public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection, int?page) { MONAN ctv = data.MONANs.SingleOrDefault(i => i.ID_MonAn == id); int countMonAn = data.DONHANGs.Count(i => i.ID_MonAn == id); int coutKM = data.KhuyenMais.Count(i => i.ID_MonAn == id); if (countMonAn > 0) { ViewBag.ErrorBody = string.Format("Không thể Xóa do [{0}] đang có [{1}] đơn hàng.", ctv.TenMonAn, countMonAn); CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var monan = from m in data.MONANs where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; return(View("Index", monan)); } if (coutKM > 0) { ViewBag.ErrorKM = string.Format("Không thể Xóa do [{0}] đang được Khuyến Mại.", ctv.TenMonAn); CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var monan = from m in data.MONANs where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; return(View("Index", monan)); } else if (ModelState.IsValid) { data.MONANs.DeleteOnSubmit(ctv); data.SubmitChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CTVMonAn")); }
public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection collection, CONGTACVIEN nd) { string matkhaucu = collection["MatKhauCu"]; string matkhaumoi = collection["MatKhauMoi"]; string nhaplai = collection["NhapLaiMatKhauMoi"]; CONGTACVIEN ctv = data.CONGTACVIENs.SingleOrDefault(i => i.MaTK_CTV == nd.MaTK_CTV); if (matkhaumoi != nhaplai) { ViewBag.LoiMK = "Mật khẩu không trùng khớp"; } if (ctv.MatKhau_CTV == matkhaucu) { ctv.TenTK_CTV = nd.TenTK_CTV; ctv.MatKhau_CTV = matkhaumoi; UpdateModel(ctv); data.SubmitChanges(); Session["TenTK_CTV"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } else { ViewBag.Loi = "Mật khẩu không hợp lệ"; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id) { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN ctv = data.CONGTACVIENs.SingleOrDefault(i => i.MaTK_CTV == id); return(View(ctv)); }
public ActionResult ThongTinTK() { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var tt = from m in data.CONGTACVIENs where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; return(View(tt)); }
public ActionResult PV_ThongKeMonAn() { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var top = from m in data.V_Top5MonAns where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; return(PartialView(top)); }
public ActionResult MonAnTheoCTV() { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var monan = from m in data.MONANs where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; return(View(monan)); }
// GET: CTVDonHang public ActionResult Index() { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var monan = from m in data.DONHANGs where m.MONAN.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV where m.DATHANG.TinhTrangGiao == false select m; return(View(monan)); }
// GET: DoanhThu public ActionResult Index() { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var sum = from m in data.DOANHTHUs where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; return(View(sum)); }
// GET: CTVKhuyenMai public ActionResult Index() { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var monan = from m in data.KhuyenMais where m.MONAN.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; // List<KHUYENMAI> monan = data.KHUYENMAIs.ToList(); return(View(monan)); }
// GET: AdminCTV/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int id) { if (Session["TenTK_Admin"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "AdminTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN ctv = data.CONGTACVIENs.SingleOrDefault(n => n.MaTK_CTV == id); ViewBag.Masach = ctv.MaTK_CTV; if (ctv == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminCTV")); } return(View(ctv)); }
public ActionResult PV_Dropdown_MonAn(int?id) { if (Session["TenTK_CTV"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("DangNhap", "CTVTaiKhoan")); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; var monan = from m in data.MONANs where m.MaTK_CTV == tk.MaTK_CTV select m; if (id != null) { ViewBag.idLoai = id; } return(PartialView(monan)); }
public ActionResult Tinh(FormCollection collection, DOANHTHU dt) { var gt = collection["ID_ChiecKhau"]; ViewBag.MessageFail = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.MessageFail)) { return(View()); } CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; decimal sum = 0; dt.MaTK_CTV = tk.MaTK_CTV; sum = Convert.ToDecimal(data.f_tongdt(tk.MaTK_CTV)); dt.TongDoanhThu = sum; decimal tck = 0; tck = sum * Decimal.Parse(gt); dt.TienChiecKhau = tck; if (ModelState.IsValid) { data.DOANHTHUs.InsertOnSubmit(dt); try { dt.Thang = DateTime.Now; data.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint")) { ViewBag.MessageFail = string.Format("Doanh thu tháng {0} đã tồn tại, nếu muốn thay đổi, Vui lòng CẬP NHẬT.", dt.Thang); } else { ViewBag.ErrorBody = ex.ToString(); } return(View()); } } ViewBag.MessageSuccess = "Tính doanh thu tháng : [" + dt.Thang + "] thành công"; return(View()); }
public ActionResult DangNhap(FormCollection collection) { var tendn = collection["TenDangNhap"]; var matkhau = collection["MatKhau"]; CONGTACVIEN tk = => n.TenTK_CTV == tendn && n.MatKhau_CTV == matkhau); if (tk != null) { ViewBag.ThongBao = "Đăng nhập thành công"; Session["TenTK_CTV"] = tk; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "CTV")); } else { ViewBag.Thongbao = "Sai thông tin đăng nhập!"; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Delete(int id, FormCollection collection) { CONGTACVIEN ctv = data.CONGTACVIENs.SingleOrDefault(i => i.MaTK_CTV == id); int countMonAn = data.MONANs.Count(i => i.MaTK_CTV == id); if (countMonAn > 0) { ViewBag.ErrorBody = string.Format("Không thể Xóa do [{0}] đang có [{1}] Món Ăn trên Web.", ctv.HoTen, countMonAn); List <CONGTACVIEN> all = data.CONGTACVIENs.ToList(); return(View("Index", all.ToList())); } else if (ModelState.IsValid) { data.CONGTACVIENs.DeleteOnSubmit(ctv); data.SubmitChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminCTV")); }
public ActionResult Edit(CONGTACVIEN congtacvien, FormCollection collection) { CONGTACVIEN ctv = data.CONGTACVIENs.SingleOrDefault(i => i.MaTK_CTV == congtacvien.MaTK_CTV); var giaquangcao = Convert.ToInt32(collection["GiaQuangCao"]); ctv.MaTK_CTV = congtacvien.MaTK_CTV; ctv.TenTK_CTV = congtacvien.TenTK_CTV; ctv.MatKhau_CTV = congtacvien.MatKhau_CTV; ctv.HoTen = congtacvien.HoTen; ctv.CMND = congtacvien.CMND; ctv.Email = congtacvien.Email; ctv.DiaChi = congtacvien.DiaChi; ctv.DienThoai = congtacvien.DienThoai; ctv.NgaySinh = congtacvien.NgaySinh; ctv.GioiTinh = congtacvien.GioiTinh; ctv.LevelVip = giaquangcao; ctv.NgayHetHanVip = congtacvien.NgayHetHanVip; if (ModelState.IsValid) { UpdateModel(ctv); data.SubmitChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection, CONGTACVIEN tk) { var tendn = collection["TenDangNhap"]; var matkhau = collection["MatKhau"]; var nhaplaimatkhau = collection["NhapLaiMatKhau"]; var hoten = collection["HoTen"]; var cmnd = collection["CMND"]; var email = collection["Email"]; var diachi = collection["DiaChi"]; var dienthoai = collection["DienThoai"]; var ngaysinh = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", collection["NgaySinh"]); bool gioitinh = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt16(collection["GioiTinh"])); var giaquangcao = Convert.ToInt32(collection["GiaQuangCao"]); var ngayhethanvip = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", collection["NgayHetHan"]); //Goi mail string user = "******"; string pass = "******"; SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 587) { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass), EnableSsl = true }; string from = user; string to = collection["Email"]; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to); message.Subject = "[THÔNG TIN TÀI KHOẢN CỘNG TÁC VIÊN]" + "-" + collection["HoTen"]; message.Body = "Tên tài khoản:" + " " + collection["TenDangNhap"] + " " + ", Mật khẩu:" + " " + collection["MatKhau"]; try { client.Send(message); } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Error = ex.Message; return(View("Index")); } //----------------------------------- ViewBag.MessageFail = string.Empty; if (nhaplaimatkhau != matkhau) { ViewBag.MessageFail += "Mật khẩu không trùng khớp"; } if (DateTime.Now.Year - DateTime.Parse(ngaysinh).Year < 18) { ViewBag.MessageFail += "Cộng tác viên phải đủ 18 tuổi"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.MessageFail)) { return(View()); } else { tk.TenTK_CTV = tendn; tk.MatKhau_CTV = matkhau; tk.HoTen = hoten; tk.CMND = cmnd; tk.Email = email; tk.DiaChi = diachi; tk.DienThoai = dienthoai; tk.NgaySinh = DateTime.Parse(ngaysinh); tk.GioiTinh = gioitinh; tk.LevelVip = giaquangcao; tk.NgayHetHanVip = DateTime.Parse(ngayhethanvip); data.CONGTACVIENs.InsertOnSubmit(tk); data.SubmitChanges(); } ViewBag.MessageSuccess = "Thêm Cộng tác viên: [" + hoten + "] thành công"; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection form, HttpPostedFileBase HinhAnh) { string tenMonAn = form["TenMonAn"]; string gioiThieu = form["GioiThieu"]; decimal giaban = Decimal.Parse(form["GiaBan"]); decimal phivanchuyen = Decimal.Parse(form["PhiVanChuyen"]); int soluong = Int32.Parse(form["SoLuong"]); int idkhuvuc = Int32.Parse(form["ID_KhuVuc"]); int idLoai = Int32.Parse(form["ID_Loai"]); ViewBag.MessageFail = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tenMonAn)) { ViewBag.MessageFail += "Tên món ăn không hợp lệ. "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.MessageFail)) { return(View()); } string _FileName = ""; try { if (HinhAnh.ContentLength > 0) { string _folderPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/MonAn/")); // Determine whether the directory exists. if (!Directory.Exists(_folderPath)) { DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(_folderPath); } _FileName = Path.GetFileName(HinhAnh.FileName); string _path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/images/MonAn/"), _FileName); if (!System.IO.File.Exists(_path)) { HinhAnh.SaveAs(_path); } } } catch { } MONAN monAn = new MONAN(); CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; monAn.TenMonAn = tenMonAn; monAn.GiaBan = giaban; monAn.PhiVanChuyen = phivanchuyen; monAn.MoTa = gioiThieu; monAn.AnhBia = _FileName; monAn.NgayCapNhap = DateTime.Now; monAn.SoLuong = soluong; monAn.ID_KhuVuc = idkhuvuc; monAn.ID_Loai = idLoai; monAn.MaTK_CTV = tk.MaTK_CTV; if (ModelState.IsValid) { data.MONANs.InsertOnSubmit(monAn); data.SubmitChanges(); } ViewBag.MessageSuccess = "Thêm món ăn: [" + tenMonAn + "] thành công"; return(View()); }
public ActionResult TaiKhoan() { CONGTACVIEN tk = (CONGTACVIEN)Session["TenTK_CTV"]; return(PartialView(tk)); }