Exemple #1
        // Returns the closest safe point between target position and platform colliders
        public Vector2 GetClosestSafePosition(Vector2 position)
            float closestDistance = 0.05f;

            Vector2 origin = transform.position;

            // position, angle, distance to box cast
            Vector2 heading   = position - origin;
            float   distance  = heading.magnitude;
            Vector2 direction = heading / distance;
            float   angle     = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z;

            // check for colliders at new position
            Collider2D hit = CODebug.OverlapBox(position, _boxCollider.size, angle, PlatformMask, Color.cyan, true, 1f);

            //DebugDrawBox(position, _boxCollider.size, angle, Color.cyan, 5f);

            // TODO - fix. doesn't handle rotation.

            // if no hit on box cast, then safe. return position;
            if (hit == null)

            Vector3 conflictHeading   = (Vector2)hit.transform.position - origin;
            float   conflictDistance  = conflictHeading.magnitude;
            Vector2 conflictDirection = conflictHeading / conflictDistance;

            position += -conflictDirection * 0.05f;

            hit = CODebug.OverlapBox(position, _boxCollider.size, angle, PlatformMask, Color.red, true, 1f);
            if (hit == null)
                if (!disableWarnings)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring SetTransform request - no valid position detected");

Exemple #2
        public virtual void HandleWallWalking()
            HorizontalMovement direction = MovementDirection;

            if (controller == null)
                controller    = (CorgiControllerOverride)_controller;
                _boundsWidth  = controller.BoundsWidth;
                _boundsHeight = controller.BoundsHeight;
                _boundsDiff   = Mathf.Abs(_boundsWidth - _boundsHeight);

            if (direction == HorizontalMovement.Left && _controller.State.IsCollidingLeft)
                // shift position by difference between height / width to accommodate for pivot rotation
                controller.SetTransform(transform.position + transform.up * Mathf.Abs(_boundsDiff));


                // no longer colliding due to rotational shift
                _controller.State.IsCollidingLeft = false;
            else if (direction == HorizontalMovement.Right && _controller.State.IsCollidingRight)
                // shift position by difference between height / width to accommodate for pivot rotation
                controller.SetTransform(transform.position + -transform.up * Mathf.Abs(_boundsDiff));


                // no longer colliding due to rotational shift
                _controller.State.IsCollidingRight = false;
            else if (IsOverLedge())
                // whether player is on vertical or horizontal plane
                //bool isVertical = _defaultGravityAngle == 90 || _defaultGravityAngle == 270;


                Transition(true, GravityDirectionVector);

                // get forward direction depending which direction character is facing
                Vector3 forward = _character.IsFacingRight ? transform.right : -transform.right;

                Vector3 forwardAmount = (_boundsWidth * 0.5f * forward) + (_boundsWidth * ledgeCheckRayOffset) * forward + _boundsDiff * forward;
                Vector3 downAmount    = (_boundsWidth * 0.5f * -transform.up) + (_boundsWidth * ledgeCheckRayOffset * -transform.up);

                Vector3 newPosition = transform.position + downAmount + forwardAmount;

                // check whether rotation / position shift is safe
                Collider2D hit = CODebug.OverlapBox(newPosition, controller.BoxCollider.size, _defaultGravityAngle, controller.PlatformMask, Color.cyan);

                // if safe, perform shift
                if (hit == null)
                    transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, _defaultGravityAngle);

                    // shift character position by overhang extent
                    CODebug.DebugDrawBox(newPosition, controller.BoxCollider.size, _defaultGravityAngle, Color.white, 5f);
                    // reverse gravity change