// TBD split this constructor up into 5 separate user story abstractions in a new User stories layer
        // Do we need a layer called plug-in to pul this off?
        // or can each user stor object have some public instances that get wired by the us

        private Application()
            // First part of the code is to set up a real farming device simulator instance that we configure with mock data.
            // In the real application, this would be a real farming device connected to the physical COM port of the PC.
            // This simulated device gets wired to the COMPort abstraction and pretends to be connected to a real serial COM port.
            // The simulated device is not part of the application, so is not shown on the application-diagram even though we instantiate and configure it here.
            // The simulated device emulates the real devices ability to receive SCP commands and respond to them.

            var simulatedExternalDevice = new RealFarmingDeviceSimulator();

            // Configure the simulated device with some session data
            // Farmers call their files inside devices "sessions". They can configure the fields that they want to use, so here we have three sessions, each with different fields.
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSession(name: "session0", date: "2021-02-28", columns: new[] { "F01FID", "F11EID" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSession(name: "session1", date: "2021-03-31", columns: new[] { "F01FID", "F11EID", "F10Weight" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSession(name: "session2", date: "2021-04-30", columns: new[] { "F01FID", "F11EID", "F10Weight", "F12Remark" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 0, sessionData: new[] { "1", "EID0000000000000" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 0, sessionData: new[] { "2", "EID0000000000001" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 1, sessionData: new[] { "013", "EID0000000000010", "342" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 1, sessionData: new[] { "001", "EID0000000000011", "373" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 1, sessionData: new[] { "002", "EID0000000000012", "304" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "0123", "EID0000000000021", "405", "healthy" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "1023", "EID0000000000022", "376", "pregnant" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "0412", "EID0000000000023", "354", "black spot" });
            simulatedExternalDevice.AddSessionData(index: 2, sessionData: new[] { "0219", "EID0000000000024", "395", "lame" });

// -------------------------- BEGIN CODE MANUALLY GENERATED FROM DIAGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------
            // The following code has been manually generated from the diagram in application-diagram.drawio (read-only version in application-diagram.pdf)
            // Refer to that diagram for how this application works, not this code.
            // Also application.md is a commentary on reading the diagram.
            // Take an interest in this code if:
            // 1. You want to understand how the diagram was hand-coded
            // 2. You want to know all the mechanics of how the ALA diagram was made to actually execute
            // 3. You have modified the diagram and need to correspondingly modify this code

            // First instantiate any domain abstractions that we can't instantiate anonymously in the later code because they need to be referred to by name because the diagram has circular wiring:

            var saveFileBrowser = new SaveFileBrowser(title: "Save file", extension: "CSV");
            var textConnected   = new Text("Connected", false)
                Color = Brushes.Green
            var textSearching = new Text("Searching for a device...")
                Color = Brushes.Red
            var scpProtocol = new SCPProtocol();
            var arbitrator  = new Arbitrator()
                InstanceName = "scpDevice"
            var ignoredDataFlowConnector = new DataFlowConnector <string>();
            var sessionListScp           = new SCPSessions()
                InstanceName = "sessionList"
            var sessionDataScp = new SCPData()
                InstanceName = "forGrid"
            var sessionDataScpImport = new SCPData()
                InstanceName = "import"
            var saveToCsvFileTransact = new Transfer()
                InstanceName = "save to csv file transact", AutoLoadNextBatch = true
            var sessionListGrid = new Grid()
                InstanceName = "sessions", RowHeight = 50, PrimaryKey = "index"
            var sessionDataGrid = new Grid()
                InstanceName = "data"
            var csvFileReaderWriter = new CSVFileReaderWriter();
            var comPort             = new COMPort();

            // Now do all the wiring of the diagram
            // Note any instances of domain abstractions not already instantiated anonymously in this code.
            // Note that a.wireTo(b) is an extension method that uses reflection to wire 'a' to 'b' via 'ports'. The ports on 'a' and 'b' must be a programmming paradigm interface of the same interface type - 'a' must have a private field of the interface and 'b' must implement the interface.
            // Note that the fluent style is used: wireTo returns its first argument, allowing you to call wireTo again to wire it some thing else.
            // Note that InstanceName properties are not needed by the code - they are just to help when debugging because if there are multiple instances of the same domain abstraction you often dont know which instance you have break-pointed into.
            // Sometimes WireTo has a second parameter which is the name of the specific port it is wiring to. This ensures wiring to the correct port if there is more than one port of a given type.
            // UI
            .WireTo(new Vertical(true)
                Layouts = new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 0 }
                    .WireTo(new Horizontal()
                InstanceName = "menubar"
                            .WireTo(new Menubar()
                                    .WireTo(new Menu("File")
                                            .WireTo(new MenuItem("Import from device")
                                                    .WireTo(new Wizard("Where do you want to put it?")
                                                            .WireTo(new RadioButton("Local CSV file")
                                                            .WireTo(new RadioButton("Cloud"))
                                            .WireTo(new MenuItem("Exit")
                    .WireTo(new Horizontal()
                InstanceName = "toolbar"
                            .WireTo(new Toolbar()
                                    .WireTo(new Tool("5000Import.png")
                                                    .WireTo(csvFileReaderWriter, "dataFlowOutputFilePathNames")
                                                                    .WireTo(scpProtocol, "SCPPort")
                                                                    .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator")
                                                                    , "tableDataFlowSource")
                                                            .WireTo(csvFileReaderWriter, "tableDataFlowDestination")
                                                            , "fileSelected")
                    .WireTo(new Horizontal()
                InstanceName = "mainPanel", Ratios = new int[] { 1, 3 }
                                            .WireTo(scpProtocol, "requestResponseDataFlow")
                                            .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator")
                                            , "dataSource")
                                    .WireTo(sessionListScp, "dataFlowSelectedPrimaryKey")
                                                    .WireTo(scpProtocol, "SCPPort")
                                                    .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator")
                                                    , "dataSource")
                                            , "eventRowSelected")
                    .WireTo(new Horizontal()
                InstanceName = "statusbar"
                            .WireTo(new Statusbar()
            .WireTo(new Timer()
                Delay = 3000
                    .WireTo(new SCPSense()
                InstanceName = "scpSence"
                            .WireTo(arbitrator, "arbitrator")
                                            .WireTo(scpProtocol, "outputForCharactersReceiveFromTheCOMPort")
                                                    .WireTo(comPort, "responseOutput")
                                                    , "virtualComPortTx")
                                            , "scpCommand")
                                    , "requestResponseDataFlow")
                            .WireTo(new DataFlowConnector <bool>()
                                    .WireTo(new Not()
                                    .WireTo(new ToEvent <bool>()
                                    , "IsDeviceConnected")
                    , "appStart");
            // -------------------------- END CODE MANUALLY GENERATED FROM DIAGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------

            // See logging.cs for an explantion of why we wire up logging instead of using a programming paradigm layer abstraction for it

            // This logging instance is configured to output to the specified file
            // We will all the logging output ports of all the programming paradigms to it
            var debugLoggerToFile = new LoggerToFile(@"C:\ProgramData\Example_ALA\debugLog.txt")
                InstanceName = "debugLoggerToFile"
            var debugLoggerToWindow = new LoggerToWindow()
                InstanceName = "debugLoggerToWindow"

            // This wires the static diagnostic output port of WireManyPorts abstraction to logging so we get diagnostic output of it wiring up all the other diagnostic outputs
            WireMany.diagnosticOutput += debugLoggerToWindow.WriteLine;
            WireMany.diagnosticOutput += wiringLoggerToFile.WriteLine;

            // this method call will look through all the domain abstractions and wire all their static event diagnosticOutput ports to debugLoggingToWindow
            // doing the equivalent of the lines below without us having to do every one individually
            WireMany.WireManyTo("DomainAbstractions", "diagnosticOutput", debugLoggerToWindow, "WriteLine");
            WireMany.WireManyTo("DomainAbstractions", "diagnosticOutput", debugLoggerToFile, "WriteLine");

            // These manual wirings are how we used to do it - they are now done by WireMany above
            // Do it this way to override anything that you want to go to a special place
            // Arbitrator.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s);
            // SCPProtocol.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s);
            // Grid.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s);
            // CSVFileReaderWriter.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s);
            // Transfer.diagnosticOutput += (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s);