Exemple #1
 public CNNVisualisation(CNN nn) : this(rysyPINVOKE.new_CNNVisualisation(CNN.getCPtr(nn)), true)
     if (rysyPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw rysyPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #2
        public static void Kaggle_Test()
            //DigitImage[] training = CSV_Helper.Read(DataSet.Training);
            DigitImage[] testing = CSV_Helper.Read(DataSet.Testing);

            int dialogResult;
            CNN cnn = CreateCNN(out dialogResult);

            DigitImage[] digitImagesDatas = testing;

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            int    testing_count = digitImagesDatas.Length;
            int    correct_count = 0;
            double timeLimit = 0, error = 0;

            Matrix[] input, targets;

            Console.WriteLine("System is getting tested. You will see the results when it is done...\n");
            if (cursorTopTesting == 0)
                cursorTopTesting = Console.CursorTop;

            InitializeInputAndTarget(out input, out targets);
            timeLimit = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            string submissionCSV = "ImageId,Label" + Environment.NewLine;

            for (int i = 0; i < testing_count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 28; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 28; k++)
                        input[0][j, k] = digitImagesDatas[i].pixels[j][k];

                input[0].Normalize(0f, 255f, 0f, 1f);

                Matrix ans = cnn.Predict(input);

                submissionCSV += (i + 1).ToString() + "," + ans.GetMaxRowIndex() + Environment.NewLine;

                if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                    // every 0.5 sec update error
                    timeLimit += 500;
                    error      = cnn.GetError();

                int val = Map(0, testing_count, 0, 100, i);
                ProgressBar(val, i, testing_count, error, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, cursorTopTesting);

Exemple #3
 public void CLOSE_CONNECTION()
     if (CNN.State == ConnectionState.Open)
Exemple #4
 public CNN(CNN other) : this(rysyPINVOKE.new_CNN__SWIG_1(CNN.getCPtr(other)), true)
     if (rysyPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw rysyPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #5
 public JobCNNClassify(GRasterLayer featureRasterLayer, GRasterLayer labelRasterLayer, int epochs, int model, int width, int height, int channel)
     _t = new Thread(() => {
         ImageClassifyEnv env = new ImageClassifyEnv(featureRasterLayer, labelRasterLayer);
         CNN cnn = new CNN(new int[] { channel, width, height }, env.ActionNum);
         Summary = "模型训练中";
         for (int i = 0; i < epochs; i++)
             int batchSize       = cnn.BatchSize;
             var(states, labels) = env.RandomEval(batchSize);
             double[][] inputX   = new double[batchSize][];
             for (int j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
                 inputX[j] = states[j];
             double loss = cnn.Train(inputX, labels);
             Process     = (double)i / epochs;
         Summary = "分类应用中";
         IRasterLayerCursorTool pRasterLayerCursorTool = new GRasterLayerCursorTool();
         //GDI graph
         Bitmap classificationBitmap = new Bitmap(featureRasterLayer.XSize, featureRasterLayer.YSize);
         Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(classificationBitmap);
         int seed        = 0;
         int totalPixels = featureRasterLayer.XSize * featureRasterLayer.YSize;
         for (int i = 0; i < featureRasterLayer.XSize; i++)
             for (int j = 0; j < featureRasterLayer.YSize; j++)
                 //get normalized input raw value
                 double[] normal = pRasterLayerCursorTool.PickNormalValue(i, j);
                 double[] action = cnn.Predict(normal);
                 //convert action to raw byte value
                 int gray = env.RandomSeedKeys[NP.Argmax(action)];
                 Color c          = Color.FromArgb(gray, gray, gray);
                 Pen p            = new Pen(c);
                 SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(c);
                 g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(i, j, 1, 1));
                 //report progress
                 Process = (double)(seed++) / totalPixels;
         string fullFileName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\tmp\" + DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc() + ".png";
         Summary  = "CNN训练分类完成";
         Complete = true;
         OnTaskComplete?.Invoke(Name, fullFileName);
 private Guid SaveNetworkToDB(CNN network, string name)
     using (var context = new NetworkContext())
         if (context.NetworkModels.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == name) != null)
             return(ProcessUpdate(network, name, context));
             return(ProcessSave(network, name, context));
        private void Compare(CNN first, CNN second)
            for (int i = 0; i < first.LayersCount; ++i)
                if (first.Layers[i] is ConvolutionalLayer)
                    CompareLayers(first.Layers[i] as ConvolutionalLayer, second.Layers[i] as ConvolutionalLayer);

            for (int i = 0; i < first.LayersCount; ++i)
                ComparePerceptronLayers(first.Perceptron.Layers[i], second.Perceptron.Layers[i]);
Exemple #8
        public static void CNN_OverfittingTest()
            CNN cnn = new CNN();

            DigitImage[] digitImages = MNIST_Parser.ReadFromFile(DataSet.Testing, 100);

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            int iteration_count = 10;

            for (int i = 0; i < iteration_count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < digitImages.Length; ++j)
                    Matrix[] input = new Matrix[1];
                    input[0] = new Matrix(digitImages[j].pixels);

                    Matrix target = new Matrix(10, 1);
                    target[(int)digitImages[j].label, 0] = 1f;

                    cnn.Train(input, target);
                    double error = cnn.GetError();

                    int val = (int)((i - 0) / (double)(iteration_count - 1 - 0) * (100 - 0) + 0);
                    ProgressBar(val, i, iteration_count, error, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);

            for (int j = 0; j < digitImages.Length; ++j)
                Matrix[] input = new Matrix[1];
                input[0] = new Matrix(digitImages[j].pixels);

                Matrix output = cnn.Predict(input);

        public void ClassificationByCNN()
            double _loss = 1.0;
            //training epochs
            int epochs = 100;
            GRasterLayer featureLayer = new GRasterLayer(featureFullFilename);
            GRasterLayer labelLayer   = new GRasterLayer(trainFullFilename);
            //create environment for agent exploring
            IEnv env = new ImageClassifyEnv(featureLayer, labelLayer);
            //assume 18dim equals 3x6 (image)
            CNN cnn = new CNN(new int[] { 1, 3, 6 }, env.ActionNum);

            for (int i = 0; i < epochs; i++)
                int batchSize = cnn.BatchSize;
                var(states, labels) = env.RandomEval(batchSize);
                double[][] inputX = new double[batchSize][];
                for (int j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
                    inputX[j] = states[j];
                _loss = cnn.Train(inputX, labels);
            //in general, loss is less than 5
            Assert.IsTrue(_loss < 5.0);
            //apply cnn to classify featureLayer
            IRasterLayerCursorTool pRasterLayerCursorTool = new GRasterLayerCursorTool();

            //get normalized input raw value
            double[] normal        = pRasterLayerCursorTool.PickNormalValue(50, 50);
            double[] action        = cnn.Predict(normal);
            int      landCoverType = env.RandomSeedKeys[NP.Argmax(action)];

            //do something as you need. i.e. draw landCoverType to bitmap at position ( i , j )
            //the classification results are not stable because of the training epochs are too few.
            Assert.IsTrue(landCoverType >= 0);
        private void ReadNetworkFromDB(CNN network, Guid netwrokId)
            using (var context = new NetworkContext())
                var networkModel = context.NetworkModels.First(item => item.NetworkModelId == netwrokId);

                var cnnModelId = context.CnnModels
                                 .First(model => model.CnnModelId == networkModel.CnnId).CnnModelId;

                var dbCnnLayers = context.CnnLayers
                                  .Where(layer => layer.ModelId == cnnModelId && layer.LayerType != 5)
                                  .OrderBy(layer => layer.PositionIn).ToList();

                network.Layers = new List <IConvLayer>();
                foreach (var item in dbCnnLayers)
                    if (item.LayerType != (byte)LayerType.FlattenLayer)
                        item.Weights = context.CnnWeightsSet.FirstOrDefault(i => i.LayerId == item.CnnLayerId);
                network.FlattenLayer = new FlattenLayer();

                var percId = context.PerceptronModels
                             .FirstOrDefault(item => item.NetworkModelId == netwrokId).PerceptronModelId;

                var dbPerceptronLayers = context.PerceptronLayers
                                         .Where(item => item.PerceptronModelId == percId)
                                         .OrderBy(item => item.PositionIn).ToList();

                network.Perceptron = new MultilayerPerceptron();
                foreach (var item in dbPerceptronLayers)
                    item.Weights = context.PerceptronWeights
                                   .FirstOrDefault(i => i.PerceptronWeightsId == item.PerceptronLayerId);
Exemple #11
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog opf = new OpenFileDialog();

            opf.Filter = "CeNiN file|*.cenin";
            if (opf.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            prependLine("Loading CeNiN file...");
            cnn = new CNN(opf.FileName);
            prependLine(cnn.layerCount + "+2 layers, "
                        + cnn.totalWeightCount + " weights and "
                        + cnn.totalBiasCount + " biases were loaded in "
                        + toc() + " seconds.");

            button2.Enabled = true;
Exemple #12
        public static void CNN_Testing(DigitImage[] digitImagesDatas, bool predictionIsOn, CNN cnn, int iterationCount)
            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            int    testing_count = digitImagesDatas.Length;
            int    correct_count = 0;
            double timeLimit = 0, error = 0;

            Matrix[] input, targets;

            Console.WriteLine("System is getting tested. You will see the results when it is done...\n");
            if (cursorTopTesting == 0)
                cursorTopTesting = Console.CursorTop;

            InitializeInputAndTarget(out input, out targets);
            timeLimit = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            for (int i = 0; i < testing_count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 28; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 28; k++)
                        input[0][j, k] = digitImagesDatas[i].pixels[j][k];

                input[0].Normalize(0f, 255f, 0f, 1f);

                Matrix ans = null;
                if (predictionIsOn)
                    ans = cnn.Predict(input);
                    cnn.Train(input, targets[digitImagesDatas[i].label]);
                    ans = cnn.Layers[cnn.Layers.Length - 1].Output[0];

                if (ans.GetMaxRowIndex() == digitImagesDatas[i].label)

                if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                    // every 0.5 sec update error
                    timeLimit += 500;
                    error      = cnn.GetError();

                int val = Map(0, testing_count, 0, 100, i);
                ProgressBar(val, i, testing_count, error, stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, cursorTopTesting);
            double accuracy = (correct_count * 1f / testing_count) * 100.0;

            Console.WriteLine("\nIteration Count:" + iterationCount);
            Console.WriteLine("\nTime :" + (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0).ToString("F4"));
            Console.WriteLine("\nAccuracy: %{0:F2}\n", accuracy);
            Console.WriteLine("Correct/All: {0}/{1}", correct_count, testing_count);

            cursorTopTesting = Console.CursorTop;

            if (accuracy >= 95 && iterationCount != -1)
                string name   = accuracy.ToString("F2") + "__" + iterationCount + "__";
                Random random = new Random();
                int    length = 6;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    char c = (char)random.Next('A', 'F' + 1);
                    name += c;
                cnn.SaveData(name + ".json");
        private Guid ProcessSave(CNN network, string name, NetworkContext context)
            var cnnModel = new CnnModel
                CnnModelId = Guid.NewGuid()
            var layers     = new List <CnnLayer>();
            var cnnWeights = new List <CnnWeights>();

            for (int i = 0; i < network.LayersCount; i++)
                if (network.Layers[i] is ConvolutionalLayer)
                    var cnnLayer = network.Layers[i] as ConvolutionalLayer;
                    var layer    = new CnnLayer
                        CnnLayerId         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        PositionIn         = i,
                        KernelHeight       = cnnLayer.KernelSize,
                        KernelWidth        = cnnLayer.KernelSize,
                        KernelsCount       = cnnLayer.KernelsCount,
                        FeatureMapsCountIn = cnnLayer.KernelDepth,
                        LayerType          = (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer,
                        Model = cnnModel

                    var weights = new CnnWeights
                        CnnWeightsId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Layer        = layer,
                        LayerId      = layer.CnnLayerId

                    var w       = string.Empty;
                    var builder = new StringBuilder(String.Empty);
                    for (int j = 0; j < cnnLayer.KernelsCount; ++j)
                        for (int k = 0; k < cnnLayer.KernelDepth; ++k)
                            for (int a = 0; a < cnnLayer.Kernels[j][k].Length; ++a)
                                for (int b = 0; b < cnnLayer.Kernels[j][k][a].Length; ++b)
                                    builder.Append(cnnLayer.Kernels[j][k][a][b] + ";");

                    w = builder.ToString();
                    weights.Weights = w;

                    layer.Weights = weights;

                else if (network.Layers[i] is PollingLayer)
                    var cnnLayer = network.Layers[i] as PollingLayer;
                    var layer    = new CnnLayer
                        CnnLayerId   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        PositionIn   = i,
                        KernelHeight = cnnLayer.KernelSize,
                        KernelWidth  = cnnLayer.KernelSize,
                        LayerType    = (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer,
                        Model        = cnnModel

                    var cnnLayer = network.Layers[i] as ReLuLayer;
                    var layer    = new CnnLayer
                        CnnLayerId   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        PositionIn   = i,
                        KernelHeight = cnnLayer.KernelSize,
                        KernelWidth  = cnnLayer.KernelSize,
                        LayerType    = (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer,
                        Model        = cnnModel


            var l = new CnnLayer
                CnnLayerId   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                KernelHeight = network.FlattenLayer.KernelSize,
                KernelWidth  = network.FlattenLayer.KernelSize,
                LayerType    = (byte)LayerType.FlattenLayer,
                Model        = cnnModel


            cnnModel.Layers = layers;

            var perceptronModel = new PerceptronModel
                PerceptronModelId = Guid.NewGuid()
            var percLayers  = new List <PerceptronLayer>();
            var percWeights = new List <PerceptronWeights>();

            for (var i = 0; i < network.Perceptron.LayersCount; ++i)
                var layer = network.Perceptron.Layers[i];

                var perLayer = new PerceptronLayer
                    PerceptronLayerId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    NeuronsCount      = layer.NeuronsCount,
                    PositionIn        = i,
                    Perceptron        = perceptronModel

                var weights = new PerceptronWeights
                    PerceptronWeightsId = perLayer.PerceptronLayerId,
                    Height = layer.WeightRowsCount,
                    Width  = layer.WeightColumnsCount

                string w       = String.Empty;
                var    builder = new StringBuilder(String.Empty);
                for (int a = 0; a < layer.Weights.Length; ++a)
                    for (int b = 0; b < layer.Weights[a].Length; ++b)
                        builder.Append(layer.Weights[a][b] + ";");

                w = builder.ToString();

                weights.Weights = w;


            perceptronModel.Layers = percLayers;

            var networkModel = new NetworkModel
                NetworkModelId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Perceptron     = perceptronModel,
                PerceptronId   = perceptronModel.PerceptronModelId,
                Cnn            = cnnModel,
                CnnId          = cnnModel.CnnModelId,
                Name           = name

            cnnModel.NetworkModel   = networkModel;
            cnnModel.NetworkModelId = networkModel.NetworkModelId;

            perceptronModel.NetworkModel   = networkModel;
            perceptronModel.NetworkModelId = networkModel.NetworkModelId;





        private Guid ProcessUpdate(CNN network, string name, NetworkContext context)
            var cnnModel = context.NetworkModels.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == name);

            var layers = context.CnnLayers
                         .Where(layer => layer.ModelId == cnnModel.CnnId && layer.LayerType != 5)
                         .OrderBy(layer => layer.PositionIn).ToList();

            var cnnWeights = new List <CnnWeights>();

            for (int i = 0; i < network.LayersCount; i++)
                if (network.Layers[i] is ConvolutionalLayer)
                    var layerId = layers[i].CnnLayerId;
                    var weights = context.CnnWeightsSet.FirstOrDefault(item => item.LayerId == layerId);

                    var currentCnnLayer = network.Layers[i] as ConvolutionalLayer;

                    var w       = string.Empty;
                    var builder = new StringBuilder(String.Empty);
                    for (int j = 0; j < currentCnnLayer.KernelsCount; ++j)
                        for (int k = 0; k < currentCnnLayer.KernelDepth; ++k)
                            for (int a = 0; a < currentCnnLayer.Kernels[j][k].Length; ++a)
                                for (int b = 0; b < currentCnnLayer.Kernels[j][k][a].Length; ++b)
                                    builder.Append(currentCnnLayer.Kernels[j][k][a][b] + ";");

                    weights.Weights = builder.ToString();

            var perceptronModel = context.PerceptronModels
                                  .FirstOrDefault(item => item.NetworkModelId == cnnModel.NetworkModelId);

            var dbPerceptronLayers = context.PerceptronLayers
                                     .Where(item => item.PerceptronModelId == perceptronModel.PerceptronModelId)
                                     .OrderBy(l => l.PositionIn).ToList();

            var percWeights = new List <PerceptronWeights>();

            for (int i = 0; i < network.Perceptron.Layers.Count; ++i)
                var percLayerId = dbPerceptronLayers[i].PerceptronLayerId;
                var weights     = context.PerceptronWeights
                                  .FirstOrDefault(l => l.PerceptronWeightsId == percLayerId);

                var currentLayer = network.Perceptron.Layers[i];

                string w       = String.Empty;
                var    builder = new StringBuilder(String.Empty);
                for (int a = 0; a < currentLayer.Weights.Length; ++a)
                    for (int b = 0; b < currentLayer.Weights[a].Length; ++b)
                        builder.Append(currentLayer.Weights[a][b] + ";");

                weights.Weights = builder.ToString();



Exemple #15
		/// <summary> Creates a NDL.</summary>
		/// <param name="message">the Message to which this Type belongs
		/// </param>
		public NDL(Message message):base(message)
			data = new Type[11];
			data[0] = new CNN(message);
			data[1] = new TS(message);
			data[2] = new TS(message);
			data[3] = new IS(message, 302);
			data[4] = new IS(message, 303);
			data[5] = new IS(message, 304);
			data[6] = new HD(message);
			data[7] = new IS(message, 306);
			data[8] = new IS(message, 305);
			data[9] = new IS(message, 307);
			data[10] = new IS(message, 308);
        public Network CreateStandart(params int[] param)
            var network = new CNN();

            network.Layers = new List <IConvLayer>();

            var lr = 0.001;

            #region Coco
            //for cnn (neurons count) = filter_size^2 + input channels count
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(350, 3, 5, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 400));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(174, 5, 5, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 350));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer));

            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(86, 5, 5, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 174));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(84, 5, 3, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 86));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(82, 3, 3, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 84));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(40, 3, 5, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 82));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(38, 5, 3, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 40));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer));

            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(18, 3, 3, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 36));
            //network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));
            //network.FlattenLayer = ConvLayerFactory.CreateFlattenLayer();


            #region Cifar10

            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(32, 3, 16, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 40));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(30, 16, 16, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 32));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(14, 16, 40, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 30));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(12, 40, 40, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 14));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(10, 40, 80, (byte)LayerType.CovolutionalLayer, lr, 14));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.PoolingLayer));
            network.Layers.Add(ConvLayerFactory.Create(layerType: (byte)LayerType.ReluLayer));

            network.FlattenLayer = ConvLayerFactory.CreateFlattenLayer();

            network.PerLayers = new List <Components.BaseLayer>();

            Normal normal = new Normal(0, Math.Pow(param[0], -0.5));

            double[][] hiddenLayerWeights = new double[param[0]][];
            for (int i = 0; i < param[0]; ++i)
                hiddenLayerWeights[i] = new double[param[1]];
                for (int j = 0; j < param[1]; ++j)
                    hiddenLayerWeights[i][j] = normal.Sample();

            //normal distribution
            normal = new Normal(0, Math.Pow(param[1], -0.5));
            double[][] outputLayerWeights = new double[param[1]][];
            for (int i = 0; i < param[1]; ++i)
                outputLayerWeights[i] = new double[param[2]];
                for (int j = 0; j < param[2]; ++j)
                    outputLayerWeights[i][j] = normal.Sample();

            network.PerLayers.Add(new SigmoidLayer {
                Weights = hiddenLayerWeights
            network.PerLayers.Add(new SoftMaxLayer {
                Weights = outputLayerWeights

            //network.Perceptron = (MultilayerPerceptron)(new MultilayerPerceptronFactory().CreateStandart(param));

Exemple #17
        public MainForm()

            if ((Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_videos != "") && (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_videos)))
                vidFolder = new VideoFolder();
                lVideos_count.Text  = "Found " + vidFolder.getCount();
                tb_videos_path.Text = vidFolder.getPath();
                vidFolder = new VideoFolder();

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_images_to_save != "")
                var path = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_images_to_save;
                tb_images_to_save_path.Text = path;

            if ((Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_images_to_detect != "") && (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_images_to_detect)))
                path_to_detect_images         = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_images_to_detect;
                tb_images_to_detect_path.Text = path_to_detect_images;
                foreach (string s in Directory.GetDirectories(path_to_detect_images))

                lFoldersToDetectCount.Text = folders_to_detect.Count.ToString();
                images_count_to_detect     = 0;
                foreach (string p in folders_to_detect)
                    string[] dirs = Directory.GetFiles(p, "*.jpg");
                    images_count_to_detect += dirs.Length;
                lImagesToDetectCount.Text = images_count_to_detect.ToString();

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_cascades != "")
                path_to_cascades = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_cascades;
                if (path_to_cascades.Length != 0)
                    xmlFolder = new XmlFolder();
                    tb_cascade_path.Text = path_to_cascades;
                    if (xmlFolder.GetCount() > 0)
                        lCascadeLoaded.Text = "Loaded " + xmlFolder.GetCount().ToString();
                        lCascadeLoaded.Text = "Not Exists";
                    tb_cascade_path.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_cascades;
                    lCascadeLoaded.Text = "Not loaded";
                xmlFolder = new XmlFolder();

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_detected_images_to_save != "")
                var path = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_for_detected_images_to_save;
                tb_detected_images_to_save_path.Text = path;

            if ((Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_learn_pictures != "") && (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_learn_pictures)))
                trainFolder = new ImageFolder();
                lLearn_count.Text       = "Found " + trainFolder.GetCount();
                tb_train_imgs_path.Text = trainFolder.GetPath();

            if ((Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_test_pictures != "") && (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_test_pictures)))
                testFolder = new ImageFolder();
                lTest_count.Text       = "Found " + testFolder.GetCount();
                tb_test_imgs_path.Text = testFolder.GetPath();

            if ((Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_pictures != "") && (Directory.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_pictures)))
                recognizeImageFolder = new ImageFolder();
                lImages.Text      = "Found " + recognizeImageFolder.GetCount();
                tb_imgs_path.Text = recognizeImageFolder.GetPath();

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_results_save != "")
                path_to_results_save = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_results_save;
                if (Directory.Exists(path_to_results_save))
                    tb_result_save_path.Text = path_to_results_save;

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_network != "")
                lNetwork.Text = "exists";
                var path = Properties.Settings.Default.last_path_to_network;
                tb_network_path.Text = path;
                network = new CNN(path);
                network = new CNN("");

            //Properties.Settings.Default.is_opened_first_time = true;

            /*if (Properties.Settings.Default.is_opened_first_time)
             * {
             *  MessageBox.Show("Hello new User");
             *  Properties.Settings.Default.is_opened_first_time = false;
             *  Properties.Settings.Default.Save();
             * }*/
Exemple #18
        public static void CNN_Training()
            int    trCount = 60000, tsCount = 10000;
            double error = 0f, timeLimit = 0f;

            int    totalEpoch     = 10;
            bool   predictionIsOn = true;
            Random random         = new Random();

            DigitImage[] trainigDigitImagesDatas = MNIST_Parser.ReadFromFile(DataSet.Training, trCount);
            DigitImage[] testingDigitImagesDatas = MNIST_Parser.ReadFromFile(DataSet.Testing, tsCount);
            int          training_count          = trainigDigitImagesDatas.Length;
            int          dialogResult;

            CNN cnn = CreateCNN(out dialogResult);

            Matrix[] input, targets;
            InitializeInputAndTarget(out input, out targets);

            Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            if (dialogResult == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("System is getting trained...");
                //if we never assigned this assign only once
                if (cursorTopTraining == -1)
                    cursorTopTraining = Console.CursorTop;

                for (int epoch = 0; epoch < totalEpoch; epoch++)
                    double       lossSum     = 0.0;
                    DigitImage[] digitImages = trainigDigitImagesDatas.OrderBy(image => random.Next(training_count)).ToArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < training_count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 28; j++)
                            for (int k = 0; k < 28; k++)
                                input[0][j, k] = digitImages[i].pixels[j][k];

                        input[0].Normalize(0f, 255f, 0f, 1f);
                        cnn.Train(input, targets[digitImages[i].label]);

                        //if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > timeLimit)
                        // {
                        // every 0.5 sec update error
                        //timeLimit += 500;
                        error    = cnn.GetError();
                        lossSum += error;


                        int val = Map(0, training_count * totalEpoch, 0, 100, training_count * epoch + i);
                        ProgressBar(val, training_count * epoch + i, training_count * totalEpoch, lossSum / (i + 1), stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0, cursorTopTraining);
                    CNN_Testing(testingDigitImagesDatas, predictionIsOn, cnn, epoch + 1);

                Console.WriteLine("\nSystem has been trained.");
                CNN_Testing(testingDigitImagesDatas, predictionIsOn, cnn, -1);
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string  path     = "D:/2/Train/";
            Dataset ds_test  = new Dataset(10, ColorModel.Grayscale, 32, 32);
            Dataset ds_train = new Dataset(10, ColorModel.Grayscale, 32, 32);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 120; j++)//each of 10 directories contains 120 images
                    if (j % 6 != 0)
                        ds_train.AddImage(path + i + "/" + j + ".jpg", i, false, false, false);
                        ds_test.AddImage(path + i + "/" + j + ".jpg", i, false, false, false);
            CNN cnn = new CNN(CNNType.CNN);

            cnn.AddLayer(new Layer(15, 5, 5, 1, 1, false, ActivationFcn.ReLU)); //15 kernels 5x5
            cnn.AddLayer(new Layer(2, 2, PoolType.Max, 15));                    //max pooling 2x2
            cnn.AddLayer(new Layer(20, 5, 5, 1, 1, false, ActivationFcn.ReLU)); //20 kernels 5x5
            cnn.AddLayer(new Layer(2, 2, PoolType.Max, 20));                    //max pooling 2x2
            cnn.AddLayer(new Layer(50, LayerType.FullConnected, ActivationFcn.ReLU));
            cnn.AddLayer(new Layer(10, LayerType.Hidden, ActivationFcn.Tanh));
            int         Epochs     = 10;
            int         TrainCount = ds_train.Data.Count();
            Queue <Out> res        = new Queue <Out>();
            Out         Res;
            double      cost = 0;
            int         T    = 0;
            int         F    = 0;

            cnn.Epohs      = 0;
            cnn.Iterations = 0;
            cnn.LearnRate  = 0.01;
            for (int i = 0; i < Epochs; i++)//training
                for (int j = 0; j < TrainCount; j++)
                    Res = cnn.BackPropagate(j);
                    cost += Res.Cost;
                    if (Res.RecognRes)
                    if (cnn.Epohs > 0)
                        Res   = res.Dequeue();
                        cost -= Res.Cost;
                        if (Res.RecognRes)
                    if (cnn.Iterations % 100 == 0)
                        if (cnn.Epohs > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Epoch: " + cnn.Epohs + " Iteration: " + cnn.Iterations);
                            Console.WriteLine("Loss: " + String.Format("{0:f4}", cost / TrainCount) + " Accuracy: " + String.Format("{0:f2}", 100.0 * T / (T + F)) + "%");
                            Console.WriteLine("Epoch: " + cnn.Epohs + " Iteration: " + cnn.Iterations);
                            Console.WriteLine("Loss: " + String.Format("{0:f4}", cost / cnn.Iterations) + " Accuracy: " + String.Format("{0:f2}", 100.0 * T / (T + F)) + "%");
                cnn.LearnRate *= cnn.LearnRateDecrease;

            T = 0;
            F = 0;
            int TestCount = ds_test.Data.Count();

            double[] result;
            for (int i = 0; i < TestCount; i++)//testing
                result = cnn.Run(ds_test.Data[i]);
                if (result.Max() == result[ds_test.Answers[i]])
                Console.WriteLine(" Accuracy: " + String.Format("{0:f2}", 100.0 * T / (T + F)) + "%");
Exemple #20
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var dataset_path = "/home/michal/dataset/mnist/";

            //load dataset
            var dataset = new DatasetMnist(dataset_path + "train-images.idx3-ubyte",
                                           dataset_path + "train-labels.idx1-ubyte",
                                           dataset_path + "t10k-images.idx3-ubyte",
                                           dataset_path + "t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte");

             * create example network
             * 3 convolutional layers, dropout and full connected layer as output
             * C3x3x16 - P2x2 - C3x3x32 - P2x2 - C3x3x32 - FC10

            var cnn = new CNN(dataset.get_input_shape(), dataset.get_output_shape(), (float)0.0025);

            cnn.add_layer("convolution", new Shape(3, 3, 16));
            cnn.add_layer("max_pooling", new Shape(2, 2));
            cnn.add_layer("convolution", new Shape(3, 3, 32));
            cnn.add_layer("max_pooling", new Shape(2, 2));
            cnn.add_layer("convolution", new Shape(3, 3, 32));


            //train network - set epoch count
            uint epoch_count = 1;

            cnn.train(dataset.get_training_output_all(), dataset.get_training_input_all(), epoch_count);

            // test network response on whole testing dataset items

            var compare = new ClassificationCompare(dataset.get_classes_count());

            //neural network output - vector of floats
            var nn_output = rysy.VectorFloatCreate(dataset.get_classes_count());

            //for all testing items
            for (uint item_idx = 0; item_idx < dataset.get_testing_count(); item_idx++)
                //get network response
                cnn.forward(nn_output, dataset.get_testing_input(item_idx));

                //compare with testing dataset
                compare.add(dataset.get_testing_output(item_idx), nn_output);

                if (compare.is_nan_error())
                    Console.WriteLine("NaN error");

            //process computing and print results

            Console.WriteLine("program done");
Exemple #21
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(CNN obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);