Exemple #1
        }   //  end onTopwoodClick

        private void onOK(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //  open volume equation table and remove all before building and saving equations

            //  Need to build volume equation and store in table, so goes into VolumeEqList
            string        currentForest   = "";
            string        currentDistrict = "";
            string        currGeoCode     = "";
            string        currGrpCode     = "";
            List <SaleDO> saleList        = bslyr.getSale();

            foreach (SaleDO sd in saleList)
                currentForest = sd.Forest;
                if (sd.District == null)
                    currentDistrict = "";
                    currentDistrict = sd.District;
            }   //  end foreach

            //  Look up geo code and group code for this forest and district (if any)
            //  First look in defaults
            for (int k = 0; k < 12; k++)
                if (currentForest == forestDefaultList[k, 0])
                    currGeoCode = forestDefaultList[k, 1];
                    currGrpCode = forestDefaultList[k, 2];
                } //  endif
            }     //  end for k loop

            //  Check for an override on district
            for (int k = 0; k < 33; k++)
                if (currentForest == forestDistrictList[k, 0] && currentDistrict == forestDistrictList[k, 1])
                    currGeoCode = forestDistrictList[k, 2];
                    currGrpCode = forestDistrictList[k, 3];
                } //  endif
            }     //  end for k loop

            //  if geocode and group code are still blank, means forest or district are incorrect
            if (currGeoCode == "" || currGrpCode == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Could not find Forest and/or District number.\nCannot complete equations.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            }   //  endif

            //  get unique species/product combinations
            string[,] speciesProduct = bslyr.GetUniqueSpeciesProduct();
            for (int k = 0; k < speciesProduct.GetLength(0); k++)
                //  need species and product
                string currentSpecies = speciesProduct[k, 0];
                string currentProduct = speciesProduct[k, 1];

                //  call build equation for this combination
                if (currentSpecies != null && currentProduct != null)
                    //  change in volume library no longer has DVEE equations used for board for board foot volume
                    //  so commented out the call to build those equations
                    //  October 2015
                    //if (currentProduct == "01")
                    //  buildVolumeEquation(currGrpCode, currentSpecies, currentProduct);
                    //  Build Clark equations -- old or new -- July 2017
                    if (newClarkCheckBox.Checked == true)
                        buildNewClarkEquations(currGeoCode, currentSpecies, currentProduct);
                    else if (oldClarkCheckBox.Checked == true)
                        if (pulpwoodHeight >= 0)
                            buildClarkEquation(currGeoCode, currentSpecies, currentProduct, pulpwoodHeight);
                        else if (pulpwoodHeight < 0)
                        } //  endif
                    }     //  endif
                }         //  endif no null
            }             //  end foreach

            //  Save equations in database

            if (calcBiomass.Checked == true)
                VolumeEquations ve = new VolumeEquations();
                ve.bslyr.fileName = fileName;
                ve.fileName       = fileName;
                ve.bslyr.DAL      = bslyr.DAL;
            }   //  endif calculate biomass
        }   //  end onOK