private void disconnect() { COMAliveTimer.Stop(); readDone = true; if (serialPort1.IsOpen) { sendEndReportingCommand(); // end reporting raw values ! portStatus.Text = "Disconnected"; addToLog("Port " + portComboBox.Text + " is now disconnected"); portStatus.ForeColor = Color.SlateGray; try { slotNames.Items.Clear(); serialPort1.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { addToLog("Error disconnecting COM Port"); } } fabiOnline = 0; }
public void gotID(String newLine) { addToLog("Fabi detected:" + newLine); fabiOnline = 1; slotNames.Items.Clear(); sendStartReportingCommand(); // start reporting raw values ! COMAliveTimer.Enabled = true; COMAliveTimer.Start(); DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Detected " + newLine + "\nDo you want to load the slots and settings which are stored in the Fabi device ?", "Load Settings ?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { loadSettingsFromFabi(); } }