStatusListAttribute().ValueLabelDic[row.UIStatus]); } PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, delegate { EPEventMaint graph = CreateInstance <EPEventMaint>(); graph.Events.Current = graph.Events.Search <CRActivity.noteID>(row.NoteID); graph.CancelActivity.Press(); }); }
public IEnumerable AddMailActivity(PXAdapter adapter, string emailAddress) { if (!IsCurrentRedy) { return(adapter.Get()); } PrepareGraph(); CRActivityMaint graph = CreateSpecGraph <CRActivityMaint>(); CRActivity activity = CreateActivity(); CRSetup setup = PXSelect <CRSetup> .Select(this.Graph); activity.Type = setup.EMailActivityType; activity.Status = ActivityStatus.NotStarted; graph.Activites.Current = graph.Activites.Insert(activity); PXAdapter mailCreate = new PXAdapter(graph.Activites); mailCreate.StartRow = 0; mailCreate.MaximumRows = 1; foreach (object e in graph.CreateMail.Press(mailCreate)) { ; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress)) { graph.Message.Current.MailTo = emailAddress; } throw new PXPopupRedirectException(true, graph, Messages.CRActivityMaint); }
public CRActivity CreateActivity() { CRActivity addedActivity = CreateSpecActivity <CRActivity>(); addedActivity.Status = ActivityStatus.Completed; return(addedActivity); }
public virtual void UpdateServiceOrderDetail(PXCache cache, CRActivity crActivityRow, PXDBOperation operation) { FSServiceOrder fsServiceOrderRow = GetServiceOrderRecord(cache.Graph, crActivityRow); if (fsServiceOrderRow != null) { PMTimeActivity pmTimeActivityRow = PXSelect <PMTimeActivity, Where < PMTimeActivity.refNoteID, Equal <Required <PMTimeActivity.refNoteID> > > > .Select(Base, crActivityRow.NoteID); if (pmTimeActivityRow == null) { return; } FSxPMTimeActivity fsxPMTimeActivityRow = PXCache <PMTimeActivity> .GetExtension <FSxPMTimeActivity>(pmTimeActivityRow); ServiceOrderEntry graphServiceOrder = PXGraph.CreateInstance <ServiceOrderEntry>(); //Load existing ServiceOrder graphServiceOrder.ServiceOrderRecords.Current = graphServiceOrder.ServiceOrderRecords .Search <FSServiceOrder.refNbr>(fsServiceOrderRow.RefNbr, fsServiceOrderRow.SrvOrdType); //Update ServiceOrder detail InsertUpdateDeleteSODet(graphServiceOrder, pmTimeActivityRow, fsxPMTimeActivityRow, operation); if (graphServiceOrder.IsDirty) { graphServiceOrder.Save.Press(); } } }
private void FillOrganizer(vEvent card, CRActivity row) { InfoSelect.View.Clear(); var set = InfoSelect.Select(row.NoteID); if (set == null || set.Count == 0) { return; } var owner = (Users)set[0][typeof(Users)]; var contact = (Contact)set[0][typeof(Contact)]; string fullName; string email; ExtractAttendeeInfo(owner, contact, out fullName, out email); card.OrganizerName = fullName; card.OrganizerEmail = email; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) { card.Attendees.Add(new vEvent.Attendee( fullName, email, vEvent.Attendee.Statuses.Accepted, vEvent.Attendee.Rules.Chair)); } }
private void CreateActivity() { PXCache cache = _graph.Caches[typeof(CRActivity)]; _activity = (CRActivity)cache.CreateCopy(cache.Insert()); _activity.ClassID = CRActivityClass.Email; _activity.Type = null; _activity.Subject = _email.Message.Subject.With(_ => _.ToString()) ?? " "; string clearedSubject; DecodeTicket(_activity.Subject, out clearedSubject); _activity.Subject = clearedSubject; _activity.StartDate = _email.Message.Date == DateTime.MinValue ? PXTimeZoneInfo.Now : PXTimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(_email.Message.Date.ToUniversalTime(), LocaleInfo.GetTimeZone()); _activity = (CRActivity)cache.CreateCopy(cache.Update(_activity)); _graph.EnsureCachePersistence(_activity.GetType()); var cached = _graph.Caches[_activity.GetType()].Locate(_activity); _graph.Persist(); _graph.SelectTimeStamp(); _activity = (CRActivity)cache.CreateCopy(cached); }
private void followUpTask() { try { //out-of-box Activities -> "New Task" Action Base.Actions["NewTask"].Press(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is PXRedirectRequiredException) { CRTaskMaint graph = (ex as PXRedirectRequiredException).Graph as CRTaskMaint; if (graph != null) { CRActivity myTask = graph.Tasks.Current; myTask.Subject = String.Format("FollowUp Lead Test"); myTask.ClassID = 0; DateTime dueDate = DateTime.Now; myTask.StartDate = dueDate; myTask.EndDate = dueDate.AddDays(10); CRActivity task = graph.Tasks.Update(myTask); graph.Actions.PressSave(); } } } }
private void CreateTwilioNotificationActivity(ARInvoiceEntry invGraph, string Subject, string MessageBody) { try { invGraph.Actions["NewActivity"].Press(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is PXRedirectRequiredException) { try { CRActivityMaint graph = (ex as PXRedirectRequiredException).Graph as CRActivityMaint; if (graph != null) { CRActivity callActivity = graph.Activities.Current; callActivity.Type = "P"; callActivity.Subject = Subject; callActivity.Body = MessageBody; callActivity = graph.Activities.Update(callActivity); graph.Actions.PressSave(); } } catch (Exception graphErr) { throw graphErr; } } } }
protected virtual void MarkAs(PXCache cache, CRActivity row, Guid UserID, int status) { if (IsImport || row.NoteID == null) { return; } var noteidType = typeof(TMaster).GetNestedType(typeof(CRActivity.noteID).Name); var ownerType = typeof(TMaster).GetNestedType(typeof(CRActivity.ownerID).Name); var select = BqlCommand.Compose( typeof(Select <,>), typeof(EPView), typeof(Where <, ,>), typeof(EPView.noteID), typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), noteidType, typeof(And <,>), typeof(EPView.userID), typeof(Equal <>), typeof(Required <>), ownerType ); EPView epview = (EPView) new PXView(this, false, BqlCommand.CreateInstance(select)).SelectSingle(row.NoteID, UserID); if (epview == null) { epview = new EPView { NoteID = row.NoteID, UserID = UserID, }; } else { epview = PXCache <EPView> .CreateCopy(epview); } if (status == EPViewStatusAttribute.VIEWED ? epview.Status != EPViewStatusAttribute.VIEWED : epview.Status == EPViewStatusAttribute.VIEWED) { epview.Status = status; EPViews.Update(epview); bool isDirty = false; foreach (PXCache c in Views.Caches.Where(t => t != typeof(EPView)).Select(t => Caches[t])) { isDirty = c.Inserted.ToArray <object>().Any() || c.Updated.ToArray <object>().Any() || c.Deleted.ToArray <object>().Any(); if (isDirty) { break; } } if (!isDirty) { using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope()) { Persist(); ts.Complete(); } } EPViews.Cache.IsDirty = false; } }
public virtual IEnumerable createAP(PXAdapter adapter) { UploadFileRevision file = PXSelectJoin <UploadFileRevision, InnerJoin <UploadFile, On <UploadFileRevision.fileID, Equal <UploadFile.fileID>, And <UploadFileRevision.fileRevisionID, Equal <UploadFile.lastRevisionID> > >, InnerJoin <NoteDoc, On <NoteDoc.fileID, Equal <UploadFile.fileID> > > >, Where <NoteDoc.noteID, Equal <Required <CRSMEmail.noteID> >, And <, Like <pdfExtension> > >, OrderBy <Desc <UploadFileRevision.createdDateTime> > > .Select(Base, Base.Emails.Current.NoteID); string url = null; if (file != null) { string rooturl; if (HttpContext.Current == null) { rooturl = string.Empty; } var applicationpath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath) ? string.Empty : HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + "/"; rooturl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + applicationpath; url = string.Concat(rooturl != null ? rooturl : string.Empty, HandlerURL, file.FileID.GetValueOrDefault(Guid.Empty).ToString("D")); CRSMEmail email = Base.Emails.Current; APInvoiceEntryPXInhExt graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APInvoiceEntryPXInhExt>(); graph.Clear(); APInvoice doc = (APInvoice)graph.Document.Cache.CreateInstance(); doc.GetExtension <APInvoiceExt>().UsrFileURL = url; doc.LineCntr = 0; TryFillValuesFromPDF(graph.Document.Cache, doc, Base.Emails.Cache, email); doc = graph.Document.Insert(doc); (email).Selected = false; CRSMEmail copy = PXCache <CRSMEmail> .CreateCopy(email); CRActivity newActivity = (CRActivity)graph.Caches[typeof(CRActivity)].Insert(); copy.BAccountID = newActivity.BAccountID; copy.ContactID = newActivity.ContactID; copy.RefNoteID = newActivity.RefNoteID; copy.MPStatus = MailStatusListAttribute.Processed; copy.Exception = null; PXRefNoteSelectorAttribute.EnsureNotePersistence(Base, Base.entityFilter.Current.Type, Base.entityFilter.Current.RefNoteID); copy = Base.Emails.Update(copy); Base.Save.Press(); PXNoteAttribute.CopyNoteAndFiles(Base.Emails.Cache, Base.Emails.Current, graph.Document.Cache, doc); PXRedirectHelper.TryRedirect(graph, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow); } return(adapter.Get()); }
protected virtual void CRActivity_RowPersisted(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e) { if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Open) { CRActivity crActivityRow = (CRActivity)e.Row; UpdateServiceOrderDetail(cache, crActivityRow, e.Operation); } }
public static string GetDescription(CRActivity activity, PXGraph graph) { var entityHelper = new EntityHelper(graph); var commitment = entityHelper.GetEntityRow(activity.RefNoteID) as POOrder; return(commitment?.OrderType == POOrderType.RegularSubcontract ? GetEntityDescription(entityHelper, commitment, graph) : null); }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowPersisted <CRActivity> e) { if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Open && PXAccess.FeatureInstalled <FeaturesSet.timeReportingModule>()) { CRActivity crActivityRow = (CRActivity)e.Row; UpdateServiceOrderDetail(e.Cache, crActivityRow, e.Operation); } }
protected virtual void gotoEntity() { CRActivity row = (CRActivity)Caches[typeof(CRActivity)].Current; if (row == null) { return; } new EntityHelper(this).NavigateToRow(row.RefNoteID, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow); }
private static void ProcessValidation(PXGraph graph, Contact record, ValidationFilter Filter) { Type itemType = record.GetType(); PXCache cache = PXGraph.CreateInstance <PXGraph>().Caches[itemType]; Type graphType; object copy = cache.CreateCopy(record); PXPrimaryGraphAttribute.FindPrimaryGraph(cache, ref copy, out graphType); if (graphType == null) { throw new PXException(Messages.UnableToFindGraph); } graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance(graphType); graph.Views[graph.PrimaryView].Cache.Current = copy; CRDuplicateEntities <PXGraph, Contact> .RunActionWithAppliedAutomation( graph, copy, nameof(CRDuplicateEntities <PXGraph, Contact> .CheckForDuplicates)); DuplicateDocument document = graph.Caches[typeof(DuplicateDocument)].Current as DuplicateDocument; record.DuplicateStatus = document?.DuplicateStatus; record.DuplicateFound = document?.DuplicateFound; var maxScore = graph .Caches[typeof(CRDuplicateRecord)] .Cached .Cast <CRDuplicateRecord>() .Max(_ => _?.Score) ?? 0; if (record.DuplicateStatus == DuplicateStatusAttribute.PossibleDuplicated && record.ContactType == ContactTypesAttribute.Lead //&& record.Status == LeadStatusesAttribute.New && Filter.CloseNoActivityLeads == true && maxScore > Filter.CloseThreshold) { CRActivity activity = PXSelect <CRActivity, Where <CRActivity.refNoteID, Equal <Required <Contact.noteID> > > > .SelectWindowed(graph, 0, 1, record.NoteID); if (activity == null) { CRDuplicateEntities <PXGraph, Contact> .RunActionWithAppliedAutomation( graph, copy, nameof(CRDuplicateEntities <PXGraph, Contact> .CloseAsDuplicate)); } } }
protected virtual void CRActivity_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e) { CRActivity row = (CRActivity)e.Row; if (row != null) { var isEditable = row.Status != ActivityStatusListAttribute.Completed && row.Status != ActivityStatusListAttribute.Canceled; this.CompleteActivity.SetEnabled(isEditable); this.CancelActivity.SetEnabled(isEditable); } }
public IEnumerable AddActivity(PXAdapter adapter) { if (!IsCurrentRedy) { return(adapter.Get()); } PrepareGraph(); CRActivityMaint graph = CreateSpecGraph <CRActivityMaint>(); CRActivity var1 = CreateActivity(); graph.Activites.Current = graph.Activites.Insert(var1); throw new PXPopupRedirectException(true, graph, Messages.CRActivityMaint); }
protected virtual IEnumerable viewEntity(PXAdapter adapter) { var row = Emails.Current; if (row != null) { CRActivity activity = PXSelect <CRActivity, Where <CRActivity.noteID, Equal <Required <CRActivity.noteID> > > > .SelectSingleBound(this, null, row.RefNoteID); if (activity != null) { new EntityHelper(this).NavigateToRow(activity.RefNoteID, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.New); } } return(adapter.Get()); }
protected void gotoParentActivity() { CRActivity row = (CRActivity)Caches[typeof(CRActivity)].Current; if (row == null || row.ParentNoteID == null) { return; } CRActivity parentActivity = PXSelect <CRActivity, Where <CRActivity.noteID, Equal <Required <CRActivity.noteID> > > > .Select(this, row.ParentNoteID); if (parentActivity != null && parentActivity.NoteID != null) { new EntityHelper(this).NavigateToRow(parentActivity.NoteID, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow); } }
private void followUpTask() { CRTaskMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CRTaskMaint>(); CRActivity myTask = new CRActivity(); myTask.Subject = String.Format("FollowUp Lead Test"); myTask.ClassID = 0; DateTime dueDate = DateTime.Now; myTask.StartDate = dueDate; myTask.EndDate = dueDate.AddDays(10); myTask.RefNoteID = Base.Lead.Current.NoteID; myTask.ContactID = Base.Lead.Current.ContactID; CRActivity task = (CRActivity)graph.Tasks.Insert(myTask); graph.Actions.PressSave(); }
public virtual IEnumerable relate(PXAdapter adapter) { bool lint = entityFilter.AskExt() == WebDialogResult.OK && entityFilter.VerifyRequired(); if (lint) { PXCache cache = this.Caches <CRSMEmail>(); RelatedEntity relatedEntity = entityFilter.Current; EntityHelper helper = new EntityHelper(this); Type entityType = PXBuildManager.GetType(relatedEntity.Type, false); object row = helper.GetEntityRow(entityType, relatedEntity.RefNoteID); Type graphType = helper.GetPrimaryGraphType(row, false); Type actualEntityType = PXSubstManager.Substitute(entityType, graphType); object actualRow = helper.GetEntityRow(actualEntityType, relatedEntity.RefNoteID); PXGraph graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance(graphType); graph.Caches[actualEntityType].Current = actualRow; foreach (PXResult <CRSMEmail, EMailAccount, EPView> email in SelectedList()) { ((CRSMEmail)email).Selected = false; CRSMEmail copy = PXCache <CRSMEmail> .CreateCopy(email); CRActivity newActivity = (CRActivity)graph.Caches[typeof(CRActivity)].Insert(); copy.BAccountID = newActivity.BAccountID; copy.ContactID = newActivity.ContactID; copy.RefNoteID = newActivity.RefNoteID; copy.MPStatus = MailStatusListAttribute.Processed; copy.Exception = null; PXRefNoteSelectorAttribute.EnsureNotePersistence(this, entityFilter.Current.Type, entityFilter.Current.RefNoteID); copy = (CRSMEmail)cache.Update(copy); } Save.Press(); } else { entityFilter.Ask(Messages.Warning, Messages.SelectRecord, MessageButtons.OK); } Emails.Cache.IsDirty = false; Emails.Cache.Clear(); Emails.Cache.ClearQueryCacheObsolete(); Emails.View.RequestRefresh(); return(adapter.Get()); }
public void MyPut(string phoneNumber) { CRSetupExt ext = setup.Current.GetExtension <CRSetupExt>(); string url = ext.UsrVOIPUrl; EPEmployee employee = PXSelect <EPEmployee, Where <EPEmployee.userID, Equal <Required <EPEmployee.userID> > > > .Select(Base, Base.Accessinfo.UserID); BAccountExt baccountExtension = employee.GetExtension <BAccountExt>(); string phoneExt = baccountExtension.UsrPhoneExtension; HttpClient client = new HttpClient( new HttpClientHandler { UseCookies = true, CookieContainer = new CookieContainer() }) { BaseAddress = new Uri("http://" + url + "/"), DefaultRequestHeaders = { Accept = { MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue.Parse("text/json") } } }; var response = client.PostAsync("http://" + url + "/call.php?exten=" + phoneExt + "&number=" + phoneNumber, new StringContent("", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result; var content = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); CRActivityMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <CRActivityMaint>(); CRActivity activity = new CRActivity(); activity = graph.Activities.Insert(activity); activity.Type = "P"; activity.Subject = "Outbound Call"; activity.OwnerID = employee.UserID; activity.RefNoteID = Base.ContactCurrent.Current.NoteID; graph.Activities.Update(activity); PXRedirectHelper.TryRedirect(graph, PXRedirectHelper.WindowMode.NewWindow); }
private FSServiceOrder GetServiceOrderRecord(PXGraph graph, CRActivity crActivityRow) { return((FSServiceOrder) PXSelectJoin <FSServiceOrder, LeftJoin <CRCase, On < CRCase.caseID, Equal <FSServiceOrder.sourceID>, And <FSServiceOrder.sourceType, Equal <FSServiceOrder.sourceType.Case> > >, LeftJoin <CROpportunity, On < CROpportunity.opportunityID, Equal <FSServiceOrder.sourceRefNbr>, And <FSServiceOrder.sourceType, Equal <FSServiceOrder.sourceType.Opportunity> > >, InnerJoin <CRActivity, On < CRActivity.refNoteID, Equal <CRCase.noteID>, Or <CRActivity.refNoteID, Equal <CROpportunity.noteID> > > > > >, Where < CRActivity.noteID, Equal <Required <CRActivity.noteID> > > > .Select(graph, crActivityRow.NoteID)); }
private void UpdateSubject(PXCache cache, PMTimeActivity pmTimeActivityRow, CRActivity crActivityRow) { FSxPMTimeActivity fsxPMTimeActivityRow = cache.GetExtension <FSxPMTimeActivity>(pmTimeActivityRow); //Clean the Subject if (crActivityRow.Subject != null) { int positionPipe = crActivityRow.Subject.IndexOf("|"); if (positionPipe != -1) { crActivityRow.Subject = crActivityRow.Subject.Substring(positionPipe + 1).Trim(); if (crActivityRow.Subject == string.Empty) { crActivityRow.Subject = null; } } } if (fsxPMTimeActivityRow.ServiceID != null) { InventoryItem inventoryItemRow = PXSelect <InventoryItem, Where < InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(Base, fsxPMTimeActivityRow.ServiceID); if (inventoryItemRow != null) { if (inventoryItemRow.ItemType == INItemTypes.ServiceItem) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(crActivityRow.Subject)) { crActivityRow.Subject = string.Empty; } crActivityRow.Subject = TX.ModuleName.SERVICE_DESCRIPTOR + inventoryItemRow.Descr + " | " + crActivityRow.Subject; } } } }
private static void FillCommon(vEvent card, CRActivity row) { if (row.StartDate == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("row", Messages.NullStartDate); } var timeZone = LocaleInfo.GetTimeZone(); var startDate = PXTimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc((DateTime)row.StartDate, timeZone); card.Summary = row.Subject; card.IsHtml = true; card.Description = row.Body; card.StartDate = startDate; card.EndDate = row.EndDate.HasValue ? PXTimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc((DateTime)row.EndDate, timeZone) : startDate; card.Location = row.Location; card.IsPrivate = row.IsPrivate ?? false; card.UID = "ACUMATICA_" + row.NoteID; }
protected virtual void MarkAs(PXCache cache, CRActivity row, Guid UserID, int status) { if (IsImport || row.NoteID == null) { return; } var epviewSelect = new SelectFrom <EPView> .Where <EPView.noteID.IsEqual <@P.AsGuid> .And <EPView.userID.IsEqual <@P.AsGuid> > > .View(this); EPView epview = epviewSelect .Select(row.NoteID, UserID) .FirstOrDefault(); bool dirty = EPViews.Cache.IsDirty; if (epview == null) { var epView = EPViews.Cache.Insert( new EPView { NoteID = row.NoteID, UserID = UserID, Status = status, } ); EPViews.Cache.PersistInserted(epView); epviewSelect.View.Clear(); EPViews.Cache.SetStatus(epView, PXEntryStatus.Notchanged); } else if (status != epview.Status) { epview.Status = status; EPViews.Cache.PersistUpdated(epview); } EPViews.Cache.IsDirty = dirty; }
private void FillAttendee(vEvent card, CRActivity row) { OtherAttendees.View.Clear(); foreach (EPOtherAttendeeWithNotification otherAttendee in OtherAttendees.Select(row.NoteID)) { card.Attendees.Add( new vEvent.Attendee( otherAttendee.Name, otherAttendee.Email, vEvent.Attendee.Statuses.Accepted)); } Attendees.View.Clear(); foreach (PXResult <EPAttendee, Users, EPEmployee, Contact> item in Attendees.Select(row.NoteID)) { var attendee = (EPAttendee)item[typeof(EPAttendee)]; var user = (Users)item[typeof(Users)]; var contact = (Contact)item[typeof(Contact)]; string fullName; string email; ExtractAttendeeInfo(user, contact, out fullName, out email); var status = vEvent.Attendee.Statuses.NeedAction; switch (attendee.Invitation) { case PXInvitationStatusAttribute.ACCEPTED: status = vEvent.Attendee.Statuses.Accepted; break; case PXInvitationStatusAttribute.REJECTED: status = vEvent.Attendee.Statuses.Declined; break; } card.Attendees.Add( new vEvent.Attendee( user.FullName, user.Email, status)); } }
protected virtual void EPActivityApprove_Hold_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e) { EPActivityApprove row = (EPActivityApprove)e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } if (row.ApprovalStatus == ActivityStatusListAttribute.Approved) { cache.RaiseExceptionHandling <EPActivityApprove.hold>(row, null, new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.Approved, PXErrorLevel.RowWarning)); } if (row.RefNoteID != null) { CRActivity parent = (CRActivity)Parent.View.SelectSingleBound(new[] { row }); if (parent != null) { parent.UIStatus = row.Hold == true ? ActivityStatusListAttribute.Open : ActivityStatusListAttribute.Completed; Parent.Update(parent); } } }
protected void grid_RowDataBound(object sender, PX.Web.UI.PXGridRowEventArgs e) { PXResult record = e.Row.DataItem as PXResult; if (record == null) { return; } EPView viewInfo = (EPView)record[typeof(EPView)]; bool isBold = viewInfo != null && (viewInfo.Status == null || viewInfo.Status == EPViewStatusAttribute.NOTVIEWED); CRActivity item = (CRActivity)record[typeof(CRActivity)]; if (isBold) { e.Row.Style.CssClass = "BaseBold"; } if (item.CategoryID != null && coloredCategories.Contains(item.CategoryID ?? 0)) { if (item.IsOverdue == true) { e.Row.Style.CssClass = (isBold ? "CssBoldOver" : "CssOver") + item.CategoryID; } else { e.Row.Style.CssClass = (isBold ? "CssBold" : "Css") + item.CategoryID; } } else { if (item.IsOverdue == true) { e.Row.Style.CssClass = (isBold ? "CssOverdueBold" : "CssOverdue"); } } }